200+ TOP NEUROLOGY Online Quiz Questions – Exam Test

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1. A brain disorder marked by gradual deterioration of mental capacity, memory impairment, and confusion is known as?

A. Alzheimer disease
B. cerebral palsy
C. Tourette syndrome
D. myasthenia gravis


2. This sign/reflex is used to diagnose meningitis:

A. Hormans
B. Brudzinski
C. anterior drawer
D. startle

3. Demyelination is defined as?

A. loss of an axon in a neuron
B. loss of dendrites in a neuron
C. loss of protective sheath surrounding neurons
D. loss of the connective tissue between neurons

4. Serotonin and dopamine are?

A. neurotransmitters
B. components of CSF
C. only found in patients with neurological disorders
D. components of the myelin sheath


5. A sulcus is also known as a?

A. cortex
B. fissure
C. lobe
D. medulla
Answer: B

6. The cauda equina is located?

A. at the beginning of the spinal cord above the atlas
B. in the cerebellum
C. between vertebrae
D. at the end of the spinal cord below the first lumbar vertebra

Answer: D

7. Which part of the brain regulates heartbeat, breathing, and other vital functions?

A. brainstem
B. gray matter
C. occipital lobe
D. white matter


8. A specialized cell which conducts nerve impulses is called a (an) ?

A. glial cell
B. epithelial cell
C. neuron
D. proton

Answer: C

9. The term convulsion means a (an) ?

A. injury resulting from a blow
B. tremor
C. violent involuntary muscular contractions and relaxations
D. involuntary and quick repetitious spasms of a muscle


10. Which of the following procedures is used to withdraw cerebrospinal fluid?

A. myelography
B. cerebral angioplasty
C. lumbar puncture

Answer: C

NEUROLOGY Objective Questions

11. Which of the following is transcribed correctly?

A.The patient presents with a history of progressive right hemiparesis. Skull films, EEG, and CSS A nalysis were all normal. MRA will be ordered to assess cerebral blood flow.
B.The patient presents with a history of progressive right hemiparesis. Skull films, EEG, and CSF analysis were all normal. MRA will be ordered to assess cerebral blood flow.
C.The patient presents with a history of progressive light hemiparesis. Skull films, EKG, and CSF analysis were all normal. MRH will be ordered to assess cerebral blood flow.
D.The patient presents with a history of progressive right hemiparesis. Skull films, ECG, and ESF analysis were all normal. MRA will be ordered to assess cerebral blood flow.

Answer: B

12. The term medulloblastoma refers to a (an) ?

A. soft, infiltrating malignant tumor of the roof of the fourth ventricle and cerebellum
B. star-shaped tumor
C. tumor arising from specialized tissue found in the brain and spinal cord
D. tumor composed of glial cells in the cerebral hemisphere

Answer: D

13. A chronic disease characterized by a loss of the myelin sheath, causing paresthesias, muscle weakness, and unsteady gait is called?

A. multiple sclerosis
B. cerebral palsy
C. Huntington chorea
D. narcolepsy

Answer: A

14. A type of brain surgery that uses a system of three-dimensional coordinates to locate the operative site is called?

A. densitometric
B. microsurgery
C. sterotactic
D. laparoscopic

Answer: C

15. The combining for radicul/o refers to a?

A. nerve cell
B. membrane
C. nerve root
D. sheath

Answer: C

16. The term anencephalus means a (an) ?

A. congenital absence of the brain and cranial space
B. lack of memory
C. loss of the power to recognize sensory stimuli even though sensory facilities are intact
D. loss of sensation

Answer: B

17. Diminished sensitivity to stimulation is called?

A. hypesthesia
B. anesthesia
C. bradykinesia
D. hyperesthesia

Answer: A

18. The term encephalocele refers to a (an) ?

A. rapidly growing malignant tumor
B. congenital hernia in which meninges protrude through an opening in the skull or spinal column
C. abnormal smallness of the head
D. protrusion of the brain through any opening in the skull

Answer: D

19. The fluid-filled cavities in the brain containing CSF are called?

A. plexuses
B. sulci
C. synapses
D. ventricles

Answer: D

20. The term hypesthesia refers to?

A. sensation of numbness, tingling, prickling, etc.
B. lessening of sensitivity to touch
C. decreased sensitivity to pain
D. consciousness

Answer: B

21. Failure of muscle coordination, including unsteady movements and staggering walk, due to disorders in the cerebellum is called?

A. anoxia
B. dyslexia
C. paraplegia
D. ataxia

Answer: D

22. Which of the following is the term for an abnormal accumulation of CSF fluid in the brain?

A. Huntington disease
B. hydrocephalus
C. multiple sclerosis
D. spina bifida

Answer: B

23. The inability to use or understand spoken or written language because of a brain lesion is known as?

A. anosmia
B. aphasia
C. dyslexia
D. dysphagia

Answer: B

24. Which of the following is transcribed correctly?

A.Examination of the thumb shows weakness of the plantar muscles with slight atrophy. NCV shows decreased conduction velocity.
B.Examination of the thumb shows weakness of thenar muscles with slight atrophy. MCV shows decreased conduction velocity.
C.Examination of the thumb shows weakness of thenar muscles with slight atrophy. NCV shows decreased conduction velocity.
D.Examination of the thumb shows weakness of the plantar muscles with slight atrophy. MCV shows decreased conduction velocity.

Answer: C

25. How many pairs of cranial nerves are there in the nervous system?

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16

Answer: B

26. The equally divided halves of the brain are known as?

A. cerebral gyri
B. cerebral sulci
C. cerebral cortex
D. cerebral hemispheres

Answer: D

27. The term anarthria refers to the?

A. inability to read
B. inability to remember
C. inability to speak
D. inability to speak remembered words properly

Answer: C

28. The term dysmetria means?

A. the inability to read despite normal vision
B. the impairment of intellectual ability
C. the inability to fix the range of movement in muscular activity
D. severe pain along the course of a nerve

Answer: C

29. Tabes dorsalis is a term that means?

A. terminal portion of the spinal cord and roots of spinal nerves below the first lubar nerve
B. proliferation of neuroglial tissue in CNS
C. disease of CNS, usually caused by syphilis
D. rare disease of nervous system; Guillain-Barre sundrome

Answer: C

30. Retrogasserian neurotomy is a (an) ?

A. interruption of a nerve fiber tract within the spinal cord for relief of pain
B. dissection of the posterior root of the trigeminal ganglion
C. excision of a nerve
D. suture of a nerve

Answer: B

31. The term meralgia paresthetica refers to?

A. sensitivity to pain
B. severe pain along the course of a nerve
C. disease marked by tingling, itching, and disturbing sensations in the thigh
D. sharp pain along a nerve

Answer: B

32. Which of the following is a column of nervous tissue extending from the medulla oblongata to the second lumbar vertebra?

A. brain stem
B. cauda equine
C. nerve root
D. spinal cord

Answer: D

33. Which of the following is the largest part of the brain?

A. pons
B. cerebrum
C. cerebellum
D. basal ganglia

Answer: B

34. The term agnosia refers to the (a) ?

A. inability to read
B. inability to fix the range of movement in muscular activity
C. severe sharp pain
D. loss of the power to recognize sensory stimuli even though sensory facilities are intact
Answer: D

35. The brainstem consists of the?

A. cerebellum, cerebrum, and spinal cord
B. dura mater and the pia mater
C. pons, midbrain, and medulla oblongata
D. thalamus and hypothalmamus

Answer: C

36. The brain and the spinal cord make up the?

A. autonomic nervous system
B. brainstem
C. cerebral cortex
D. central nervous system

Answer: D

37. Which of the following is characterized by a lack of muscular coordination caused by a loss of oxygen during pregnancy or the perinatal period?

A. encephalopathy
B. Bell palsy
C. Cerebral palsy
D. concussion

Answer: C

38. The somatic nervous system

A. is part of the central nervous system
B. regulates voluntary motor control
C. regulates involuntary motor control
D. transmits impulses to the cerebrum

Answer: B

39. The term parethesia refers to?

A. severe pain along the course of a nerve
B. the sensation of numbness, pricking, burning, crawling, or tingling
C. a disease marked by tingling, itching, and disturbing sensations
D. impairment or lessening of sensitivity to touch

Answer: B

40. Which of the following is caused by a thrombus which occludes an artery leading to or within the brain?

A. aneurysm
B. cerebrovascular accident
C. cardiovascular accident
D. ictal event

Answer: B

41. The term astrocytoma refers to a (an) ?

A. tumor composed of neuroglial cells (astrocytes)
B. tumor arising from specialized tissue found in the brain and spinal cord
C. soft, infiltrating malignant tumor of the roof of the fourth ventricle and cerebellum
D. rapidly growing malignant tumor composed of primitive glial cells

Answer: A

42. The germ gliosis refers to?

A. proliferation of neuroglial tissue in CNS
B. impairment of sensitivity to touch
C. inflammation of the spinal cord
D. to and fro movement of the eyeballs as seen in brain damage

Answer: A

43. Which of the following terms is associated with degeneration of nerves in the basal ganglia that leads to tremors, weakness of muscles, masklike facies, and slowness of movement?

A. meningitis
B. chorea
C. Parkinson disease
D. Tourette syndrome

Answer: C

44. The term glioblastoma multiforme refers to a (an) ?

A. rapidly growing malignant tumor composed of primitive glial cells
B. tumor arising from specialized tissue found in the brain and spinal cord
C. tumor composed of glial cells in the cerebral hemisphere
D. inflammation of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes

Answer: A

45. Babinski and Hoffman are tests to evaluate?

A. response to pain
B. motor coordination
C. gait
D. reflexes

Answer: D

46. A pituitary tumor that protrudes through the diaphragma sella is most likely to cause:

A. bilateral cecocentral scotomata
B. B. bilateral lower field cut
C. C. bitemporal hemianopia
D. D. binasal hemianopia
E. E. diplopia

Answer: C

47. According to cumulative data from many sources: Is the Ketogenic Diet effective in making ALL patients seizure-free?

A. Yes – All patients become seizure-free
B. No: only half will become seizure-free
C. No: a third of patients will become seizure-free
D. It is not effective at all

Answer: C

48. The Modified Atkins Diet (MAD) highly discourages fruits, breads and starches. It also has fewer carbohydrate restrictions than the low-glycemic index diet?

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

49. KetoCal is best initiated and weaned fast over the course of only a few days.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

50. One can test for ketone bodies in the blood/urine to determine level of ketosis.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A

NEUROLOGY Objective type Questions with Answers

51. These are possible side effects while on the KD:

A. Death
B. Constipation
C. Kidney Stones
D. None, only medications have side effects
E. a,b, and c

Answer: E

52. Do NOT use KetoCal for patients with:

A. Nasal congestion
B. Blindness
C. Lactose intolerance
D. Hard to deal with parents

Answer: C

53. KetoCal 4:1 formulation contains ___% fat?

A. 97%
B. 90%
C. 87%
D. 82%

Answer: B

54. KetoCal 3:1 formulation contains ___% fat?

A. 97%
B. 90%
C. 87%
D. 82%

Answer: C

55. A 3:1 ratio is typically prescribed over a 4:1 ratio because of…?

A. Patient age
B. Patient’s protein needs
C. KetoCal 3:1 lacks artificial flavoring
D. All of the above

Answer: D

56. What is the carbohydrate source in KetoCal 3:1?

A. Sucrose
B. Corn Syrup solids
C. Lactose
D. Glucose

Answer: C

57. What is the protein source in KetoCal formulas?

A. Soy
B. Cow’s milk
C. Amino Acids
D. Soy & Milk

Answer: B

58. Ross Carbohydrate Free (RCF) is a nutritionally complete ketogenic formula?

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

59. KetoCal formulas contain ____% MCT?

A. 30%
B. 10%
C. 5%
D. None

Answer: D

60. KetoCal 4:1’s recommended dilution is 30 kcals/oz?

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

61. Which Nutricia product should NOT be incorporated into a Ketogenic Diet?

A. Super Soluble Duocal
B. Polycal
C. Protifar
D. Complete Amino Acid Mix

Answer: A

62. Both KetoCal 3:1 and 4:1 are vanilla flavored?

A. Yes
B. No, Only 4:1 is flavored
C. No, Only 3:1 is flavored
D. Both are unflavored

Answer: B

63. When preparing KetoCal, the amount of water added will change the ratio?

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

64. KetoCal 4:1 provides at least 100% of all vitamin and minerals in as little as 40% of energy requirements

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

65. Is it safe to cook with KetoCal?

A. No – heating denature the formula
B. Yes, except it cannot be frozen
C. Yes

Answer: C

66. Research has shown that the LCT (long chain triglycerides) diet is more effective than the MCT (medium chain triglycerides) in efficacy.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

67. _______ is a possible alternative dietary treatment for seizures which restricts CHOs (10-20g/day). This diet can induce ketosis, does not restrict protein, fluid or calories and does not require an admission or fast.

A. MCT diet
B. Low-glycemic index diet
C. Modified Atkins Diet (MAD.

Answer: C

68. The Modified Atkins Diet (MAD) highly discourages fruits, breads and starches. It also has fewer carbohydrate restrictions than the low-glycemic index diet

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

69. What additional supplements are necessary when consuming KetoCal®?

A. Multivitamin
B. Calcium
C. Carnitine
D. None, it is nutritionally complete for most patients

Answer: D

70. The purpose of adding modulars to KetoCal would be to change the ketogenic ratio

A. True
B. False


71. KetoCal is best initiated and weaned fast over the course of only a few days.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

72. Nutricia provides the following formulations of KetoCal:

A. 1:1 and 2:1 ratio
B. 2:1 and 3:1 ratio
C. 3:1 and 4:1 ratio

Answer: C

73. The Ketogenic Diet is a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrate.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

74. When deciding to use a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio KetoCal, consider:

A. the age of the patient
B. the number of seizures
C. the type of seizures
D. the dietitian caring for the patient

Answer: A

75. KetoCal formulas are indicated for…

A. Intractable epilepsy
B. Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
C. Glucose transporter type-1 deficiency
D. All of the above

Answer: D

76. A 3:1 ratio is typically prescribed over a 4:1 ratio because of…?

A. Patient age
B. Patient’s protein needs
C. Lacks artificial flavoring
D. All of the above

Answer: D

77. What is the carbohydrate source in KetoCal 4:1?

A. Sucrose
B. Corn syrup solids
C. Lactose
D. Glucose

Answer: B

78. KetoCal 3:1 has a mild vanilla flavor and is sweetened with aspartame.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

79. What is the suggested water temperature for mixing KetoCal formulas?

A. 100° F
B. 110°F – 120°F
C. 113°F – 122°F
D. 150°F

Answer: C

80. What is the protein source in Ross Carbohydrate Free (RCF) ?

A. Soy
B. Cow’s milk
C. Amino acids
D. Soy and milk

Answer: A

81. Does KetoCal have an infant indication?

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: B

82. KetoCal 4:1’s recommended dilution is 30kcals/oz

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

83. Which Nutricia product can NOT be incorporated into a Ketogenic Diet?

A. Ducoal
B. Polycal
C. Protifar
D. Complete Amino Acid Mix

Answer: A

84. What is the hang time for KetoCal formula?

A. 2 hours
B. 4 hours
C. 5 hours
D. 24 hours

Answer: B

85. KetoCal 4:1 provides at least 100% of all vitamin and minerals in as little as 40% of energy requirements

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

86. upper motor neurons are central. true or false?

A. true
B. false

Answer: A

87. lower motor neurons are central. true or false?

A. true
B. false

Answer: B

88. After observing a pts normal gait, you can conclude that which of the following are intact?

A. sensory
B. motor
C. vestibular function
D. cerebellar
E. all of the above

Answer: E

89. What are the most important CN’s to test for the neurological exam, because they are most commonly affected with hemispheric disease?


Answer: B

90. Pts with illness often have impaired orientation to:

A. person
B. place & time
C. Person, place & time
D. the future

Answer: B

91. Psychiatric problems are more linked to person than time & place. true or false?

A. true
B. false

Answer: A

92. Which of the following is NOT a form of mental status testing?

A. telling the pt 3 words and then having them recall them later in the appt.
B. asking the pt what time it is
C. asking the pt to count backwards from 7
D. ask pt to roll head from right to left
E. checking the pts speech for dysphonia

Answer: D

93. What is dysphonia?

A. inability to articulate
B. inability to understand or properly speak
C. inability to sound or hoarseness
D. inability to say the alphabet backwards

Answer: C

94. What is dysarthria?

A. inability to articulate
B. inability to sound or hoarseness
C. inability to understand or properly speak
D. inability to say the alphabet backwards

Answer: B

95. What is dysphasia?

A. inability to articulate
B. inability to sound or hoarseness
C. inability to understand or properly speak
D. inability to say the alphabet backwards

Answer: C

96. Using the motor scale of 1-5 to determine tone and strength, 1 represents:

A. movement with gravity
B. full strength
C. feeble strength
D. this scale is not used to determine tone and strength

Answer: C

97. What is ataxia?

A. shuffling the first few steps
B. walking like scissors
C. walking like there is something between legs
D. dragging a leg or arm

Answer: C

98. What is hemiparesis?

A. shuffle for first few steps
B. walking like scissors
C. walking like there is something between legs
D. dragging leg or arm

Answer: D

99. With steppage, the individual lifts the foot higher in order to avoid tripping. true or false?

A. true
B. false

Answer: A

100. Pt with Cerebral palsy walk like there is something in between their legs. true or false?

A. true
B. false

Answer: B

101. You have the pt put their arms out in front of them, palms up, and close eyes. You notice on arm drifting. What is this test called?

A. Rhomberg
B. Pronator
C. McMurray
D. Osgood Schlatters

Answer: B

102. As part of the neurological exam you have pt stand straight with eyes closed to examine their sway. What is this test called?

A. Rhomberg
B. Pronator
C. McMurray
D. Osgood Schlatter

Answer: A

103. Which of the following is not an example of a deep tendon reflex?

A. biceps
B. gag
C. brachioradialis
D. achilles

Answer: B

104. Which of the following is not an example of a superficial reflex?

A. achilles
B. corneal
C. pupillary
D. Babinski

Answer: A

105. Testing a pts toe reflex to see if toes curl with the pressure of an object is called:

A. Osgood Schlatters test
B. McMurrays test
C. Babinski’s test
D. Robininski’s test

Answer: C

NEUROLOGY Questions and Answers pdf Download