250+ TOP MCQs on Sun, Earth Radiation Spectrums – 2 and Answers

Solar Energy Multiple Choice Questions on “Sun, Earth Radiation Spectrums – 2”.

1. Which of the following is used to measure the flux of outgoing long-wave radiation?
a) Watt/square meter
b) Watt
c) Joules
d) Watt/cubic meter
Answer: a
Clarification: The flux of energy transported by outgoing long-wave radiation is measured in watt/square meter. While Watt is used to measure power, Joule is used to measure energy.

2. Which of the following process is involved in long-wave radiation?
a) Adsorption
b) Scattering
c) Evaporation
d) Condensation
Answer: b
Clarification: In earth’s climate system, the processes involved in long-wave radiation are absorption, scattering and emissions. The emissions are from atmospheric gases, aerosols, clouds and the surface. Condensation is the process of gas converting to liquid due to decrease in temperature.

3. How does earth lose its excess solar radiation?
a) By storing the radiation in its core
b) By using the radiation to generate more magma
c) By radiative cooling
d) By conductive cooling
Answer: c
Clarification: Earth loses its excess solar radiation by radiative cooling. The outgoing long-wave radiation takes the excess energy from earth back into the space.

4. How do all the living organisms on receive energy?
a) From wind
b) From fossil fuels
c) From earth’s heat
d) From sun
Answer: d
Clarification: Sun is the source of energy for all living organisms on earth. It provides energy for photosynthesis which triggers the biological food cycle and food web. Thus, the energy is transferred between organisms as described in the biological energy pyramid.

5. What is earth’s energy budget?
a) Balance between received energy and emitted energy after the distribution of energy throughout the five components of earth’s climate system
b) Balance between received energy and emitted energy before the distribution of energy throughout the five components of earth’s climate system
c) Balance between received energy and emitted energy
d) Balance between received energy and emitted energy without the distribution of energy throughout the five components of earth’s climate system
Answer: a
Clarification: Earth’s energy budget is the balance between received energy and emitted energy after the distribution of energy throughout the five components of earth’s climate system. It is important to note the outgoing energy is the energy after distribution.

6. What happens to earth when incoming energy is greater than the outgoing energy?
a) Earth’s temperature decreases
b) Earth’s temperature increases
c) Earth’s temperature is not affected
d) Water level rises
Answer: b
Clarification: When the incoming energy is greater than the outgoing energy, the earth’s temperature rises. This results in global heating and the entire planet feels the “heat”.

7. What happens to earth when incoming energy is less than the outgoing energy?
a) Earth’s temperature is not affected
b) Earth’s temperature increases
c) Earth’s temperature decreases
d) Entire planet freezes
Answer: c
Clarification: When the incoming energy is lesser than the outgoing energy, the earth’s temperature decreases. This results in global cooling. If the difference is large and average global temperature decreases even by 1 degree Celsius, the entire planet may be covered with snow.

8. What is solar irradiance?
a) Solar radiation received by earth
b) Solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface
c) Solar radiation received by earth’s surface after scattering
d) Intensity with which the solar radiation enters the earth’s atmosphere
Answer: d
Clarification: Solar irradiance is the intensity with which the solar radiation enters the earth’s atmosphere. Solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface is called direct solar radiation. Solar radiation received by earth’s surface after scattering is called indirect solar radiation.

9. During night, the net-all-wave radiation is dominated by _____
a) long-wave radiation
b) short-wave radiation
c) visible range
d) gamma rays
Answer: a
Clarification: During night, the net-all-wave radiation is dominated by long-wave radiation. The long-wave radiation dominates the net all-wave radiation in polar regions as well. It is important to note that net-all-wave radiation is for a surface.

10. Why is the earth’s temperature nearly stable?
a) Because the outgoing radiation dominates the incoming solar radiation
b) Because the incoming short-wave solar radiation nearly equals the outgoing long-wave radiation
c) Because the incoming long-wave solar radiation dominates the outgoing short-wave radiation
d) Because the incoming long-wave solar radiation dominates the outgoing long-wave radiation
Answer: b
Clarification: Earth’s temperature is nearly stable. This is because the incoming short-wave solar radiation nearly equals the outgoing long-wave radiation. Any variation in the global average temperature is detrimental to the planet.

11. Which of the following best describes intensity?
a) Energy supplied to a bulb
b) Power supplied to a bulb
c) Brightness of glowing bulb
d) Energy the bulb radiates as heat
Answer: c
Clarification: Intensity is best described by the brightness of a glowing bulb. Energy the bulb radiates as heat is the power that is wasted by the bulb during its operation.

12. Solar irradiance is measured in ______
a) watts
b) meters/sec
c) newtons
d) watts/square meter
Answer: d
Clarification: Solar irradiance is measured in watts/square meter. It is the amount of radiant flux on an area and hence those units. Speed and velocity are measured in meters/s.

13. Which of the following influences solar irradiance?
a) Scattering elements like clouds
b) Shape of the location receiving the radiation
c) Type of the radiation
d) Type of the receiving surface
Answer: a
Clarification: Solar irradiance received by a location or water body depends on the elevation above sea level, angle of sun and scattering elements like clouds. It does not depend on the type of radiation and type of receiving surface.

14. Ozone absorbs UV light and hence affects solar irradiance.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Ozone absorbs UV light and hence affects solar irradiance. The lower the angle of the sun, the larger the amount of ozone the light has to pass through.

15. The distance that the solar radiation has to travel will be lowest when the sun is directly overhead.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The distance that the solar radiation has to travel will be lowest when the sun is directly overhead. The angle of sun is dependent on latitude, time of year and the time of day.

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