[PDF Notes] Complete information on Vitamin D: guide

Important for: Absorption and utilisation of calcium and phosphorus; normal growth of bones and teeth in children; a properly functioning thyroid; enhancing immunity; maintaining a stable nervous system and normal heart action.

Sources: Found in; fish liver oil; fatty saltwater fish; dairy products and eggs. Also found in; halibut; liver; oatmeal; salmon; sweet potatoes; vegetable oils.

Herbs; (e.g. alfalfa; nettle; and parsley)

Possible deficiency symptoms: Excessive tooth decay; muscular weakness; loss of appetite; insomnia; weight loss.

Hinders maximum absorption: Cholesterol reducing drugs, mineral oils and steroids interfere with the body’s absorption of vitamin D.

Additional Information: Vitamin D is obtained both by mgesting and by spontaneous formation in the skin by the sun via a photochemical reaction in the epidermis.

Liver and gallbladder disorders also reduce absorption.

Important for: Slowing cellular aging and damage from oxidation; preventing red blood cell damage and nerve destruction; improving circulation; blood clotting; maintaining healthy muscles and nerves; strengthening capillary walls; healthy skin; preventing anemia;

Sources: Found in; dark green leafy vegetables; greens; nuts; seeds; and whole grains.

Additional sources include; brown rice; cornmeal; eggs; kelp; desiccated liver; milk; oatmeal; soybeans; sweet potatoes; watercress; wheat; and wheat germ. Herbs; (e.g. alfalfa; bladder wrack; dandelion; nettle; oat straw; raspberry leaf; rosehips)

Possible deficiency symptoms: Skin disorders; reduced sexual libido; loss of reproductive drive.

Hinders maximum absorption: Air pollution, contraceptive pills and excessive processed fats and oils can all hinder absorption of vitamin E by the body.

Additional Information: A major antioxidant.

The body requires zinc to maintain a proper level of vitamin E in the bloodstream.

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