[PDF Notes] Can you answer these questions on English Literature?

51. In Chaucerian period, the Hundred Years’ War was a collective name for the long succession of feuds and skirmishes between

(a) England and Scotland

(b) England and Ireland

(c) England and France

(d) England and Germany

52. What was the prize for the best story-teller among the pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales?

(a) A free horse ride

(b)A free supper

(c) A book of the Bible

(d)All of the above

53. What is the true import of the Clerk’s tale in the Canterbury Tales?

(a) That man can make his own fortune.

(b)That adversity is the best teacher.

(c) As you sow, so you reap.

(d)That man must learn to endure adversity with courage and understanding.

54. Which of the following was not a conse­quence of the Battle of Agincourt (1415)?

(a) England’s Supremacy in Europe was established

(b)English nationalism was on a high tide

(c) The general condition of the people im­proved

(d)Henry V became a symbol of the na­tional glory

55. Which war in England paved the way for the enlightened and powerful Tudor rule?

(a) The War of Roses

(b)The Battle of Agincourt

(c) The Battle of Hastings

(d)The Anglo-French Wars

56. The new Grammar Schools of 15th century England were a result of

(a) diversion of funds from going to monas­teries to education

(b)royal patronage of educational institutions

(c) the War of Roses

(d)the ascent of Henry VII

57. William Caxton set up the first printing press of England in 1475 at

(a) London

(b)New South Wales

(c) Scotland


58. A Letter of Cupid and The Regimen of Princes are 15th century works of

(a) John Lydgate

(b) Alexander Barclay

(c) Stephen Hawes

(d) Thomas Occleve

59. London Lack Penny, a short and lively story of the misery of a poor rustic who visits London in quest of justice, is attributed by most to the doubtful authorship of

(a) Occleve (b) Skelton

(c) Lydgate (d) Hawes

60. The invention of the genre, the Eclogues is attributed to

(a) Stephen Hawes

(b) William Dunbar

(c) Alexander Barclay

(d) Gaul in Douglas

61. Who among the following was not one of the Scottish Chaucerian’s?

(a) King James

(b) John Skelton

(c) Robert Henry son

(d) William Dunbar

62. The Thrice and the Rose and The Golden Target are two allegories of

(a) Gain Douglas

(b) Robert Henry son

(c) William Dunbar

(d) Thomas Occleve

63. The most remarkable ballads of the 15th century included

(a) The Nut-Brown Maid

(b) Chevy-chase

(c) Mort’ Arthur

(d) Both (a) and (b)

64. The Piston Letters are considered among the important works of the 15th century, because

(a) of their great literary merit

(b) of their value as reliable social chronicles

(c) of their innovative style and form

(d) of poverty of the age in prose writing

65. “It is the first book in English in poetic prose”. Which book of 15 century, printed by Caxton, has been referred to here?

(a) Mori D’ Arthur

(b) The History of Troy

(c) The Bible

(d) The Palace of Honor

66. The drama in England evolved through four well-marked stages till the end of 16th cen­tury. Which of the following was not one of them?

(a) The religious plays

(b) The morality

(c) The comedy of humors

(d) The interludes

67. Everyman (1490) is an important extant example of

(a) religious play

(b) morality play

(c) interlude

(d) artistic drama

68. The origin of English drama is attributed to

(a) the ballad

(b) the Chaucerian School

(c) the Liturgy (a religious ceremony of the church)

(d) the royal clowns

69. The Satire of the Three Estates, remarkable for its reformist zeal, was written by

(a) John Bales

(b) Sir John Lindsay

(c) Thomas Sackville

(d) Thomas Norton

70. The best of John Heywood’s interludes or farces was

(a) The Four P’s

(b) Ralph Roister

(c) Grammar Gorton’s Needle

(d) King Johan

71. Which of the following, written by Nicholas Udall, has the credit of being the first En­glish comedy of the classical school?

(a) The Four P’s

(b) Gorbuduc

(c) Ralph Roister

(d) Jokester

72. The first tragedy of the Seneca School to be written in England was Gorbuduc or Ferret and Pore by

(a) Thomas Sackville

(b) Thomas Norton

(c) Thomas Kyd

(d) Both (a) and (b)

73., Ago ‘tragedy by George

Gascoigne was

(a) Spanish Tragedy

(b) Jokester

(c) The Mirror of Magistrates

(d) King Johan

74. Who among the following was the first to use blank verse in English drama ?

(a) Sackville

(b) Gascoigne

(c) Shakespeare

(d) Marlowe

75. The first English playhouse called The The­atre was founded in the suburbs of London in

(a) 1476 (b) 1526

(c) 1576 (d) 1626

76. Which of the following is not one of the dominant forms of poetry of fifteenth cen­tury England?

(a) Allegory

(b) Sonnet

(c) Eclogue or pastoral poetry

(d) Ballad

77. The greatest shortcoming of 15th century poetry was

(a) poverty of themes

(b) immoral note

(c) poor versification

(d) All of the above

78. The most voluminous of Chaucerian’s who has written more than 1,40,000 lines is

(a) Hawes (b) Barclay

(c) Skelton (d) Lydgate

79. Who among the following satirized the vice of the clergy in his Book of Colin Clout ?

(a) Lydgate (b) Skelton

(c) Occleve (d) Dunbar

80. The poet who thought Chaucer was too le­nient on the immoral Cressida and relegated her to object poverty in the Testament of Cressida was

(a) Dunbar (b) Wycliffe

(c) King James I (d) Henry son

81. The prose works of Sir Thomas More included

(a) The Life of John Picas

(b) The Game and Play of the Chess

(c) The History of Richard III

(d) Both (a) and (c)

82. Who among the following is well-known for his Mortem Arthur?

(a) Malory (b) Norton

(c) Fisher (d) Kyd

83. Long called the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, the prologue to modern fiction because of its

(a) realism

(b) narrative unity

(c) far-fetched imagery

(d) humor

84. Who among the following has been called, the morning star of Reformation?

(a) Wycliffe (b) Malory

(c) Chaucer (d) Caxton

85. What is the significance of the name, the War of the Roses?

(a) England and France both had the same national flower, the rose

(b) The war occurred in the season of roses

(c) The rival factions in the war were symbolized by red and white roses re­spectively

(d) Rose symbolized the bloodiness of the war

86. The first translator of Virgil into English was

(a) Chaucer (b) Lydgate

(c) Douglas (d) Gower

87. In which year was Moore’s Utopia published?

(a) 1416 (b)1441

(c) 1476 (d) 1516

88. Ralph Robinson’s translation of Moore’s Uto­pia appeared in

(a) 1551 (b) 1581

(c) 1521 (d) 1611

89. Utopia is also known by the name

(a) An Unknown Island

(b) The Strange Country

(c) The World of Imagination

(d) The Kingdom of Nowhere

90. The Tale of Melees in the Canterbury Tales was told by

(a) the owner of the inn

(b) Chaucer himself

(c) the Clerk

(d) the Parson

91. The authorized version of the Bible is based on the translation made by

(a) Tyndale (b) Sir Pope John Paul

(c) Wycliffe (d) All of the above

92. The Spanish Armada was defeated in

(a) 1465 (b)1488

(c) 1535 (d) 1588

93. The Ways of Perfect Religion was written by

(a) John Wycliffe

(b) John Fisher

(c) John of Treviso

(d) Lydgate

94. Luther’s Wittenberg theses were published in

(a) 1398 (b) 1417

(c) 1517 (d) 1598

95. Earl of Surrey was executed in

(a) 1496 (b) 1527

(c) 1547 (d) 1596

96. Who ascended the throne of England in 1558?

(a) Henry VIII (b) Mary

(c) Edward VI (d) Elizabeth I

97. Both The Prince of Machiavelli and The Courtier of Castiglione are representatives of the Renaissance spirit in the sense that

(a) both exemplify free-thinking and vigor­ous life

(b)both advocate worldly success by ques­tionable means

(c) both revive interest in sculpture and painting

(d)both inculcate a pride in patriotism

98. The expeditions of Columbus to America and Vasco da Gama to India in the last decade of the fifteenth century may be attributed to

(a) intellectual curiosity

(b)man’s mastery over the sea

(c) lust for wealth

(d)spiritual quest

99. Who strengthened the monarchy after the War of the Roses in England ?

(a) Edward II (b) Henry VII

(c) Henry VIII (d) Elizabeth I

100. Who among the following was a fifteenth century educationist and reformer?

(a) Roger Ascham

(b)Martin Luther

(c) Machiavelli


Chaucer to Shakespeare

Multiple Choice Questions:





54. (c)


56. (a)



59. (c)

60. (c)


62. (c)

63. (d)


65. (a)

66. (c)

67. (b)

68. (c)

69. (b)

70. (a)


72. (d)

73. (b)

74. (a)

75. (c)


77. (c)


79. (b)

80. (d)


82. (a)

83. (b)


85. (c)

86. (c)


88. (a)


90. (b)



93. (b)


95. (c)



98. (c)

99. (b)

100. (a)

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