[PDF Notes] What is Cognitive Domain of Teaching Science?

Cognitive Domain of Teaching Science

It is under some specific classes that taxonomy of educational objectives is being organised, mention of which are as follows:

i. Knowledge:

It consisted of knowledge regarding specific and isolated facts, various terms used in the subject, dates, events and various sources used to get information, manner in which ideas have been organised, studied and judged out, criteria used to test and judge various facts, principles and opinions, different methods used for performing function, rules and regulations followed, principles and generalisations and their application in practice, theories and structure and also the manner in which they are related to each other.

ii. Comprehension:

Three kinds of behaviours are being included in this area, first of which include translation work which is conducted from one level of abstraction to another and from one verbal form to another. Translation work performed from one symbolic form to another is also included in this category.

Steps taken to interpret the given information are also included in this category. Extrapolations including behaviour patterns by which conclusions are drawn and predictions are made are also included in this category.

iii. Application:

It is on the function of understanding the meaning and intent of material that more importance is given in comprehension part, while in this part, more emphasis is being given to the function of remembering and bringing to bear upon the provided material the appropriate generalisation and principles.

iv. Analysis:

Provided material is being broken down into its constituent parts in analysis part. In this process, the manner in which material and its constituent’s parts are organised is also taken into consideration. Thus, it can be said that under analysis process, analysation of elements, relationships and organisational principles are conducted properly and in a systematic manner.

v. Synthesis:

In this process, various parts or elements are put together in such a way that they form a well-defined and well-structured whole. The functions of producing unique communication system and designing plans or proposed set of operations are being included in this part. Set of abstract relationships are also derivative in this process.

vi. Evaluation:

In this part, various values, ideas and works performed are being evaluated properly and it is ensured that results derived from the whole process are satisfactory and accurate. Here it i important to mention that process of evaluation is broad in nature as it includes evaluation of internal as well as external evidences.

Thus we found that first part of educational objectives, namely, cognitive domain is being divided into six categories and all the parts are equally important and it is not possible to skip out any of them in any way.

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