300+ Project Management Professional (PMP) FAQs and Answers [Experienced / Freshers]

Project Management Professional (PMP) Interview Questions with Answers

Question: 1. What is PMP?

Answer: Project Management Professional (PMP) is an across the world identified professional designation offered via the Project Management Institute (PMI). There are currently 729,552 lively PMP certified individuals and 284 chartered chapters throughout 210 nations and territories worldwide. The exam is primarily based on the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), and the stipulations[are:

Secondary diploma (high faculty diploma, partner’s degree or the worldwide equal)

7,500 hours main and directing initiatives

35 hours of mission control training


Four-year degree

4,500 hours leading and directing projects

35 hours of mission control schooling

A candidate who passes the exam and meets the professional requirements is provided the PMP certification. 

Question: 2. Provide some examples.

A challenge for a product will result in a whole product or

Answer: a part of a product. An example would be the creation of the Microsoft Surprise tablet that used a liquid magnesium deposition process to create the enclosure. The procedure advanced in the challenge will be used for subsequent production of the tablet. Examples should consist of improvement of a brand new product or system (as in the instance), building a avenue or a bridge (infrastructure in fashionable), growing a computer/facts machine, and many others. 

Question: 3.How will you define a task?

Answer: A task is a hard and fast of task/activities undertaken to create a product, offerings or effects. These are transient, in the sense that they may be not habitual paintings like manufacturing interest however most often one time set of activities undertaken. 

Question: 4. Are there awesome varieties of activities in a venture?

Answer: Most frequently any assignment goes through some effortlessly identifiable set of activities at some stage in its lifetime. Some ordinary activities can be identified as related beginning a venture. Planning set of sports are required to devise the activities to be undertaken to gain the defined desires. Executing institution of activities assist getting the task accomplished. A associated set of sports are required to display and correct the path of movements to maintain the venture at the deliberate course charted for it. Final set of sports are associated with the systematic closure of the challenge. Most crucial of that’s, of direction, to officially document what has been learnt at some stage in the execution of the venture. When documented, this set of files, associated forms for use, the way estimates are to be made, database of estimates of comparable initiatives and so forth. Are often referred to as Organizational process assets.

Question: 5. What do you suspect is the difference among initiatives, programs and a portfolio?

Answer: Projects are undertaken for a particular or a fixed of associated purposes. A application is a hard and fast of projects controlled in a coordinated manner to attain one of a kind parts of an basic goal. For example the NASA lunar landing software had the improvement of the command module and the lunar landing modules as separate tasks. A portfolio is a set of projects, programs and even other portfolios that help an corporation attain a few not unusual excessive stage enterprise motive.

Question: 6. Who is a stakeholder?

Answer: Any man or woman, company or an entity whose interest is affected, definitely or negatively, due to the challenge. The affect of stakeholders is an essential issue to take into account in any making plans and in the end for the duration of execution of it as well.

Question: 7. What are organizational influences?

Answer: Every agency has a sure manner of doing matters, collective expertise approximately how matters can pleasant be completed, etc. And those impacts the planning and execution approaches. These impacts need to be taken into consideration while estimating, making plans for sports associated with projects. These are regularly referred to as organizational environmental factors.

Question: 8. Can you give an explanation for task life cycle?

Answer: A assignment has distinct levels whilst the range of activities required to perform the mission work differ. There is a awesome “start” section, accompanied with the aid of an organizing and making ready phase. “Carrying out” is the actual execution part of the venture. “Closing” section makes sure the temporary sports associated with the assignment are closed systematically. The points in time when the segment changes manifest are named variously as phase gate, exits, milestones or kill points. If a mission is to be closed, it’s miles decided at those tiers based at the overall performance or if the want of the venture has disappeared.

Question: 9. What to you apprehend by using a task constitution?

Answer: This is a document in which it all starts offevolved. Project authorization is accomplished in this document and a venture might be initiated with the pinnacle level requirements listed on this document. Initial necessities as visible via stakeholders and the results of the undertaking are also listed in it.

Question: 10. What do you understand with the aid of plan baselines?

Answer: Baselines are the very last version of all plans earlier than the assignment execution begins. Project baselines are the beginning versions of all associated plans of a assignment, be it the time schedule, the exceptional plan, the communication plan or whatever. This acts as the reference in opposition to which project overall performance is measured.

Question: 11. What qualifications are required to be an powerful project manager?

Answer: Besides being a good expert manager, the PM desires to have additional private abilties for being powerful. It isn’t always simplest critical for him to have undertaking control skills however be proficient in them. Attitude, center personality traits and leadership features are wished. Team management and management abilities that help the team reach commonplace targets and goals are required.

Question: 12. What are techniques and procedure organizations?

Answer: A technique is a defined manner of doing matters. Not best does the process outline the moves to be taken but also in what series they may be to be executed. Process agencies are a hard and fast of approaches which can be applicable to various levels of a venture. For instance, initiating technique organization, making plans method institution, and so forth. Each of the processes has a defined set of inputs and convey defined outputs by means of applying a set of tools and techniques on the input.

Question: 13. What are the know-how areas relevant to doing a challenge?

Answer: Scope management, time and value control knowledge regions are quite obvious. Same is going for exceptional control too. To entire a venture in all its components one desires to be privy to the task integration know-how place. Communications is an essential trouble so is the verbal exchange control knowledge. Procurement and threat control are two crucial aid regions. Since people get things finished Human sources control is likewise an equally important area.

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Question: 14. What is RAID because it associated with challenge control?

Answer: RAID stand for risks, assumptions, troubles and dependencies. These are important objects that a PM need to usually be aware about. There are constantly dangers about actions and a PM ought to take least risk actions. Unless assumptions about any estimates or movements are clear, these can pass incorrect. Issues and dependencies also limit the choices of moves regularly.

Question: 15. What are the important approaches for assignment integration management?

Answer: It starts with a venture constitution development. Project management plan improvement is any other crucial pastime. Direct and manage challenge execution and screen and manage are plans that are to be observed for the duration of the project. Closing of the challenge (or the modern-day section) is the very last set of sports for integration control. Since adjustments are frequently unavoidable an included exchange management plan must be advanced to guide all changes systematically.

Question: 16. What is a SOW?

Answer: SOW or the assertion of labor is a detailed description of the consequences of the mission in phrases of what products, services or consequences are anticipated from the undertaking. Most specified SOW are usually given via the client if he’s the only inquiring for the venture.

Question: 17. What does Scope control contain?

Answer: Typically this technique involves accumulating necessities, defining scope, creating WBS, verifying scope and controlling the scope. The venture scope statement, WBS and WBS dictionary defines the scope baseline. Controlling the scope system must reduce scope creep.

Question: 18. How need to changes managed?

Answer: Through the included change manipulate process. Requested changes will need to be reviewed by means of a change control board. Only the authorised adjustments will be included in the record modifications guiding task execution.

Question: 19. What is Work Breakdown Structure (WBD) and how does it have an effect on the work estimates of responsibilities/activities?

Answer: Work breakdown shape defines the work activities required for the assignment and the sub activities of every of the work requirement. The breakdown is going all the way down to degrees where all the work required is actually understood. Work need not be broken down similarly than that. Work breakdown dictionary includes additional details that assist outline the obligations. Time and attempt estimates may be accurate when everything about the paintings and dependencies are regarded.

Question: 20. How do you define a milestone?

Answer: Milestone is a point in venture time table while some objective, part of a result or part of the deliberate offerings deliberate are completed.

Question: 21. What are some techniques used for defining scope?

Answer: Product breakdown, requirements evaluation, structures engineering, structures evaluation, value engineering, price evaluation and alternatives analysis. Alternatives evaluation can be helped by using brain storming, lateral wondering and pair-smart comparisons, and so forth.

Question: 22. How do challenge scheduling assist gain venture execution?

Answer: When the pastime effort and resource estimates are recognized getting the work performed depends on how the duties are sequenced. Dependencies with different activities have to be really known. The fundamental sequence is determined by using what sports must be completed first and what have to follow. Unconnected tasks/activities may be sequenced in parallel to reduce venture time. Most optimized sequencing might give you the first-class feasible time wished given the resources allocation is right and there are not any constraints there. Scheduling is performed from sports listing organized after WBS has been finalized.

Question: 23. How is the “hobby time” estimates accomplished?

Answer: Parametric estimates, 3 factor estimates and analogous estimates are the techniques used for estimating activity time estimates.

Question: 24. How do you estimate in the 3 factor estimating method?

Answer: One optimistic estimate, a pessimistic estimate and one “most likey” estimate is considered for an interest. (Op estimate+6 X most in all likelihood+ pess. Estimate) is calculated and divided by using 6. This result then can be in addition iterated. This is the estimate to be used.

Question: 25. How within the challenge time agenda represented most often?

Answer: Activity scheduling network diagram is the most not unusual form of illustration for the assignment time schedule. This is frequently accompanied through milestone chart, and bar charts.

Question: 26. What is a essential direction in agenda network diagram?

Answer: When pastime scheduling is finished there could be activities whose begin time and/or stop times aren’t essential. It may be viable, because of dependencies, to begin a mission later than the date at the agenda, similarly an pastime might be completed later as there are not any other hobby waiting for its of completion. These time pads are known as floats. There is continually a route from begin to complete, which does not have any floats. Not best all of the sports in the route have to be carried out in planned time, but also there can’t be any delays. Any delays will without delay mirror on undertaking of entirety time. This chain of sports or the course from start to finish is referred to as the critical path.

Question: 27. What are the approaches a challenge time agenda may be compressed?

Answer: Crashing and rapid monitoring are  methods of increasing a project time schedule. Crashing method tries to optimize the agenda utilising the time floats available whilst preserving expenses below manage. Fast tracking is to make selected activities quicker by using applying additional assets if necessary. It may suggest paying crew individuals overtime, paying for the duration of a representative, and many others.

Question: 28. What is effort variance?

Answer: It is the distinction in expected attempt and the effort sincerely wished. Work performance is monitored periodically to discover if there may be any variance in efforts in order that corrective moves might be taken.

Question: 29. What is EVM, earned value control?

Answer: At every monitoring factor the deliberate value (PV), earned price (EV) and actual cost (AC) are monitored. PMB, performance measurement baseline is the aggregation of all planned values. Variances from baselines are decided and Schedule variance (SV) and fee variance (CV) are calculated. If earned fee is identical to the deliberate cost then the venture is attaining what it is meant to. If there may be time table or cost variance is tremendous, suitable movement wishes to be taken to correct the slips. Estimate at finishing touch (EAC) is envisioned and as compared with budget at completion. In case there is a slip, the price effects may be recognised.

Question: 30. What does A techniques make sure?

Answer: According to a dictionary, “A is a manner of systematic monitoring and evaluation of factors of a project, service or facility to make certain that requirements of satisfactory are met”. Thus, some thing ensures products meet patron expectancies are a part of A efforts. Ensuring exceptional of the entirety that goes into making a product and that no errors are made at the same time as making it ensures high-quality.

Question: 31. What is pleasant control?

Answer: QC tactics consist of inspections to make certain excellent requirements are being met

Question: 32. What’s the want for technique improvement plans?

Answer: A cornerstone of A is that techniques are constantly stepped forward. Process upgrades help errors in approaches and as a consequence help improve excellent.

Question: 33. What is the device used for arriving at enhancements in processes?

Answer: GM, or the desires, questions and metrics is the method used. Goals are set, questions are requested about what enhancements may be made and metrics (measurements that tell us something about the procedure) are carried out

Question: 34. What are the important aspects of a HR plan for the project group?

Answer: Acquiring the team, forming the group, assigning roles & obligations, appraisal regulations, rewards & popularity are the regions where clean reduce policies have to exist and be widely known to crew individuals.

Question: 35. Why is the overall performance management method in the HR management plan important?

Answer: People want to be diagnosed for their contributions. The task control group wishes to understand skills and praise and understand the performers. The evaluation must now not handiest be honest but seen to be fair.

Question: 36. How do you decide the conversation wishes of stakeholders?

Answer: The verbal exchange wishes of stakeholders depend on their position within the electricity/have an effect on grid, electricity/hobby grid as additionally impact/influence grid. Salience modeling is some other technique to determine who is the only for the interest of the undertaking. This is a qualitative assessment and could determine the kind and info of communications they want at the mission.

Question: 37. What are the types of risks you could encounter in a project?

Answer: These can be categorized as technical, external, inner/organizational, etc. Depending at the form of initiatives other categories may additionally have to be taken into consideration.

Question: 38. What is a hazard check in?

Answer: This is a check in/document that incorporates all the identified dangers of a venture. List of moves of capacity moves are also included.

Question: 39. Are there any effective elements of the threat identification process?

Answer: The danger identity procedure may be capable of provide you with some possibilities too.

Question: 40. What is hazard impact and possibility?

Answer: When assessing dangers the challenge crew additionally attempts to decide the possibility of the hazard actually taking place and the impact it will have on the task when it does.

Question: 41. What is the function of Isikawa/ Fishbone diagrams in figuring out root reasons of risks?

Answer: This is a graphical technique of figuring out reason and impact relationships leading to a specific danger. One could then decide mitigation actions for that chance.

Question: 42. What do you recognize of Pareto (eighty/20) precept/analysis?

Answer: This is a statistical analysis technique that facilitates decide priorities among numerous movements to be taken. The foundation is that there are approximately 20% motion which while finished gets you eighty% of the effects. In QA that is used to discover the 20% of reasons that create eighty% of the troubles.

Question: 43. What are constant type contracts in procurement strategies?

Answer: The supplier must deliver the shrunk objects at a hard and fast charge decided on the time of agreement.

Question: 44. What are time & fabric contracts?

Answer: In this sort of contracts the contractor gets paid for time used on the project and fees for cloth used and different agreed upon costs.

Question: 45. What is the primary cause of procurement control plan?

Answer: To decide what precisely is to be procured, make sure they’re procured at the exceptional rate and is made available to the venture group on the right time.

Question: 46. What does procurement administrator involve?

Answer: To keep monitoring and make sure that each one open procurement contracts are progressing as expected.

Question: 47. Why does a PM want to be very proactive?

Answer: A PM needs if you want to see any signs and symptoms of a deviation in time and/or value to project development as early as feasible. This gives the group as a good deal reaction time as possible to correct the state of affairs or to minimize the effect.

Question: 48. Forming a group, growing the crew and enhancing expertise are direct responsibilities of the undertaking supervisor, do you compromise?

Answer: It is the group that executes the venture. Thus making sure you has proper human beings is crucial. Developing the group is crucial as something gaps are there want to be bridged. Improving self and the team expertise is equivalent to the continuous improvement of A manner and must effect the satisfactory of the venture final results.

Question: 49. Do you think professionalism and integrity are important features of a PM?

Answer: PM is charged with dealing with all elements of the undertaking. Unless he is a professional and has integrity there are many things that can go incorrect. Not so honest development reporting will without difficulty boomerang on the PM but the enterprise can have a behind schedule or a failed project.

Question: 50. Explain the team forming system?

Answer: After the individuals are accumulated as a project group there may be a turmoil earlier than the whole lot settles down. This is called the forming-storming-norming-performing manner. The crew humans undergo a storming of relationships when earlier than settling to the function project. Over time they then get used to the structure of the relationship, that is the norming section. It is most effective after every person has settled into their new roles that the crew starts appearing.

Question: 51. What is your view of Project Management?

Answer: Project management entails making use of the knowledge & capabilities of the assignment group contributors inclusive of the mission manager, application of gear and strategies to be had to make certain the described responsibilities are finished nicely. Proper crowning glory approach implies fulfillment of cease results inside given value and time constraints. It normally way balancing of the constraints of scope, finances, agenda, exceptional, dangers and assets.

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