[PDF Notes] Brief notes on the Suggestions for Improvement of ADB

ADB has attempted a self-appraisal through ‘A Study of Bank’s Operational Priorities and Plans for the 80s’ by experts and different countries. The main recommendations made by Study are given below:

(i) Maximum amount of Bank’s concessional assistance should be directed to the poorest countries.

(ii) High income developing Member Countries (DMCs) should be encouraged to cooperate more actively in helping the poorest countries of the region.

(iii) The Bank should develop a more close partnership with its DMCs and donors.

(iv) The Bank’s loan policy should be changed. Loans should be extended to support the development strategy of a member country.

(v) The Bank should increase its local cost financing and programme sector lending activities.

(vi) The Bank should also provide more technical assistance in promoting the institutional development of executing agencies of DMCS.

(vii) Greater emphasis should be laid on project implementation.

(viii) The Bank should promote the use and development of domestic consultants to reduce dependence of DMCs on outside expertise.

(ix) In order to increase the flow of official and private resources to the DMCs, the Bank should support such measures as increased co financing with commercial and export credit sources; equity financing operations; partial guarantees, unguaranteed loans; technical assistance in support of private initiatives.

(x) The Bank should explore opportunities to actively support and coordinate with other regional groups and research institutes. It should build and participate in a variety of inter-locking information, research, analytical and training net works.

(xi) All these measures would be effective only if they are adopted as a whole and not implemented in a piece-meal fashion.

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