300+[LATEST] Peoplesoft Test Framework Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. What Type Of Testing Can Be Carried Out Using Ptf?

PTF automation various tasks within the PeopleSoft application, primarily functional testing. Automating functional testing enables testers to execute more tests with greater accuracy during a shorter time.

Q2. What Are The Requirements For Installing And Using Ptf?

A PTF development environment consists of the following elements:

  • A PTF client instance.
  • A connection to a PeopleSoft application database where test assets are stored.
  • A Microsoft Internet Explorer browser instance.
  • A connection to a PeopleSoft application that is to be tested.

The PTF client is a standalone program that runs on a Microsoft Windows workstation. The PTF client connects to the PeopleSoft application database where test assets are stored using a secure HTTPS connection through Integration Broker Web Services.

There is an installation folder under the PS HOME for installing the PTF client. Installation guidelines are available in the People Books. Astute has further documentation to help you in the installation.

Q3. What Is Benefits Of Peoplesoft Test Framework?

  • Record and Playback tool
  • Automates Functional testing within
  • PeopleSoft Application
  • More tests – Greater Accuracy- Shorter
  • time
  • Stored in Database as App Designer Objects
  • Included in PeopleTools 8.51 & above
  • No need for PTF client version to be installed on end user machines
  • You can run the test cases without complete knowledge on the functionality of PTF
  • Upload functionality to load Test case variables off-line
  • Easy maintenance
  • Reusable components can be defined which can save a lot of time

Q4. Can Ptf Be Used For Regression Testing?

Yes, PTF can be used for Regression Testing. For instance, if there is a highly customized environment or in case of significant ongoing development, PTF can automate the regression testing required to ensure the system functionality.

Q5. How Does Ptf Handle Customizations And Enhancements?

In the course of customizations and upgrades, changes are made to, among other elements, application menus, components, pages, records, and fields. Tests that were developed prior to these changes may fail when executed against the new application.

PTF delivers two tools that help test developers to determine the effect of changes:

  • Test maintenance reports: A test maintenance report correlates PeopleTools compare report data with PTF test metadata to identify certain changes to menus, components, pages, records, and fields that may impact the PTF tests.
  • Test coverage reports: A test coverage report correlates PeopleTools project data with PTF test metadata to identify menus, components, pages, records, and fields that are referenced in PTF tests.

Q6. Can Recorded Tests Be Migrated To New Systems?

Yes. Since the Test assets, including tests, test cases, logs and execution option, are stored in the database and are treated as other Application Designer objects, so they can be compared and copied between systems.

Q7. Do We Need A Coding Language With Ptf?

There is no coding language per se. The scripts are built on delivered functions that are provided on the PTF Tool Bar and Test Recorder.

There is a Test Language Reference in PeopleBooks that describes the functions you can use within PTF scripts.

Q8. What Is Key Features Of Peoplesoft ?

  • No need of PTF client version to be installed on local machines
  • Real time sync of test cases defined in PTF with the bolt-on
  • Make recorded test cases available to the users from PeopleSoft portal.
  • Recorded Test cases are available based on the user settings
  • Create reusable Test cycles/batches
  • Run the selected Test cases from a test cycles(batch) from PeopleSoft Portal
  • Edit/Update test data used in a particular test case or a batch from online
  • Test data management can be done offline by downloading the variables list to a spread sheet
  • and again upload the same with the new values
  • Differentiate between persistent and local variables
  • Allow users to edit/update persistent variables.

Q9. What Was The Earliest Version Of Delivered Ptf?

PTF was first delivered in PeopleTools 8.5@Versions 8.52 and 8.53 have delivered significant revisions to the original release and also addressed some bugs.

Q10. Are There Any Test Assets Delivered In The Demo Database?

No. There are no delivered test assets in the demo database.

Q11. Can Ptf Find Errors And Correct Them?

As a best practice, while scripts are being recorded, you need to incorporate error handling steps within the tests scripts which you would do otherwise if you were manually testing it. You also need to include verification steps at appropriate stages. So, look for error conditions online as part of the traction and incorporate the error handling into your test script.Whether you can issue a corrective action within the test script itself depends on whether that can be executed within the same traction in PeopleSoft.

Q12. What Is Peoplesoft Test Framework (ptf)?

PeopleSoft Test Framework (PTF) is an automation tool for functional testing. The PTF recreates the actions of a user executing functional tests against a PeopleSoft Internet Architecture system inside a browser. It allows for testers to record their procedures and save for reuse in testing. The tests can be re-run as need be after upgrades, patches, or customizations.

Q13. Can Ptf Be Used With Multiple Browsers Like Chrome Or Firefox?

In its current version, Internet Explorer is the only browser supported by PeopleSoft test Framework

Q14. How Can Ptf Save Time And Costs In A Peoplesoft Upgrade/maintenance?

During an upgrade or after the application of a patch, the existing test repository can be executed against the application to verify whether the application still behaves as expected. This reduces the time required to execute multiple rounds of testing. The end-users can thus focus on more value-added activitiesinstead of routine testing.

Q15. What Are Some Of The Limitations Of Ptf?

PTF is not designed to:

  • Validate certain types of information, such as image appearance and relative position of data and online objects. PTF is a functional test tool rather than a user interface or browser testing tool.
  • Be a load testing tool; it replicates the experience of a single user running the application.
  • Be a performance testing tool
  • Replicate certain types of user actions, such as drag-and-drop mouse actions.
  • Recognize or validate certain types of objects you might find in third-party or external applications, such as Flash/Flex objects, data displayed in HTML regions, and so on.

Q16. How Does Ptf Work?

PTF is a Record and Playback tool for functional testing.

  1. Users can record manual test procedures and save them within the framework
  2. During Playback, users can execute those tests against the application to verify whether the application still behaves as expected
  3. Each manually recorded test is saved as a special type of PeopleTools object called a test