250+ TOP MCQs on YACC Parser Generator and Answers

Automata Theory Multiple Choice Questions on “YACC Parser Generator”.

1. YACC is a computer program for ______ operation system.
a) Windows
b) DOS
c) Unix
d) openSUSE

Answer: c
Clarification: YACC technique is a computer code for the Unix operating system. It is a LALR parser generator, generating a parser, the part of a compiler that tries to make syntactic sense of the source code.

2. YACC is an acronym for:
a) Yes Another Compile Compiler
b) Yet Another Compile Compiler
c) Yet Another Compiler Compiler
d) Yes Another Compiler Compiler

Answer: c
Clarification: YACC stands for ‘Yet another compiler compiler’ and it was developed by Stephen Johnson in B programming language later translated to C.

3. The YACC takes C code as input and outputs_________
a) Top down parsers
b) Bottom up parsers
c) Machine code
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Clarification: The YACC takes C code as input and produces shift reduce parsers in C,also known as Bottom up parsers which execute C snippets with the associated rule.

4. The _______ table is created by YACC.
a) LALR parsing
b) LL parsing
c) GLR parsing
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Clarification: LALR parser generator is software tool that reads a BNF grammar and creates a LALR parser which is capable of parsing files written in programming language identified by BNF grammar.

5. The original YACC as written in __________ language
a) R programming language
b) C programming language
c) B programming language
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c
Clarification: Stephen Johnson wrote this parser generator in B programming language which was further modified and written in C, JAVA, Python, etc.

6. Which of the following is false for B programming language?
a) Typeless
b) Influenced by PL/I
c) Designed by Dennis Ritchie
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: d
Clarification: B was programming language designed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson for recursive, non numeric, system and language softwares. It was a typeless language, everything is a word.

7. Which of the following is false for BNF?
a) BNF means Backus Naur Form
b) It is a normal form used in Data base normalization
c) It is a notation technique for context free grammar
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Clarification: The normal form used in Data base normalization is BCNF i.e. Boyce Codd normal form and NOT Backus Naur Form.

8. State true or false:
Statement: BNF is a metasyntax used to express CFG
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: BNF is a metasyntax used to express context free grammar, moreover a formal way to express the language.

9. Which of the following are not used to express CFG?
a) BNF
c) Van Wijngaarden form
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: d
Clarification: W grammar or van Wijngaarden form is used to define potentially infinite context free grammars in a finite number of rules. It is an example of larger class of affix grammars. This technique was used to define the P/L Algol 68.

10. Which of the following version of Unix came up with YACC first?
a) V3
b) V5
d) Unix-RT

Answer: a
Clarification: Yacc appeared in version 3 of unix, though full description was published by 1975.

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