[PDF Notes] 50 quiz questions on English Literature

201. Into how many periods can we divide Chaucer’s works?

(a) Two – French and English

(b) Three – French, English and Italian

(c) Four – French, English, Italian and Latin

(d) One – English only

202. Who in Shakespeare’s Hamlet mumbles a song from the “Book of Songs and Sonnets” known as Total’s Miscellany ?

(a) Hamlet himself

(b) One of the two clowns, a grave-digger

(c) Polonius

(d) Gertrude

203. Name the castle where Spenser lived and finished the first three books of Fairy Queen.

(a) Leicester House

(b) Kilcolman

(c) Lord Grey’s Castle

(d) Harvey House

204. William Shakespeare was born on

(a) 26 April 1563

(b) 23 April 1564

(c) 23 April 1563

(d) 3 May 1564

205. Identify the first English comedy written by a headmaster of Eton.

(a) Grammar Gorton’s Needle

(b) Ralph Roister Roister

(c) The Pour Ps

(d) Wit and Science

206. Who wrote the introductory Sonnet to Spencer’s Fairy Queen?

(a) Spencer himself

(b) Leicester

(c) Sir Philip Sidney

(d) Sir Walter Raleigh

207. He was a musician in the court of Henry VIII. His aim was to amuse and not moralise. His interludes were hilarious and they paved the way for comedy. Name the writer and his work.

(a) Bishop Bale – King John

(b) John Heywood – The Four Ps

(c) Skeleton – Magnificence

(d) Lindsay – Satire of the Three Estates

208. Name the dramatist of Campuses, Edition, Love’s Metamorphoses.

(a) John Lyly

(b)Robert Greene

(c) Thomas Lodge

(d)Thomas Nash

209. “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves that we are underlings.” Who said this and in which play?

(a) Cassius in Julius Caesar

(b)Antony in Julius Caesar

(c) Cali ban in The Tempest

(d)Antony in Antony and Cleopatra

210. Whom would you assign the line “Drink to me only with thane eyes.”?

(a) John Lyly

(b)William Shakespeare

(c) Ben Jonson

(d)Thomas Nash

211. One contemporary of Jonson had a bitter and extravagant style. In his Poetaster Jonson gives him a purge which makes him vomit his learned and bombastic words. Who is this poet?

(a) George Chapman

(b)Thomas Dekker

(c) Marston


212. About whom these words are uttered: “Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle: She died young.”

(a) Juliet in Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)

(b)Duchess in The Duchess of Mali (Webster)

(c) Cordelier in King Lear (Shakespeare)

(d)Anne in A Woman Killed with Kindness (Thomas Heywood)

213. Name the famous pair of writers who gained popularity by their joint ventures.

(a) Ben Jonson and George Chapman

(b)George Chapman and Marston

(c) Fournier and Webster

(d)Beaumont and Fletcher

214. “Farewell ! Othello’s occupation’s gone”, What does this cry signify?

(a) There were no dramatists left after Ben Jonson

(b) The dramatists were taking other occu­pations

(c) The British Parliament closed the the­atre as Puritans came to power

(d) People preferred poetry

215. Name the play in which Shakespeare and Fletcher collaborated.

(a) Henry VIII

(b) Griselda

(c) The Two Noble Kinsmen

(d) The Maid’s Tragedy

216. How would you classify The Knight of the Burning Pestle by Beaumont and Fletcher?

(a) Comedy (b) Tragedy

(c) Tragic-comedy (d) Farce

217. This public place was made famous and immortal by Shakespeare, Seldon, Donne, Beaumont, Fletcher and Ben Jonson. Name it.

(a) The Friday Street Club

(b) Mermaid Tavern

(c) Bread Street Tavern

(d) Will’s Coffee House

218. Who wrote the book England from Noah to Elizabeth?

(a) Daniel

(b) Michael Drayton

(c) William Warner

(d) Christopher Marlowe

219. In the first three plays of Marlowe each of the heroes is consumed by a burning pas­sion which leads to his doom. In The Jew of Malta, it is the greed for riches; in Dr. Faustus it is inordinate thirst for knowl­edge. Which passion is depicted in his Tamburlaine?

(a) Thirst for bloodshed

(b) Homicidal instinct

(c) Lust

(d) Thirst for power

220. Barabbas is ruined by Christians. He plans a revenge by resorting to incredible cruelties until he falls into a cauldron of boiling water prepared for his enemies. This is in short, the story of a play by Marlowe. Identify the play.

(a) Edward II

(b) The Jew of Malta

(c) The Massacre of Paris

(d) Dido

221. How many books are contained in The Shepherd’s Calendar?

(a) 12 (b) 10

(c)7 (d) 11

222. In The Shepherd’s Calendar, England is rep­resented as a big sheep-farm ruled by

(a) Queen Elizabeth

(b) Shepherd Queen Lisa

(c) Shepherded Queen Elisa

(d) Mother Nature

223. Which poem of Spenser was praised by’ Coleridge for its “Swan-Like Movement”?

(a) Epithalamion

(b) Prothalamion

(c) Amoretti

(d) Strophe

224. Edmund Spenser is considered the best poet of Elizabethan age. Identify his period,

(a) 1551-1560 (b) 1552-1599

(c) 1557-1590 (d) 1552-1596

225.When did Spenser’s Shepherd’s Calendar appear?

(a) 1579 (b) 1580

(c) 1570 (d) 1596

226.In which of Shakespeare’s plays the follow­ing lines appear:

“Blow, blow, thou winter wind Thou art not so unkind As man’s ingratitude…” ?

(a) All’s Well That Ends Well

(b) /4s You Like It

(c) Antony and Cleopatra

(d) King Lear

227. Which work records Spenser’s experiences of his first visit to England in 1589-90 when he was introduced by Sir Walter Raleigh to the Queen?

(a) Strophes

(b) Colin Clout’s Come Home Again

(c) Prothalamion

(d) Amoretti

228. Who wrote the romance Rosalinda which supplied the plot for Shakespeare’s As You Like It?

(a) Greene (b) Lodge

(c) Lyly (d) Nash

229. Edmund Spenser dedicated his Shepherd’s Calendar to his friend describing him as “the distinguished and virtuous gentleman most worthy of all titles both of learning and chiv­alry.” Who was this friend?

(a) Sir Walter Raleigh

(b) Leicester

(c) Harvey

(d) Sir Philip Sidney

230. Arcadia, a pastoral romance, was written by its author to entertain

(a) The queen

(b) His friend Spenser

(c) His daughter

(d) His sister, the Countess of Pembroke

231. Given below are some of early tragedies. Out of these one was full of “horror”. However, it became popular and remained so till the end of the century. Ben Jonson refers to it in his Everyman in his Humor Identify it.

(a) Dr. Faustus by Marlowe

(b) The Jew of Malta by Marlowe

(c) Spanish Tragedy by Kyd

(d) Gorboduc by Thomas Norton and Tho­mas Sackville

232. The first printed collection of William Shakespeare’s plays was brought out by Heming and Condell who asserted that they did the work “in order to keep the memory of so worthy a friend and fellow alive.” What is this first edition now called?

(a) Heming and Condell’s Edition

(b) Everyman’s Shakespeare

(c) First Folio

(d) Authentic Shakespeare

233. How many plays are attributed to Shakespeare in toot?

(a) 37 (b) 36

(c) 21 (d) 154

234. Which of the following books marks the beginning of Shakespeare’s success?

(a) Love’s Labor Lost

(b) The Merchant of Venice

(c) Venus and Adonis

(d) Sonnets

235. In 1609 an unusual event took place which gave a theme to Shakespeare for one of his enchanting plays. An English ship disap­peared, and all aboard were given up for lost. However, a year later the sailors came back. They had been ship-wrecked on the unknown Bermudas and were terrified by mysterious noises which they thought came from the devils. This account was used by Shakespeare in

(a) The Tempest

(b) The Winter’s Tale

(d) As You Like ft

236. Name the theatre in which Shakespeare had shares.

(a) The Black friars

(b) The Theatre

(c) The Universe

(d) The Rose

237. Shakespeare depended primarily on two sources for his legendary and historical plays. Which is the most important one?

(a) King Arthur’s legend

(b) Holinshed’s Chronicles

(c) Plutarch Lives

(d) Legends of Charlemagne

238. How many sonnets has Shakespeare writ­ten in toot?

(a) 150 (b) 154

(c) 120 (d) 130

239. Name the picaresque romance which is considered by some critics as the first Eliza- be than novel.

(a) Rosalinda by Lodge

(b) Euphuism’s Golden Legacy by Lodge

(c) Jack of Newbury by Delaney

(d) Jack Wilton or The Unfortunate Traveler by Nash

240. Queen Elizabeth, it is said, desired to see Falstaff in Love. So at her behest Shakespeare wrote a comedy entitled.

(a) Taming of the Shrew

(b) Comedy of Errors

(c) Merry Wives of Windsor

(d) Measure for Measure

241. In which play does Shakespeare introduced us to the world of fairies, with the roguish imp of folklore, Puck?

(a) The Tempest

(b) As You Like It

(c) Twelfth Night

(d) A Midsummer Night’s Dream

245. Name the writer of the Elizabethan period who completed Marlowe’s Hero and Leander and collaborated with Jonson and Marston in Eastward Ho I

(a) Thomas Dekker

(b)George Chapman

(c) John Webster

(c) Thomas Heywood

246. Which of Ben Jonson’s work is a seething satire on false poets of the age?

(a) Vulpine, The Fox


(c) Cynthia’s Revel

(d) Epicene or The Silent Woman , Who among the following was a friend of

247. Edmund Spenser and offered hints for the perpetration of Spenser’s The Fairies Queen indicating a plan of 12 books in all that was never completed?

(a) Bacon

(b) Daniel

(c) Drayton

(d) Raleigh

248. Philoclea and Pamela in The Arcadia’ are the daughters of

(a) Proclus (b) Basilisk

(c) Musidorus (d) Earaches



202. (b)

203. (b)

204. (b)

205. (b)


207. (b)

208. (a)

209. (a)

210. (c)


212. (b)

213. (d)

214. (c)

215. (a)

216. (d)

217. (b)

218. (c)

219. (d)

220. (b)


222. (c)

223. (b)

224. (b)

225. (a)

226. (b)

227. (b)

228. (b)

229. (d)

230. (d)

231. (c)

232. (c)

233. (a)

234. (c)

235. (a)

236. (a)

237. (b)

238. (b)

239. (d)

240. (c)

241 (d)

242. (c)

243. (b)

244. (a)

245. (b)

246. (b)

247. (d)

248. (b)

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