300+ Yarn Manufacturing FAQs and Answers for Experienced / Freshers

Yarn Manufacturing Interview Questions with Answers

Question: 1. What Is Fiber? 


Fiber or fiber is classes of materials that are nonstop fibers or are in discrete stretched pieces, like lengths of string. They are significant in the science of the two plants and creatures, for holding tissues together. 

Question: 2. What Is Textile Fiber? 


Material fiber has a few qualities which vary between fiber to Textile fiber. Material fiber can be spun into a yarn or made into a texture by different techniques including weaving, sewing, interlacing, felting, and bending. The fundamental prerequisites for strands to be spun into yarn incorporate a length of in any event 5 millimeters, adaptability, cohesiveness, and adequate quality. Other significant properties incorporate versatility, fineness, consistency, strength, and radiance. 

Deals Interview Questions 

Question: 3. Stream Chart Of Carded Yarn Manufacturing Process? 


Fiber/Bale → Blow Room → Lap/Chute 


Lap/Chute → Carding → Sliver (Carded) 


Checked Sliver → Draw Frame → Sliver (Drawn) 


Drawn Sliver → Simplex → Rove 


Meander → Ring Frame → Yarn 









Question: 4. What Is Yarn? 


Yarn is a long persistent length of interlocked filaments, reasonable for use in the creation of materials, sewing, sewing, sewing, weaving, weaving, and rope making. 

Question: 5. Stream Chart Of Combed Yarn Manufacturing Process? 


Fiber/Bale → Blow Room → Lap/Chute 


Lap/Chute → Carding → Sliver (Carded) 


Checked Sliver → Pre-Comb Drawing Frame → Sliver (Pre-Drawn) 


Fragment → Lap Frame → Lap 


Lap → Comber → Sliver 


Fragment → Post-Comb Drawing Frame → Sliver (Post-Drawn) 


Drawn Sliver → Simplex → Rove 


Wander → Ring Frame → Yarn 









Material Interview Questions 

Question: 6. What Is Bale Management? 


Testing, arranging and blending bundles as indicated by the properties of fiber for delivering explicit great quality yarn at least expense is called bunch the board. 

Question: 7. When Bale Mixing Is Done? 


Before the blow room/Before the bunches going into blow room. 

Material Graphic Designer Interview Questions 

Question: 8. What Are The Basic Operations In The Blow Room? 




Blending and mixing 

Indeed, even feed of material to the card. 

Question: 9. What Is Carding? 


Checking might be characterized as the decrease of a trapped mass of fiber to a cloudy web by working them between two firmly separated, moderately moving surface dressed with sharp wire focuses. 

Advertising Interview Questions 

Question: 10. Goal Of Carding? 


To open up the cotton in to single fiber state. 

To lessen the quantity of neps, short filaments. 

To deliver a thick untwisted rope of fiber called bit. 

Question: 11. What Are The Main Objectives Of Draw Frame? 


Fixing and parallelization of filaments by drafting and drawing. 

Minimization of abnormality by multiplying. 

Mixing and blending of filaments. 

To deliver an increasingly uniform bit of positive wt/yds. 

Attire Merchandising Interview Questions 

Question: 12. What Are The Faults Of Blow Room? 


Delicate lap, 

Tapered lap, 

Barrel formed, 

Split lap, 

Battered selvedge, 

Lap licking. 

Deals Interview Questions 

Question: 13. Discover The Hank Of The Lap When The Weight Of The Lap Is 14 Oz/yds? 


14 oz contains = 1 yds, 

1 oz contains = 1/14 yds, 

16 oz or 1 lb contains = 16/14 yds 

=16/14×840 hank=0.00136 hank 

So hank of lap = 0.00136. 

Question: 14. Discover The Wt/yds Of The Lap When Hank Of The Lap Is 0.0014? 


Weight of 0.0014×840 yds = 1 lbs or 16 oz 

1.176 yds = 16 oz 

1 yds = 16/1.176 oz = 13.6 oz 

So weight of lap = 13. 6 oz/yds 

Question: 15. What Is Roving? 


A wandering is a consistent marginally contorted strand of filaments which has not gotten its last drawing for yarn. Meandering hank=0.70 to 0.85, TPI=about 1.15 

Articles of clothing Interview Questions 

Question: 16. What Are The Faults Of Yarn? 


Sporadic yarn 

Thick and slight spots 


Nepped yarn 

Spinners twofold 


Terrible piecing 


Delicate yarn 

Hard and non versatile yarn 

Harsh yarn 

Question: 17. What Is Stress? 


Stress is the proportion between the applied power and cross sectional region of the example, 

Stress = applied power/cross sectional region = F/A. 

Unit of stress is N/m2, dyne/cm2, which is likewise called Pascal (Pa). 

Turning Interview Questions 

Question: 18. What Is Tenacity? 


The diligence of a fiber is the mass worry at break. 

Unit – gm/tex, 

Diligence = breaking load/mass pressure or straight thickness, 

Straight thickness = mass/unit length. 

Material Interview Questions 

Question: 19. What Is Tensile Strength? 


Elasticity = power required to break the example/cross sectional zone. 

Question: 20. What Are The Basic Textile Materials? 






Dim texture 


Completed texture 


Finished result 

Piece of clothing Washing Interview Questions 

Question: 21. Record The Types Of Yarn Twist? 


“z” or clock astute and 

“S” or hostile to clock shrewd contort. 

Question: 22. What Is Ipi? 


It shows yarns thick places, slender spots and slubs. 

Question: 23. What Is Count? 


Tally is a numerical articulation which communicates/shows coarseness or fineness of yarn. 

Or then again, 

tally is a number showing the mass per unit length or the length per unit mass of yarn. 

Texture Manufacturing Technology Interview Questions 

Question: 24. Various Types Of Measurement? 


1 yard = 0.9144 m 

1 m =1.0936 yards=7000 grain 

1kg = 2.204 lbs, 

1lbs(pound) = 453 .6gm = 7000 grains 

1gm =15.43 grains 

16 oz = 1 lb(pound) 

36 inch = 1 yard 

2.54 cm = 1 inch 

1 Hank=840 yards=1 pound 

Material Graphic Designer Interview Questions 

Question: 25. What Is Yarn Twist? 


The winding demeanor of the segments of string which is normally the aftereffect of relative turn of the two finishes is called yarn bend. 

Question: 26. Various Relations? 


Denier = 9 × Tex 

Ne × Denier = 5315 

Tex × Ne = 590.6 

Tex × Metric = 1000 

Denier × Metric = 9000 

Question: 27. What Are The Unusable Waste In Spinning Mill? 



level segments of coarse tally, 

Floor clearing II, 

dust and so forth. 

Promoting Interview Questions 

Question: 28. How Might You Determine Yarn Count In English System? 


Tally (Ne) =length(yds)/length × weight unit/weight in gm 

= (120yds/840yds) × (1lbs or 453.6gm/weight in gm) 

=64.8/Weight in gm 

Question: 29. Record The Name Of Count Of Direct System? 


Txe,K tex,D tex,Mili tex,Denier,lb/spyndle, Woolen. 

Question: 30. Record The Full Meaning Of Some Institution? 


BSTI = Bangladesh standard and testing establishment. 

ISO = International association for normalization. 

BS = British norm 

AQL = Acceptable quality level. 

BCIRA = British cotton businesses examine affiliation. 

ITET= Institute of material specialists and technologist. 

AAMA=American clothing maker affiliation. 

AAQC=American relationship of value control. 

Question: 31. Distinctive Between Cotton And Viscose? 


Cotton = Natural fiber, quality increment in wet condition. 

Thick = Man made fiber, quality lessening in we condition. 

Question: 32. What Is Bi-part Fiber? 


Bi-part strands are manufactured strands which filaments fiber contains two kinds of polymer. 

Question: 33. What Is Lint And Linters? 


At that point cotton which are get after first time ginning to seeds cotton is called build up and for second time ginning of cotton is called linters. 

Attire Merchandising Interview Questions 

Question: 34. What Is Blow Room? 


The area or line where the packed bunch are changed over into uniform lap of specific length or made reasonable for checking by opening, mixing or blending. 

Question: 35. How Fiber Is Form? 






Polymer chain 





Question: 36. What Is Swelling? 


The adjustment in measurement because of engrossing water or dampness of any material is named as growing. 

Swelling=(Swollen measurement Dry measurement)/Dry measurement 

Pieces of clothing Interview Questions 

Question: 37. What Is Ginning? 


The system by which seeds and cottons are isolated from seeds cotton is called Ginning. 

Question: 38. What Is Staple Length? 


The normal length of spinable fiber is called staple length. 

** staple length = 0.91 × powerful length(U.S.A upland cotton) 

Question: 39. How The Amount Of Twist Is Expressed? 


Wind per inch(TPI) = yarn 

Wind per meter (TPM) = meandering 

Wind per centimeter (TPCM) 

Question: 40. What Is Mass Stress? 


Mass pressure = Applied forse/straight thickness 

Unit = CN/tex , gm/tex 

Turning Interview Questions 

Question: 41. What Is The Modern Testing Equipment For Spinning Mill? 


HVI(High volume instrument) 

AFIS(Advance fiber data framework) 

Shirley analyzer = trash% 

Dampness meter = MC% 

Dampness testing stove = MR% 

Question: 42. What Is The Maximum Count To Be Produce In Rotor M/c And Ring M/c In Spinning? 


Rotor m/c = unrealistic to create more than 40s check. 

Ring m/c = it is conceivable to deliver about 300s check. 

Article of clothing Washing Interview Questions 

Question: 43. What Are The Action Of Blow Room? 


Activity of contradicting spikes 

Activity of air current 

Activity of mixers, 

Managing activity

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