800+ TOP SAP SD Interview Questions and Answers

SAP SD Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What Is The Further Subdivision Of A Plant?

The further subdivision of a plant are the storage locations, which allows stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria such as the location and materials planning aspects. It can also be subdivided into locations and operational areas. They are further subdivided into locations takes geographical criteria into account, operational areas reflects responsibilities for production is also a subdivision.

2. In Sd, Mm, Pp, Fi/co Which Are The Highest Organizational Units?

The highest organizational units in SD, MM, PP, FI/CO are:

  • SD: Sales Organization.
  • MM: Plant.
  • PP: Plant.
  • FI: Company Code
  • CO: Controlling Area.

3. What Is The Definition Of A Plant According To Sap?

According to SAP a plant is a place where either material is produced or goods and services provided. Plant is classified into Business Object. In Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials plan aspects. Coming to the Structure a plant can assume a variety of roles. As a part of maintenance plant, it includes the maintenance objects that are spatially located within this plant. The maintenance tasks that are to be performed are specified within a maintenance planning plant. As a retail or wholesale site, it makes merchandise available for distribution and sale. The plant is the organizational unit for material valuation, according to a rule. For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away), a storage location is assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage condition and the stock placement situation. The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping point, which depends on the shipping condition and the loading condition. The business area that is responsible for a valuation area is determined as a function of the division. As a rule, a valuation area corresponds to a plant.

4. Is It Possible Sales Organization Sell From A Plant Belonging To A Different Company Code?

It is possible for a sales organization sell from a plant belonging to a different company code

5. For Which The Distribution Channels And Divisions Are Assigned And How Many Shipping Points Can Be Assigned To A Plant, Sales Organization And If There Is A Warehouse Management System Active, Where Is Warehouse Number Is Assigned?

The Distribution Channels and Divisions are assigned to Sales Organization. A plant can be assigned with many shipping points, coming to sales organization there will be shipping points that are assigned to that. When a ware house management system is active it would be assigned with a Plant and Storage Location in a ware house number.

6. Is It Possible To Assign Two Different Sales Organizations To The Same Company Code?

Yes, it is possible to assign two different sales organizations to the same company code

7. Define To Which Organizational Element Is Central In Shipping?

Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities is called Shipping Point. A shipping point could, for instance it can be a company’s mail department or a plant’s rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point.

8. What Would Make The Immediate Delivery In Cash Sales?

When immediate delivery in cash sales is made the Order type delivery switch on immediately.

9. Is It Possible To Create Sales Order For 40 Items If The Quotation Is Sent For 30 Items?

Yes, it is possible to create sales order for 40 items if the quotation is sent for 30 items.

10. In Case Of Third Party Sales What Would Trigger For The Automatic Creation Of Pr Or Po?

It has to be set an item category as “automatic PO” so that PO and PR will automatically generate after saving the order.

SAP SD Interview Questions
SAP SD Interview Questions

11. Briefly Explain Any Three Organizational Elements Make Up A Sales Area And Their Function?

Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing is known as Division.

12. In Access Sequence What Is The Importance Of Requirement Field?

In access sequence, the system will not go to access condition type system will reply through formula.

13. What Is The Relation Between Credit Control Area And Company Codes And Explain The Credit Control Area?

More than one credit control areas is not possible to assign to a company code, since a credit control area can include one or more company codes. Credit control area is an organizational unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers.

14. What Are The Steps Included For The Sales Person As A Partner Function In The Partner Determination?

The steps that are included for the sales person as a partner function in the partner determination, that a partner function sales representative or person responsible for these two we can add through partner function in partner procedure

15. What Is The Central Organization Element In Purchasing And The Relationship Between Sales Organization And Plants, Company Codes, Plants And Company Codes?

The Central Organizational element in purchasing is Purchasing Organization and the relationship between sales organizations and plants is Many to Many, to Company codes its Many to One and for Plants and Company codes its Many to Many to One.

16. Which Sub Module Of Sap Could Make Business Areas Obsolete And Can One Business Area Be Assigned To Several Company Codes? And What Is Z Transaction?

CO is the sub module of SAP that could make business area obsolete and it is possible that one business area can be assigned to several company codes. Z transaction is a copied standard transaction code or objects that rename it by Z which is basically standard name which will stat from Z as user defined.

17. What Is Business Area And How Is It Used?

The costs and revenue according to the business area posted by the system is called as Business Area. It is used in Sales Area if the accounts are to be posted according to sales and Plant Division if the accounts are to be posted according to products. The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy. Business Area according to Financial Accounting (FI) defines that the business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area.

18. What Is A Delivery Group?

Basic grouping of all individual deliveries for Billing is called Delivery Group. It should have the same Ship to Party, Shipping Point, etc.

19. Briefly Explain The Internal Organizational Elements Within A Sales Organization And Their Function?

The Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary. Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If a sales order is entered for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area. The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions. Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. A sales person can be assigned to a sales group in the personnel master record.

20. What Is Cumulative Condition Record?

Cumulative Condition Record is a field that Condition Update during configuration for a condition type that has anything to do with the cumulative condition records.

21. How Can A Company’s Structure Represent By Defining And Assigning Corporate Structure Elements In R/3 System And What Is The Purpose Of Doing That?

The Enterprise organization chart shows the organizational structure of an enterprise, its organization units and how they are related. A combined structure can be created from the point of view of accounting, MM, SD. This structure forms a framework in which all business transactions can be processed.

22. What Are The Views In A Material Master?

The views in a material master are Basic data, Additional basic data, Accounting views, MRP views, Purchasing views, Storage views, forecasting views, sales views and in IS Retail there is also a Listing view and POS view.

23. What Is A Sales Organization?

Sales organization is an organizational unit that sells, distributes products, negotiates terms of sales and is responsible for all the transactions involved with a sale.

24. What Is A Legacy System And What Is Cut Over Strategy?

Migrating from the existing system on which currently working to the SAP system is called the legacy system. Cutover strategy that depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, it decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then it make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies. Cutover planning is highly site specific. There’s no thumb rule. The stock data as on the date of going live should be correctly entered. But stock being a highly dynamic quantity, the strategy for loading should be crystal clear. Then you have to load all the back dated transaction on the stock. Some stock comes into your plant/storage location as return and some stock is actually delivered to your customer through sales orders of various kinds.

25. What Is The Transaction Code For Creating A Material In Sap And What Is The Transaction Code To Extend A Material?

The transaction code for creating a material in SAP is MM41. MM01 is the transaction code to extend a material.

26. In A Material Master What Is The Base Unit?

The base unit is a measure which is used as a basis for all the transactions, all movements of quantities will be converted to that base unit of measure which is specific to an article

27. What Happens When A Value Is Not Entered For A Manual And Mandatory Condition Type And Does A Header Condition Type Have An Access Sequence?

When a value is not entered for a manual and mandatory condition type the pricing procedure will reject the conditions in the sales order. There would be no header condition type to have an access sequence.

28. What Are The Examples Of Global Settings?

The examples of Global Settings are Currencies, Countries etc and this data is application independent

29. What Is A One Time Customer?

A general customer that is created for those customers for which it do not want to create separate records is called a one time customer. This customer can be reused.

30. In A Customer Master Record Who Is A Payer?

According to customer master record a Payer is the individual or company who will settle the invoices for products or services sold.

31. Who Defines The Account Groups And Give Some Tables In Sap Sd For Customer Master?

Normally account groups are defined by the finance team and some of the tables in SAP SD for customer master are KNVV, RF02D, KNA1 etc.

32. What Is The Procedure To Know Whether The Customer Is One-time Or Regular?

The procedure to know the customer is one-time or regular since one can maintain Account Group for One-time customers

33. Is It Possible To Have Specific Customer Material Information Entered In Sap?

Yes, it is possible to have specific customer material information entered in SAP since VD51 is the transaction or inside VA02 also you can add customer material information records.

34. Give The Transaction Code For Creating A Customer In Sap Sd?

The transaction codes for creating a customer in SAP SD are VD01, VA01 and XD01

35. What Are Inter-company Customers?

This customer represents the sales customers within the same client but between different company codes.

36. What Happens When The Exclusive Field Was Ticked In The Access Sequence?

When the exclusive field of all access sequences is ticked, it will try to get available data from the first. Only in case, data is not available, will it move on to the next one.

37. In Sap Sd What Is A Sales Office?

According to SAP SD, a sales office is a geographically located unit of a sales organization.

38. What Is The Purpose Of Partner Determination?

Partner determination is used to find out who is responsible for A/R process and where the products are going.

39. Describe The Components Of Sap Sd Module?

  • Master data
  • Basic functions
  • Sales(foreign sales and sales support)
  • Shipping and transportation
  • Billing
  • Sales support
    Information systems are the important components of SAP’s SD module

40. Explain The Concept Of Sales Organization?

The topmost organizational unit in SD module is called the sales organization. All the transactions relating to selling and distribution of products or services are represented by the sales organization unit. One sales organization can be associated with more than one distribution channel. It is represented by a 4 character code in SAP and is assigned to more than one plant. These plants are in turn assigned to company code. So obviously n number of sales area can be brought under a single company code.

41. Explain The Concept Of A Distribution Channel?

After a product or service is sold, it takes various channels before it reaches the intented audience (customers). A distribution channel depicts such channels(eg. Retail, wholesale, direct sale etc).In sap it is identified by a 2 char code. It is assigned to more than one sales areas.

42. Explain What Is A Distribution Chain ?

A distribution chain is the possible combination of sales organization and distribution channels.

43. Explain In Detail What A Sales Order Is?

Sales order is a contract between Sales organization and a customer, for supply of specified goods and/services over a specified time frame and in agreed quantity or unit. A sales order contains,

  • Organizational Data
  • Header data
  • Item data
  • Schedule line data

44. Name All The Special Sales Document Types?

  1. SO-Rush order
  2. G2-Credit
  3. RE-Return order
  4. KN-FoC(Free of charge) subsequent delivery order.
  5. RK-invoice correction request.

45. Explain What Is Consignment Stock Process?

There can be business scenario where we allow our stock to be stored at the customer’s site. Or even if the stock or material is stored in our place, a particular amount is reserved for the customer. He may sell or redistribute this stock allocated for him at his wish. We bill him only the amount he has consumed. This business process is called ‘consignment stock process.

The special stock(consignment) in our system both customer wise and material wise. The standard sales order document type used is KB and delivery type is LF.

46. We Create An Order For A Sales Bom With Three Sub Items. Since The Sub Item Components Must Not Be Delivered Without The Main Product We Declared The Main Item Category As Delivery Group. The Problem Arises When There Is Zero Availability For The Main Item And No Schedule Line Can Be Confirmed. The Main Item Is Defined As Delivery Group But The Delivery Is Created Without The Main And Only The Component Sub Items. The Delivery Group Becomes Broken Up. This Occurs Only In Vl01n And Vl10 Dialogue Mode. In Vl10 Background It Works Ok, So No Delivery Item Is Created At All For Those Unconfirmed Items. How Do We Fix This?

The message is not configurable; at least in releases <= 4.6. But you can change the ‘W’ to an ‘E’ with a modification. 47. How Do We Transfer Stocks Under One Company Code From Plant To Plant? Plant to plant is handled using MB1B. If stock transfer orders with deliveries are configured, use ME27. 48. I Can Press Actual Pgi Successfully Even Without Stock, But I Know That Is The Wrong Way To Do So. The Correct Scenario Should Have Enough Stock Then Press Actual Pgi. How Can I Configure This? You must make sure you do not allow negative inventory in MM. 49. When I Create A Sales Order Using Va01, A Pop Up Appears Saying, “for This Customer There Are Open Quotations”. I Would Like To Disable That Pop Up. How Would I Do That? You can change this by checking order header configuration (VOV8), and field quotation message 50. I Have A Fixed Amount Discount Condition Type, Which I Need To Establish A Constant Discount For All Possible Values. For A Value Of $100, A Discount Of $3. For Avalue Of $200, A Discount Of $6. For A Value Of $300, A Discount Of $9 And So On. The Problem Is That I Cannot Maintain This Scale At Vk11 For All Possible High Values. I Need To Determine That For Each $100 There Is A $3 Discount. How Do I Configure This? Follow these steps: New routine in VOFM->Formulas-> Condition value. There you divide quantity by 100, and multiply the integer part of result by 3.
New condition-calculate type-G-formula.
Input condition in your pricing procedure and input AltCTy (Condition formula for alternative calculation type) – new formula.

51. I Have Two Condition Types For Cost. One Is Customized And The Other Is Vprs. Their Values Are Determined Correctly In Sales Order. A Problem Arises When I Create The D/o And Billing Document. The Condition Type Vprs Is Incorrect With Value ‘0,’ While The Customized One Is Correct. What Is The Cause Of This?

The VPRS is a valuation condition, normally the cost of goods sold. If it comes from the material master record, it is a standard valuation price. However, if it comes from the information record, it is the very cost of goods sold. You may have a difference from the price you valued your material at and the real cost of purchase. Check if you have a standard value in your master record or if you have a relevant info record. Another possibility is your customized condition is undoing the VPRS.

52. Which Report Will Show The Serial Number Assigned In A Delivery Document?

Take a look at function modules with SERIAL_*. For example, SERIAL_LS_PRINT.

53. I Received The Error Message, “condition Type Z928 Is Not In Procedure Zcs928 Av.” How Do I Include The Condition Type Z928 In Pricing Procedure Zcs928?

Follow pathway:

SPRO ->Sales and Distribution ->Basic Functions ->Pricing ->Pricing Control -> Define and Assign Pricing Procedures

From here select “Maintain pricing procedures.” Next, select procedure ZCS928, then “Control Data.” Add Z928 to your procedure.

54. Is It Possible To Use Transaction Mass To Assign A Sales Representative As A Partner?

Yes. Using the MASS transaction, select object KNA1. Then select table name KNVP.

55. Where In The Sale Order Would You Enter The Serial Numbers For Material?

Serial numbers are entered on the delivery document and not a sale order, as this allows for multiple serial numbers to be entered for a single line. For example, you may have 10 serial numbers for a quantity of 10.

56. I Need To Have An Additive Price Based On A Variant Characteristic Selected And Then Provide A Discount For Each Of The Characteristics. I Must Discount The Correlating Characteristic, Not The Gross Value. Price —— Char 1 = 1.00 Char 2 = 2.00 Char 3 = 3.00 Gross Price = 6.00 Discount —— Char 1 = 10% Of 1.00 = .10 Char2 = 20% Of 2.00 = .40 Char3 = 15% Of 3.00 = .45 Total Discounts = .95 The Discount May Vary By Customer. How Do I Find Out How Configure This?

You can find out how to configure this by taking a look at the documentation for $SET_PRICING _FACTOR,” in LO-VC.

57. I’m Working In Se43, Area Menu Maintenance. I Am Copying An Existing Area Menu Where The Name Of The Main Node Is Already Specified. I Took Standard Menu Cond_av And Made Its Copy As Zcond_av. I’ve Changed Its Description From “condition Maintenance” To Another Description. However, In The Area Menu Itself The Main Node Still Has Condition Maintenance.how Do I Change This?

This can be solved through SE43 itself. Create a new menu area then the name of that area menu is automatically assigned to the main node.

58. We Have Two Types Of Customers Industrial And Domestic. The Domestic Customers Have A Price List. For The Industrial Customers, The Price Is Calculated On Basis Of Percentage Of The Cost. Since There Is A Possibility That Industrial Customers Might Also Buy Domestic Products At Any Given Point Of Time, We Are Forced To Make One Pricing Procedure. Is There Another Solution?

You can create a VOFM subroutine (transaction code VOFM-Formulas ->Condition value) and set this subroutine in your procedure as transaction code V/2 in field AltCTy (Condition formula for alternative calculation type). In the ABAP coding you can describe all of your requirements.

59. How Can I Transfer The Payment Method From Customer Master To Sales Order Automatically?

Use the user exit “userexit_move_field_to_vbkd” in report MV45AFZZ with this coding:

  • DATA: via LIKE knb1-zwels.
  • IF vbkd-zlsch IS INITIAL.
  • IF NOT vbak-kunnr IS INITIAL.
  • SELECT SINGLE zwels INTO via
  • FROM knb1
  • WHERE bukrs = vbak-bukrs_vf
  • AND kunnr = vbak-kunnr.
  • vbkd-zlsch = via(1).
  • ENDIF.
  • ENDIF.

60. How Can You Send Output Through An Email Instead Of A Fax Or Printout?

Check whether the transmission medium has been maintained for the processing routines for your output type. Make sure that this transmission medium is placed in the partner functions evenly.
Follow this path:

SPRO -> SD-> Basic Functions-> output control–>output determination->determination using condition technique->maintain O.deter.for sales documents-> Maintain output types. Use transaction code V30.

61. We Have A Problem With Bapi_salesorder_change. We Need To Change A Position In A Sales Order But When We Fill The Structures Bapi Does Not Change The Sales Order. What Should We Do?

You must fill the update structures properly. The order header needs to read “order_header _ inxupdateflag = ‘U’,”. The item must read “order_item_inx = ‘U’.” Each field touched in “order_item_ in” needs to have an ‘X’ in the corresponding field of “order_item_inx.”

62. We Have Two Company Codes And New Infostructure S004 For Filling. We Must Fill It With Data From First Cc Only. Is There Any Problem If The People Who Create Orders, Deliveries And Billing Of Second Cc Work At This Time?

You can control the updating of infostructure at both header level and tem level using IMG. If you do not want the second company code data to be updated in the info structure, do not include the sales organizations assigned to the second company code in the updating of info structure. For your information, the codes are OVRO and OVRP

63. I Am Working In A System Where Someone Has Changed Standard Sap And The Sap Standard Pro Forma Invoice. Where Is This Set? (there Is No Account Determination Procedure Assigned To The Document In Sd But It Is Picking Up The Standard One And Posting To Accounts.)

In VOFA check the SD Document category. It should be set to U and the transaction group should be set to 8. Likely these were changed to real invoices. The transaction group tells pro forma invoices not to be posted to accounts. If you have a posting block, wait until someone releases it to accounting in change mode.

64. I Need A Modification To Make The System Issue An Error Message When The User Enters Two Sales Orders With The Same Reference To The Customer’s Purchase Order. What Should I Do?

In the transaction VOV8 (sales document type definition) under general control put an “A” in the check PO number field. In the transaction OVAH (change system messages) change the message category of V4 -115 to “E” from “W”.

65. I Want To Issue Goods Where The Storage Location Has A Negative Quantity. The System Is Not Allowing Me To Make A Goods Issue. How Do I Configure This?

Follow these steps:

  • OMJ1-Allow negative stocks-at plant level and at storage location level.
  • MM02-Plant data/stor.2-check negative stock in plant.

66. What Transaction Do We Use To View All Messages Including Warning Messages In Sap?

You can view these in transaction code SE91.

67. I Would Like To List The Partner Functions In A Delivery. In Which Table Can I Find That Information?

This information is located in table VBPA.

68. We Have A Situation Where There Will Be Two Pricing Procedures And Depending Upon The Materials Used, Either One Of Them Will Get Picked Up. For Example We Have A Field In Customer Master That Helps Determine Pricing Procedure. Similarly, Is There Any Field In The Material Master That Can Determine The Pricing Procedure Determination?

The pricing procedure applies to the whole document(header and items). You cannot change it at material (item) level.

69. There Is A Configuration Setting For Sd Where You Are Able To Activate The Account Assignment On Both Header And Item Level. The Activation Will Basically Open Up All The Respective Cost Objects. What Setting Is This?

Use transaction code VKOA

70. How Do You Create Two Customer Hierarchies For The Same Payer?

Create an order and delivery, and then perform a PGI for first customer hierarchy. Do the same for the second customer hierarchy.

71. I Have Created Two Pricing Procedures. One Is For Normal Pricing And The Other For Taxes. When I Am Trying To Do A Sales Order, Only The First Pricing Procedure Is Applying And It Is Not Accepting The Second One. Why? What Is The Exact Link Between These Two Pricing Procedures And The Condition Types?

The pricing procedure is determined according to: sales area, customer pricing procedure field in the customer master (sold-to), document pricing procedure field in the sales document type. You may need to identify the criteria to determine the right pricing procedure when you enter a sales order. The transaction code to define pricing procedure determination is OVKK. Normally taxes are included in the actual pricing procedure, as part of the determination of the actual price (including taxes) the customer will pay. Taxes need to be calculated based on the given prices in the pricing procedure.

72. While Creating Quotation, I Am Getting The Error “mandatory Condition Mwst Is Missing” . Although Mwst Is Present In Procedure Rvaa01, What Are The Steps To Solve This?

Use transaction code VK11 and enter condition type MWST. Next, enter the details in that document.

73. When We Create A Bom Through Cs01, What Effect Does Bom Usage Field Have On Subsequent Configuration? For Example, If We Take It As 1=production Or 5=sales What Effect Will It Have On Subsequent Processes?

A sales usage means that production will not see it, and a production usage means that sales will not see it. The components each may or may not be saleable, but as a sales BOM is intended to explode onto a sales order, a non-saleable item on a sales BOM would generally not be recommended.

The usage is precisely what it sounds like; which function will use the particular BOM.

74. How Do You Copy Item Text From Sales Order, To Delivery,to Invoice?

Use text control function, SD-> basic function-> text control.

75. How Do You Delay Billing To The Next Month In A Delivery Note?

You can postpone the invoice date in the sales order that belongs to that particular delivery under the billing tab. Otherwise by default, the invoice will pick up the GI date of the delivery. If it is acceptable to put the GI on hold until the day of invoicing you could also suggest this as a procedure.

76. How Should I Assign Gl Account To The Company Code? I Am Doing Sd/fi Interface. By Using Transaction Code Fsso I Am Able To Enter Gl Account And Company Code. But When I Try To Save It I Am Getting The Error “account Xyz Does Not Exist In Company Code Xyz.”

You must create the GL account for the company code, exactly like you create a customer master for a CC, or a material in a plant.

77. When We Create A Third Party Customer Order, It Generates A Po To The Vendor. When We Receive The Vendor Invoice, It Is Entered In Miro, Which Then Generates An Order-related Customer Invoice. If We Create For Example, Three Different Sales Orders And Three Separate Pos And Also Make Three Separate Invoice Receipts That Are Done On The Same Day, These Invoices Are Not Combining Into A Single Invoice For The Customer. We Need This To Only Be One Invoice Per Sales Order. Where Is The Logic That Controls This And How Do We Change It?

You will have to take a look at copy control (from Sales document to Billing document), on item level. Most likely the routine will show 001. If you change that routine to 003, then you should get an invoice per sales order.

78. I Have A Requirement To Send The Invoice Copy To The Customer Or Agent That Will Be Specified At The Time Of Sending The Invoice (it Should Not Be Configured Before). How Do I Configure This And Where Do I Set The Indicators?

Use transaction code NACE. Define the output type here. In application V3, define the correct transmission medium. If you want to send it at your convenience select the dispatch time as 3 (Send with applications own transaction). Attach the output type to the correct output determination procedure defined for the document type. Use T Code VF31 to send the message. You will need basis while configuring the email addresses because SCOT and SOST will be used by it.

79. I Have A Bom Item And Another Item, Which Is A Free Gift For Child Model. This Was Not Delivered To The Dealer, But Delivery Order Status Indicates “complete Delivery” And The Scheduled Line Appeared Fine As Well. After My Analysis, I Found Some Things. The Initial Quantity Of The Bom Item Is 5 And Free Good Is 0. How Do I Go About Fixing This?

You cannot manipulate and make changes afterwards expecting the system to honor your requirements. You must add the child items as a separate order.

80. A Problem Occurs While Releasing Invoice To Accounting. Billing Is Created Successfully, But The Invoice Is Not Released To Accounting. The Error Message I Receive After Saving The Document States Error In Account Determination. How Should I Solve This Problem?

The first thing you should do is check the account determination log in the invoice.

Follow these steps: transaction code VF02-> Environment-> Acc.determ.analysis-> Revenue Accounts.

81. I Am Facing A Problem In The Internal Number Range Assignment Of Customer Data. I Have Created A New Account Group And With Each Customer I Create, The System Gives An Increment Of 5. For Example It Increases From 10005 To 10010 Instead Of 10005, 10006. How Do I Fix This?

The problem is with the number range buffering. Go to transaction code SNUM, and then object type “debitor.” Click on the pencil (change mode) and change the number in buffer.

82. How Does The Term Characteristic Relate To Transaction Code Cto4?

Material master leads to classification, and then you select the desired class. Based on class you can choose the characteristics. These characteristics are defined in CT04.

83. What Process Do You Use To Create A Consignment Stock?

Follow pathway : SAP Library-> SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components-> Logistics-> Sales and Distribution (SD) -> Sales-> Special Business Processes in Sales-> Consignment Stock Processing.

84. What Is The Business Process Of Excise Tax And How Do You Relate That In Sap?

Excise tax is the duty charged on manufacture of goods listed in the chapter and section head of Central Excise Tariff Act. Process should amount to manufacture and separate identifiable finished goods should emerge having marketability and specified in Tariff Act.

As far as SAP is concerned you, find CIN version integrated with standard SAP. There are two places where you need to configure CIN. The first is Financial Accounting-> Tax on Sale and Purchase and the other is Logistic General-> Tax on Goods Movement.

85. I Created A New Info Structure And Activated Update Rules For It. What Is The Best Way To Transport Them Into A Productive System?

After rigorous testing in the QA environment and approval of the user community you should transport the info structure and related items into a production environment during “down time,” possibly when no billing documents are being created and posted.

86. Are There Any User Exits Or Any Other Way To Include New Fields In The Sales Order Va01?

There are two ways to approach this. You can go to transaction code SE93 and give the Transaction as VA01. It will lead to a screen where you can click on a program that will take you to mod.pool. In this program click Find Icon and key in customer there. It will show you the user exits in that particular program. Another way is using SPRO.

Follow path : IMG->SD->System Modifications->User Exits. There you can click on the help document and it will show all the user exits with program name. Select the suitable one.

87. For Sto When The Invoice Receipt (mm) And Invoice Issue (sd) Is Completed, How Do We Perform A Price Adjustment If We Find The Price Is Incorrect? If We Do A Subsequent Credit/debit In Mm, How Do We Create Subsequent Credit/debit In Sd?

First cancel your invoices (SD and MM). Change the price in the STO PO. Then create new invoices SD and MM. The new values will be picked up if properly configured. The difference in the material value will be automatically posted to the appropriate stock account when you create the invoice in MIRO.

88. I Am Making An Inquiry In Which I Have A Configurable Material. When I Create A Quotation With Reference To The Inquiry, The System Is Not Allowing Me To Change The Configuration In The Quotation. I Checked The Copy Control And Found That At The Item Level Copy Control Between Inquiry And Quotation, We Have An Option For Configuration. I Have Tried These, Yet I Am Still Unable To Change The Configuration. What Should I Do?

The document may already exist. Once fixed you cannot “unfix” the configuration by changing the customizing. You must create a new quote/order. Use setting “A.”

89. Is It Possible To Have To Have Two Delivery Notes In Two Different Languages?

The destination country will decide which language the output should be printed. Make sure that you are identifying that in the program attached to the output and accordingly open the desired form.

90. Can I Copy Text From The Delivery Note To The Billing Document? How Can I Do This Through Text Determination?

You can copy text from Delivery Note to invoice. Go to the IMG (SD>Basic Functions>Text Control) and click on the help icons next to text types. Define access sequences for determining texts and define and assign text determination procedures. You need to check the delivery text field in the relevant billing document type. If you do not check this field you will not be able to copy the delivery texts to the billing document.

91. I Am Working On Intercompany Sales. How Do I Create Material In Both Company Codes?

Use transaction code MM01 to create material with organizational data pertaining to the plants and sales organizations.

92. I Do Not Know Why The Tax Field In The Customer Master And Material Master Is Hidden. This Field Is Not Suppressed In Customer Master. How Do I Make This Field Appear?

Make sure you have a tax category defined for your countries in OVK1. Then check if the tax classes are defined in OVK3 and OVK4.

93. On The Sales Order Shipping Tab There Is A Field With The Text “shipping Point.” I Would Like To Add New Shipping Points To Certain Plants. Where Is This Configured In Sap?

New shipping points are defined in enterprise structure.

Follow these steps: logistics execution -> define shipping points and assign the shipping point to plant in assign in enterprise structure under logistics execution. Next, click: shipping -> shipping point and good receipt determination. Configure for automatic determination of shipping point based on shipping condition, loading group, and plant. Maintain relevant shipping condition in customer master. Maintain relevant loading group in material master (normally the standard). For the combination that you derive from the sales order, you should have a configuration entry for automatic determination in sales order.

94. If Several Items With Different Vat Rates Are Included In One Invoice, These Different Rates Are Displayed In Theinvoice Header Including The Respective Amount. After Saving The Invoice, The System Determines One Vat Rate Including One Tax Code And Transfers This Tax Code To The Accounting Document. How Does This Determination Work? What Is The Rule Behind This Determination?

In FS01/02/03 you will see that there is a tax category field where you enter the used tax code for this account. Normally tax conditions have specific account keys. Through transaction code VKOA or OV35 you assign which account (using key fields from sales) will be used for the account doc. Check V08 price procedure for the used account key as well.

95. When A User Releases An Invoice To Accounting It Creates An Accounting Document. The Status Of The Accounting Document Is Cleared If The User Cancels This Invoice. Is It Necessary To Delete The Previously Created Accounting Document?

No, but you will have a credit note in your customer account.

96. I Have A Problem With Lis. After Client Copy, Our Test System Does Not Update Lis Info Structures. When I Save A Sales Order, Delivery Or Billing Document I Receive An Error Message That Says, “update Was Terminated”. How Do I Fix This?

Generate the infostructure and update group again in the client in which you are facing the problem.

97. How Do You Trace The Changes Made In The Sales Order In Regards To Changes To The Partner Function In The Sales Order?

If you go into the change mode of the sales order click on environment, and then change. This menu will show you that partner functions like SH / BP / PY in the document are changed. It also shows old and new values.

98. I Am Working On Cross Company Sto. After I Create Sto, I Cannot Create Outbound Delivery By Using Vl10d. When I Check The Sto, I Find That The Delivery Creation Date Is Blank. It Seems The System Does Not Add The Sto To Delivery Due List Automatically. Is Some Setting In Sd Affecting This?

The delivery creation date is blank because the STO is blocked by release strategy.

99. Typically You Receive A Standard Credit Check When You Save The Sales Order. What Is The Best Way To Trigger It At The Start Of The Sales Order Creation So That One Does Not Have To Enter A Lot Of Data In Case You Reach The Credit Limit?

The ideal way is to check the credit limit of the customer much before the processing the sales order. Follow the path mentioned within the sales order. Also check: Sales Order-> Environment-> Partners-> Display Credit Account.

100. Is There A Way To Print An Invoice Five Times? (one Original And Four Copies)

Use transaction code VF02. Once inside the document, click on Go to-> Header ->Output. Select the output type (normally RD00). Click on Communication method and in the field “Number of messages”, enter the number of copies you want to print.

101. What Is The Difference Between Order Quantity And Confirmed Quantity?

The confirmed quantity is the allocated quantity by the availability check (ATP).

102. How Do The Subtotals That Have Carry Over Value Kompkzwi1, Komp-kzwi2, Work With Respect To Condition Types?

Subtotals are not tied to condition types per say.You control what goes into the field by assigning subtotals within you pricing procedure. If you assign a particular line in your pricing procedure to be subtotal 5, its value will be moved to KOMP-KZWI5.

103. When We Run The Transaction For Vf04 No Authorization Check Is Done For This Division. This Is Causing Some Problems Because Some Users Run The Transaction Vf04 And Create Billing Documents For A Division For Which They Are Not Responsible. Is There A User Exit Or Other Way That We Can Force Transaction Vf04 To Look At The Division As Part Of The Authorization Check?

Make the modification to include a check within the copying requirements of the division in the source document instead of the user authorization.

104. I Have Created A New Material In Sap, And Now Wish To Add Stock For That Material Into A Particular Plant. What Is The Best Transaction Code As Well As Movement Type To Use?

Use transaction code MB1C and movement type 561.

105. I Defined Manually A Condition Type Z004 (as A Copy Of The Condition Type K004). I Then Tried To Create Condition In Transaction Code Vk31 In The Section Discount/surcharges -> By Material. The System Reported, “table 304 Is Not Defined For Use With Condition Type Zec1.” How Should I Resolve This?

VK31 works with pricing reports. If you want to have a new condition type to be maintainable via VK31 or VK32., you need to do the following: Create pricing report via transaction code V/LA and include the tables you need. Extend the price area menu via SE43. Area menu = COND_AV.

106. How Do I Assign Movement Type?

You assign movement type against the schedule line category.

107. A Certain Customer Has Credit Payment Terms Wherein If The Invoice Is Cut Between Dec 1-15 2005, Then The Invoice Due Date Should Be Jan 15, 2006. I Have Nfigured The Payment Terms In The Transaction Code Obb8. I Created The Sales Order With The Customer And Got The Specific Payment Terms In The Overview Screen, And Then I Made The Delivery And Then The Invoice. Can I View The Invoice Due Date In The Invoice?

You should be able to see the due date in the AR Module. If you go into fbl5n and search for the customer, you can see the due date in the overview screen.

108. I Am In The Va02 Transaction For A Sales Order And Want To Reject The Line Items And Cancel The Entire Sales Order. What Is The Menu Path Needed To Achieve This Goal?

Click the reject document button and then enter a reason for rejection. This will reject the line items and the sales order. You can enter a reason for rejection on the line item sales a tab.

109. Under Transaction Code Sdo1, I Try To Save A Display Variant With The Pathway:settings -> Display Variants. However The Save Option Is Grayed-out. How Should I Resolve This Issue?

There is an unapplied SAP Note that will correct the error. Once the correct note is applied the save option will not be grayed-out.

110. A Sales Document Type Of A Sales Order Can Be Changed After Getting Saved. How Do You Do This?

One way is through the configuration of document type in transaction code VOV8 (O Another way is in the “Transaction Flow” section. You can also perform “Alt sales doc type 1” and “Alt sales doc type 2.”

111. We Have Only One Distribution Channel In Our Company. Can We Default It In The Transaction Field That Needs Distribution Channel Data? How Can We Configure That?

You can use the user master data to achieve this. Use transaction code SU01 and input the user ID. Go to the parameters tab page and add parameter VTW. Input your default distribution channel in the parameter value. The only drawback with this method is you will have to individually do this for all your users.

112. I Want To Use Automatic Packing And I Have To Create The Procedure For Packing Instructions. Where And How Can I Link The Procedure With My Delivery Type Or Item Category?

The procedure is assigned in transaction OVHU2. You will have to assign the procedure to 0002 Outbound Delivery. Here you cannot specify the delivery type or item category. To some extent, you can control this with the packing indicator in the delivery item category, however, you can have better control by designing the access sequence with the available fields.

113. Is It Possible To Perform An Availability Check Based On The Plant Yet Exclude One Storage Location?

You can make a storage location not available to the availability check in MM.

114. Is It Possible To Copy Texts From Sales Order Header To Billing Document Header?

Use transaction VOTXN, and then create an access sequence with text object VBBK. Also make sure that the requirement of access sequence is given as ‘1’-Ref doc. Header.

115. I Must Create An Order. Whenever A Sales Order Is Created In The Schedule Line Items, The Check Box “fixed Date And Quantity” Is Checked. In The Md04 Transaction, Customer Requirements For The Sales Order Are Not Appearing. Why Is This?

Regarding fix date and quantity check box check transaction OVZJ for your sales area. With the second problem regarding MD04, you must check two things; requirements class and scheduling category. Check your document to see whether they are activated for requirement transfer.

116. In Transaction Xd03 We Can Print Details For A Single Customer. Is There Any Transaction Code To Print All The Customers Address Or Details At One Time?

For this requirement check TC: S_ALR_87012179 & S_ALR_87012180

117. What Table Do I Use In Creating Abap Program That Would Output The Sales Based On Sales Organization Of Customers?

If you have SIS update turned on, you can use transaction code MTCE against infostructure 001 to display sales by sales ganization and so forth. Apart from SIS, you may create simple ABAP query with LDB VAV. If you want to create an ABAP report only, then use transaction code VBRK ->billing header table and VBRP -billing item table.

118. Name Two Ways To Start A Transaction?

i.Dynamic Menu
ii.Command Field

119. What Does The Material Type Control ?

The material type determines a material’s procurement type. It also controls

screen sequence
number assignment type in material master maintenance
inventory management type
account determination
120. Can You Specify When Output Should Be Created? If Yes, What Possibilities Do You Have?

Yes. Print out, Mail, EDI, Fax.

121. Give Examples For Standard Output Types In Sd?

Order Confirmation, Delivery Note , Invoice.

122. Can You Make Texts Mandatory For A Customer Master Or A Sales Document?


123. Where Do You Assign Text Determination Procedures For Customer Master Records And For Documents?

Account Group, Item Category.

124. What Is The Scope Of Check During Availability Check And What Do You Specify With It?

i. Stocks
ii. Safety stock, stock in transfer, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock.
iii. Inward and outward movements
iv. purchase orders, purchase requisitions, planned orders, production orders, reservations, dependent reservations, dependent requirements, sales requirements, delivery requirements.

125. What Is A Partner Type? Give Some Example?

The partner type is an indicator which informs you of the type of partner, for example, partner type customer “KU”.

126. What Does The Billing Type Control?

i. The document number
ii. The partner functions allowed at header level
iii. The partner functions allowed at item level
iv. The billing type that can be used to cancel the billing document
v. The transfer status of the billing document:
vi. Transferred to financial accounting
vii. blocked from transfer
viii. not transferred
ix. The procedure for account assignment in Financial Accounting
x. The allowed output for a business transaction and the procedure for output.

127. Do You Have Schedule Lines In The Delivery?


128. What Do You Control At Item Category Level In The Delivery?

Relevance for Picking, Determination of Picking Location, Minimum Delivery Quantity.

129. At Which Levels In The Sales Document Can You Have Different Incompletion Procedures?

Sales Document Type, Item Category, Schedule Line Category, Partner Functions, Sales Activities.

130. Once The System Determined The Item Level Schedule Line Category Automatically In The Sales Order, Can You Still Change It Manually?


131. Explain How The System Can Automatically Determine The Item Category In The Sales Order?

Sales document type + Higher level Item category + Item category group + Item Usage.

132. Name At Least Five Features That You Can Control For The Schedule Line Category?

Relevance for delivery, Availability check, Transfer of Requirements, Goods Movement, Purchasing and Incompletion log.

133. Name At Least Five Features That You Can Control For The Item Category?

Pricing, Relevance for delivery, Relevance for billing, Incompletion log, Partner, Tax.

134. Name At Least Three Features Controlled By The Sales Document Type?

Pricing, Taxes , Delivery.

135. Why Do You Have Different Sales Document Types In R/3?

For business transactions.

136. Give An Example Of When You Would Specify That A Sales Document Can Only Be Created Referencing Another Sales Document?

Returns can only be created referencing sales order.

137. Name At Least Five Features That You Can Control For The Sale Document Type?

Text, Partner, Pricing, Taxes, Output, Delivery.

138. What Are The Two Influence Factors For Field Selection For Customer Master Record Maintenance?

Account Group, Transactions.

139. What Does The Account Group Of The Customer Control?

Number assignment, Screen Layout.

140. Can You Share Master Data Between Several Sales Areas?


141. What Two Ways Of Number Assignment For Documents Or Master Data Do You Know?

Internal & External.

142. Explain Shortly What The Sap Business Navigator Is And How It Can Be Used In An Implementation?

i. The Reference Model integrated into the R/3 System.
ii. The various ways into Business Navigator (the views) help you call just the models and list displays you need in the R/3 Reference Model.
iii. You can access other R/3 System components directly from the models.
iv. for example: data models, transactions, documentation.

143. What Is The Procedure Model And How Can It Be Used In An Implementation?

i. The R/3 Procedure Model is both the methodological framework for the implementation and upgrade processes and a powerful tool that supports you at every stage of the implementation process.
ii. The R/3 Procedure Model provides
iii. all the fundamental understanding you need at the cross-application level for implementing R/3 application components successfully,
iv. a hierarchically-structured plan of the activities,
v. a correct sequence of the activities
vi. the link to the system setting activities

144. What Is The Procedure Model And How Can It Be Used In An Implementation?

i. The R/3 Procedure Model is both the methodological framework for the implementation and upgrade processes and a powerful tool that supports you at every stage of the implementation process.
ii. The R/3 Procedure Model provides.
iii. all the fundamental understanding you need at the cross-application level for implementing R/3 application components successfully.
iv. a hierarchically-structured plan of the activities.
v. a correct sequence of the activities.
vi. the link to the system setting activities.

145. Is It Possible To Link R/3 Projects To The Ms Project?


146. If You Deactivate The Module Co In The Company Img Could You Still Select The Co Module In A Project You Create?


147. Once You Have Activated The Company Img Can You Still Add Modules/areas?


148. Explain What The Img Is?

Tool for configuring the SAP System to meet customer requirements. Also referred to as the ‘Implementation Guide’.

149. Can You Partially Settle Rebate Accruals?


150. Can You Name The Two Types Of Billing Plans In The Standard R/3 System?

Periodic billing, Milestone billing.

151. What Is A Product Hierarchy And For What Can It Be Used?

i. Alphanumeric character string for grouping materials by combining various characteristics. The product hierarchy is used for evaluation and pricing purposes.
ii. In Product Cost Controlling (CO-PC) : Structure consisting of the plant, product group, product, and order. Used for the interactive analysis of the product costs for each level of the hierarchy.

152. What Is Rebate Processing?

A rebate is a special discount which is paid retroactively to a customer. This discount is based on the customer’s sales volume over a specified time period.

153. There Is An Interface Between Sd And Fi In Invoicing . Can You Think Of Another Interface Between Sd And Fi?

Credit check, Tax calculation, Cost estimate.

154. What Are The Two Possible Ways To Transfer Sales Data To Business Areas? Where Do You Specify Which Way You Want To Use?

i. sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales).
ii. plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products).

155. Can One Business Area Be Valid For Several Company Codes?


156. Can You Split Deliveries Into Several Invoices? When Would You Do That?

Yes . If the data from the related reference documents differs in the header fields of the billing document. The system will automatically split the invoice.

157. Can You Combine Orders Into One Invoice?


158. Can You Combine Deliveries Into One Invoice? When Would You Do That?

Yes. If the header data and header partners for specified delivery or sales order are identical and if requirements for splitting do not apply.

159. In R/3 How Can You Make Sure That Invoices For A Customer Are Always Created At A Specific Date?

Billing Schedule.

160. When You Create A Credit Memo Request Do You Always Have To Refer To A Sales Order Or Any Other Previous Document?

Only sales order.

161. From Which Documents Can You Create A Proforma Invoice?

Based on sales order or delivery.

162. When You Create An Invoice Can You Carry Out Pricing Again?


163. Can You Delete An Invoice?

No. You can cancel it and create cancellation document.

164. Do You Have To Create A Condition Record For Taxes In The Sd Application?


165. Where Can You Specify That A Condition Is Mandatory?

In Pricing Procedure.

166. If You Create A New Condition Type-do You Also Have To Create A New Condition Table And A New Access Sequence?


167. Can You Copy Condition Records? If Yes, Are There Any Restrictions?

Yes. Field specific.

168. Name The Influencing Factors For Pricing Procedure Determination During Sales Order Entry?

Customer, Sales Document Type and Sales Area.

169. If You Want To Make Sure That Conditions Records Apply For A Certain Time Period Only What Would You Have To Do?

Validity Period to be specified in condition record.

170. What Is A Group Condition?

Condition which can be used to determine a scale value based on more than one item in a document. The system groups the items using either the condition key for the appropriate condition record or a separately defined condition key.

171. Can You Track Cumulative Values In R/3? If Yes, It Could Be Based On What?

Yes. Maximum Value, Maximum Orders, Maximum Quantity.

172. For What Do You Use Customer Hierarchies?

Pricing , Rebate.

173. Give An Example For A Statistical Condition?


174. What Does The Condition Exclusion Indicator Do For You?

The system can exclude conditions so that they are not taken into account during pricing in sales documents.

175. Which Data Do You Have To Maintain In Sd So That The System Can Determine The Sales Taxes In The Sales Order Automatically?

Tax rate with or without Jurisdiction.

176. Does The Pricing Procedure Apply For The Pricing Data At Item Level Or For The Pricing Data At Header Level?


177. You Want To List All Condition Records For A Certain Material Or A Certain Sales Organization. How Would You Do That?

By creating Pricing Reports.

178. If Somebody Adds Price Elements Manually In The Sales Order Or If Somebody Changes A Discount The System Determined Automatically, Do You Have A Possibility To See That In The Sales Order?


179. Where Would You Specify That A Condition Type Is A Discount Or A Surcharge?

In Condition Type Details Screen.

180. You Can Create Scales For Prices And Discounts. Name The Four Possible Scale Basis In R/3?

Value, Quantity, Gross weight, Net weight, Volume.

181. Name At Least Three Different Condition Types In Pricing?

Price, Discounts, Freight. PROO, K007, KF00.

182. Which Partner Function Is Relevant When It Comes To Tax Calculation In The Sales Order?

Ship-to party.

183. Is Sd The Only Module That Uses Condition Technique?


184. Please Explain Graphically The Relationship Between The Four Basic Elements In Condition Techniques?

Procedures à Condition Types à Access Sequence à Condition Tables à Condition Records.

185. What Are The Four Basic Elements Of Condition Technique?

Condition Types, Condition Tables, Access Sequences, Pricing Procedures.

186. Name Three Areas/processes Which Use Condition Technique In Sd?

Material determination, Output determination, Account determination.

187. Can The Delivery Quantity And The Picking Quantity In The Delivery Document Be -different?


188. Is It Possible To Work Without Specifying A Pick/pack Or Loading Time For A Shipping Point?


189. Define A Shipping Unit?

Combination of materials which are packed together in a shipping material at a particular time. Shipping units contain items which in turn are made up of shipping units or delivery items.

190. What Is A Transfer Order And For What Would You Use It?

i. Document used to support every stock movement in the warehouse.
ii. It contains all the important movement data, such as the material to be transferred, the quantity to be transferred, the storage bins involved, and so on.

191. How Does The System Automatically Determine The Picking Storage Location In The Delivery?

i. Storage Condition.
ii. Shipping Point.
iii. Plant.

192. Can You Change The Shipping Point Determined In The Sales Order Manually?


193. Explain The Relationship Between Sales Organizations And Plants?

Many to Many.

194. Explain The Relationship Between Sales Organizations, Plants And Company Codes?

Many to Many to One.

195. Which Organizational Element Is Central In Shipping? Give A Definition Of It?

Shipping Point: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities. A shipping point could, for example, be a company’s mail department or a plant’s rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point.

196. Can A Sales Organization Sell From A Plant Belonging To A Different Company Code?


197. How Many Shipping Points Can You Assign To A Plant?


198. Would You Have Different Customer Numbers If Your Customer Was Serviced By More Than One Company Code?


199. Would You Have Different Customer Numbers If Your Customer Was Serviced By More Than One Sales Organization?


200. A Material Is Produced In Plant Boston, Plant Dallas And In Plant Chicago. How Many Different Material Master Number Do You Need?

Only one.

201. Is It Possible To Have Different Data For The Same Customer For Different Sales Areas?


202. Give Examples Of General Data In The Customer Master Record ?

Address, Control data, Marketing, Payment transactions, Contact person, Unloading points.

203. Do You Find Any Sales Prices In The Material Master Record?


204. Can You Assign A Material To More Than One Division?


205. Which Are The Two Partner Functions In Sd That Have To Be Maintained In Fi Too ?

sold-to party, payer.

206. If You Want To Create Language Specific Sales Texts For Your Material Master, Would You Have To Create A New Material Master Record?


207. What Is A Material Type And Which Material Types Do You Know?

Raw materials, semi- finished products, finished products, trading goods, operating supplies.

208. Give Examples Of Objects You Can Classify In R/3?

Variant Pricing of configurable products. Objects can be customers, products, condition types.

209. What Are The Two Possible Ways Of Control For The Cost Of A Material In The Material Master Record?

Standard Price, Moving Average Price.

210. What Is The Difference Between An Inquiry And Quotation ?

i. Inquiry: Request made to a vendor for a quotation for required materials or services.
ii. No availability check is done for inquiry.
iii. Quotation: Offer from a vendor to a purchasing organization regarding the supply of materials or performance of services subject to predefined terms and conditions.
iv. A quotation consists of a number of items, in which the total quantity and delivery date of an offered material or service are specified.
v. The total quantity can be subdivided into several partial quantities with different delivery dates in the lines of a delivery schedule.

211. Can You Have Alternative Items In A Sales Order?


212. If You Reference An Inquiry When Creating A Quotation, Would The Inquiry Be Updated?


213. Can You Copy One Inquiry To Many Quotations ?


214. Can You Copy Several Previous Documents Into One Sales Order?


215. Do You Always Have To Copy The Entire Quantities At Item Level When You Reference A Previous Document?


216. Can You Make Sure That Business Data In A Sales Order Is Only Possible To Maintain At Header Level?


217. From Where Is The Delivering Plant Transferred Into The Sales Order?

Customer Master, Material Master.

218. Which Partner Function Is Relevant For The Delivering Plant? The Sold-to-party , Bill-to-party, Payer, Carrier Or The Ship- To- Party?

Ship-to party.

219. Can You Manually Change The Delivering Plant In The Sales Order Once It Was Defaulted From The Master Data?


220. Can You Have Different Incompletion Logs For Different Item Categories? Schedule Line Categories?


221. If A Document Is Incomplete Can You Still Save The Document?


222. Can You Change Addresses Of Partners Manually In The Sales Document?


223. Name Several Input Tools That Make Order Entry Faster And Give A Definition Of Them?

Customer Material Information, Product Proposal , Referencing Documents.

224. In Which Business Environment Would You Use Only The Single-line Entry Screen To Create And Save The Order?

Telephone Sales, Simple Business.

225. If You Do Not Specify The Delivering Plant In The Sales Order, What Could The System Then Not Do?

Delivery Scheduling.

226. For What Would You Use The Fast Change Function In Sales Entry?

Alternate Plants, Delivery or Billing Blocks

227. Name Two Ways To Control That Customers Can Receive Only Certain Materials?

Material Listing, Exclusion.

228. Name The Influencing Factors For Determining The Item Category In The Sales Document?

Sales Document type, Item Category Group, Higher Level Item, Item Usage.

229. Name The Influencing Factors For Determining The Scehdule Line Category In The Sales Document?

Item Category, MRP Type.

230. Can The Sales Document Type Be Determined By The System?


231. In R/3, Can You Automatically Substitute One Product For Another? What Would You Have To Create?

Yes. Product Selection / Material Determination.

232. Give A Definition Of Replenishment Lead Time?

Total time for the in-house production or for the external procurement of a product. In in-house production the replenishment lead time is determined to cover all BOM levels.

233. Name At Least Three Item Categories?

i. Standard Items : AFN, AGN, TAN.
ii. Free of charge Items: AFNN, AGNN, TANN.
iii. Non-stock Items : AFX, AGX, TAX.
iv. Text Items : AFTX, AGTX, TATX.

234. Can You Change Existing Standard Item Categories?


235. Can You Create New Sales Order Types?


236. If You Run Out Of Stock In A Specific Plant Can You Check If There Are Quantities Available In Other Plants?


237. Can You Maintain Texts For A Specific Customer And Store Them In The System? If Yes, Where?

Yes. Customer Material Information.

238. When The System Checks Availability Which Scheduling Would It Use First?

Backward Scheduling.

239. Name The Three Delivery Possibilities When There Is Not Enough Stock Available?

One Time Delivery, Complete Delivery, Partial Deliveries.

240. On Sales Order, When The System Confirms 20 Pieces To Be Available At A Certain Date, Would These 20 Pieces Still Be Available For Other New Sales Order Coming In Later?


241. What Is A Delivery Group And Why Would You Use It?

The complete delivery and delivery group functions enable you to combine some or all of the items in a sales order so that they are delivered to the customer together. The system determines automatically the latest delivery date possible for the delivery group and adjusts the schedule lines accordingly. Corresponding requirements for material requirements planning (MRP) are changed or re-determined.

242. What Is Backorder Processing?

i. The backorder processing functions enable you to list relevant sales documents for specific materials and process them from the point of view of availability. You can assign available to promise (ATP) stock to outstanding order quantities. In addition, you can withdraw already confirmed quantities and reassign them to different items.
ii. Backorder processing is only available for materials with individual requirements.

243. Can You Link Items In A Sales Order? If Yes, When Would You Do That?

Yes. Promotional Items.

244. What Are The Two Techniques In Delivery Scheduling?

Backward Scheduling & Forward Scheduling.

245. Credit Limit Checks Is An Example Of A Very Close Link Between Which Two Sap Modules?

SD & FI.

246. Name The Several Steps In Consignment Processing?

Consignment fill-up, Consignment issue, Consignment pick-up, Consignment return.

247. Can You Control That An End User Cannot Copy A Quote Of Customer A To A Sales Order For Customer B? If Yes, Where?

Yes. By customizing Copying Control for header data.

248. How Many Documents Do You Create When You Release, Deliver And Invoice The First Order From A Contract?

Three : Sales order, Delivery note, Invoice.

249. What Types Of Output Can You Have In Sales?

Printer, Telex, Fax, Mail, EDI.

250. Where Would You Specify Which Data Should Be Copied (at Header, Item And Schedule Line Level)when You Copy From One Document To Another One?

Customizing Copy Control.

251. What Is The Difference Between The Availability Check 01 (daily Requirement) And 02 (individual Requirement) In Material Master?

01 and 02 are the checking group. Availability check is carried out with the help of these checking group and checking rule. Checking group 01 and 02 are maintained on the material master.

01 – Individual requirement -For this system generates transfers the requirement for each order to the MRP .So that MM can either produce or procure.

02- Collective requirement.-In this all the requirements in a day or in a week are processed at a time. System stores all request and passes on to the MRP in MRP run. In this system performance is high however you can not do the backorder processing whereas in other you can do.

252. What Is Purpose Of Maintaining Common Distribution Channels And Common Divisions

Common Distribution Channel and Common Division are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master records.

Eg: A customer is created for say sales area 1000/20/00 then the same customer can be used in sales area 1000/30/00 if we maintain 20 as common distribution channel. Hence no need for extending the customers…the same for materials also.

253. How To And Where To Maintain Copy Controls?

Check for yourself in IMG (Sales Document types and Delivery Document Types)

254. What And Where Types Of Copy Controls We Change?

Copy Control: is basically meant so that Data is copied from preceding Document to subsequent one. What subsequent Document is required is to some extent determined by Customer Requirements as well as Document Types. e.g. In general case of Standard Order, it will be Copy Control (Order to Delivery) from OR to LF .

255. What Is The Purpose Of Shipping Point Determination Not Menu Path?

So that Shipping Point is determined automatically once the settings for the same are done.

256. What Type Of Reports Generally A Support Consultant Maintain And Report?

Depends on Customer requirements.

257. What Do You Do Really In Pricing Determination, And What Are The Main Deifferences Between Pricing Procedures?

Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure.

258. What Is Meant By Transfer Of Data From Legacy Code To Sap Legacy Code ?

It should be legacy data to SAP. What it means is you want to transfer all the customer and materials and all other information from Older (legacy system) to new SAP system. You can do it using many tools, most noticeably MDMs.

259. What Are The Five Imp Fields To Be Maintained In Account Determination?

Account Determination: Sales View, Sales Organization, Distribution Chanel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account Keys.

260. What Are Some Of The Material Master Data Tables?

MARA – Material highest level data
MBEW – Data referring to accounting
MVKE – Data referring to sales
MARC – Data at the plant level
WLK1 – Listing information
MARD – Data storage locations

261. How Would You Find All The Tables In Sap?

SE16 (or) SE11.

262. How Would You Find Which Table Is Being Used In A Particular Field?

Bring your cursor to the field in a transaction and press F1 and then technical info.

263. What Are Some Of The Tables In Sap Sd?

VBAK – Order header
VBAP – Order Item
VBEP – Order schedule line
LIKP – Delivery Header
LIPS – Delivery Item
VBPA – Partners
VBFA – Document flow

264. What Is A Customer Group? Give Me Some Examples.

Customer group is 2 digit numbers that is configured within IMG and allows logical grouping of customers. For example you may want to group International customers, Domestic customers or military customers separately.

265. What Do You Mean By Drop Shipment?

A drop shipment is based on an order from a customer to a Distributor. The distributor initiates the shipment by Informing the wholesaler.

266. Can You Have Specific Customer Material Information Entered In Sap?

Yes, VD51 is the transaction or inside VA02 also you can add customer material information records.

267. What Is A Base Unit Of Measure In Material Master?

This is a unit of measure used as a basis for all the transactions, all movements of quantities will be converted to that base unit of measure which is specific to an article.

268. What Is The Use Of Sales Area?

Sales area is the geographical aspect of that particular Company code, from there we can generate the reports.

269. What Are Some Of The Views In A Material Master?

Basic data, additional basic data, Accounting views, MRP views, Purchasing views, Storage views, forecasting views, sales views and in IS Retail there is also a Listing view and POS view.

270. How Do You Extend A Material, Which Transaction?


271. How Does The Rule Mala Decide The Picking Location?

272. What Is The Transaction Code For Creating A Material/article In Sap?

MM41 for creating article in SAP IS Retail and MM01 in SAP Industry solution for creating a material.

273. What Is The Purpose Of Material Master Data?

Master data responsible for representing all information related to products or services that a company produces or sell.

274. Is It Possible To Do Delivery Without Shipping Point?

No. Shipping point is the destination of the goods, how we can ship the goods. It is like mailing letter without TO address.

275. Explain About Smart Forms?

Smart form – it is a form. Basically it is using in output.

276. How Sales Document Is Structured?

Header responsible for all the documents Item for materials Schedule line for quantity and delivery.

277. In Sales Order How System Does Picks Up Plant?

We assign particular material master to particular Plant it picks up from there.

278. Without Delivery Can You Do Billing?

Without delivery invoice is not possible.

279. Could You Explain About Sales Deals?

Company Has Launched a new product, for a that material you Want to have a promotion for this you will creating a sales deal and assign it to sales promotion and you maintain condition groups.

280. What Is The Use Of Pricing Date In Condition Type?

It shows date of calculation of pricing procedure for that Particular document. So that in future you can see the date On which pricing calculated for that particular doc.

281. What Does A/c Group Control Customer?

Account Group is like a control Parameter for the customer master. Most of the fields in the customer master are controlled Using Field Selection, which is internal function of Account Group.

282. Can You Explain About Higher-level Item Category And Item Usage?

Sales Document Type (OR)
Item Category Group (NORM)
Item Usage (FREE)
Higher Level Item Category (TAN)
Item Category of Free Goods (TANN)

283. Why Do You Need Project Img?

IMG is required for the purpose of customizing and Configuration. There is no role of functional consultant Without it.

284. How We Assigned Sales Organization To Delivering Plant?

Path: SPRO-IMG-Enterprise Structure-Assignment-SD-Assign Plant to Sales Organization/Dist.Channel
T.Code: OVX6

285. What Are Some Of The Examples Of Global Settings?

Currencies, countries etc. This data is application independent.

286. How To Extend Material And Customer To Other Sales Areas?

Sales area is a combination of s.org, dist channel & Division. Division is a logical grouping of products. So u Cannot extend material to other sales areas. But u can Extend customer to other sales areas through common Distribution channel & division.

287. How Can We Process Out Bound Deliveries Without Shipping Point?

Shipping point is a mandatory Organizational unit for outbound delivery process.

288. Why Do I Use Condition Indexes? How Do You Activate Them?

Condition Index is used to search all the conditions Records for a particular condition type (eg PR00). We Activate condition index in the customizing screen of the Condition type.

289. Is It Possible To Release Change Request, Without Releasing Task?

Once we can release the task, then only we can release the Change/customizing request.

290. Product Attributes Means?

Product attributes is nothing but the features of product.

291. Can One Have Multiple Packing For Delivery?

Yes, we can have multiple packing for a single delivery.

292. Explain Edi And Its Usage?

Edi – it helps for data transfer.
That means from sap or non sap to sap.

293. To Extend Material One Plants To Another Plant What Are The Configuration You Done In Your Project?

We have to create in new plant as we have followed for First plant, where as in first plant system will give Internal number but for second plant we have to mention Material number.

294. What Is The Client Specific Data? Give Two Examples Of Client Specific Data?

master data
transction data.
295. How To Stop Pgi?

In credit management we stop the pgi by through credit limit or through customization.

296. How Sap Support To The Client To Know The Customer Requirements?

Support to client:

implementation method.
Correction method.
297. Can We Assign Multi Distribution Channel To A Single Customer In Sap Sd Sales Process. If Yes Then How?

While creating customer we need to assign the customer to The respective sales area, we should copy from previous Sales area in XD01 through reference.

298. What Is The Difference Among Sales Deal Promotion Price, Price Agreement?

Sales deal promotion– specific product for a period of time price will be less than MRP.
Price agreement– means an agreement between customer and Vendor for a specific product or with a specific price mentioned in their agreement.

299. Can You Give Me Some Tables In Sap Sd For Customer Master?

Some of the tables are KNVV, RF02D, KNA1 etc.

300. Who Is A Payer In The Customer Master Record?

Payer is the individual or company who will settle the invoices for products or services sold.

301. Who Defines The Account Groups?

Normally these are defined by the finance team.

302. How Does The Sap System Knows Which Fields To Turn On And Off When You Create A Customer Master Record?

Using the account group which is assigned to the customer.

303. What Is The Difference Between Inbound And Outbound Delivery?

Out bound delivery— is Post goods Issue (PGI)
In bound delivery— is Post Goods Received (PGR)
PGI will come under Sales Area
PGR will come under MM Module
PGI decreases physical stock and PGR increases
304. From Which Tcode Can I View Customer Wise Back Order (open Order?)


305. What Are Inter Company Customers?

These customers represent the sales customers within the same client but between different company codes.

306. What Is Retro Active Billing? Who Is Will Create This?

Retro active billing means rebate process. When ever the customer reaches the target quantity or volume in specified time Peried.we issues the credit memo for the customer.

307. What Are The Basic Elements Of A Customer Master Record?

The sold to party, the ship to party, bill to party, and the payer record.

308. Where Do You Assign Movement Type?

We assign movement type in schedule line category.

309. Can Anyone Explain About Purchase Order & Purchase Requisition?

In third party if a customer places an order if the Material is not available in our company if the order Document is saved automatically purchase is raised.withthe help Of this purchase group is created

Purchase requisition— For production of material raw Materials are required, but materials are not available in Stocks, then the production dept. request send to the MM manage simply request him to arrange Materials for production of finished materials.

310. What Is The Transaction Code For Creating A Customer In Sap Sd?

VD01, VA01, XD01.

311. What Is A Shipping Point And Loading Points In Sap Sd?

Shipping points are the points from where deliveries are initiated. One shipping point can be assigned to more than one store or plant. A Loading point is just a subdivision of a shipping point and manually entered into the header data of the delivery.

312. In One Sales Order There Are Two Materials Can Maintain Two Different Pricing Procedures For These Materials?

No, you cannot maintain 2 separate pricing procedure for same Material in single order. But u can change the price Manually by selecting the material and then the conditions Tab….u can also see the changed status as manually later.

313. What Is A Sales Office In Sap Sd?

A sales office is a geographically located unit of a sales organization.

314. What Is A Division In Sap Sd?

A division is a product group that can be defined for a wide range of products or services. Customer specific arrangements can also be made in a division. A sales organization can have many divisions.

315. List The Basic Steps For Sd Configuration.

Enterprise structure
Partner determination
Master data
Business process customization
Output determination
316. How You Can Extent The Rebate? What Are The Procedures, What Is The Customisation For It?

The transaction coed for extend rebate is “VB D” in that You should fill the field like recipient and rebate Agreement.

317. What Is Accounting Group?

Accounting group is simply the classification of customers, Whether its sp, sh, bp, or py, and it also controls the Fields in cmr.

318. What Are The Differences Between Invoice And Billing Document?

Billing Doc is the broad view Invoice (F2) is one of type of billing doc.

319. What Is Pricing? How Will It Affects The Billing Procedure?

Pricing has the basic price of the item. It also has the Discounts, Taxes, Rebates, & also the Cost of the item.

320. What Is Act Key? And How It Works? Normally How Many Pricing Procedures Do In Implementation?

Account key determine a correct G/L account to be posted the data corresponding G/L accounts. You need to assign a G/L account to account key that is assigned to a condition type in a pricing procedure.

321. Tell Me Account Key And Accruals?

A/c keys determine a correct g/l a/c to be posted the data corresponding g/l a/c. All customer Rebate accounts are posted in accruals.

322. What Is The Docu.flow?

Inquiry —–>Quotation—–>Sales Order—–>Delivery —–>Transfer Order—–>Post Goods Issue —–>Billing —–>Accounting.

323. What Is The Transfer Order?

Transfer order is basically picking order where u pick the Material from storage and loading area or picking area.

324. What Are The Five Imp Fields To Be Maintained In Account Determination?

Sales org., A/c keys, condition type, a/c group for the customer, a/c group for the material.

325. What Is Meant By Transfer Of Data From Legacy Code To Sap?

Before installation of SAP, Data maintained by Company is called Legacy Data. At the time of installation, it is required to transfer Data from Legacy to SAP like Masters (Material/Customer, etc).

326. What Do You Do Really In Pricing Determination, And What Are The Main Differences Between One Pricing Procedure Determination To The Others, Which Data Control These Differences?

Pricing prosier determination—–Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure.

Pricing prosier—-Pricing prosier is the simple prosier of pricing .It identify different- 2 step, counter of condition.

327. What Is Meant By Transfer Of Data From Legacy Code To Sap Legacy Code?

It should be legacy data to SAP. What it means is you want to transfer all customer and materials and all other information from Older (legacy system) to new SAP system. You can do it using many tools, most noticeably MDMs.

328. What And Where Types Of Copy Controls We Change?

Copy Control— is basically meant so that Data is copied from preceding Document to subsequent one. In general case of Standard Order, it will be Copy Control (Order to Delivery) from OR to LF

329. What Do You Do Really In Pricing Determination And What Are The Main Differences Between Pricing Procedures?

Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure.

330. How To And Where To Maintain Copy Controls?

Sales Document types and Delivery Document Types.

331. What Is Purpose Of Maintaining Common Distribution Channels And Common Division?

Common Distribution Channel and Common Division are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master record.

332. Can You Deference Between Contract & Scheduling Agreement?

Scheduling Agreement— is the agreement between consumer and Company having fixed delivery dates and fixed quantity.

Contract— is the agreement between company and consumer for certain period of time.

333. What Is Pmin?

PMIN is a Condition type to define minimum prices. It can be Control minimum prices below which a material should not be sold to the customer.

334. Explain About Dunning Procedure?

Dunning procedure is used in credit management if Customer does pay back his amount, then using this dunning Procedure Company sends reminders to customer then after That company has to take legal action.

335. What Is Client Requirement In Schedule Line Category?

Schedule line category is nothing but delivery date and Delivery quantity is must.

336. In How Many Places We Can Block The Sales Document?

Sales document can be blocked at three places depending on The customer risk categories, they are:

Sales order level (high risk customer).
Delivery level (medium risk customer).
Goods issue level (low risk customer).
337. What Is The Difference Between Reconciliation A/c And Normal Posting A/c?

Manual entries can be posted in the normal G/L account and the same is not possible in the Reconciliation account, as these are automatically updated.

338. Can You Make Texts Mandatory For A Customer Master Or A Sales Document?


339. Where Do You Assign Text Determination Procedures For Customer Master Records And For Documents?

Account Group, Item Category.

340. What Happens If We Check ‘exclusive’ Indication In Access Sequence, And What Happens If We Do Not Check?

Basically access sequence finds the exact condition record in cond.table by search statuary with the help of exclusive indication.

341. What Is A Partner Type? Give Some Example?

The partner type is an indicator which informs you of the type of partner, for example, partner type customer “KU”.

342. Can Anyone Tell About Types Of Free Goods?

In paste: 25% extra more -it’s inclusive
When you buy paste you get a brush free, it’s exclusive.
343. What Are The 14 Steps In The Pricing Procedure?

Condition type,
Mandatory Statistics,
Print Subtotal,
Alt condition type,
Alt condition base value,
Act key and,
344. Difference Between Plant And Storage Location?

A plant is a manufacturing unit and it is a place where Materials have to be kept. Storage location is a place in plant, where in materials Has to be stored.

345. When I Creating The Sales Order The System Show Error “no Customer Master Record Exist For Sold To Party”. How To Rectify It?

Because that customer is not create that sales area.

346. When U Creating The Delivery, The System Shows Like “no Zero Ea Material Available”. How To Rectify?

The system is giving error because material is not available in plant so check the material mb1c.

347. Do U Have Any Link For Customer Master And Credit Management?

We can maintain individual customer credit limit in customer Master. In t.code (fd32).we can define the total credit limit For sales area and credit limit for individual sales area.

348. What Should You Do If The Ship To Party & All Other Partner Functions Are Not Being Determined At The Time Of Sales Order Creation? The Net Price Is Zero. Can Any Body Tell What The Problem Would Be?

Because we not maintain the base price of material. So that we use vk11 for base price.

349. Explain About Sales Order Cycle?


350. What Is The Relation Between Sales Organization And Company Codes?

Many to One.

351. I Have Created The Outbound Delivery And Have Done Pgi & Made Factory Invoice But When I Try To Make The Final Invoice , It Is Not Allowing To Make The Final Invoice’s System Is Showing The Error “delivery Type Zinc Cannot Be Invoiced With Billing Type F2 “.

Just go to sales Document Type (VOV8), Check for Sales Order – > Delivery Type -> Billing type assignment and correct accordingly.

352. Can One Create Delivery With Reference To The Project?


353. What Is The Difference Between Cash Sales And Rush Order?

In rush order if a customer places an order delivery will Take place immediately billing will be letter.

In cash sale if a customer places an order delivery and Billing will be on the same day.

354. How System Picks Up Pricing While Doing Billing?

From Sales Order.

355. Diff Between Business Sale Cycle Nd Customer Sale Cycles?

Contract is the business sale cycle and schedule line is the cust.sale cycle.

356. How Do We Control The Credit Checks With Specific To Distribution Channel And Division?

By assigning credit control area to specific sales area.

357. What Is Erp And Sap? And Why Implementing Sap In An Organization? Explain The Special Features Of Sap Over Other Erps?

ERP—- ERP is a package with the techniques and concept for the integrated management of business as a whole enterprise. ERP is software designed for basic process of company software.

SAP—-sap is an enterprise information and management package in word wide use of this package it makes possible to track and manage. Is an ERP package. SAP can be fit it any language. Using of sap means there is no need to maintain SAP is able to integrate all functional organizational units.

SAP are usually use because SAP there are no. of technical reasons no. of company are planning to implementation Sap highly configurable, secure data, minimum redundancy, maximum consistency.

358. Can U Give Some Master Data In Mm And Sd.?

Master Data MM: Material Master, Info Records, Source List, Vendor Master.

Master Data SD: Customer Master, Condition Records, Metrical Determination, Item Proposal.

359. Assigning Sales Organization- Distribution Channel- Plant (tvkwz) ?

Plant is created by MM Consultant. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales organization – distribution channel – plant.

360. Can You Configure Two Diff Free Goods Items For One Single Item? Example- On Purchasing Of Item A U Wants To Give Item B & C Free .is It Possible? How?

Yes , it is possible by the exclusive free goods.

361. Assigning Shipping Point To Plant (tvswz)?

This assignment ensures that goods from different Plant can be dispatched from different Shipping Points.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics Execution -> Assign shipping point to plant.

362. Define, Copy, Delete, Check Plant (t001w)?

Plant is created by MM Consultant.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics – General -> Define, copy, delete, check plant.

363. Can You Delete Order?

You can delete the order but there should not be any transcations on the particular order.

364. Define Shipping Points (tvst)?

Shipping Point is the Organizational element, which is responsible for shipping the Materials to the Customers.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics Execution -> Define, copy, delete, check shipping point.

365. Mwst? Pl Explains In Detail?

MWST is Tax Condition Category which will be Assigned to Country IN.

366. Assign Sales Group To Sales Office (tvbvk)?

you can assign as many sales groups as desired to the sales offices. Any one sales group can belong to several sales offices.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales group to sales office

367. What Makes Listing & Exclusion Work Differently Than Each Other?

Listing— only the materials which is applicable to the Customers.
Exclusion— The materials which is not applicable to the Customers.

368. Assign Sales Office To Sales Area (tvkbz)?

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales Office to Sales Area.

369. Maintain Sales Office (tvbur)?

you define the sales offices in your company. The definition of sales offices is optional. For each sales office, you can determine the printer for output based on the sales documents in different ways.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Maintain Sales Office.

370. How To Do Customization Of Rebate Processing In Sap Sd?

activate rebate in customer master data
selling material should be activated in MM data
sales org. should be activated
billing doc should be activated
371. Setting Up Sales Area (tvta)?

All the sales are made from a particular sales Area. For creating a Sales Order Sales Area is compulsory.

IMG ->Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Set up sales area.

372. Assigning Division To Sales Organization (tvkos)?

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign division to sales organization.

373. Which Partner Function Realent For Credit Limit?

Sold to party is relevant for credit limit.

374. Maintaining Division (tspa)?

Division is a way of grouping materials, products, or services.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics – General -> Define, copy, delete, check division.

375. Name Three Areas/processes Which Use Condition Technique In Sd?

Material determination, pricing determination, Output determination, Account determination.

376. Assigning Distribution Channel To Sales Organization (tvkov)?

This assignment ensures, a Sales Organization can supply Materials to Customers through this Distribution Channel.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution > Assign distribution channel to sales organization.

377. Explain What A Condition Table And An Access Sequence Are And The Relationship Between Them?

Condition table defines the combination of fields (the key) that identifies an individual condition record. Access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to find valid data for a particular condition type.

378. Maintaining Distribution Channel (tvtw)?

Distribution Channel is the way, in which Products or Services reach Customers.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check distribution channel.

379. What Is A Condition Type? What Are The Two Main Groups Of Condition Types?

Condition type is a representation in the system of your daily pricing activities. Fixed Amount & Percentage.

380. Assigning Sales Organization To Company Code (tvko~bukrs)?

This assignment ensures all the sales made through this Sales Organization are accounted for in the assigned Company Code (Company Code is created by FI Consultant).
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign Sales Organization to Company Code.

381. Which Partner Function Is Relevant When It Comes To Tax Calculation In The Sales Order?

Ship*to party.

382. Maintaining Sales Organization (tvko)?

Sales Organization is an organizational unit responsible for the sale of certain products or services.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check Sales organization.

383. Where Would You Specify That A Condition Type Is A Discount Or A Surcharge?

In Condition Type Details Screen.

384. Define Credit Control Area (t014)?

Company is created by FI Consultant.
The credit control area is an organizational unit that specifies and checks a credit limit for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one control area. Within a credit control area, the credit limits must be specified in the same currency.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting-> Define Credit Control Area.

385. You Want To List All Condition Records For A Certain Material Or A Certain Sales Organization. How Would You Do That?

By creating pricing Reports.

386. Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code (t001)?

Company is created by FI Consultant.
The company code is an organizational unit used in accounting. It is used to structure the business organization from a financial accounting perspective.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define, copy, delete, check Company Code.

387. Can You Explain What A Statistical Condition Is? Give An Example For A Statistical Condition?


388. For What Do You Use Customer Hierarchies?

Pricing, Rebate.

389. Name The Influencing Factors For Pricing Procedure Determination During Sales Order Entry?

Customer, Sales Document Type and Sales Area.

390. Can You Copy Condition Records? If Yes, Are There Any Restrictions?

Yes. Field specific.

391. Tax Jurisdiction Processing Is A Close Link Between Which Two Modules?

FI & SD.

392. What Is The Difference Between Erb And Eru Account Keys?

Erb— is the sales deduction account key used for rebate processing.

Eru— is the accruals key used in pricing For rebate processing it is used for difference in sales Revenues.

393. From Which Documents Can You Create A Performa Invoice?

Sales order or delivery.

394. What Is The Difference Between Pgi Cancellation And Returns Order?

PGI cancellation— is done before the transportation of goods.

Return order— means it’s already transported reached customer in requested date.

395. When You Create A Credit Memo Request Do You Always Have To Refer To A Sales Order Or Any Other Previous Document?

Only sales order.

396. What Are Incoterms? Where Do We Fix Them? Where Do You Find In Regular Process?

Incomers or international comm. terms and u find in CMR – Sales area Data – billing Tab.

397. Can One Business Area Be Valid For Several Company Codes?


398. Explain The Business Flow Of An Implementation Project?

Project preparation ——–>Business blue prints, Realization——–>Support.

399. There Is An Interface Between Sd And Fi In Invoicing. Can You Think Of Another Interface Between Sd And Fi?

Credit check, Tax calculation, and Cost estimate.

400. An Order Item With Different Shipping Point Copied Into The Sales Deliveries?

Yes,but delivery split will be resulted.

401. How To Close The Backorders?

Through availability check and TOR you can close the back Order process.

402. Tell Process Of Ticket Flow From Client Side To You?

Normally tickets will come to the helpdesk which were sent By End-users thru client specific internal mail id, then we will take up the tickets ans then access the production Server according to the ticket.

403. What Is The Team Size? Duration Of The Project.?

Hardly the team of the SD will be 4 to 5 and entire team of the project will be around 20-24 (all modules like fi/co, SD, mm, pp, hr, QM, pm). If its big project, it will be around 40. Team size means the employees who you are working on sap r/3 implementation.

For the project completion it will take around 8-10 months to get into golive. After that, post implementation for 3 months. After that supporting it depends as project time line for every company is different.

404. What Is Sap R/3?

A third generation set of highly integrated software modules that performs common business function based on multinational leading practice. Takes care of any enterprise In R/3 system all the three servers like presentation; application server and database server are located at different system.

405. What Are Wf And Its Importance?

Business Work Flow: Tool for automatic control and execution of cross-application processes. This involves coordinating the persons involved, the work steps required, and the data, which needs to be processed (business objects). The main advantage is reduction in throughput times and the costs involved in managing business processes. Transparency and quality are enhanced by its use.

406. What Two Ways Of Number Assignment For Documents Or Master Data Do You Know? Explain The Difference Between Them?

Internal & External.

407. What Is Ides?

International Demonstration and Education System. A sample application provided for faster learning and implementation.

408. Can You Share Master Data Between Several Sales Areas?


409. Why Do You Usually Choose To Implement Sap?

There are number of technical reasons numbers of companies are planning to implement SAP. It’s highly configurable, highly secure data handling, min data redundancy, max data consistency; you can capitalize on economics of sales like purchasing, tight integration-cross function.

410. What Does The Account Group Of The Customer Control?

Number assignment, Screen Layout.

411. What Is Sap?

SAP is the name of the company founded in 1972 under the German name (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) is the leading ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software package.

412. Different Types Of Erp?

SAP, BAAN, JD Edwards, Oracle Financials, Siebel, PeopleSoft. Among all the ERP’s most of the companies implemented or trying to implement SAP because of number of advantages aver other ERP packages.

413. What Are The Two Influence Factors For Field Selection For Customer Master Record Maintenance?

Account Group, Transactions.

414. Can Bw Run Without A Sap R/3 Implementation?

Certainly. You can run BW without R/3 implementation. You can use pre-defined business content in BW using your non-SAP data. Here you simply need to map the transfer structures associated with BW data sources (Info Cubes, ODS tables) to the inbound data files or use 3rd part tool to connect your flat files and other data sources and load data in BW. Several third party ETL products such as Acta, Informatics, Data Stage and others will have been certified to load data in BW.

415. Name At Least Five Features That You Can Control For The Sale Document Type?

Text, Partner, Pricing, Taxes, Output, Delivery.

416. Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Employer?

State how you are looking for a new challenge, more responsibility, experience and a change of environment.

417. What Are Datasets?

The sequential file is called datasets. They are used for file handling in SAP.

418. What Are The Different Types Of Source System?

SAP R/3 Source Systems, SAP BW, Flat Files and External Systems.

419. Name At Least Five Features That You Can Control For The Schedule Line Category?

Relevance for delivery, Availability check, Transfer of Requirements, Goods Movement, Purchasing and Incompletion log.

420. Can One Specify User Specific Dates In Delivery Documents?

we can sepcify the dates but with respect to avilability,check and schdule line combination.

421. Explain How The System Can Automatically Determine The Item Category In The Sales Order?

Sales document type + Higher level Item category + Item category group + Item Usage.

422. Explain How The System Can Automatically Determine The Schedule Line Category In The Sales Order?

Item category + MRP type.

423. Once The System Determined The Item Level Schedule Line Category Automatically In The Sales Order, Can You Still Change It Manually?


424. At Which Levels In The Sales Document Can You Have Different Incompletion Procedures?

Sales Document Type, Item Category, Schedule Line Category, Partner Functions, Sales Activities.

425. What Is The Item Category Group? Where Do You Maintain It?

Item category group is define the features of item and it represent the’s the function and it how will work in sales process.

426. You Want To Set Up A New Condition Type. Name The Necessary Steps You Have To Do If You Want The System To Determine The New Condition Type Automatically During Sales Order Entry?

Use this vk11 transaction code.

427. When You Think Of The Five Possible Elements Necessary For The Account Determining During Posting Of A Sales Invoice – Where From Does The System Get The Information?

Chart of a/c group, customer a/c group, material a/c group, sales org., and a/c keys.

428. Name The Necessary Steps To Setup A Route?

Define the transportation connection points
Define the modes of transport and shipping type
429. During Route Determination The System Also Needs To Know The Departure Zone Of The Goods To Be Shipped. How Does This Information Come Into The Sales Order?

Customer Master.

430. What Do You Mean By Condition Index, How You Configured In Your Project?

Condition index means keep the all condition records what Ever you maintained for particular condition type. If you want process this you should be active index in Condition type.

431. If I Want To Configure The Partner Determinations For Sales Manager And General Manager If The Sales Manager Is Bossiness Partner In Sales Order He Should Only Give 5% Discount And General Manager Should Can Give 10% Discount How Could I Configure This?

By using ASAP Methodology we can implement according to There requirement.

432. Can You Specify When Output Should Be Created? If Yes, What Possibilities Do You Have?

Yes. Print out, Mail, EDI, Fax.

433. What Does The Material Type Control?

Finished goods.

434. What Is The Purpose Of The Request Number Which Is Generated When U Save A Customization?

That is used to move your non-cross client customizations.

435. What Makes A Customer A Sold-to? How Can You Check?

Customer is regarded as sold to party when he is acting as Person who is buying goods, products can be shipped, he is Billed, and he is Paying for the invoices generated. You can clarify your doubt while creating a Sold to party, Ship to party, Payer, by using respective account groups,
Ex :Payer will not be having a Shipping Tab in Sales area Data.

436. What Is The Difference Between General Item Category Group And Item Category Group?

Item category group— is used for SD to configure the item Category and how this item behaves in sales order.
General Item category group— determines the category of the Item like, trading goods, service goods, finished goods Etc…

437. In Which Scenario Order And Billing Has Different Pricing Procedure?

When we use rebate.

438. Is It Possible To Block A Material For Sales Order? Is It Possible For The Blocking Customers In The Same? Way…if So.how?

Yes u have to go to the MM02 & there go to sales Org 1 tab .Page there u maintain cross distribution chain after that This material is block for sales. If block a material for Plant then u should maintain in MM02 basic data 1 Cross Distribution plant & also if u block a material for Procurement then u should maintain in cross distribution Purchasing data.

439. What Is The Use Of Update Groups In Credit Management?

Update group check the how many orders are open &order Reference, how many orders are open in delivery and delivery Reference, how many orders are open in billing.

440. What Is Cr (change Request) In Support Project?

The Change Request is that request when you do some thing New in customizing or configuration in the system.

Example: When ever working with pricing condition record, the Current Support project has only 3 Key combinations, but user Wants to have one more key combination or need to change the Combination means, it is consider as a change request.

441. Explain How Diff Between Item And Schedule Line Sales Document?

ITEM:-In this the system shows all the details of the Item, like material, pricing, or it may be free good, ship-to- Party, batch, etc.

SCHEDULE LINE:-It is about delivery date and delivery Quantity.

442. How Many Shipping Points Can You Assign To A Sales Organization?


443. If You Generate Bill More Than Credit Limit Then What Will Happen?

How can you go for billing? System will block at order level Or delivery level only.

444. Can We Rename Movement Types?

We cannot rename movement types.

445. What Do You Assign Distribution Channels And Divisions?

Sales Organizations.

446. How We Maintain One Material At A Time For Two Company Codes?

We have to extend the material from one plant to another Plant.

447. What Are The Highest Organizational Units In Sd, Mm.pp, Fi, Co?

A: SD: Sales Organizations.
MM: Plant
PP: Plant
FI: Company Code
CO: Controlling Area
448. Basic Elements Of Condition Technique?

There are 5 basic elements of condition technique:

Creating condition table(s),
Access Sequence,
Condition Type,
Placing the Condition type in the Procedure.
449. Is It Possible To Automate Output Processing?

Yes, we can use output determination procedure to automate Output processing. This is based on Condition technique. We Have to assign the output determination procedure.

450. What Is A Credit Control Area? What Relationship Exists Between Credit Control Areas And Company Codes?

Credit control area. Organizational unit in an organization checks credit limits for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes.

451. What Are The Steps In Consignment Processing?

Company fills the goods at customer site, Still it is the property of company, is called as Consignment fill up, (CF) .When the customer consumes the material company issues the Invoice is called as consignment issue (CI) .If the customer finds that he got any material defective he Returns is called as consignment return (CR) .Which is not sold by the consumer, the company will pick This stock consignment Pick up (CP).

452. Name The Three Internal Organizational Elements Within A Sales Organization And Briefly Explain Their Function.

Sales Office— Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary. Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If you enter a sales order for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area.

Sales Group— The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions.

Salespersons— Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. You can assign a sales person to a sales group in the personnel master record.

453. What Are The Techniques In Delivery Scheduling?

Backward scheduling & forward Scheduling.
Backward scdg– System calculates Requested delivery date.
Forward Scheduling— If the material is not avl. On that date the system calculates the earliest possible delivery date based on the material avl. Date.

454. What Is The Difference Between Condition Type Ek01 And Ek02?

EK01 is a calculated cost EK02 is estimated cost

455. Which Three Organizational Elements Make Up A Sales Area And Briefly Explain Their Function?

Sales organization: — An organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions.

Distribution channel: — Channel through which salable materials or services reach customers. Typical distribution channels include wholesale, retail and direct sales. You can assign a distribution channel to one or more sales organizations.

Division: — Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing.

456. Is It Possible To Create New Sales Order Types?

Yes it’s possible to create a new sales order type but Generally it is advised to copy standard one and proceed as It is connected in so many places

457. Is It Possible To Change Existing Standard Item Categories?

Yes, its is possible in SAP but u never do this method Because u have a lot of problems because suddenly u need for Standard functionality in this case u couldn’t remember.

458. What Are The Delivery Possibilities, When There Is Not Enough Stock Available?

When there not enough stock system will give the next Delivery date by checking the availability of that quantity of Material.

459. What Is Delivery Group And What Is Its Purpose?

Delivery group is grouping of all sub items to be delivery at one time. Mostly used in bill of materials.

It is more required in bom when u specify the delivery of diff material at the same time which comes under a header item. let’s say if u wants to deliver the monitor of pc today, cpu tomorrow etc how it would be? to avoid that we specify the delivery group so that all the sub items under header items are delivered togther.

460. How Can We Delete The Sales Orders? How Can Invoices Be Cancelled Or Deleted?

You can very well delete sales order using transaction VA02, but with a constraint that no subsequent document is created against it.

You cannot delete an Invoice. You can only cancel it with (VF11) if the relevant accounting document is not been generated. Ask your FI guy to reverse the accounting doc. Only after the accounting doc is reversed and/or deleted, you can cancel your invoice. You also need to check if any TAX documents are generated with your Invoice. You need to reverse/delete those documents also.

461. Relation Ship Between Sales Organization And Plants?

Many too many.

462. What Is Partner Type? Example It?

One type of Partner– who supplies goods is called VENDOR.
One type of Partner– who Purchases from you is called CUSTOMER.
One type of Partner– who works for you is called Employee or Personnel.
One type of Partner– who helps in improving your business is Called CONTACT PERSON.

463. We Can Define Our Own Exchange Rate Types And Use Them Instead Of The Defaulted Types, ‘m’, ‘b’ And ‘g’. How Can We Overwrite Default Types In Sd?

Exchange rate gets copied from the customer master record. Exchange rate types are to be maintained for the customer in the sales screen.

464. Item Category Group? Where You Maintain It?

For standard material item category group is Norm
For Bom material item category group is Erla/lumf
For Third party material item category group is BANS.
465. What Are The Influencing Factors For Account Determination For Invoice?

Chart of a/c
AAG of customer
AAG of material
A/c key
466. What Is Condition Type? Tell Me The Main Groups?

A condition type is one which describes the what the purpose Of that condition types are used to define how the particular condition is going to perform.

467. What Is Pricing Procedure?

Pricing procedure is a systematic and sequential use of Condition types to arrive at a right value of the product.

468. Explain The Steps To Setup A Route?

A Route is part of shipping which is determined

Departure Zone
Shipping conditions
Transportation Group
Transportation zone
469. Diff. Between Inquiry And Quotation?

Inquiry— is just a simple document showing the interest Your customer on products and services.

Quotation— is a legal agreement you offer to you Customer. You agree to the customer that you will charge a Particular amount.

470. What Is Material Type Control?

Material type control is similar to account group control For customer master. The material type and the industry Are working helps to control the data Material.

471. Can We Get Deleted Sales Order Numbers?

Firstly u cannot delete the sales orders once they are saved You can only cancel the sale order or reject the sale Order, in that case you can get the rejected sales order Numbers.

472. What Is Difference Between The Header Level Condition And Item Level Condition?

Header level conditions are for the whole document, while Item level condition is for the particular item only.

473. What Is Main Purpose Of Maintaining The Master Data?

Coz master data is responsible for all the records like Sales order, delivery and billing and as well as in Customer payments. It is mandatory.

474. Tell Me Some Different Partner Functions?

Sold to party — The person who places the order. (SP).
Ship to Party — The person who receives the goods. (SH).
Bill to party —The person who receives the Bills (BP).
Payer —The person who pays the payment (PY).
475. On What Tax Is Calculated On Base Price Or Net Price?

We can calculate tax on both (net price/gross price) as per Requirement because options are available.

476. Bill Of Material Means?

Bills of material means combining a group of materials in Two products. In which included header level item and item level item. When header level item is relevant for pricing then item level item is not, when item level item is relevant for pricing then header level item is not.

477. What Is The Difference Between Vk11 And Vk31?

Tcode vk11 used for individual Maintenance of condition record And Tcode vk31 used for mass Maintenance of condition record.

478. Bom Used In Which Modules?


479. What Is Backorder Processing Or Partial Delivery?

While doing sales order the material is not available some Times at that time we give the delivery date if the goods available earlier than delivery date can go back with sales order and deliver the goods before first delivery date. This process called as Backorder processing.

480. How Can We Assign One Credit Limit To Two Customers?

Create a customer group and then assign it to CCA.

481. What Is The Access Sequence For Header Conditions?

Access sequence is a search strategy which finds the right Condition record from the condition table.

482. What Is Difference Between The Item Proposal And Dynamic Proposal?

Item proposal— in which we will manual selects the items from the list of items for that particular customer, It contains material and quantity what the customer regularly purchase. Next time if the customer comes and places an order system copies material and quantity from item proposal.
Dynamic proposal— sale order is raised items are automatically determined in that order.

483. What Does U Mean By Accruals?

All customer Rebate accounts are posted in accruals.

484. What Is Material Determination? Can You Do Two Materials For One Material?

Material Determination is nothing but an alt. material to the original material. With 2 materials we cannot swap.

485. Where Do You Maintain Factory Calendar?

Factory calendar is maintain in plant Factory calendar is used to fix up the working dates and Holidays.

486. How Is Credit Control Determined?

Credit control is determined in the combination COMPANY CODE + CUSTOMER RISK CATEGORY + CREDIT GROUP = CREDIT CONTROL AREA. One Company code can be assigned too many credit control areas And multiple company codes are not assigned to one credit Control area.

487. What Does U Mean By Exclusive In Access Sequence?

Exclusive is a track point for access sequence if the Exclusive indicator is set, if a valid condition is found by the system in a cond. table, it will stop Searching and will not go to next cond.table.

488. What Are The Parameters That U Can See In Fd32?

you can see address of the customer, Central data, status and payment history of the customer.

489. Difference Between Discount And Rebate?

Rebate— is an agreement between Sales Org. rebates is a special discount which occasionally gives. Special discount paid to a customer once he achieves sales volume in a given period of time.
Discount— is a general disc. Normally applicapable in the business transactions in a regular base. Discount is the one which all the customers can get.

490. What Is The Difference Between General Item Category And Item Category Group In Mm01 Sales Org 2?

Item category:
It is an indicator that determines the characteristics of a Document item.

Item category group:
It define the characteristics of the material and what the role in sales order.

491. Relationship Between Company Code And Sales Organization?


492. How You Change Sold-to-party Into Ship-to-party?

You can’t change sold to party to ship to party. But you can Change ship to party to sold to party because sold to party will be having all the partner Functions.

493. If One Company Can Maintain One Customer Number For Different Sales Areas Is It Possible With Out Any Changes?

No it is not possible because one company can have only use one customer number. Customer Number is a unique feature in SAP.

494. How Is Pricing Procedure Determined?

Sales Area, Customer pricing procedure & Document pricing Procedure.

495. How Is Item Category Determined?

Sales doc type, Item category group, item usage, higher level item and item category all these purpose by default item category come.

496. What Is Condition Exclusion?

Condition exclusion groups contain group of discount Condition types from this customer will not receive all Discounts but receives one best discount of all (ov32).

497. How To Configure Partial Deliveries?

Check the box in customer master or in delivery type (LF) Check partial delivery indicator.

498. What Is Condition Supplement?

Condition supplement: If company wants to give discount irrespective of any Combination till certain period condition supplement will Use. System by default proposes the discount along with Base price in the pricing procedure

499. What Is The Purpose To Differentiate The Sales Document Type?

If there are different business process, if you want to In that case you can configure different document types (For ex. domestic sales you can create order type DOR & for export sales you can configure EOR). You can also assign different number range to different Document types for different business process.

500. Third Party Sale?

A third-party sales process generally happens when you Can’t make delivery to the customer due to insufficient Stock or some other reasons. In that situation normally you Will go for third party sales process.

501. If We Have Three Plants & One Material No. Then How To Extend Single Material To All Three Plants?

Use T_Code MM01 and enter the same material with Organization and plant as you require. The message will Appear “Material has been extended”.

502. How Revenue Account Is Determined?

Chart of accounts
Sales Org
Condition type
Account assignment group from customer
Account assignment group from material
Account key
503. If We Have Three Sales Areas & Single Customer. How To Extend One Customer To Three Sales Areas?

You will go to xd01 transaction code and you will use Reference data to copy another sales area.

504. What Is Transfer Order?

Transfer order is an internal document to move goods from Storage to picking area.

505. What Is An Mrp Type?

MRP is Material Resource planning which is based on Transfer of Requirements while processing the Sale Order.

506. Fields In Material Master?

Basicdata1, basic data2, sales org1, sales org2, sales general plant data, sales text, mrp, purchasing data and accounting.

507. Types Of Billing?

order related billing
delivery related billing
Performa invoice for order
Performa invoice for delivery
credit memo
debit memo
cash sale
508. What Is The Diff. Between Billing And Invoice?

Invoice is whenever we can send to the goods send to the customer because to check the Goods. Billing document is a total goods bill.

509. How Is Access Seq. Controlled?

Access Sequence is controlled by the accesses. It can also be Controlled by requirements, but requirements only determine.

510. How Is Step And Counter Differentiated?

Step— Number is used to specify the sequential order for Condition types.
Counter— is used when two or more Condition Types required The same Step Number.

511. What Is Line Item?

Line item is a row where all the details of particular item whenever you get the all information of particular item then double click on the row.

512. What Is Use Of Customer Group?

Customer group is represented the different-2 customer statically point and it define the customer pricing and discount.

513. Where Is Shipping Conditions Stored?

In material master data, and shipping determination.

514. How Is Plant Determined?

Plant is determined by material and shipping point determination.

515. How Can We Supers The Field I.e. Sales Office And Sales Group In Va01 Create Order Initial Screen?

you goes for sales area data and in that you can Supers, optional, and also mandatory, you can done which Element u wants like sales office. Sales group and, etc.

516. Why Does U Maintain Sales Office?

A Sales office establishes contact between the firm and the Regional market. It represents the business different areas.

517. How Is Storage Location Determined?

It is determined by Plant + Storage condition + Shipping Point.

518. How Is Shipping Point Determined?

Shipping point will be determined based on the shipping Conditions, loading group and delivery plant.

519. In Third Party How Sales Order Changes To Purchase Req. Automatically?

In a third party in schedule category we have a field Called purchasing requisition. Scheduling category is cs purchase req is automatically generate and we want generate with transaction code me51 to create purchase requirements.

520. Which Data Is Updated When You Create A Billing Document?

Financial document is going to generated .
Billing due list up dates .
Credit management up dates.
521. List The System Modules That Are Included In The Financial Application Component?

The following SYSTEM modules are included in the financial application component:

FI — Financial Accounting.
CO— Controlling.
EC— Enterprise Controlling.
IM— Investment Management.
PS— Project System.
522. List The System Modules That Are Included In The Human Resource Application (human Capital Management) Component?

The following SYSTEM modules are included in the human resource application component:

PA — Personnel Administration.
PT— Personnel Time Management.
PY— Payroll.
523. List The System Modules That Are Included In The Logistic Application Component?

The following SYSTEM modules are included in the logistic application component:

SO__ Sales and Distribution.
MM__ Materials Management.
PP__ Production Planning and Control.
LE__Logistics Execution.
QM__Quality Management.
CS__Customer Service.
524. What Is The Purpose Of Transaction Code In System?

The transaction code is the short path to reach to a specific screen in SYSTEM. Instead of going through the routine menu, you can enter the Transaction Code and then press “Enter”, which would directly take you to the specific Transaction. For example, you can access the VA22 transaction code, to reach to the Change Quotation screen. However, the VA01 transaction code is used to create Sales document in SYSTEM.

525. What Is Meant By Match Code In System?

The comparison key that helps you to find the key of a specific database record depending on the field value entered in the record is known as match code. On the basis of the match code, the System then displays a list of records from which you can select the appropriate one.

526. Explain The Three Main Areas Of Customer Master Data?

Customer master is a part of the SD module and forms the basis for customer-related transactions. It is divided into three areas:

General Data — It is used for the maintenance of general customer details such as name, address, phone/fax nos. and so on.
Sales Area Data — It is used for Sales related data maintenance.
Company Code data — It used for accounts related data maintenance.
527. What Is The Purpose Of Implementation Guide (img Menu) In The System?

The Implementation Guide (IMG Menu) is used to collectively group the areas that must be configured & customized and form a basic structure of an organization in the System to run.

528. How Will You Maintain A Company Code In The System?

To maintain a company code, navigate the following menu path:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)-> Enterprise Structure->Definition -> Financial Accounting-> Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code.
529. What Do You Mean By Enterprise Resource Planning (erp)?

ERP is a way to integrate processes and data of an organization into a single system to provide Easy access and workflow in an organization. It refers to the way in which large organizations efficiently plan to use resources to their fullest.

530. List The Advantages Of Implementing An Erp System In An Organization?

The advantages of implementing an ERP System in an organization are as follows:

Various processes and workflow of an organization are integrated in a single System.
Efficient utilization of resources in an organization.
Ability to easily share organizational data across different departments.
Improves efficiency and productivity levels.
Lower costs.
Better customer service.
531. Specify The Role Of The Sales And Distribution (sd) Module In An Erp System?

The SD module is an application module for supply chain and operational performance management and provides support to customers. This module is integrated with the Material Management (MM) and Production Planning (PP) functional modules. It also allows organizations to input Sales price of products for customers and check for open orders.

532. What Are The Functions Of The R/3 System?

The R/3 System provides the following functions:

Integration — Provides a complete integration of the various data transfers, which, in turn, is helpful in making good-quality reports.
Saving time with integration — Helps reduce the time needed to close the books of account.
Automation of consolidation procedure — Saves time and cost as there is no need to manually enter all the documents.
Customizing the software according to the needs — Provides the facility of creating new programs whenever the requirement arises.
Cost effective audits — Provides the facility to the auditor for performing interactive analysis of special information.
Easy to learn and use — Provides context-sensitive functions and extensive online documentation that is easy to understand and learn.
Information System — Includes functions for creating reports. It provides information through exceptional and interactive reporting.
International accounting — Allows parallel valuation approaches at all levels for external and internal accounting purposes by using different currencies.
533. What Is R/3 System Landscape?

Landscape is an architecture of servers. The following are three different landscapes for SYSTEM:

Development —In a development server, a technical/function person creates the programs or configures the System as per the company’s requirement and sends it to the quality server.
Quality— In this server, team members test the development/ configuration with various parameters. Then the final configuration is transported from Development Server to Production Server.
Production — Through this server, the software is finally handed over to client for users.

534. What Are The Databases Supported By The System R/3 System?

The SYSTEM R/3 System provides support for the following databases:

DB2/Common Server.
Microsoft SQL Server.
Oracle Parallel Server.
535. What Is The Role Of An Abaper In The Sd Module?

The ABAPer uses the data transfer tools, such as BDC/LSMW, to upload huge data, such as Customer master data. ABAPer writes the Z-Development and programmes as specified by the functional consultant as per the business requirements.

536. Who Can Be The Business Partner In The System?

A business partner in the System can be:

Contact person.
Employee recognized as Sales personnel.
Customized as per the specific requirement of business.
537. Explain Badis And Its Relevance?

In the R/3 System, System provides an enhancement technique called business add-ins (BADis). BADis are business transaction events helpful to bundle program, menu, and screen enhancements into a single business add-in.

538. What Is The Quick Viewer?

The Quick Viewer is a very useful tool to create reports in System. It helps create reports without actually doing any programming. It is similar to an ABAP Query; however, it does not have all the capabilities that the ABAP query procedure has.

539. Which Kinds Of Servers Are Used To Define The Functioning Of A System?

There are three servers in the SYSTEM application modules:

Development server.
Quality server.
Production server.
540. What Is The Role Of Erp In A Business Environment?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software package, which is designed for the integrated management of the various business processes, such as inquiry, order placement, invoicing, and billing. It was initially designed for manufacturing industries to manage the core business areas, such as production and finance. With the popularity of the ERP package, its functionalities also extended to cover the complete business management.

541. Define Ides.

IDES stands for International Demonstration and Education System and is an application used to quickly learn and implement ERP.

542. What Is R/3?

R/3 means the three-tiered architecture used by the system. The three tiers are as follows:

Database Server.
Application Server.
Presentation Server.
543. What Is A Division In The Sales And Distribution Module?

A division refers to a product group that can be defined for a wide range of products or services. In Sales organization, there can be multiple divisions, which can also include customer-specific arrangements.

544. What Do You Mean By A Sales Office In The Sd Module?

The geographically located unit of a Sales organization refers to a Sales office in the SD module.

545. What Do You Mean By A Shipping Point And Loading Point In The Sd Module?

A shipping point refers to the point from where the deliveries of products are shipped and, one or more plants can have the same shipping point. However, the subdivision of a shipping point refers to a loading point, which is manually entered in the header data of a delivery as per customization.

546. What Do You Mean By The Terms Sales Office, Sales Groups, And Sales Employee In The Sd Module?

The geographical groups created for an organization to structure a Sales team are known as Sales office. A Sales office is then assigned to one or more Sales Area. The staff of a Sales office is divided into Sales groups and then Sales employee is assigned to a Sales group. A Sales employee refers to the individual with personnel master records that are used to manage data of that Sales employee.

547. What Does The Prefixes Va, Vl, Vt, And Vf Of A Transaction Code Stand For?

The definitions for the prefixes VA, VL, VT, and VF of a transaction code are as follows:

VA —Sales Order.
VL —Delivery.
548. What Do The Suffixes 01, 02, And 03 Of A Transaction Code Represent?

The suffixes 01, 02, and 03 of a transaction code represent the following:

01 —Create.
549. How Can You Configure The Sales Districts?

Navigate the following menu path to configure the Sales district:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Master Data->Business Partners->Customers-> Sales->Define Sales Districts [OVRO].
550. How Can You Assign A Shipping Point To A Plant?

You can assign a shipping point to a plant by navigating the following menu path:

Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Enterprise Structure-> Assignment->Logistics Execution->Assign Shipping Point to Plant.
551. Suppose That A New Info Structure Is Created And The Update Rules Are Activated For It. How Would You Then Transport It To Production Client?

After the approval from the QA team the info structure can be transported in the time when no documents are created or posted.

552. How Is The Company Code Created?

Perform the following steps to create the company code:

Customization Implementation Guide(IMG Menu)->Enterprise Strurture->Definition->Financial Accounting->Define Company Code.
553. What Is The Relationship Between Sales Organizations And Company Codes?

There exists many to one relationship between sales organizations and company codes.

554. Give The Name Of The Central Organizational Element Used In Purchasing?

The central organizational element used in purchasing is called the Purchase Organization.

555. What Is The Relationship Between Sales Organizations Or Distribution Channel And Plants?

There exists many to many relationship between sales organizations and plants.

556. What Is The Relationship Between Sales Organizations, Plants, And Company Codes?

There exists many to many to one relationship between sales organizations, plants, and company codes.

557. Mention The Total Number Of The Shipping Points That Can Be Assigned To A Sales Organization?

You do not assign shipping point to sales organization but assign it to plant only.

558. List The Transaction Codes Used To Create A Customer In The Sd Module.

VD01 is the transaction code used to create a customer in the SD module. To create customer centrally, the T.Code is XD01

559. List The Basic Elements Of A Customer Master Record?

The following are the basic elements of a customer master record:

General Data.
Company Code Data.
Sales Area Data.
560. State Few Examples Of Common Material Types?

The examples of common material types are as follows:

DIEN— Service Item.
HALS— Semi Finished Good.
FERT—Finished Good.
HAWA —Trading Item.
NLAG—Non Inventoried.
ROH— Raw Material.
UNBW—Non-Valuated Item.
561. List Few Common Material Master Views?

The following are few relevant material master views:

Accounting 1, 2.
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) 1, 2, 3.
General Plant Data Storage 1, 2.
Sales Org Data 1, 2.
562. How Can You Create Customer-material Info Records In The Sd Module?

Navigate the following menu path to create Customer-Material Info Records:
SYSTEM menu->Logistics->Sales and Distribution-> Master Data->Agreements->Customer Material Information | [VD51] – Create.

563. Which Transaction Code And Movement Type Help In Adding Stock (from Legacy Stocks) For The Newly Created Material Type Into A Particular Plant After Creating A New Material Type In System?

For such a situation, you can use transaction code MB1C and the movement type 561.

564. How Can You Define Your Own Hierarchy Types?

Perform the following steps to define your own hierarchy type:

Enter a one-character alphanumeric key and description.
Enter a default partner function that is valid for the hierarchy type.
Save the hierarchy type.
565. How Will You Create Material In Both Company Codes While Working On Inter Company Sales?

While working on Inter Company Sales, the transaction code MM01 is used to create material related to the plant and Sales organization. For the other company code, this material can be extended if the server being used is common.

566. Which Factors Do You Need To Verify If The Tax Field In The Customer Master And Material Master Is Not Displayed?

We need to make sure that for all the countries in the OVK1, we have defined a tax category. At the same time we also need to verify whether the tax classes are defined in OVK3 and OVK4.

567. List The Sequence Of Steps Performed By Underlying System To Determine Tax Number And Tax Classification?

The underlying System uses the following sequence of steps to determine tax number and tax classification:

If the payer has a VAT registration number and is identical to the sold-to party, the tax number and tax classification are copied from the payer. The tax number is copied on the basis of the “country of destination relevant for taxes.”
If step 1 does not apply and If the Ship-to Party has a VAT registration number and the Sold-to Party does not have the same, tax number and tax classification are copied from the Ship-to Party.
If step 2 does not apply, then tax number and tax classification are copied from the Sold-to Party.
568. How Do You Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records?

The following menu path is navigated to define tax relevancy of the master record:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Taxes->Define Tax Relevancy of Master Records->Material Taxes.
569. Imagine You Are Defining Tax Determination Rule For A Country Which Has Regional Tax Code Also. How Will You Define Regional Code?

The following menu path is navigated to define regional tax codes:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu) -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Taxes -> Define Regional Codes -> Define County Code.
570. What Are The Transaction Codes That Are Used To Create And Change Customer Master?

The following are certain T-codes used to create and manipulate Customer master:

XD01 — Creates a customer.
XD02— Changes a customer.
XD03— Displays a customer.
XD04— Changes customer changes centrally.
XD05- Blocks a customer centrally.
XD06— Marks a customer for deletion.
XD07— Changes a customer Account Group.
XD99— Maintains customer maintenance.
XDN1 — Maintains number ranges for a customer.
571. Which Transaction Code Is Used To View Messages In System?

The T.Code SE91 is used to view all messages in SYSTEM.

572. What Do You Understand By Transferring The Legacy Data To System?

It means to transfer the legacy data to the newly installed & configured System. The data such as customer and material maintained by an organization before the installation of ERP System is known as the legacy data. You can use various tools to transfer the legacy data to the System, such as Batch Data Communication (BDC) and Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) Programs.

573. Specify A Way To Block The Transaction For A Material Flagged For Deletion?

You can block the transaction for a material flagged for deletion by customizing the Sales status feld in the Sales organization view of the material master.

574. List The Master Records From Which A Sales Order Receives The Organizational Data For A Specific Sales Area?

The master records from which a Sales order receives the master data are as follows:

Customer Master Record.
Material Master Record.
575. Which Document Do You Use To Enter Shipping Conditions And How Are These Conditions Used In Determining The Shipping Point?

The customer master record in the shipping screen and in the Sales document type is used to specify shipping conditions. The shipping conditions are used to decide the shipping point by copying them into the Sales document during order creation.

576. Suppose That You Have Blacklisted A Customer And Now Want To Block That Customer. How Can You Do That?

A customer can be blocked by navigating the following menu path:

SYSTEM Menu->Logistics->Sales and Distribution->Master Data->Business Partner->Customer-> Block [VD05].
577. Give The Menu Path To Define The Customer Hierarchy Types?

The menu path to define the customer hierarchy types is:

Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Master Data ->Business Partners -> Customers -> Customer Hierarchy -> Define Hierarchy Types.
578. Give The Menu Path To Set The Partner Determination For Hierarchy Categories?

The menu path to set the partner determination for hierarchy categories is:

Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Master Data->Business Partners-> Customers -> Customer Hierarchy->Set Partner Determination for Hierarchy Categories.
579. List The Items For Which You Can Define The Customer Hierarchy?

The customer hierarchy can be defined for the following:

Customer Master.
Sales Document Header.
Sales Document Item.
Billing Header.
Billing Item.
Sales Activities (CAS).
580. Give The Menu Path To Assign A Sales Area To The Customer Hierarchy?

The menu path to assign a Sales area to the Customer Hierarchy is:

Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Customer Hierarchy-> Assign Sales Areas.
581. Give The Menu Path To Define The Product Hierarchies?

The menu path to define the product hierarchies is:

Implementation Guide (IMG Menu) -> Logistics-General -> Material Master -> Settings for Key Fields -> Data Relevant to Sales and Distribution -> Define Product Hierarchies [OVSV].
582. Suppose That You Create A New Customer Account Group And The System Increments It By An Arbitrary Value. What Would You Do?

The existing problem is called number range buffering. You need to perform the following step:
Transaction code->SNUM->debitor-> change mode and change the numbers.

583. What Are The Customer Tables For Sd Module?

The following are the Customer tables of the SYSTEM SD module:

KNA1 — general data.
KNB1 — customer master.
KNB4— customer payment history.
KNB5— customer master.
KNBK— bank data.
KNKA — credit management.
KNKK— credit control area data.
KNVI— sales area data.
KNVP— Partner Function key.
KNVD__output type.
KNVS__customer master ship data.
KLPA__customer vendor link.
584. List The Standard Output Types In The Sales And Distribution Module?

The following are the standard output types in the SD module:

Sales Order Confirmation —BAOO.
Outbound Delivery Note —LDOO.
Billing document —RDOO.
Inquiry —AFOO.
Quotation —ANOO.
Contract —KO00.
585. What Do You Mean By User Exit?

A user exit is implemented as a call to a function module. A customer’s developer can access data objects and program components with the help of user exit. User Exits are used in case there are some specific needs which are not met by the Standard System.

586. What Is The Need Of User Exit?

User Exits are used in case there are some specific needs which are not met by the Standard System. The purpose of user exit is to add a particular business-related functionality to standard SYSTEM.

587. What Do You Mean By Rebate Processing?

Rebate refers to a specific discount given to a specific customer for Sales within a specific period of time. For example, a customer gets 2% discount on buying 500 kgs in a particular month and another customer gets 5% discount on buying 2000 kgs in the same month.

588. Imagine You Are Facing A Problem With Logistics Information System (lis) Due To Which After Client Copy, Your Test System Does Not Update Lis Info Structures. When You Save A Delivery, Sales Order, Or Billing Document, An Error Message “update Was Terminated” Is Displayed. How Can You Resolve Such A Problem?

In such a problem, you should generate the Info structure and update group again for the client in which your Error Message is displayed.

589. What Do You Mean By Subtotals?

Subtotals are generally used in pricing procedures. Subtotals are not tied to condition types. However, you can control the value entered in the fields by assigning subtotals within the pricing procedure.

590. How Can You Configure A Distribution Channel As A Default In The Transaction Field That Requires Distribution Channel Data?

Perform the following steps to set a Distribution Channel as default for the transaction field that requires distribution channel data:

Use the SU01 transaction code and enter the user ID.
Go to the parameters tab page and add VTW parameter.
Enter the default Distribution Channel in the parameter value.
591. Can You Perform An Availability Check On A Plant By Excluding A Storage Location?

Yes, you can perform availability check in MM by excluding a storage location.

592. List The Transaction Codes With Respect To Rebate Agreement Processing?

The following are the transaction codes in the context of rebate agreement processing:

VB02 —Change.
VB03 —Display.
593. What Do You Mean By Payment Terms?

The terms of payment that a company offers to a customer based upon which a discount may be given for prompt payment or penalties can be charged in case of late payment made is known “Payment Terms”.

594. What Is The Purpose Of Condition Indexes And How Can You Activate Them?

The purpose of condition index is to search all records for a specific condition type. For example, you can search all the condition records for the condition type PR00 condition type. You can activate the condition index in the customizing screen for the condition Type PR00 by navigating the following menu path:

SPRO->Sales & Distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Deflne Condition Types-> Maintain Condition Types-> Enter PROO.
595. What Is The Role Of User Exit?

The empty ABAP forms at particular points in the standard system, where the system allows customers to make enhancements to the way the code functions are called user exits. These are helpful tools to meet the specific business requirements.

596. Which Transaction Code Is Used To View Enhancements In The System?

The transaction code SMOD can be used to view all the enhancements in the System.

597. Which Menu Path Should Be Followed To View All The Enhancements In The System?

The following menu path can be navigated to view all the enhancements in the system:

SYSTEM Menu ->Tools ->ABAP Workbench ->Utilities ->Enhancements -> Definition.
598. List User Exits For Partner Determination?

The following are the user exits for partner determination:

599. Describe The Relevance Of Condition Technique In Sales And Distribution (sd)?

The condition technique is the most important technique used for configuration in the Sales and Distribution module. It is used for different types of determinations in SD such as pricing, text determination, output determination, account Determination and material determination. It is called condition technique, because it provides a technique to select one from alternative choices, based on conditions, access sequence and condition tables.

600. Which Rounding Rules Are Available In The Course Of Maintaining Condition Types?

The following three rounding rules are available while maintaining condition types:

Commercial rounding — In case of commercial rounding, a value less than 5 is rounded down to nearest value while the values greater than 5 is rounded up to the nearest value.
Always round up — In this case, regardless of the fact whether it is greater than or less than 5, the value is always rounded up to the nearest value.
Always round down — In this case, regardless of the fact whether it is greater than or less than 5, the value us always rounded down to the nearest value.
601. How Do You Begin With Defining And Assigning Pricing Procedures?

Navigate the following menu path to begin with defining and assigning pricing procedures:

Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing ->Pricing Control-> Define and Assign Pricing Procedures->Maintain Pricing Procedures.
602. List The Sequence Of Steps Used To Customize Pricing Procedure?

Perform the following steps (in sequence) to customize Pricing Procedure:

Put the required fields into the field catalog.
Create the required condition tables.
Create the required access sequence.
Assign the condition tables to the access sequence.
Create the condition types.
Assign the access sequence to the condition types.
Create the determination procedure, if necessary, and assign the condition types to it.
Assign the determination procedure.
Lastly, create the condition records.
603. Which Topics In Sd Have Impact On Pricing Procedure?

The following topics in SD have impact on pricing procedure:

Credit management.
Payment terms.
Cost of Sales.
604. How Do You Activate Pricing For Item Category?

We can activate pricing for item category by navigating the following menu path:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions-> Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define Pricing by Item Category->Activate Pricing for Item Categories.
605. What Is The Relevance Of The Condition Exclusion Group?

The condition exclusion group is a technique to ensure that the customer does not receive all types of discount; rather, the customer receives the best discount out of all given discount condition types. A best condition type is chosen from this “Condition Exclusion Group” based on your configuration.

606. How Do You Maintain Condition Exclusion Group?

The following menu path is navigated to maintain condition exclusion group:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)-> Sales and Distribution-> Basic Functions-> Pricing-> Condition Exclusions-> Condition Exclusion for Groups of Conditions->Define Condition Exclusion Groups.
607. What Do You Understand By Condition Supplement?

The condition supplement is a group of conditions that is applied every time a condition is matched condition supplements will come for a condition if you have maintained pricing procedure under master data of the condition.

608. Explain The Tax Determination Process In Brief ?

The tax determination is performed automatically by system. The tax determination is based on the structure of the organization, country, region or city of the plant delivering the products and the country of the receiving customer. It works in coordination with the tax relevancy indicators on the customer master record and material master record. Condition Technique is used for tax determination procedure.

609. How Do You Define Tax Determination Rules In Sd?

The following menu path is navigated to define tax determination rules in SD:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Taxes-> Define Tax Determination Rules.
610. How Do You Define Dependencies Of Revenue Account Determination?

The following menu path is navigated to define dependencies of revenue account determination:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Account Assignment/Costing-> Revenue Account Determination->Define Dependencies of Revenue Account Determination.
611. Where And When Are Requirements And Data Transfer Routines Available To Be Assigned Within The System?

The general rule of availability of requirements and data transfer routines are as follows:

Copying requirements are available to be assigned during transfer of data between documents and texts.
Data transfer routines are available during copying between documents and texts.
Requirements are available to be assigned to any access sequence as well prior to most functions.
Formulae are available to be assigned during pricing determination.
612. List The Divisions Of Data Transfer Routines?

The data transfer routines are categorized as:

Billing documents.
Sales activities.
Shipping units.
Text names.
613. How Do You Define And Assign Account Keys In Sd?

The following menu path is navigated to define and assign account keys:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Account Assignment/Costing-> Revenue Account Determination->Define and Assign Account Keys.
614. How Do You Set Price Limits In Sd?

Price limits can be set by navigating the following menu path:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions-> Pricing->Pricing Control-> Define Condition Types-> Define Upper/Lower Limits for Conditions.
615. List The Transaction Codes Related To Condition Record Selection By Condition Type?

The following are the transaction codes relating to condition record selection by condition type:

[VK11] —Creates a condition record.
[VK12] —Changes a condition record.
[VK13] —Displays a condition record.
616. What Is Access Sequence In Material Determination?

The access sequence is a sequence of steps, which is used by the underlying system to obtain a condition record used for material determination. All the condition records have specific values assigned to it, which determine the order in which the system will read the access sequence. The system starts reading the access sequence with the lowest number step assigned to it and tries to process everything assigned to that particular access sequence through condition table & fields. The whole process is called ‘condition technique’.

617. List The Steps For A Condition Technique?

Perform the following steps to create a condition record:

Place the required fields into the field catalog.
Create condition table.
Create access sequence.
Assign condition table to the access sequence.
Create the condition types.
Assign the access sequence to the condition types.
If needed, create the determination procedure and assign the condition types to it.
Assign the determination procedure.
Create the condition records.
618. How Do You Configure Transfer Of Requirements?

Navigate the following menu path to configure transfer of requirement:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions-> Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements->Transfer of Requirements.
619. Differentiate Individual And Collective Requirements?

You can have a transfer of requirement either with an individual requirement or with collective requirements.
In the individual transfer of requirements, a single transfer of demand occurs to the MRP for each schedule line. In case of individual transfer, the order quantity, the sales document number, the item number, and requirement class for each schedule line for which the demand has been created are shown by the requirement overview.
The collective requirements are group of requirements created over a certain period of time such as on the daily basis, weekly or monthly and transferred to MRP. In this case, requirement overview does not show the single transaction wise descriptions of the requirements, rather it shows details of the group of requirements. The collective requirement is beneficial for the organizations that deal large volume of sales orders daily.
620. List The Key Transaction Codes Relating To Integration Between Logistics In Mm And Sd?

The following are the key transactions related to integration between logistics in MM and SD:

MMBE—Stock Overview.
MD04— Stock / Requirement List.
MB53— Plant Stock Availability.
CO09—Availability Overview.
MB52— Warehouse Stock.
MB5M—Expiration Date List.
MB5B— Stock for Positioning Date.
MB5T—Stock in Transit.
MBBS— Valuated Special Stock.
MBLB— Stock with Subcontractor.
621. List A Menu Path To Access Stock Requirements Lists?

The shortest and simplest menu path to access the stock requirement list is as follows:

SYSTEM Menu->Logistics->Materials Management->Material Requirements Planning (MRP)-> MRP Evaluations-> Stock/ Requirements List [MD04].
622. What Are The Data On Which The Transfer Of Requirement Is Dependent?

The transfer of requirement is dependent on following data:

Requirements type.
Requirements class.
Checking group.
Schedule line category.
623. How Do You Define Requirement Class?

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions-> Availabiiity Check and Transfer of Requirements->Transfer of Requirements->Define Requirements Classes.

624. What Is Requirement Type?

After creation of the requirement classes we need to assign a requirement types to requirement class. A requirement class can be assigned with more than one requirement type, whereas a requirement type cannot be assigned to more than one requirement class. The requirement type can be changed during creation of sales order.

625. List The Search Strategy That The Underlying System Uses To Determine The Requirement Types?

The following are the pre-defined search strategy that the underlying system uses to determine the requirement types:

The system uses strategy group in the material master to find a requirement type.
If the strategy group is not maintained, the system uses MRP group to determine a requirement type.
If the MRP group is not defined the underlying system uses material type to determine a requirement type.
If none of the above is found, the system follows a special rule and tries to determine a requirement type with the help of item category and MRP type.
In case, when the MPR type is not defined the system uses only the item category to determine requirement type.
626. Define The Role Of Availability Check In Sd?

Availability checks play an important role in the business sales process. It is a process to determine whether the delivery quantity requested by a customer can be made available for shipping on the delivery date. The availability check is performed at the plant level.

627. Define The Types Of Availability Checks?

The following are the three types of availability checks:

The availability check on the basis of Availability to Promise (ATP) quantities.
The availability check against product allocation.
The availability check based on the stand-alone Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO).
628. What Are The Advantages Of Individual Requirements Over Summarized Requirement?

The following are the advantages of individual requirement over summarized requirement:

In case of individual requirement processing the back order processing, where as it is not possible in case of summarized requirement processing.
In case of individual requirement processing you can access the order line items and schedule line in stock requirement list.
629. What Is The Disadvantage Of Individual Requirement Over Summarized Requirement?

The disadvantage of individual requirement processing is in the terms of system performance. It affects the system performance as; each demand is placed immediately into the stock requirement list, which results in processing overhead and may affect the system performance.

630. How Do You Define/maintain Procedure For Each Schedule Line Category?

Navigate the following menu path to define a procedure for each schedule line category:

Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions-> Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements->Transfer of Requirements-> Define Procedure For Each Schedule Line Category.
631. Which Types Of Stock Are Available To Select From While Carrying Out The Availability Check?

The following types of stocks are available to select from while carrying out availability check:

Safety stock.
Stock in transfer.
Quality inspection stock.
Restricted use stock.
632. What Is The Relevance Of The “product Allocation Found Changes To The Confirmation” Message?

The “Product allocation found changes to the confirmation” is displayed during availability check on a line item. It means that the quantity allowed to a customer for a particular stock has exceeded its maximum limit.

633. What Is The Relevance Of The “no Feature Combination Exists…” Message?

The “No feature combination exists..” message is related to the product allocation and availability check. This message indicates that no availability check will be carried out. This is because, the underlying system has attempted to do availability check according to product allocation, but errors are found in the setup of the process.

634. What Is Change Request? How Is It Done?

The change request is the request which is intended to adopt a new change in the system. After the submission of the change request, the system pops up the change request and shows it in the pop up box. The request name is entered and the requested change is named accordingly. A new request number is generated automatically which consists of the client system name and system generated request number.

635. How Is A Request Released?

To release a request, the transaction code associated with a request is entered in the system. The requests are stored under the modifiable or released heading. We need to select the modifiable option that contains the internal request number which needs to be released first and then the external request number.

636. What Is Automatic Posting In Fi?

Automatic posting is the process of posting the accounts in the Finance module. The automatic posting configuration does the posting automatically in accounts as determined by the system. This process works as per your configuration as per your business requirements.

637. What Is Item Category And Item Group?

The item category is the key field included in the sales cycle. It affects the sales data and schedule line category. Unlike the sales document type which is entered manually in the sales order, the item category is automatically determined by the system by using the determination rule. Whereas item category group examines how a material is processed in the sales document. When processing sales document, the system uses the item category group to examine the item category and suggests it in the respective document. Item category group is defined in the sales Org View 2 of Material Master Record.

638. What Are Outline Agreements?

In a business process, the agreements are the type of relationship between the customers and the business. They are done upon the business entities such as material, price, and quantities. These contracts are represented in the system as outline agreements.

639. What Is Quantity Contract?

The quantity contract is a contract that is prepared after the issue of quotation but before an order. Quantity contracts are used to limit the quantity of products which a customer can buy. It is a type of arrangement which is followed when the demand for a material is greater than the available supply and the business needs to ensure the product supply evenly among the branches. The standard sales document type for quantity contracts in the system is KM or CQ.

640. What Activities Are Exempted From The Quantity Contracts?

The quantity contract does not create a requirement for stock within the plant. Therefore, there is not any assurance on the stock of product availability in the contract. There is not any binding from the organization to produce items or to purchase the items to satisfy the contract. It also have not any schedule lines or a validity date. Also the contract does not mention any specific delivery dates.

641. How A Quantity Contract Can Be Set Up?

The quantity contract can be set up by performing the following step:

Customizing Implementation Guide(IMG Menu)->Sales and Distribution-> Sales->Sales Documents->Sales Document Header -> Define Sales Document Types.
642. Which Are The Contracts That Appear In The Implementation Guide (img) Menu?

The IMG (Customizing Implementation Guide ) contains the menus that are related to the following contracts:

Master contracts.
Value contracts and contract data related to contract profiles and cancellation.
643. Which Table Is Used To List The Partner Functions In A Delivery?

The VPBA table is used to view the partner functions in a delivery.

644. How Is The Pricing Procedure Determined? How Can You Define The Right Pricing Procedure In The Sales Order?

The pricing procedure is determined according to the various factors such as: sales area, customer master, and sales documents type. For determining the right pricing procedures in the sales order the transaction code OVKK is used. The rule for pricing procedure determination is as follows:

Sales Area.
Customer Pricing Procedure.
Document Pricing Procedure.
645. How Would You Resolve The Problem “mswt Is Missing” Even When It Is Present In The Rvaa01 Procedure?

In such case you need to maintain the condition record for this condition type by using the T.Code VKll.Here you maintain the condition record with a validity period.

646. How Is The Item Text Copied From Sales Order To Delivery?

The item text is copied from sales order by performing the following step:

IMG Menu -> Sales and Distribution->Basic Function->Text Control.
647. Why Text Determination Is Used In Sd?

The text determination is used to transfer information from the material or the customer document to the order or to the Invoice document.

648. Why Is The Partner Determination Done In Sd?

The partner determination is used to determine the partners, such as “Sold to Party” /Payer”/Ship to Party”, “Bill to Party” and Sales Employee etc. for sales document. You maintain the Partners in the system as per your business requirements and configure a partner determination Procedure. This partner determination Procedure determines the partners in a sales document. The whole process goes as follows:

Defining the Partner Functions
Assigning the partner functions to the Account Group
Defining the partner determination procedure
Placing the required partner functions in the procedure
Assigning the procedure to the Account Group
649. Why Is The Output Determination Used In Sd Module?

The output determination is used to decide that which output mode is used to send an output notification to a partner (customer). Some of the output forms are- e-mail, electronic data exchange (EDI), and fax.

650. List The Five Important Fields That Need To Be Maintained During The Account Determination.

The following fields need to be maintained during the account determination:

Chart of Accounts.
Sales Organization.
Account Assignment Group for Customer.
Account Assignment Group for Material.
Account Keys.
651. What Do You Mean By The Copy Control?

The copy control is meant to copy data from a preceding document to the succeeding document. The succeeding document is decided on the basis of the document type and the customer requirements.

652. Specify The Purpose Of Maintaining The Common Distribution Channels And The Common Divisions?

The Common Distribution Channels and the Common Divisions are maintained to prevent the master record’s multiple maintenance. For example, if you have created a customer 550 for Sales area 0105/30/01 then 550 can be used in the Sales area 0108/40/01, if you maintain 30 as the common distribution channel.

653. Why Is Availability Check Required?

The availability check is used to determine that whether the requested order quantity would be delivered on Customer Requested Delivery Date or not. The availability check takes care about the time required to produce or obtain the material and picking or packing time, loading & Transit Time for the material.

654. Which Kind Of Requirements Does The Checking Group 01 And 02 Represent?

The checking group 01 represents to the daily requirements while 02 represent the individual requirements.

655. Which User Exit Can Be Used To Copy Data Into The Planning Table?

The user exit that you can use to copy data into the planning table is:

User exit MCP20001 along with ZXSOPU01
656. List The Forms Of Number Ranges In Sd?

There are two forms of number ranges in SD and those forms are as follows:

Internal — In this form, the system automatically assigns a number range to a document.
External— In this form, the system allows a user to assign a number range to a document.
657. What Is The Purpose Of Using Copy Control?

The purpose of using copy control is to decide what document type, item category, and schedule line categories can be proposed to proceeding document.

658. What Is Contract Grouping?

The contract grouping can be defined as the process to link lower level contracts to one master contract to maintain data consistency.

659. Is It Required To Create Condition Record For The Customer And Material Defining The Scale While Creating The Customer Rebate?

No, it is not required to create condition record for every customer and material while creating the customer rebate. Rebate is customer or material specific in nature.

660. How Can You Create A Pricing Procedure That Calculates The Price For The Industrial Customers When They Also Purchase The Domestics Goods?

You can create a pricing procedure that can calculate the price for the industrial customers by performing the following steps:

Create a VOFM subroutine that is VOFM->Formulas->Condition value.
Now set this subroutine in your procedure as V/2 transaction code in the AltCTy field. You can describe your requirements in the ABAP coding.
661. How Does System Show Storage Condition? How Can The Storage Condition Be Defined?

System uses two-character alphanumeric key, storage condition to show the storage condition of a material. The storage condition is used in co-ordination of the plant and shipping point to decide the storage location. You can define the storage condition of a material by navigating the following menu path:

Implementation Guide (IMG Menu)->Logistics Execution->Shipping->Picking->Determine Picking Locations-> Define Storage Conditions.
662. Suppose You Have Customized The Customer’s Credit Limit In Your Company In Such A Way That When A Customer Exceed His/her Credit Limit, The System Responses You About That. What Is The Name Of This Management In System And What Data Do You Use For This Management?

This management is known as the credit management. The data you use for the credit management is the credit management master data. The Finance module is used to assign credit limit to customers.

663. Give The Menu Path To Assign Credit Limit To Customers?

The menu path to assign credit limit to customers is:

SYSTEM Menu->Accounting->Financial Accounting->Customers -> Credit Management->Master Data-> Change [FD32].
664. In System There Is Functionality, Which Is Used To Manage The Customer Credit Limits. That Functionality Can Be Assigned With One Or More Company Codes. By Using The Company Code The System Decides That Organizational Unit When A Sale Occurs. What Is The Name Of That Functionality?

Name of that functionality is credit control area.

665. What Is The Consignment Stock?

The consignment stock consists of the items which are kept either at the customer or the business site for the consumption by the customer on the basis of a written agreement between them. The customer has the right to return the goods if not further sold or used. Till the time of sales or consumption of such stocks, it remains legally as company’s property. Customer only pays to the company only when the stocks are sold/consumed, otherwise he returns the stocks to company. This scenario is used in some special sales related scenario such as pushing of stocks to meet an increased sales requirement or, is used for exhibition purpose as well.

666. Define The Risk Category?

It is a grouping category, which is used to control the process to check the credit limit when the credit control takes place automatically. You use this category to segregate customers group on the basis of different credit rules. For example, you can put high-risk customers in one group and low-risk customers in another group.

667. List The Places Where A Credit Check Can Occur?

The credit check can occur at the following three places:

The Sales order.
The delivery.
The goods issue.
668. List The Credit Management Checks That The System Uses To Check The Credit?

The various automatic credit management checks that the system uses are:

Simple Credit Check.
Automatic Credit Check-Static or Dynamic.
669. List The Items For Which You Can Create Incompletion Logs?

The incompletion logs can be created for the following items:

Sales document header data.
Sales document item data.
Sales document schedule line data.
Sales activity data.
Partner data in Sales documents, deliveries, and Sales activities.
Delivery header data.
Delivery item data.
670. What Is An Output?

An output can be defined as a media that link various business partners. An output media can be one, such as e-mail, fax, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and printouts. An output media is generally created for invoices, delivery notes, and order confirmation.

671. List The Sales And Distribution Related Output Determination Activities?

The output determination activities that are related to the Sales and Distribution are:

Sales Activities.
Sales Documents.
Outbound Deliveries.
Inbound Deliveries.
Handling Units.
Billing Documents.
672. How Is The Transaction Code Ct04 Related With Characteristics?

When the desired class of material is selected in the Material Master then the characteristics of that class needs to be chosen. The CT04 transaction code is used to define these characteristics.

673. What Is Excise Tax And How Is It Related To The System?

The excise tax or excise duty is a type of tax which is charged on the goods that are produced for selling within a country. It is different from the customs duties which are charged on imported goods. As per the system guidelines, the procedure of excise tax calculation is country-specific. Therefore, the ERP software, which are implemented in India, have built-in Country India (CIN) version. You need to configure CIN for excise tax calculation.

674. What Are The Pricing Procedures Of Cin?

The Country India (CIN) version comes with the following four pricing procedures:

JINFAC (Sales from Manufacturing Plants).
JINEXP (Export Sales).
JINDEP (Sales from Depots).
JINSTK (Stock Transfers).
675. What Are The Major Settings In The Contract Configuration Setting Screen?

The following are major settings in the contract configuration screen:

Price Procedure Condition Header.
Contract Profile.
Billing Request.
Group Reference Procedure.
Contract Data Allowed.
Follow UP Activity Type.
Update Lower Level Contract Fields.
Check Partner Authorization Type.
Subsequent Order Type.
676. What Is The Service And Maintenance Process?

The Service and Maintenance process or service contract is a type of agreement between the supplier and receiver of the goods or service. This contract forms a basis on which the regular activities of the business, such as billing, cancellation, and other related items are done. A service contract contains validity dates, cancellation conditions, price agreements, and information.

677. Which Is The Standard Sales Document Type For The Service Contract?

The WV is the standard sales document type for the service contract.

678. What Are Service Items?

The service items are used by the service contract documents and can be one or all of the following:

Service task.
Material used in the service.
Time charged by the technician as per hourly rate.
679. What Is Standard Service Item Category?

The standard Service item category represents a service that is carried out and billed periodically. In Standard System, the standard item category for a service is WVN.

680. What Is The Standard Material Type For Service Items?

There is a standard material type for service items. DIEN is the material type which is generally used for services in standard system.

681. What Is A Master Contract?

A master contract is a contract which groups contracts that are at the lesser levels than master contract. It contains the information which are relevant to rest of the contracts. The main objective of the master contract is to ensure the consistency at all the levels. The documents included in the master contract are as follows:

Quantity Contracts.
Value Contracts.
Service Contracts.
682. What Is Standard Application Logic?

If any field in the new reference procedure screen is changed in the master contract, then only those fields of the master contract will be copied by the system which has the same value of master and lower level contracts. This is known as application logic.

683. What Is Workflow? Name The Person Who Can Assist You While Configuring A Workflow For A System.

It is a sequence of steps either processed manually or automatically by the system for implementing a task, such as updating a contract. It is handled by a workflow resource.
A workflow consultant is a person who looks after the problems associated with a workflow.
684. What Is Scheduling Agreement?

The scheduling agreements are the type of agreements which are done between the customer and the business organization. It includes the details related to the delivery of the products such as delivery date and quantities which are to be delivered. The delivery dates are then passed to the schedule line for further activities.

685. What Is Planning Delivery Schedule?

The planning delivery schedule is a type of delivery schedule which is used to manage the planning requirement of a project. The planning delivery schedule is conducted for limiting the planning period of schedule lines in forthcoming delivery schedules.

686. What Is The Correction Delivery?

The correction delivery done when a product is wrongly delivered to the customer and returned. And the good receipt is not processed. As a result, the cumulative quantity in the scheduling argument is updated and the original delivery quantity is called off in the scheduling agreement.

687. What Is A Rebate Agreement?

The rebate agreement is a type of agreement which is done between the customer and the buyer for the discount that is paid to the customer. It depends upon the conditions such as buying certain amount of the goods over a certain time period. This agreement specifies the rebate amount agreed on for each product.

688. List The Components Of Rebate Processing In System?

Rebate processing in System is divided into the following three components:

Configuring rebates.
Setting up rebates.
Managing rebate agreements and payments.
689. How Can You Define A Change Request? How Can You Release A Saved Change Request?

A change request is defined as a request that is automatically generated by the SYSTEM when you do any new customizing or configuration task in the SYSTEM. Once you save the change request, the SYSTEM generates a request number, which you have to save for further processing. A change request can be released by using the SE10 transaction code.

690. What Do You Understand By Intercompany Customers And One-time Customer?

The Sales customers who deal within the same client between different company codes are known as intercompany customers. One-time customers refer to those customers for whom you do not want to create a separate record, so that such type of customer account group can be reused.

691. Explain The Terms Minimum Order Quantity And Minimum Delivery Quantity.

The Minimum Order Quantity refers to the minimum quantity that a customer needs to order. The concept of Minimum Delivery Quantity refers to the minimum quantity that you need to deliver to a customer.

692. What Is The Difference Between Confirmed Quantity And The Order Quantity?

The quantity ordered by a customer is referred to as Order Quantity and the quantity allocated by Availability Check (ATP) is known as Confirmed Quantity.

693. How Can You Assign Movement Type?

The movement type is assigned while defining the schedule line category.

694. Suppose, In A Particular Case, Customer Requirements For The Sales Order Do Not Appear In The Md04 Transaction. How Can You Resolve Such A Problem?

To resolve the problem of non-appearance of customer requirements for the Sales order, you need to check whether the requirement class and schedule line category of your document are activated for requirement transfer.

695. What Do You Mean By Backorder Processing?

Backorder processing is functionality in the System where you change the commitments and over-ride the blockage of stocks marked against sales documents/deliveries. For e.g. you receive an order from a very important customer for material “X” but the entire quantity of X is committed to another customer “Y” via earlier orders and this is where Backorder processing works to change the commitment and shift stock due for Y to X.

696. What Are Order And Target Quantities?

The quantities mentioned as available in the quantity contract are called Target Quantities. Similarly, the quantities that are ordered are called the Order Quantities.

697. Can You Create More Than One Customer Hierarchy For The Same Payer? If Yes, Then How?

Yes, it is possible to create more than one customer hierarchy for the same payer. We can do it by first creating the order and delivery and then performing the PGI for the first and second customer hierarchy.

698. A Sales Document Is Divided In To Three Levels. List Those Three Levels?

The three levels in which a Sales document is divided are as follows:

Header Level (Table VBAK) — All the master data, such as the customer material master, the Sales area, and the organization data of a Sales document is stored at Header level in the VBAK table.
Item Level (Table VBAP) — All the material item data, such as the order quantity and the material master data of a Sales document is stored at Item level in the VBAP table.
Schedule Line (Table VBEP) — Information about the material delivery dates and the delivery quantity of a Sales document is stated at Schedule line in the VBEP table.
699. What Is A Sales Order?

A Sales order is defined as an order given by a customer to an organization for product or services. A Sales Order then is processed in the System to determine the basic organizational data and requirements for the entire Sales Process.

700. Define An Item Proposal?

In case if a customer frequently orders the same combination of materials, or if you recommend a particular selection of products for an opening order, you can store the frequently used data as an item proposal in the system. If you want, the item proposal may also include proposed order quantities. During sales order creation, you can then copy all or some of the materials and quantity data from the item proposal directly into your document (sales order, quotation, and so on). You can assign a particular item proposal to a specific Customer Master Records. The system can then automatically propose the number of the assigned item proposal whenever you process sales orders for the relevant customers.

701. What Is A Quotation?

The Quotation can be defined as a Sales document that you create before a Sales order and after an inquiry. Quotation is a legally binding document which informs the proposed prices and the terms and conditions of Sales to a customer.

702. When Is The Cash Sale Process Used?

The Cash Sale Process is used when a customer places an order, picks goods, and pays for the goods at the same time. When the cash Sales process is used the System proposes the current data as the goods delivery and billing date. After you save the Sales order, the System creates a delivery and prints a cash sale receipt. Cash Sales concept is generally used for Sales to employees scenario where no customer specific master is maintained rather customer is billed as One Time Customer.

703. When Is The Rush Order Process Used?

The Rush Order process is used when a customer places an order and picks the items immediately. Once you save the Sales order, the System creates a delivery; however, the invoice is generated later & sent to customer.

704. List The Various Business Functions That Are Performed To Meet The Delivery Date?

The business functions that are performed to meet the delivery date are as follows:

  1. Scheduling the time required to procure the material.
  2. Scheduling the time required to pick or pack the material or transportation planning time.
  3. Scheduling the time required to load the material.
  4. Scheduling the time required to shift the material to the customer’s site.

705. List The Activities For Which You Can Set Up The Partner Determination?

The partner determination can be set up for the following activities:

  • Customer Master.
  • Sales Document Header.
  • Sale Document Item.
  • Delivery.
  • Shipment.
  • Billing Header.
  • Billing Item.
  • Sales Activities (CAS).

706. What Is The Consignment Issue?

The consignment issue is the allotment of products for the customers. Its Standard document type is KE and the Standard order type using which it is recorded is the same. The standard item category used for the consignment issue is KEN.CO and CI are the standard schedule lines used for consignment issue. To create a consignment issue order, the Document Type KE is selected.

707. What Is Consignment Returns?

It is the sales process flow which includes the material or the product which are defective and either returned by the customer or sold by the consignee. These types of products are returned back to the consignment stock and stored as a faulty item. The sales document type for the consignment return is KR.

708. Why Is The Consignment Not Returned Into Plant Stock?

When a consignment is issued to the customer the business process is abstracted at the level of two parties; the customer and supplier. Therefore, customer maintains his own records related to the stock issue or return. If it is returned to the plant stock then it would be difficult for the customer to manipulate his transaction from the huge database of products at the plant level.

709. What Is Customer Pick-up?

The customer pick-up is the last process of the consignment procedure. It includes picking of the faulty as well as the unused/unsold materials which are left by the customer. The specific return shipping point is determined for the products. There is no need of any invoice while consignment pick-up, because the ownership of goods is not changing. KAN is the standard item category for the consignment pick-up.

710. Name The Standard Overview For Consignment?

SYSTEM contains a standard overview for the listing of all the consignments for all the materials issued to the customers in the plant. It is called Display Consignment and Returnable Packaging Stocks at Customer.

711. What Are Sales Document Lists?

The sales document lists are similar to the lists that are usually prepared throughout the business process. They are many sales documents lists that are prepared during the selling process. For example, the sales order list is very common in sales and distribution module.

712. What Are The Common Sales Document And Work Lists?

The common sales document and work lists are as follows:

  • List of Sales Orders
  • Outbound Delivery Monitor
  • List Billing Documents
  • Sales Documents Blocked for Billing
  • Sales Documents by Objects or User Status
  • Display Backorders
  • Incomplete Sales Orders
  • Incomplete Sales Documents
  • Outbound Delivery Monitor
  • Transportation Planning Lists
  • Blocked Billing Docs

713. What Is The Sales Document Status?

In the sales documents, there is status at header and item levels. It is used for knowing and controlling the stages in the sales documents.

714. What Are The Fields Of The Processing Status?

The processing status indicates the stages of an item whether it is processed or not. It includes the following fields:

Overall Status.
Delivery Status.
System Status.

715. List The Tables That Are Used To Display The Status Of Sales Documents?

The following are certain tables used to display the status of sales documents:

  • VBUK— Displays header status and administrative data.
  • VBUP— Displays item status.
  • VBAKUK— Displays sales document header and status data.

716. What Is General Table Display?

The General Table Display screen displays the populated fields of a table. The transaction code used for this purpose is SE16.

717. What Is Document Flow?

Right from the enquiry through quotation, ordering, shipping and finally billing of the products many documents are prepared. The chain of such type of documents created in a sales process is called a document flow.

718. What Are The Sales Document Types?

The sales documents may have several types but the most commonly used are as follows:

  • Standard Order.
  • Returns.

719. What Is Sales Order Stock?

The sales order stock is a stock with a stock type E. It is the stock of items which is reserved as per the sales order issued.

720. What Is Backorder Processing?

The backorder processing is the process of changing of the previous commitment of the delivery of goods from one customer to another due to strategic reasons.

721. What Are The T Codes Used For Backorder Processing?

The T codes used for backorder processing are as follows:


722. What Is Trading Process?

Let’s consider three organizations such as A the service provider, B the service receiver and, C works as a vendor which provides the services to service providers. In this situation when A receives a purchase order from B it either manufactures it or purchases it. If the option of procurement is chosen, then after receiving the purchase order from B, A creates a sales order for it. Also it creates a purchase order for C to arrange the goods. C prepares the product and sends to A which delivers it to B, that is the ultimate buyer. This process is called the trading process.

723. What Is Third Party Order Process?

Let’s consider three organizations such as A the service provider, B the service receiver and, C works as a vendor which provides the services to service providers. In this situation when A receives a purchase order from B it either manufactures it or purchases it. If the option of procurement is chosen, then after receiving the purchase order from B, A creates a sales order for it. Instead of preparing the purchase order for C as in case of the trading process A authorizes C to deliver the product to B on behalf of A. This process is called third party order processing.

724. What Is Invoice Verification? Name The Transaction Code For It?

Invoice Verification is the process used when a Purchase is made. For every purchase made, an Invoice is received from Vendor/supplier. In this process the data related to invoice is posted in the system which also creates payment liability for the supplying vendor. MIRO is the transaction code that is used for invoice verification.

725. What Is Product Group?

The product group is the categorized as the group of the products which are allocated for specific customer order. The product group can be either multi-level or single-level. The single level product group contains only the materials whereas the multi-level group can contain more than one product group.

726. List The Various Types Of Special Stocks?

The various types of special stocks are:

  • Consignment stock related to vendor.
  • Consignment stock related to customer.
  • Components provided to vendor.
  • Project stock.
  • Pipeline material.
  • Orders on hand.

727. How Can You Link The Automatic Packing Procedure With Delivery Type Or Item Category?

The Automatic Packing Procedure is assigned in the OVHU2 transaction code; therefore, you need to assign the procedure to 0002 Outbound Delivery there. This would help control packing in the delivery item category to some extent. However, to have a better control, you can design the access sequence with the available fields.

728. What Is The Most Important Concern That Needs To Be Taken Care Of While Creating Delivery Notes In Different Languages?

While creating delivery notes, the language of the notes are decided by the destination country for which the delivery notes are created. Therefore, the most important concern to be taken care of is to ensure that the country is identified accordingly in the program and the respective form is being used to create the delivery note.

729. Define Consumption Modes?

The Consumption mode defines the direction of the consumption of the customer requirements on the time axis from the requirement date, with planned independent requirement should occur. Here the requirement date is the date on which the Sales order items were created.

730. What Is The Purpose Of Shipping Point Determination?

The purpose of the shipping point determination is to determine dispatch related data and conditions for a particular delivery to be supplied to a particular customer. The Transaction code used is OVL2.

731. What Is The Purpose Of Using The Delivery Process?

The delivery Process is used to send the items from the plant to the customer through Shipping Point. The delivery process is also used to receive the items back from a customer.

732. In What Reference Is A Delivery Document Created?

You can create a Delivery document with reference to a Sales document or with reference to an inbound return Sales document.

733. Which Delivery Document Type Can Be Created Without The Reference Of The Sales Order Document?

The delivery document type LO can be created without the reference of the Sales order document.

734. List The Transaction Codes To Execute The Delivery Due List?

The transaction codes that can be used to execute the Delivery Due List are as follows:

VL10A — Sales orders fast display.
VL10B— Purchase orders fast display.
VL10C— Sales orders items.
VL10D— Purchase orders items.
VL10E— Sales orders schedule lines.
VL10F— Purchase orders items schedule line.
VL10G— Sales and purchase orders fast display.
VL10H— Sales and purchase orders items fast display.
VL10I— Sales and purchase orders item schedule line.
735. How Will You Describe A Shipping Point?

The Shipping Point can be described as a location linked to a plant from where items are delivered to/received from a customer. A plant may have more than one shipping point assigned to it.

736. Suppose That You Do Not Have Stock But You Can Successfully Press Pgi, Which Is Wrong. How Can You Configure The System That Cannot Press Pgi Without Stock?

To configure the System in such a way that PGI cannot be pressed without stock, you must ensure that negative inventory is not allowed in MM.

737. What Is Special Stock? Which Transaction Code Is Used To View The Special Stock?

The special stock is the stock, which is delivered along with the packaging material. The special stock is considered as the company’s property even when it is placed at the customer’s location. You can view the special stock by using the MMBE transaction code.

738. Why Are The Factory Calendars Used?

The factory calendars are used for various purposes and few of them are:

  • To decide the working days at a specific location.
  • To decide the day to create delivery so that a customer can receive the delivery on a working day.

739. Compare The Milestone With Periodic Billing?

The concept of billing a customer on completion of particular work milestone or activity is known as Milestone Billing. However, the concept of billing a customer on completion of a specified time period is known as Periodic Billing.

740. What Happens If There Is A Negative Posting In Billing Document?

Negative posting on the debit side reduces the credit side of an account. However, when a negative posting is done on the credit side, then it reduces the debit side of an account.

741. Compare Billing And Invoice?

When the goods are supplied to a customer, then an invoice is also sent. In other words, an invoice is a billing document. Apart from invoice, the other billing documents are Credit memo and Debit memo.

742. How Can You View The Due Date Of The Invoice After Making A Delivery And Invoice?

You can view the due date of an invoice in the AR module. If you go to fbl5n and search for the customer, the due date appears in the overview screen.

743. List Few Commonly Used Sales Documents That Result In Order-related Billing?

Few commonly used Sales documents that result in order-related billing are:

CR —Credit memos.
DR —Debit memos.

744. What Is The Role Of The Cancellation Invoice?

The Cancellation Invoice is generated by the System when you cancel an Invoice because of any business related decision. The Cancellation Invoice reverses the related transactional effects made by the Invoice which is cancelled.

745. What Is The Role Of Inter-company Invoice?

The Inter-company invoice refers to an internal invoice which is not passed to an external partner or Sold-to party rather it is passed between two company codes belonging to the same business.

746. Which Setting Is Used To Activate The Account Setting At The Header And Item Level?

The VKOA transaction code is used to activate the accounts assignment settings at the item and header levels.

747. How Can One Send An Invoice By E-mail?

You first need to define the output type and use the NACE transaction code. Then correct transmission medium needs to be defined in V3 application. If the dispatch is being sent as own transaction, then dispatch time is selected as 3. After the attachment of correct output type the VF31 Transaction Code is used to send the message.

748. Why Is The Account Determination Used By The System?

The Account Determination is used to determine that which ledger should be used to contain the accounts related information & posting should be made to the relevant account only.

749. Describe Two Types Of Credit Processes.

Two types of the credit process are as follows:

First —The credit process in which a customer returns the previously purchased items and request for the credit.
Second—In this credit process, a customer is credited without returning any item but against some additional offer or scheme.

750. When Is The Debit Process Used?

The debit process is used when a customer is charged because of any specific reason such as late payment, excess scheme paid etc. This is nothing but to charge customer due to specific business related requirements.

751. What Is Invoice Correction Request?

This is the document that helps you to correct the quantity and price of items on an incorrect invoice and to generate credit and debit memos. The procedure is called as Invoice Correction Request. For each item two entries are created, one is Credit Item & other is Debit item. You can only correct the Debit Item & that’s how you correct the invoice.

752. Define Dunning? What Do You Need To Configure Before Dunning?

The dunning is defined as a process, which is used to generate a bill or invoice against a customer when a customer does not pay amount according to the payment terms offered by a company. Before performing dunning, you must configure the following:

  • Define the dunning area.
  • Define the dunning keys.
  • Define the dunning block reasons.
  • Configure the dunning procedure.
  • Assign the dunning procedure to customer accounts.
  • Define the correspondence types.
  • Configure the dunning run.

753. What Is Sales Return?

Sales Return is the process of returning the purchased goods by the customer because of various reasons, such as Damaged during transportation, Inferior Quality, Over Stocking, Less or No Sales Uptake, or Winding up of business by the customer (e.g.-in case of trader or dealer). In these situations, a customer returns the goods purchased. As per the business agreement between the organization and customer, a Credit Note is issued in the name of the customer to settle the accounts.

754. What Do You Exactly Mean By Credit Note And Debit Note?

Credit Note —It is a kind of billing which you generally raise when you need to credit a customer due to Sales Return or because of some extra incentive or bonus offered.
Debit Note —It is a kind of billing when you need to charge customer for reasons, such as delayed payment made by the customer or Customer Payment cheque dishonor penalties.

755. What Is Return Invoice?

Return Invoice is nothing but the Credit Memo issued to a customer for the Sales Return affected by him.

756. Which Concepts Of The Sd Module Are Crucial Implementing Pricing Requirement And Formulas?

The following concepts of SD are crucial while implementing requirement and formulas:

  • Requirements.
  • Copying requirements.
  • Data transfer routines.
  • Formulas.

757. Define The Determination Procedure?

The determination procedure is related to the Sales order preparation. During the Sales order creation, the determination procedure is accessed to validate the records in the condition table. The determination procedure accesses the condition table and calls the condition types according to the access sequence and checks to see if a valid condition record exists.

758. Is It Possible To Choose The Pricing Procedure In Customer Master Or Material Master On The Basis Of Material Used?

No, it is not possible to change the pricing procedure once the main document is prepared at the material level.

759. What Kind Of Records Are Updated By The System When You Post Goods Issued In A Delivery?

When the goods are transferred to the customer then the goods issue is posted in a delivery. Once the goods issue is posted, the System updates various records, such as reducing the stock in hand and increasing the amount of goods sold that is Debit COGS & Credit Inventory account.

760. Which Block Is Used To Prevent The System From Creating Deliveries By Using The Delivery Due List Function?

The block used to prevent the System from creating deliveries by using the delivery due list function is called the delivery due list book.

761. Which Block Stops The System From Creating The Picking List?

The block used to stop the System from creating the picking list is called the picking block.

762. Which Are The Sales Object Types?

The most common sales object types are as follows:

  • VBK Sales order header.
  • VBP Sales order item.
  • VBEP Sales Order Schedule Lines.

763. List The Erp Packages Available In The Market?

The other ERP packages available in the market are:

  • BAAN.
  • JD Edwards.
  • Oracle Financials.
  • Siebel.
  • PeopleSoft.

764. Define The Term Consignment Stock?

The material available in the company premises but is not added in the stock is called the consignment stock. The consignment stock is added to the company stock when it is either sent to the production department or marked as the material to be sold.

765. What Do You Mean By Cross-company Stock Transfer?

Instead of delivering the sales order from another company code, the material can also be delivered from a plant of one company code to the plant in another company code. This process can be accomplished by a cross company stock transfer order.

766. What Is A Credit Control Area And How Is It Related To Company Codes?

An organizational unit is an organization that checks credit limits for customers. Although a credit control area can include one or more company codes, but you cannot assign a company code to more than one credit control area.

767. What Is The Difference Between An Inquiry And Quotation?

The inquiry is the process to register the customer’s probable requirements. The quotation is a legally abiding document given to customer conforming the terms & condition to deliver the product or service to customer.

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