[PDF Notes] Cultivation of rice requires the following processes

Cultivation of rice requires the following processes :

(a) Sowing. Seeds are sown in different ways : (i) Broadcasting is the scattering of seeds by hand. It is practised where labour is scarce and the soil is not very fertile.

(ii) Dibbling is the dropping of seeds at regular intervals in ploughed furrows. This method is common in the Northern Plains.

(iii)Drilling is the dropping of seeds through shafts of bamboo which is attached to the plough. In this method, there is no wastage of seeds but this method requires more time and labour. It is common in Tamil Nadu.

(B) Transplantation:

(i) Seeds are first sown in nurseries.

(ii) After, about five to six weeks, plants are uprooted by hand and transplanted into the flooded fields. The advantage is that the yield increases greatly.

(iii) Harvesting is carried out by hand using implements like scythes. Threshing is done by beating the paddy heads against a hard rock or by making bullocks trample the paddy under their feet.

(c) Reasons for the low yield of rice are :

(i) Timely rainfall and proper irrigation to rice fields are lacking in the country.

(ii) Lack of soil fertility and inadequate use of chemical fertilisers by farmers.

(iii) Poor quality of seeds are used.

(iv) Methods of cultivation are inefficient. (v) Pests cause loss to plant.

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