300+ TOP Aristotle MCQ Questions and Answers Quiz

Aristotle Multiple Choice Questions

1. Aristotle does not criticize ____ in his Book II.

A. Plato
B. Eratosthenes of Cyrene
C. Phaleas of Chalecedon
D. Hippodamus of Miletus

Answer: B. Eratosthenes of Cyrene

2. ___ is NOT given as a criticism of the Spartan constitution.

A. It encourages greed
B. Its system of serfdom is volatile.
C. It gives women too much freedom
D. The overseers are elected almost at random

Answer: A. It encourages greed

3. Aristotle identifies a city with ___.

A. Its constitution
B. the Sum of its citizens
C. Everyone who lives within the city walls
D. Its leader

Answer: A. Its constitution

4. Aristotle considers ___ a just government.

A. Democracy
B. Oligarchy
C. Tyranny
D. Aristocracy

Answer: D. Aristocracy

5. Aristotle does not use the relationship between ___ as an analogy for the relationship between master and slave.

A. King and subject
B. Statesman and citizen
C. Soul and body
D. Craftsman and tool

Answer: B. Statesman and citizen

6. Aristotle considers the relationship analogous to the relationship between husband and wife.

A. King and subject
B. Statesman and citizen
C. Soul and body
D. Craftsman and tool

Answer: B. Statesman and citizen

7. ____ is a fair Aristotelian criticism of Plato’s Republic.

A. In aiming at “Unity” Plato destroys all social differentiation
B. Plato Seeks to abolish private property
C. Plato Wants to destroy family relationships altogether
D. Plato provides no details on the tricky matter of transferring children between classes

Answer: D. Plato provides no details on the tricky matter of transferring children between classes

8. According to Aristotle __ is an unjust government.

A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Politeia
D. Aristocracy

Answer: A. Democracy

9. In the Aristotelian view, ___ is the end goal of a city.

A. Making its citizens wealthy
B. Securing a life of good quality for its citizens
C. Ensuring the survival of its citizens
D. Providing protection for its citizens

Answer: B. Securing a life of good quality for its citizens

10. Aristotle thinks ___ is best form of government
A. Democracy
B. Politeia
C. Aristocracy
D. Monarchy

Answer: B. PoliteiaAristotle MCQs11. The extreme form of oligarchy is ___.
A. Demagoguery
B. Dynasty
C. Aristocracy
D. Tyranny

Answer: A. Demagoguery

12. In a Politeia, consideration is given to ___.
A. Wealth
B. The Masses
C. Wealth and the masses
D. Wealth, the masses and merit

Answer: C. Wealth and the masses

13. ___ is not given as a reason for giving preference to the middle class.
A. It is a mean between the rich and the poor.
B. It is less susceptible to factionalism
C. It best embodies the spirit of friendship necessary to a city
D. It is most likely to encourage a stable economy.

Answer: D. It is most likely to encourage a stable economy.

14. __ is NOT included in Aristotle’s three elements of government.
A. Legislative
B. Executive
C. Judicial
D. Deliberative

Answer: A. Legislative

15. The main cause of constitutional change is ____.
A. Amendments passed by the assembly
B. Powerful factions that oppose the present constitution
C. Steroids
D. A natural process of evolution

Answer: B. Powerful factions that oppose the present constitution

16. As a result of infighting, ___ form of government is most likely to face constitutional change.
A. Aristocracy
B. Democracy
C. Politeia
D. Oligarchy

Answer: D. Oligarchy

17. Aristotle does not list quality as being important to a good public officer.
A. Loyalty to the constitution
B. Good character
C. Completely impartial
D. Highly competent

Answer: C. Completely impartial

18. For preserving an evil tyranny, ___ is NOT given as a recommendation.
A. Breed mutual mistrust.
B. Marry women of many different families
C. Break the will of the people.
D. Render the people incapable of action

Answer: B. Marry women of many different families

19. According to Aristotle, ___ is the best kind of population for a good democracy.
A. Shepherds
B. Shopkeepers
C. Farmers
D. Manual laborers

Answer: C. Farmers

20. Aristotle recommends ___ policy for helping the poor.
A. Handouts of straight cash
B. Block grants to help them buy land
C. Giving those full control of the government
D. Aristotle doesn’t think the poor should be given any help

Answer: B. Block grants to help them buy land

21. The highest good is ___.
A. External goods
B. Goods of the body
C. Goods of the soul
D. Cookies ‘n’ cream

Answer: C. Goods of the soul

22. ___ should NOT be undertaken by citizens
A. Military matters
B. Crafts
C. Government
D. Worship of the gods

Answer: B. Crafts

23. In the three ways in which a person can be made good ___ is not included.
A. Through nature
B. Through habit
C. Through reason
D. Through war

Answer: D. Through war

24. The ideal age gap between men and women in marriage is ___.
A. they should be the same age
B. ten years
C. Nineteen years
D. thirty-two years

Answer: C. Nineteen years

25. Which of the following does Aristotle believe has no practical application?
A. Music
B. Reading and writing
C. Drawing
D. Physical training or gymnastics

Answer: A. Music

26. What is the name for a type of rule when the actual ruling is done by a small group of people?
A. Communism
B. Despotism
C. Oligarchy
D. Tyranny

Answer: C. Oligarchy

27. Aristotle says that some education systems have a tendency to make students less what?
A. thoughtful
B. independent
C. intelligent
D. caring

Answer: B. independent

28. What word is defined by Aristotle as a clarification of the organized system of relationships within a state?
A. Constitution
B. Rule of law
C. governing documents
D. founding documents

Answer: A. Constitution

29. Aristotle says that a king should be highly___ towards his subjects?
A. harsh and available
B. caring and concerned
C. demanding and demeaning
D. affectionate and dominant

Answer: D. affectionate and dominant

30. What word does Aristotle defame as where the pure self-interest of each person correctly corresponds to and serves the purposes of the other?
A. Relational politics
B. Symbiosis
C. Relative politics
D. Matching

Answer: C. Relative politics

31. Aristotle explains that in the Greek city-states, more than one type of what has been used?
A. Constitution
B. Government
C. Laws
D. Citizenship structure

Answer: B. Government

32. Education should be organized on a great scale so that the children can be prepared for life in ways that what?
A. They might never have thought of
B. Their parents might not want them to be
C. They might never have cared about
D. Their parents might not have seen

Answer: D. Their parents might not have seen

33. Aristotle wants people to cultivate the skill of playing instruments and what?
A. Singing
B. Accompanying singers
C. Writing music
D. Creating lyrics

Answer: C. Writing music

34. Aristotle believes that it is possible for a good state to be governed by a monarch that is what?
A. Educated
B. Confident
C. Well-liked
D. Just

Answer: D. Just

35. What word is defined by Aristotle as people within society who participate in giving judgment and holding political office?
A. Political elite
B. Elite
C. Citizens
D. Rulers

Answer: C. Citizens

36. In oligarchies, what is the group that needs special protections?
A. the women
B. the middle-class
C. the children
D. the poor

Answer: D. the poor

37. Aristotle believes that in most societies, there are numerically more of what type of citizens than any other?
A. free poor
B. servant poor
C. Enslaved poor
D. adult poor

Answer: A. Free poor

38. Aristotle says that slaves should only cultivate the virtue of what?
A. thinking
B. obedience
C. acting for themselves
D. free speech

Answer: B. obedience

39. Unarmed and lightly armed combat is typically the preserve of whom, according to Aristotle?
A. the poor
B. the middle-class
C. the young men
D. the women

Answer: A. the poor

40. Who founded the Spartan constitution?
A. Lametogus
B. Lythogus
C. Lawturgus
D. Lycurgus

Answer: D. Lycurgus

41. Aristotle says that marriage needs to take what into account?
A. Politics
B. Social Status
C. Power
D. Wealth

Answer: A. Politics

42. In an oligarchy, Aristotle believes that there are normally what type of requirements on citizenship privileges?
A. Property
B. Active
C. Residence
D. Generational

Answer: A. Property

43. Aristotle says that the poor are commonly left out of serving as a government officials because they are not threatened with ___ for not participating.
A. lack of social standing
B. imprisonment
C. fines
D. punishment

Answer: C. fines

44. Aristotle believes that what resources are important to the location, protection, and defense of the city?
A. mountains
B. water
C. trees
D. ore

Answer: B. water

45. Music is one of the arts which what kind of time is intended to produce?
A. playtime
B. leisure time
C. family time
D. school time

Answer: B. leisure time

46. The proper education for a monarch is the same as that of a man within a state governed by what?
A. Aristocracy
B. Oligarchy
C. Democracy
D. Polity

Answer: D. Polity

47. When a government is seen by the people as being excessive, what will that create?
A. Factions
B. Disparities
C. Patronage
D. Revolutionaries

Answer: A. Factions

48. Democracy is a corruption of what?
A. Communal rule
B. Oligarchy
C. Polity
D. Monarchy

Answer: C. Polity

49. Aristotle says that it is important to treat those who will be soldiers for the state how?
A. with enough property
B. with enough money
C. with respect
D. with enough education

Answer: C. with respect

50. Aristotle says that the best form of constitution is one that contains elements of all the different types of government and creates an analogy between the best constitution and what?
A. A metal alloy
B. A hybrid plant
C. a melting part
D. a cross-bred animal

Answer: A. A metal alloy

51. Which of the following was one of Plato’s nicknames for Aristotle?
A. the thinker
B. master of those that know
C. the philosopher
D. the mind

Answer: D. the mind

52. One major point of Aristotle’s ethical philosophy was that ___.
A. the highest good can be achieved by defining justice
B. ethics and psychology are closely related
C. external goods figure into attaining happiness
D. moral virtue is unattainable

Answer: C. external goods figure into attaining happiness

53. Aristotle set forth that if the dead retain any sense of good and evil, it
A. Is powerful enough to taint the happiness of a living individual
B. is too weak to make a difference in someone’s state of unhappiness
C. Directly correlates to the deceased’s prevailing state of mind right before he died
D. Becomes a free-floating entity that can find a home in anyone seeking enlightenment

Answer: B. is too weak to make a difference in someone’s state of unhappiness

54. The human soul, according to Aristotle, is conditioned by what three factors?
A. Genetics, environment and human action
B. Character, moral values, and emotional context
C. good, evil and indifference
D. Emotions, capacities and dispositions

Answer: D. Emotions, capacities and dispositions

55. The word that describes the middle point between excess and deficiency is the ___.
A. lesser of two evils
B. moral virtue
C. excess/deficiency line
D. virtuous center

Answer: B. moral virtue

56. Aristotle considered involuntary actions as those that ___.
A. Result in the commission of an immoral act
B. Don’t differentiate between right and wrong
C. Are performed as a result of ignorance
D. Are done in ignorance

Answer: C. Are performed as a result of ignorance

55. The word that describes the middle point between excess and deficiency is the ___.
A. lesser of two evils
B. moral virtue
C. excess/deficiency line
D. virtuous center

Answer: B. moral virtue

56. Aristotle considered involuntary actions as those that ___.
A. Result in the commission of an immoral act
B. Don’t differentiate between right and wrong
C. Are performed as a result of ignorance
D. Are done in ignorance

Answer: C. Are performed as a result of ignorance

57. How did Aristotle respond to Socrates’ statement that no man is willingly bad?
A. Man is not the source of his own actions
B. People voluntarily choose to act morally
C. Human action is voluntary; human character is involuntary
D. Men cannot be held responsible for what appears good to them

Answer: B. People voluntarily choose to act morally

58. Courage is a mean between
A. Boastfulness and humility
B. life and death
C. Emotion and detachment
D. fear and recklessness

Answer: D. fear and recklessness

59. The two main obstacles to free choice are
A. Ignorance and coercion
B. Evil and ignorance
C. Consequences and pain
D. Apathy and arrogance

Answer: A. Ignorance and coercion

60. Magnanimity is also known as ___.
A. Ambition
B. High-mindedness
C. Soulfulness
D. Vanity

Answer: B. High-mindedness

61. Aristotle set forth that laws exist only because ___.
A. Men can be guilty of injustice
B. Involuntary acts require swift punishment
C. Righteous indignation is the mean between shamelessness and spite
D. The status and rights of individuals in a democracy are proportionally equal

Answer: A. Men can be guilty of injustice

61. Aristotle set forth that laws exist only because ___.
A. Men can be guilty of injustice
B. Involuntary acts require swift punishment
C. Righteous indignation is the mean between shamelessness and spite
D. The status and rights of individuals in a democracy are proportionally equal

Answer: A. Men can be guilty of injustice

62. According to Aristotle, three conditions must be fulfilled for friendship to exist between two people. One of those conditions is
A. Similar virtue or excellence
B. Expectation of shared material abundance
C. Mutual goodwill
D. One party’s virtue balances the other’s weaknesses

Answer: C. Mutual goodwill

63. Aristotle’s conception of supreme happiness has drawn criticism because ___.
A. Man’s bodily nature prevents him from experiencing the highest form of reason
B. Inner human nature is rooted in survival, not intellectual pursuits
C. Happiness cannot be separated from pain
D. Only a gifted few can realize the highest happiness

Answer: D. Only a gifted few can realize the highest happiness

64. What is authority?
A. The ultimate power in society
B. A government ruled by a few
C. The branch of government that enforces the law.
D. A government’s ability to exercise power without resorting to force

Answer: A. The ultimate power in society

65. Which of the following is the same as a monarchy?
A. Dictatorship
B. Parliamentary government
C. Anarchy
D. Aristocracy

Answer: C. Anarchy

66. Totalitarian government is one extreme type of government. Which of the following is at the other end of the political spectrum?
A. Dictatorship
B. Parliamentary government
C. Anarchy
D. Aristocracy

Answer: B. Parliamentary government

67. What is the difference between direct and representative democracy?
A. The amount of freedom citizens have
B. Elected legislators
C. A king
D. Rule of the people

Answer: A. The amount of freedom citizens have

68. What is the difference between parliamentary and presidential democracy?
A. Election of the executive branch
B. Election of the legislature
C. The court system
D. Extent of government power

Answer: B. Election of the legislature

69. In the percolation-up model, where does political power come from?
A. The ruling class
B. the people
C. constitution
D. religion

Answer: C. constitution

70. The Hellenistic philosophy that most influenced the Middle Ages was:
A. Epicureanism
B. Cynicism
C. Skepticism
D. Neoplatonism

Answer: C. constitution

71. According to Aristotle, the doctrine of the mean does not apply to the situation of___.
A. Confidence in facing danger
B. Enjoying pleasure
C. An act of adultery
D. Giving money to charity

Answer: C. An act of adultery

72. In the reading by James Rachels, he criticizes the cultural differences argument by saying that ___.
A. The premise concerns what people believe, but the conclusion concerns what really is the case.
B. Not everyone accepts the conclusion
C. If everyone accepted this argument, it would lead to rampant immorality.
D. It ignores the fact that cultures differ both in their practices and in their values

Answer: A. The premise concerns what people believe, but the conclusion concerns what really is the case.

73. Which one of the following was not included in Bentham’s hedonic calculus?
A. Intensity: How strong is the pleasure?
B. Duration: How long will the pleasure last?
C. Value: Is the pleasure a lower, physical pleasure or a higher, intellectual pleasure?
D. Extent: How many people will be affected?

Answer: C. Value: Is the pleasure a lower, physical pleasure or a higher, intellectual pleasure?

74. One major point of Aristotle’s ethical philosophy was that
A. Is powerful enough to taint the happiness of a living individual
B. Is too weak to make a difference in someone’s state of Unhappiness
C. Directly correlates to the deceased’s prevailing state of mind right before (s) he died
D. Becomes a free-floating entity that can find a home in anyone seeking enlightenment

Answer: B. Is too weak to make a difference in someone’s state of Unhappiness

75. The human soul, according to Aristotle, is conditioned by what three factors?
A. Genetics, environment and human action
B. Character, moral values, and emotional context
C. Good, evil, and indifference
D. Emotions, capac1t1es and dispositions

Answer: B. Character, moral values and emotional context

76. Aristotle considered involuntary actions as those that ___
A. Result in the commission of an immoral act
B. Don’t differentiate between right and wrong
C. Are performed as a result of ignorance
D. Are donate in ignorance

Answer: C. Are performed as a result of ignorance

76. Aristotle considered involuntary actions as those that ___
A. Result in the commission of an immoral act
B. Don’t differentiate between right and wrong
C. Are performed as a result of ignorance
D. Are donate in ignorance

Answer: C. Are performed as a result of ignorance

77. According to Aristotle, ___ is the best kind of population for a good democracy.
A. Shepherds
B. Shopkeepers
C. Farmers
D. Manual laborers

Answer: C. Farmers

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300+ TOP Jeremy Bentham MCQs and Answers Quiz

Jeremy Bentham Multiple Choice Questions

1. When is Jeremy Bentham’s birthday?

A. 15-10-1748
B. 30-10-1748
C. 30-05-1748
D. 15-02-1748

Answer: D. 15-02-1748

2. When did Jeremy Bentham die?

A. 01-01-1832
B. 06-06-1832
C. 22-05-1832
D. 23-09-1832

Answer: B. 06-06-1832

3. He was a political radical, and a leading theorist in Anglo-American ____

A. John Rawls
B. Jurisprudence
C. Political Philosophy
D. Immanuel Kant

Answer: B. Jurisprudence

4. _________ a British politician who had been Bentham’s trusted friend, was appointed his literary executor and charged with the task of preparing a collected edition of his works.

A. John Pope Hennessy
B. John Bowring
C. Arthur Kennedy
D. Immanuel Kant

Answer: B. John Bowring

5. Which writer was a major proponent of the theory of utilitarianism?

A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Immanuel Kant
D. John Rawls

Answer: A. Jeremy Bentham

6. Mill Objected to Jeremy Bentham’s version of utilitarianism because:

A. It was too emotional.
B. It has an impoverished definition of happiness
C. Its only end was a pleasure
D. All of the above

Answer: B. It has an impoverished definition of happiness

7. What region does Jeremy Bentham belong to?

A. Pays de la Loire
B. Bourgogne
C. Western Philosophers
D. Poitou-Charentes

Answer: C. Western Philosophers

8. How is Jeremy Bentham described?

A. English Jurist philosopher and legal and social reformer
B. Australian politician
C. Russian-American novelist lep1doptenst, professor
D. German pianist, composer, and conductor

Answer: A. English Jurist philosopher and legal and social reformer

9. He went to __________ in 1760, at 12 years of age, his father send him to The Queen’s College, Oxford, where he took his Bachelor’s degree in 1763 and his Master’s degree in 1766.

A. France
B. Westminster School
C. Germany

Answer: B. Westminster School

10. Where was Jeremy Bentham born?

A. Gibraltar
B. Moscow
C. Riga
D. London

Answer: D. London

11. Which of the following claims would Jeremy Bentham have argued in favor of?

A. One should strive to achieve high-quality pleasures as opposed to low-quality pleasures whenever possible
B. There is no relevant difference between high and low-quality pleasures
C. One should strive always for low-quality pleasure since they are easier to achieve than high-quality pleasures
D. Though objectively superior, most common people, can’t hope to experience h1gh quality pleasures and so, should be satisfied with low-quality pleasures

Answer: B. There is no relevant difference between high and low-quality pleasures

12. Which of the following offers the best definition of fecundity, according to Jeremy Bentham’s hedonic calculus?

A. A fecund pleasure is a low-quality pleasure
B. A fecund pleasure is one that is likely to lead to similar pleasures in the future
C. A fecund pleasure is one concerned with physical sensations as opposed to intellectual stimulation
D. A fecund pleasure to one concerned with intellectual stimulation as opposed to physical sensations

Answer: B. A fecund pleasure is one that is likely to lead to similar pleasures in the future

13. Which of the following is not one of the categories in Bentham’s hedonic calculus?

A. Duration
B. Quality
C. Propinquity
D. Intensity

Answer: D. Intensity

14. Which of the following best characterizes J. S. Mill’s main complaint about Jeremy Bentham’s version of utilitarianism?

A. It only considers the pleasures of the individual and not of society
as a whole
B. It focuses more directly on the pleasures of men instead of women
C. It incorrectly considers happiness as the most important human goal
D. It does include an objective measure of the quality of pleasures

Answer: D. It does include an objective measure of the quality of pleasures

15. Which of the following philosophers would have agreed with this claim, “it is better to be a fool satisfied than Socrates dissatisfied?”

A. Plato
B. J.S. Mill
C. Immanuel Kant
D. Jeremy Bentham

Answer: D. Jeremy Bentham

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300+ TOP John Stuart Mill MCQs and Answers Quiz

John Stuart Mill Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mill believes that education should be:

A. Mandated by the state
B. Determined by the wishes of the parent
C. Determined by the wishes of the child
D. Determined by a majority opinion

Answer: A. Mandated by the state

2. If James disagrees with Jessica’s private spending habits, Mill would say he should:

A. Try to pass a law banning that behavior
B. Ostracize Jessica from all social functions
C. Try to prevent her from continuing those habits
D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above

3. Mill tries to justify individual liberty through:

A. Showing that it is socially beneficial
B. Showing that it is required by the social contract
C. Showing that it is commanded by God
D. None of the above

Answer: A. Showing that it is socially beneficial

4. A utilitarian is someone who:

A. Believes that rights are derived from natural law
B. Ignores the consequences of actions in determining their morality
C. Judge’s goodness is based on whether something promotes social good
D. Says that reason compels people to accept certain universal maxims

Answer: C. Judges goodness based on whether something promotes social good

5. Liberty is defined by Mill in the first chapter as:

A. Freedom from captivity
B. The power to do whatever one wants
C. A question of whether free will really exist
D. The nature and limits of the authority society can have over the individual

Answer: D. The nature and limits of the authority society can have over the individual

6. John Stuart Mill lived in which of the following countries?

A. France
B. Germany
C. England
D. Russia

Answer: C. England

7. John Stuart Mill wrote during which of the following centuries?

A. 19th century
B. 17th century
C. 14th century
D. 20th century

Answer: A. 19th century

8. Mill writes that society can punish people’s behavior when:

A. It contradicts the will of the majority
B. It undermines social cohesion
C. It harms other people
D. All of the above

Answer: C. It harms other people

9. Mill defends freedom of opinion for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

A. The popular opinion could be wrong
B. Both opinions might be partly true
C. Debating one’s opinions is the only way to really understand them
D. Natural law requires that opinions be seen as sacred

Answer: D. Natural law requires that opinions be seen as sacred

10. Mill’s requirements for the protection of liberty apply to:

A. Children
B. Barbarians
C. Women
D. None of the above

Answer: C. WomenJohn Stuart Mill MCQs11. Mill argues that bigamy:

A. Should be outlawed because it is a peculiar social evil
B. Should be outlawed because it will serve as a bad example for others
C. Should be permitted because it is virtuous
D. Should be permitted because it is a private relationship

Answer: D. Should be permitted because it is a private relationship

12. Mill thinks that actions can be restricted

A. More often than opinions
B. Less often than opinions
C. Under no circumstance
D. Under any circumstance

Answer: A. More often than opinions

13. Mill thinks that the fact that Christians were persecuted when they were in the minority implies that

A. They should persecute others whenever they are in power
B. They should be opposed to persecution in general
C. They should be opposed to persecution only when they are in the minority
D. None of the above

Answer: B. They should be opposed to persecution in general

14. Mill thinks that behavior “harms” others whenever it:

A. Sets a bad example
B. Makes other people upset
C. Violates accepted codes of ethics
D. Betrays an obligation a person had

Answer: D. Betrays an obligation a person had

15. Mill believes that owning a gambling establishment:

A. Is no different than choosing to gamble, and should, therefore, be allowed
B. Is no different than choosing to gamble, and should, therefore not be allowed
C. Is a different moral question from choosing to gamble
D. None of the above

Answer: C. Is a different moral question from choosing to gamble

16. Mill says people owe society:

A. Not to violate other people’s basic claims on society
B. Not to hurt people
C. To work in defense of society and its members
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

17. Mill believes that Christian morality:

A. Is the complete truth on how to behave
B. Is correct, but not the complete truth
C. Is completely untrue
D. Is partly untrue

Answer: B. Is correct, but not the complete truth

18. Mill rejects the argument that truth may be justly persecuted because:

A. It is unfair to the martyrs
B. It shows a lack of respect for the truth the martyrs bring
C. The truth might be lost for centuries
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

19. Mill believes that people learn best:

A. By debating with people with different opinions
B. By accepting the beliefs of an authority figure
C. By being taught the reasons why a belief is true
D. By memorizing facts

Answer: A. By debating with people with different opinions

20. Mill is writing to an audience that is mainly:

A. Muslim
B. Jewish
C. Christian
D. Hindu

Answer: C Christian

21. Mill believes that individuality:

A. Is impeded by democratization
B. Undermines social stability
C. Is a threat to social progress
D. Is encouraged by the public

Answer: A. Is impeded by democratization

22. Mill presents China as:

A. A model for England to follow
B. A nation that is stagnating
C. A nation that promotes individuality
D. A nation that respects non-conformity

Answer: B. A nation that is stagnating

23. Mill believes that individuality

A. Undermines the good of society
B. Promotes the good of society at the expense of the good of the individual –
C. Is good for the individual and for society
D. Is bad for the individual and for society

Answer: C. Is good for the individual and for society

24. Mill believes that alcohol:

A. Should be banned because it is bad for the individual
B. Should be banned because it sets a bad example for children
C. Should be taxed heavily to discourage its use
D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above

25. Mill believes that British society:

A. Respects individuality as & good in itself
B. Is in danger of stagnating
C. Generally protects individual liberty
D. All of the above

Answer: B. Is in danger of stagnating

26. Mill believes that the worst type of tyranny is:

A. Tyranny of the government
B. Tyranny of the majority
C. Tyranny .of the minority
D. Tyranny of the rich

Answer: B. Tyranny of the majority

27. How does Mill view democracy?

A. Ineffective because minorities are still omitted
B. What more countries need
C. A puppet regime for fascists
D. As the power of the people over themselves

Answer: A. Ineffective because minorities are still omitted

28. Who was Mill’s self-proclaimed biggest support?

A. The utilitarian James Mill
B. The King of England
C. Jeremy Bentham
D. His wife, Harriet Taylor

Answer: D His wife, Harriet Taylor

29. Where was Mill from?

A. the United States of America
B. England
C. Germany
D. France

Answer: B. England

30. Society can impose its influence on individuals if:

A. Never, no matter what
B. An individual is a risk to others
C. They deem it necessary
D. An individual is putting himself in danger

Answer: B. An individual is a risk to others

31. Who should not be independent of society’s rule?

A. Children and undeveloped minds
B. Minorities
C. Women
D. Everyone

Answer: A. Children and undeveloped minds

32. If a person is able to, and does not stop harm from coming to another, is he/she responsible?

A. Yes
B. No
C. To some extent
D. Not in any case

Answer: A. Yes

33. Society, as Mill sees it, encourages:

A. Poverty
B. Conformity
C. Uniqueness
D. Violence

Answer: B Conformity

34. An opinion should be heard if it is:

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Intelligent
D. All of the above

Answer: D All of the above

35. The majority opinion is not necessarily right because:

A. The majority is trying to hurt the minority
B. They have no absolute certainty; they need to listen to others
C. They are of a lower, less intelligent class
D. The majority is always wrong

Answer: B They have no absolute certainty; they need to listen to others

36. Looking at past events indicates:

A. Hindsight can show that public opinion is faulty
B. The minority deserves to be silenced
C. Public opinion is always right
D. The government should be the sole decision-making body

Answer: Hindsight can show that public opinion is faulty

37. Mill believes that an individual’s belief in God:

A. Means he/she is trustworthy
B. Should indicate insincerity
C. Shows moral superiority
D. Is nothing about his/her opinion

Answer: D Is nothing about his/her opinion

38. To Mill, Marcus Aurelius is an example of:

A. A great man, although a persecutor of Christianity
B. An atheist who was morally lacking
C. A religious zealot who embodied important principles
D. An agnostic priest

Answer: A A great man, although a persecutor of Christianity

39. The Calvinistic theory, with which Mill disagrees, is:

A. Government is to be trusted
B. All people are created equal
C. Each one is autonomous
D. Whatever is not the duty, is a sin

Answer: D Whatever is not the duty, is a sin

40. To Mill, eccentricity breeds:

A. Genius
B. Chaos
C. Idleness
D. Problems

Answer: A Genius

41. If people are allowed to pursue their strong desires, Mill thinks society as a whole will become:

A. More sinister
B. Happier
C. Greedier
D. Fatigued

Answer: B Happier

42. To Mill, society, and individuals in the status quo is

A. Better, they don’t have to worry about change
B. Fine, it doesn’t matter because the state will function the same no
C. Dangerous
D. Horrible

Answer: C Dangerous

43. Does Mill agree with Locke that entering society is like entering a contract with your fellow citizens?

A. Yes
B. No
C. To some extent
D. Not Mentioned

Answer: B No

44. According to Mill, should a person be coerced into changing his/ her self-regarding actions?

A. Yes, no action is completely self-regarding
B. No, coercion cannot be employed when dealing with self-regarding actions, the only suggestion
C. No, he/she can’t be coerced, they should be forced
D. Yes, a person has to be protected herself

Answer: B No, coercion cannot be employed when dealing with self regarding actions, only suggestion

45. In Million thought, a drunk man should be punished by society if:

A. He’s shirking an essential duty that would help society
B. He’s too drunk to be intelligible
C. He doesn’t have a family
D. He’s in public

Answer: A. He’s shirking an essential duty that would help society

46. If children grow up to be irrational adults, who are chiefly to blame, according to Mill?

A. That irrational person
B. Parents
C. Society
D. Religious leaders

Answer: C Society

47. A sin tax, to Mill is a_________:

A. Good idea, it’s taxing what no one uses anyway
B. Bad idea, it’s an instrument of greedy vendors
C. Bad idea, it’s an intolerable infringement on liberty
D. Good idea, it’s the lesser of two evils

Answer: D. Good idea, it’s the lesser of two evils

48. The day of the Sabbath should be:

A. Never observed, it’s part of the majority’s tyranny
B. Observed ‘by all, it’s a sacred day for the majority
C. Observed if one wishes, for non-religious people, any day maybe
D. Not taken by those who aren’t Christian

Answer: C. Observed if one wishes, for non-religious people, any day may be

49. In Mill’s opinion, individual autonomy:

A. Is worthless, that’s what the government is for
B. Is against the instincts of individuals.
C. Should be complete and total regardless of what an Individual chooses to do
D. Is against the instincts of society

Answer: B. Is against the instincts of individuals.

50. Warning others of a person’s propensity to harm others is:

A. Only applicable if the harm is murder
B. A awful thing to do
C. Needless, they’ll find out
D. A duty

Answer: D. A duty

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300+ TOP Karl Marx MCQ Questions and Answers Quiz

Karl Marx Multiple Choice Questions

1. Marx Differentiates two empirical conditions of a class: a class in itself and a class for itself. What does Marx mean by the latter?

A. This describes a class whose members cannot remember which
B. This describes a class whose members have realized they are
C. This describes a class whose members have no potential for
D. None of these

Answer: B. This describes a class whose members have realized they are

2. In 1848 Marx wrote in ”The Communist Manifesto” that there was a specter haunting Europe. What was this specter?

A. Communication
B. Hegelian thought
C. Religion
D. None of these

Answer: A. Communication

3. What is proletarianization?

A. The process whereby anybody who claims to be somebody today (especially celebrities) uses a sense of ‘inverted snobbery’ to proclaim their origins in the working class.
B. A process by which capitalist society impoverishes all (including the middle classes) but the capitalist class
C. A process by which capitalist society increases the wealth and quality of life of the working classes
D. None of these

Answer: B. A process by which capitalist society impoverishes all (including the middle classes) but the capitalist class

4. In their list of pre-capitalist modes of production, Marx & Engels suggested that there was a significant difference between the (first) so-called primitive mode and all the others. What was it that was different about this primitive mode?

A. We all carried clubs
B. People were sexually rampant
C. There were no classes
D. None of these

Answer: C. There were no classes

5. Marx once said that capitalist society would generate in individuals a ‘fetishism’ about:

A. Science
B. Commodities
C. Sex
D. None of these

Answer: B. Commodities

6. What is the name of Marx’s theory of human history?

A. Historical Materialism
B. Hypothetical Materialism
C. Historical Idealism
D. None of these

Answer: A. Historical Materialism

7. What is the title of Marx’s book which explains the workings of the capitalist economy?

A. Communist Manifesto
B. Private Property for Beginners
C. Capital Ideas
D. Capital

Answer: D. Capital

8. Why did Marx use a dialectical approach in his approach to the study of social relations?

A. The dialectic allows one to analyze social phenomena as parts of a social process
B. The dialectic provides one with an important insight into people’s speech patterns
C. The dialectic allows one to perceive society as thing-like, sui-generis
D. None of these

Answer: A. The dialectic allows one to analyze social phenomena as parts of a social process

9. Why did Marx reject the particular use made of the dialectic by the German philosopher George Hegel?

A. As a student of Hegel, Marx took a personal dislike to his teacher
B. Marx suggested that Hegel’s particular use of dialectic was an idealist. Marx sought to establish dialectical materialism.
C. Marx suggested that Hegel’s particular use of the dialectic was written in inaccessible prose
D. None of these

Answer: B. Marx suggested that Hegel’s particular use of the dialectic was an idealist. Marx sought to establish dialectical materialism.

10. Who said, “Everything that’s solid will melt into the air”?

A. Frederich Engels
B. Karl Marx
C. William Shakespeare
D. None of these

Answer: C. William ShakespeareKarl Marx MCQ11. Karl Marx was a:

A. Philosopher
B. Actor
C. Director
D. Producer

Answer: A. Philosopher

12. Karl Marx was born in:

A. 1817
B. 1818
C. 1819
D. 1820

Answer: B. 1818

13. Karl Marx died in:

A. 1881
B. 1882
C. 1883
D. 1884

Answer: C. 1883

14. Karl Marx was also a:

A. Political economist
B. Humanist
C. Revolutionary
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

15. The birth name of Karl Marx was:

A. Heinrich Karl Marx
B. Karl Heinrich Marx
C. Karl Marx Heinrich
D. Karl Marx

Answer: B. Karl Heinrich Marx

16. The birth location of Karl Marx was:

A. Nevada
B. Prussia
C. Texas
D. Nrussia

Answer: B. Prussia

17. Karl Marx died in:

A. Paris
B. Switzerland
C. London
D. Australia

Answer: B. London

18. Karl Marx’s main interests include:

A. Politics
B. Economics
C. Class struggle
D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

19. The amount of labor put into a commodity is a measure of its:

A. Use-value
B. Value
C. Quantity-value
D. Exploitation-value

Answer: B. Quantity-value

20. Why does Marx say that capitalists have more power than workers in the capitalist mode of production?

A. The capitalists control the means of production.
B. The structures of society favor the capitalists.
C. Workers are only selling labor in the abstract.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

21. What does Marx say is the effect of the division of labor on the worker?

A. Loss of imagination and character
B. Increased ambition
C. More leisure time
D. Fairer working conditions

Answer: A. Loss of imagination and character

22. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Something can be a use-value without being a value, but it cannot be a value without being a use-value.
B. Something can be a value without being a use-value, but it cannot be a use-value without being a value.
C. Something can be a value without being a use-value, and it can be a use-value without being a value.
D. Something cannot be a value without being a use-value, nor can it be a use-value without being a value.

Answer: A. Something can be a use-value without being a value, but it cannot be a value without being a use-value.

23. Which of the following models reflects circulation in the modem capitalist system?

A. C-M-C
B. C-C-C
C. M-C-M
D. M-C-C

Answer: C. M-C-M

24. What is the value of labor power?

A. The joy it brings to the individual.
B. The amount of labor required to provide subsistence for the worker.
C. The value of the commodities the worker produces.
D. The amount of utility each laborer adds to society.

Answer: B. The amount of labor required to provide subsistence for the worker.

25. According to Marx, what is one of the simple elements of the labor process?

A. The work itself.
B. The object
C. The instruments of the work
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

26. According to Marx, what resolves the tension between workers and capitalists?

A. Force
B. Compromise
C. Divine intervention
D. All of the above

Answer: A Force

27. During which century was ”Das Kapital” published?

A. 19th century
B. 18th century
C. 17th century
D. 20th century

Answer: A. 19th century

28. Who published the last two volumes of “Das Kapital after Marx’s death?

A. Vladimir Lenin
B. Friedrich Engels
C. Joseph Stalin
D. John Stuart Mill

Answer: B. Friedrich Engels

29. Which of the following is a component of the “means of production”?

A. Methods of working (skills, forms of cooperation, division of labor, etc.).
B. Applied knowledge (science, etc.).
C. The instruments of production (tools, machines, etc.).
D. All of the above

Answer: D All of the above

30. The “mode of production” consists of each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Inevitable domination by capitalists.
B. The relations of production.
C. The means of production.
D. None of the above.

Answer: A Inevitable domination by capitalists.

31. Whose interests does the modern state serve?

A. The workers’ interests.
B. The Church’s interests.
C. The aristocracy’s interests.
D. The capitalists’ interests.

Answer: D The capitalists’ interests.

32. What country did Marx study in preparation for Kapital?

A. Germany
B. the United States
C. England
D. France

Answer: C. England

33. In modern society, who owns the means of production?

A. The Military
B. The Church
C. The Capitalists
D. The workers

Answer: C The Capitalists

34. What kind of value does a forest have?

A. Value
B. Use-value
C. Exchange-value
D. All of the Above

Answer: B. Use-value

35. Where was Marx from?

A. Germany
B. The United States
C. England
D. France

Answer: A Germany

36. What common element do commodities with an exchange relation have?

A. Demand curve
B. Labor input
C. Social utility
D. Personal usefulness.

Answer: B. Labor input

37. What does Marx mean by surplus value?

A. The component of a commodity’s value that exceeds the value of its inputs
B. The value of tax-exempt commodities.
C. The wages a worker receives in a capitalist economy.
D. The social utility that comes from consuming the commodity.

Answer: A. The component of a commodity’s value that exceeds the value of its inputs

38. In the C-M-C circulation, what Is the function of money?

A. A means of exploiting workers.
B. A constantly increasing end in itself.
C. A medium of exchange.
D. All of the above.

Answer: C. A medium of exchange.

39. Which of the following thinkers had the greatest impact on Marx?

A. Hegel
B. Burke
C. Aristotle
D. Rawls

Answer: A Hegel

40. Which of the following is NOT a trait of the C-M-C circulation?

A. The final product is a use value.
B. There is no reflux of money.
C. It has both a C-M and an M-C component.
D. The final product is an exchange-value

Answer: D. The final product is an exchange-value

41. What role did manufacturing play in the development of Capitalism?

A. It hindered its development.
B. It came about once capitalism had developed and, therefore, had
C. It encouraged its development.
D. None of the above.

Answer: C. It encouraged its development.

42. What must a worker’s wage be in order for him to be paid at value?

A. It must equal the value of the commodities the worker produces through his labor.
B. It must equal the amount of money necessary for him to remain a functional worker.
C. It must equal the social value of the coll1Inodity the worker is producing
D. It must equal whatever the worker and capitalist agree to in a free and equal exchange.

Answer: B. It must equal the amount of money necessary for him to remain a functional worker.

43. Which writer had concerns similar to Marx’s about the impact of the division of labor on the human character?

A. Aristotle
B. G.W.F Hegel
C. Edmund Burke
D. Adam Smith

Answer: D. Adam Smith

44. According to Marx, the history of all society up to his time is the history of:

A. Darwinian natural selection
B. Class struggles
C. The intellectual elite
D. General harmony punctuated by barbaric invasions

Answer: B. Class struggles

45. According to Marx, what is one difference between modern bourgeois society and societies of the past?

A. Modern society has class conflicts, while in the past different classes lived in harmony
B. Gradations of the class is more complicated in modern society than in the past
C. In modern society class antagonisms have been simplified into a struggle between two main rival groups
D. There is no substantial difference

Answer: B. Karl Heinrich Marx

46. Whl.ch of the following traits is characteristic of modern bourgeois society?

A. Exploitative class relationships are no longer hidden
B. Exploitative class relationships are hidden by religious illusions
C. Exploitative class relationships have been eliminated
D. None of the above

Answer: A. Exploitative class relationships are no longer hidden

47. The mistake made by ”Reactionary Socialism” is that it:

A. Reacted against the historical development of the bourgeoisie without understanding its context in the broader march of history
B. Supported the bourgeoisie’s developing power
C. Represented the interests of the working class, instead of the ruling class
D. All of the above

Answer: A. Reacted against the historical development of the bourgeoisie without understanding its context in the broader march of history

48. Conservative Socialism redresses social grievances by mitigating the suffering of the proletariat, with the unstated goal of:

A. Aiding the proletariat in its violate uprisings
B. Eliminating modern bourgeois society without a violent revolution
C. Restoring the feudal social system
D. Securing the continued existence of bourgeois society

Answer: D. Securing the continued existence of bourgeois society

49. Is it possible, according to Marx, for the Communist’s aims to be achieved without the use of force?

A. Yes, their aims can be achieved without force if the state makes worker-friendly reforms
B. Yes, their aims can be achieved without force if enough people join Utopian Socialist communities
C. Yes, their aims can be achieved without force if workers receive equal political representation in government
D. No, their aims can only be achieved with force

Answer: D. No, their aims can only be achieved with force

50. Which of the following thinkers had the most major intellectual influence on Marx?

A. John Stuart Mill
B. Aristotle
C. G.W.F. Hegel
D. Vladimir Lenin

Answer: C. G.W.F. Hegel

51. Which of the folio wing goals is the immediate aim of the Communists?

A. The unification r f the proletariat into a ruling class
B. The overthrow of the bourge01s supremacy
C. The conquest of political power by the proletariat
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

52. Which of the following is presented as a common objection to the Communist agenda?

A. No one will work if private property 1s abolished
B. The family will be destroyed
C. Communism violates property rights
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

53. During which century was the Communist Manifesto published?

A. The 19th century
B. The 17th century
C. The 20th century
D. The 18th century

Answer: A. The 19th century

54. Who wrote the Communist Manifesto with Marx?

A. Vladimir Lenin
B. Friedrich Engels
C. Joseph Stalin
D. John Stuart Mill

Answer: B. Friedrich Engels

55. What is the FIRST step in the working class revolution?

A. The raising of the proletariat to the status of the ruling class
B. The eliminating all conceptions of class
C. The creation of a permanent dictatorship of the proletariat.
D. None of the above

Answer: A. The raising of the proletariat to the status of the ruling class

56. Which of the following is NOT suggested as a likely development during the early stages of the proletariat revolution?

A. The abolition of all inheritance rights
B. State centralization of communication and transportation
C. The establishment of free education for children
D. An increase in the distinction between town and country

Answer: D. An increase in the distinction between town and country

57. What sort of political parties do the Communists say they will work with?

A. Those parties that will forward the ends of Communism
B. Any party that opposes the bourgeoisie
C. Those parties that promote worker-friendly reforms
D. All of the above

Answer: A. Those parties that will forward the ends of Communism

58. Which of the following is NOT a trait of the proletariat?

A. They are a class of modem wage-laborers
B. They do not have their own means of production
C. They are a small minority of the population
D. They must sell their own labor in order to survive

Answer: C. They are a small minority of the population

59. Which of the following is a component of the “means of production”?

A. The instruments of production (tools, machines, etc.)
B. Methods of working (skills, forms of cooperation, division of labor, etc.)
C. Applied knowledge (science, etc.)
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

60. What is the primary source of changes in man’s ideas?

A. Natural selection
B. Man’s material conditions
C. Progress towards reason
D. None of the above

Answer: B. Man’s material conditions

61. What system did modern industrial society replace?

A. Feudalism
B. Capitalism
C. Utopianism
D. None of the above

Answer: A. Feudalism

62. What does the proletariat stand to lose in their revolution?

A. Their property
B. Their class dominance
C. Control of their labor
D. Nothing

Answer: D. Nothing

63. The “mode of production” consists of each of the following EXCEPT:

A. The means of production
B. The relations of production
C. Inevitable class antagonism
D. None of the above

Answer: C. Inevitable class antagonism

64. Which of the following is a true statement about the struggles that dominate history?

A. They reflect class antagonism
B. They are sometimes visible but sometimes hidden
C. They either end in the reconstruction of society or total ruin
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

65. Whose interests does the modern state serve?

A. The proletariat’s interests
B. The aristocracy’s interests
C. The bourgeoisie’s interests
D. The Church’s interests

Answer: C. The bourgeoisie’s interests

66. In modern society, who owns the means of production?

A. The bourgeoisie
B. The proletariat
C. The military
D. The state

Answer: A. The bourgeoisie

67. Who will own property after the workers’ revolution is over?

A. The proletariat
B. The bourgeoisie
C. The nobles
D. It will be owned communally

Answer: D. It will be owned communally

68. Which of the following characteristics does NOT describe the bourgeoisie?

A. They are the employers of wage-laborers
B. They are the owners of the means of production
C. They are the class of modem Capitalists
D. They were the ruling class in the feudal period

Answer: D. They were the ruling class in the feudal period

69. This history of all societies is the history of struggles between what?

A. Religions
B. Countries
C. Classes
D. Races

Answer: C. Classes

70. According to Marx, the class struggle in his day was primarily between what two classes?

A. Bourgeoisie and aristocracy
B. Bourgeoisie and proletariat
C. Aristocracy and proletariat
D. Proletariat and the clergy

Answer: B. Bourgeoisie and proletariat

71. The modern state is committed to managing the affairs of what class?

A. Aristocracy
B. Proletariat
C. Clergy
D. Bourgeoisie

Answer: D. Bourgeoisie

72. What socioeconomic system proceeded bourgeois capitalism?

A. Anarchism
B. Feudalism
C. Socialism
D. Communism

Answer: B. Feudalism

73. The bourgeoisie are committed to what kind of trade policy?

A. Free trade between all nations
B. Free trade between politically allied nations
C. Free trade only within national boundaries
D. Free trade only between members of the same social class

Answer: A. Free trade between all nations

74. Capitalism necessarily suffers from crises of what?

A. Labor shortages
B. Overproduction
C. Underproduction
D. Trade embargoes from other countries

Answer: B. Overproduction

75. What new class has capitalism brought into existence?

A. Aristocracy
B. Proletariat
C. Bourgeoisie
D. Warriors

Answer: C. Bourgeoisie

76. The development of the bourgeoisie does what to the development of the proletariat?

A. Regresses it
B. Does not affect it
C. Advances it
D. Stops it

Answer: C. Advances it

77. The use of division of labor and machinery has done what to the industrial worker?

A. Enhanced his working experience
B. It has no effect
C. Decreased the demand for industrial workers
D. Removed the individual character and charm from his working experience

Answer: D. Removed the individual character and charm from his working experience

78. As capitalism develops, what happens to the vast majority of the lower middle classes who are neither bourgeois nor proletariat?

A. They become capitalist
B. They maintain their separate existence
C. They become proletariat
D. They migrate to other countries

Answer: C. They become proletariat

79. Of all the classes in conflict with the bourgeoisie, which is the truly revolutionary class, capable of advancing the progress of society?

A. Aristocracy
B. Proletariat
C. Clergy
D. Lower middle-class artisans and shop-owners

Answer: B. Proletariat

80. Why does the bourgeoisie no longer deserve to rule society?

A. It does not allow for the creation of genius
B. Its rule is not consented to by all people
C. It defies God
D. It cannot assure a continued existence of the proletariat

Answer: D. It cannot assure a continued existence of the proletariat

81. The essential condition for the existence of the bourgeoisie is the creation and augmentation of:

A. Manufactured goods
B. Technological innovation
C. Capital
D. Art

Answer: C. Capital

82. The proletariat revolution against the bourgeoisie will have what probability of success?

A. Low but not impossible
B. High but not certain
C. Certain
D. Impossible

Answer: C. Certain

83. What is the relationship between communism and the proletariat?

A. Communists represent the interests of the entire proletariat
B. Communists are indifferent to the plight of the proletariat
C. Communists only represent the interests of the proletariat in their country
D. Communists aid the bourgeoisie in exploiting the proletariat

Answer: A. Communists represent the interests of the entire proletariat

84. The immediate aim of communism is what?

A. Conquest of political power by the proletariat
B. Formation of the proletariat into a class
C. Overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

85. The theory of Communism can be best summed up in what single sentence?

A. Might make right
B. Every person has an inviolable right to life
C. The greatest happiness for the greatest number
D. Abolition of private property

Answer: D. Abolition of private property

86. What is Marx’s definition of the minimum wage?

A. The lowest wage at w;1ich the government will allow someone to work
B. The lowest wage for which a person will work
C. The lowest wage required to keep someone above the poverty line
D. The lowest wage necessary to keep a worker alive

Answer: D. The lowest wage necessary to keep a worker alive

87. The necessary condition for the existence of the bourgeois property, i.e., capital, is what?

A. Equal distribution of property among members of society
B. Meritocratic allocation of property
C. Unequal distribution of property favoring the bourgeoisie
D. Unequal distribution of property favoring the working classes

Answer: C. Unequal distribution of property favoring the bourgeoisie

88. Bourgeois culture does what for the vast majority of people?

A. Fulfils their desire for knowledge
B. Threatens the survival of their immortal soul
C. Prepares them for a life as a machine in the industry
D. Enables them to determine their own destiny

Answer: C. Prepares them for a life as a machine in the industry

89. Bourgeois culture can be best described as a reflection of what?

A. Common consensus on the best way to live
B. The conscious bourgeois desire to oppress the masses
C. Capitalism
D. Rational appreciation of true values

Answer: C. Capitalism

90. What aspect(s) of bourgeois society do communists wish to undermine?

A. Family organization
B. Jurisprudence
C. Religion
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

91. The bourgeois family is founded primarily on what?

A. Love for all its members
B. The authority of the patriarch
C. Private gain on the part of the capitalist
D. Respect for Nature

Answer: C. Private gain on the part of the capitalist

92. According to Marx, how will public education in a communist society differ from public education in a capitalist society?

A. Communism will use introduce society into education while capitalism does not
B. Communism will not tolerate dissent in education while bourgeois culture does
C. Communism will use education to rescue society from bourgeois culture while capitalism uses education to ensure the survival of bourgeois culture
D. Communism will teach practical skills while capitalism does not

Answer: C. Communism will use education to rescue society from bourgeois culture while capitalism uses education to ensure the survival of bourgeois culture

93. What effect will communism within nations have on the relations between nations?

A. It will have no effect on international relations
B. It will leave communist nations prone to attacks from bourgeois nations
C. It will heighten international antagonism
D. It will weaken international antagonism

Answer: D. It will weaken international antagonism

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300+ TOP Political System of Pakistan MCQs and Answers

Political System of Pakistan Multiple Choice Questions

1. Under Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din the type of government resembled with

A. Federal Government
B. Unitary Government
C. Cabinet Government
D. Parliamentary Government

Answer: C. Cabinet Government

2. The second President of Pakistan was

A. Ayyub Khan
B. Zafar Ullah Khan
C. Muhammad Ali Bogra
D. Abdul Rab Nishtar

Answer: A. Ayyub Khan

3. Under which act the constituent Assembly of Pakistan was formed for framing the constitution?

A. Special Independence Act of 1947
B. Independence Act of 1947
C. Government of India Act 1935
D. None of them

Answer: B. Independence Act 1947

4. Who was the first President of the constituent Assembly of Pakistan?

A. Liaquat Ali Khan
B. Quaid-e-Azam
C. Abdul Rab Nishtar
D. Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

Answer: B. Quaid-e-Azam

5. The interim constitution of Pakistan was based on

A. Indian Act 1935
B. Indian Independence Act 1947
C. A & B
D. None of them

Answer: C. A & B

6. The second Governor-General of Pakistan was

A. Abdul Rab Nishtar
B. Khawaja Nazim ud Din
C. Liaquat Ali Khan
D. Raja Ghazanfer

Answer: B. Khawaja Nazim ud Din

7. The cabinet of Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din was dismissed on

A. 16 April 1953
B. 17 April 1953
C. 15 June 1953
D. 17 March 1953

Answer: B. 17 April 1953

8. 1st Constituent Assembly of Pakistan lasted for ___ years

A. 9
B. 10
C. 7
D. 6

Answer: C. 7

9. Who took over after the dismissal of Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din?

A. M. Ali Bogra
B. I.I. Chandigarh
C. Ch. Muhammad Ali
D. Malik Ghulam Muhammad

Answer: A. M. Ali Bogra7

10. The objective Resolution includes

A. Sovereignty of Allah
B. Protection of Fundamental Rights
C. Security of Minorities
D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these

11. Federal Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved on 24 October 1954 by

A. Ghulam Muhammad
B. Sikandar Mirza
C. Ayub Khan
D. Ch. Muhammad Ali

Answer: A. Ghulam Muhammad

12. Governor General convened the 2nd constituent assembly in

A. 1956
B. 1957
C. 1954
D. 1955

Answer: D. 1955

13. The first constitution of 1956 of Pakistan was enforced on

A. 23 March 1956
B. 23 July 1956
C. 14 August 1956
D. 23 June 1956

Answer: A. 23 March 1956

14. In Pakistan, the designation of Governor-General was changed to President in

A. 1958
B. 1957
C. 1956
D. 1955

Answer: C. 1956

15. Which language was declared as the national language under the constitution 1956?

A. Bengali
B. Urdu
C. English
D. Urdu and Bengali

Answer: D. Urdu and Bengali

16. Constitution of 1956 introduced which system of Government

A. Co-federal
B. Federal
C. Provincial
D. Dictatorial

Answer: B. Federal

17. According to which constitution the head of state is to be a Muslim

A. 1962
B. 1956
C. 1981
D. None of these

Answer: B. 1956

18. The first martial law was proclaimed on

A. 8 September 1958
B. 8 August 1958
C. 27 October 1958
D. None of these

Answer: C. 27 October 1958

19. The term of National Assembly under the 1962 Constitution

A. 6 years
B. 7 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years

Answer: D. 5 years

20. The system of Government under the constitution 1962 was

A. Confederal
B. Autonomous
C. Presidential
D. Parliamentary

Answer: C. Presidential

21. The 1962 constitution was abrogated in

A. 1967
B. 1968
C. 1969
D. 1970

Answer: D. 1970

22. The civil Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan was

A. Yahya Khan
B. Sikandar Mirza
C. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
D. Ghulam Muhammad

Answer: D. Ghulam Muhammad

23. In Pakistan from which party the members of the constitution committee were taken?

A. People’s Party
B. National Awami party
C. Jamaat-e-Islami
D. All the political parties

Answer: D. All the political parties

24. When was the constitution of 1973 approved by National Assembly of Pakistan?

A. 4 August 1973
B. 10 April 1973
C. 15 June 1973
D. 8 March 1973

Answer: B. 10 April 1973

25. When was the constitution of 1973 enforced in Pakistan?

A. 14 August 1973
B. 10 April 1973
C. 15 June 1973
D. 8 March 1973

Answer: A. 14 August 1973

26. Under which constitution Federal public Commission and Provincial Service Commissions were established in Pakistan?

A. 1962
B. 1967
C. 1952
D. 1973

Answer: A. 1962

27. Which language was declared as the national language of the country under the 1973 constitution of Pakistan?

A. English
B. Sindhi
C. Urdu
D. Bengali

Answer: C. Urdu

28. In which constitution, Islam was declared religion of the state in Pakistan?

A. 1956
B. 1973
C. 1962
D. 1987

Answer: B. 1973

29. In which constitution system of Zakat and Ushr was introduced in the country?

A. 1956
B. 1973
C. 1962
D. 1987

Answer: B. 1973

30. When President Zia-ul-Haq constituted Majlis-e-Shoora (National Assembly)?

A. October 1980
B. December 1981
C. March 1982
D. June 1980

Answer: B. December 1981

31. After the election of 1985 who was the elected Prime Minister of Pakistan?

A. Ilahi Bux Soomro
B. Muhammad Khan Junejo
C. Nawaz Sharif
D. Benazir Bhutto

Answer: B. Muhammad Khan Junejo

32. Which party got majority in the elections of 1988?

A. Islami Jamhoori ittehad
C. Muslim League (N)
D. People’s Party

Answer: D. People’s Party

33. Who dismissed the Government of Benazir Bhutto in 1990?

A. Farooq Ahmed Leghari
B. Ghulam Ishaq Khan
C. Abdul Waheed Kakir
D. Malik Miraj Khalid

Answer: B. Ghulam Ishaq Khan

34. Which party won the elections of October 1988?

A. People’s Party
C. Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf
D. Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI)

Answer: D. Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI)

35. Who became the Prime Minister of Pakistan as a result of October 1990?

A. Muhammad Khan Junejo
B. Nawaz Sharif
C. Farooq Ahmed Leghari
D. Benazir Bhutto

Answer: B. Nawaz Sharif

36. When Benazir Bhutto became the Prime Minister for the second time?

A. 1994
B. 1992
C. 1993
D. 1995

Answer: C. 1993

37. The Government of Benazir Bhutto was dismissed for the second time on November 5, 1996 by?

A. Ghulam Ishaq Khan
B. Malik Miraj Khalid
C. Farooq A. Leghari
D. Nawaz Sharif

Answer: C. Farooq A. Leghari

38. Which party got absolute majority in the elections of 1997?

A. People’s Party
C. Muslim League
D. Islami Jamhoori Ittehad

Answer: D. Islami Jamhoori Ittehad

39. When Pervaiz Musharraf took over the government after removing Nawaz Sharif

A. 10 October 1999
B. 11 October 1999
C. 12 October 1999
D. 13 October 1999

Answer: C. 12 October 1999

40. Referendum, which made General Musharraf President of Pakistan was held in?

A. June, 2001
B. April, 2002
C. December, 2003
D. December, 2002

Answer: B. April, 2002

41. The amendment made in 1977 to hold referendum by the President of Pakistan was?

A. 8th Amendment
B. 11th Amendment
C. 7th Amendment
D. 10th Amendment

Answer: C. 7th Amendment

42. General Musharraf conducted the elections on

A. 10th October 2002
B. 12th October 2002
C. 14th October 2002
D. 16th October 2002

Answer: A. 10th October 2002

43. Which amendment relates with Shariah Bill?

A. 12th
B. 11th
C. 13th
D. 7th

Answer: A. 12th

44. Through the LFO issued by General Musharraf the strength of the National Assembly was increased from 217 to?

A. 285
B. 290
C. 342
D. 410

Answer: C. 342

45. Through the LFO the Senate seats was increased from 81 to?

A. 100
B. 105
C. 102
D. 95

Answer: A. 100

Political System of Pakistan objective questions with answers pdf download online exam test

300+ TOP Political System of India MCQs and Answers

Political System of India Multiple Choice Questions

1. The subject of Junagarh decided in favor of accession to India in?

A. February 1949
B. February 1950
C. February 1948
D. March 1948

Answer: C. February 1948

2. Hyderabad was forcibly brought to the Indian Union in

A. September 1947
B. October 1947
C. October 1948
D. September 1948

Answer: D. September 1948

3. The integration of the Indian states was carried out by

A. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Dr. Ambedkar
C. Lord Mountbatten
D. Sardar Valla Bhai Patel

Answer: D. Sardar Valla Bhai Patel

4. The first President of India was

A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B. Dr. Sarvapali
C. Jawahar Lal Nehru
D. Dr. Ambeedkar

Answer: A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

5. Radcliffe Award was declared on?

A. 17 August 1948
B. 17 August 1949
C. 17 August 1947
D. 17 August 1946

Answer: C. 17 August 1947

6. Gandhi was murdered on

A. 20 January 1949
B. 10 March 1948
C. 30 January 1948
D. 02 February 1948

Answer: C. 30 January 1948

7. The Indian Government was unitary and undemocratic until

A. 1948
B. 1933
C. 1920
D. 1919

Answer: D. 1919

8. Parliament of India passed the states re-organization Act in

A. 1961
B. 1962
C. 1958
D. 1956

Answer: D. 1956

9. The Government of India created the Nagaland State in

A. 1961
B. 1948
C. 1951
D. 1962

Answer: D. 1962

10. The number of voters who took part in the first general election of India was

A. 150 million
B. 170 million
C. 176 million
D. 170 million

Answer: C. 176 million

11. Who framed the Indian Constitution?

A. Moti Lal Nehru
B. Mahatama Gandhi
C. Dr. Ambedkar
D. Sardar Patel

Answer: C. Dr. Ambedkar

12. India supported Egypt in the Suez Crisis in

A. 1954
B. 1955
C. 1957
D. 1956

Answer: D. 1956

13. In the Indian elections of 1989 CPI got

A. 10 seats
B. 8 seats
C. 12 seats
D. 5 seats

Answer: C. 12 seats

14. Chander Shekher resigned in

A. March 1990
B. March 1991
C. February 1991
D. January 1990

Answer: B. March 1991

15. The constitution Assembly set up a drafting committee for the constitution on

A. 21 August 1947
B. 29 August 1947
C. 30 August 1947
D. 25 August 1947

Answer: B. 29 August 1947

16. An Indian president holds office for a term of

A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. 7 years

Answer: B. 5 years

17. The strength of the Union of States is

A. 230
B. 260
C. 235
D. 250

Answer: D. 250

18. Which article deals with the official language?

A. Article 343
B. Article 353
C. Article 352
D. Article 355

Answer: A. Article 343

19. Chinese government for the first time expressed its border dispute with India in

A. January 1959
B. January 1962
C. January 1965
D. January 1964

Answer: A. January 1959

Political System of India objective questions with answers pdf download online exam test