[PDF Notes] Here is your Sample Passage with answers for Smart Students

His dramatic verse at its best is eloquent and spirited; his non-dramatic verse extraordinarily varied. If not achieving special excellence in his lyrics or his narrative verse, he is rarely banal, always easy and dexterous, whilst in didactic verse he is a master.

He raised it from an indifferent form of workmanship into the front rank, and whether in long flights as in Absalom and Acidophil, or in the shorter flights, illustrated in his Prologues, Epilogues, and Fables, he is amazingly alive and original, term “original” as applied to Dryden needs this qualification.

In the sense in which it is applied to lacerative shipping’s of high imagination, Dryden was not original. In other words originality of conception snot his. But in the matter of treatment he is uniformly original. He invented nothing, but the crude inventions of other men he perfected, and what he said of his countrymen might well be applied to it. “The genius of our countrymen (is) rather to improve an invention than to invent them.

1. For what kind of verse is Dryden famous?

Dryden is famous for his dramatic, non-dramatic, narrative and didactic verse. He is best known for his didactic verse.

2. In what way is Dryden not original in his literature?

Dryden invented nothing, but he perfected crude inventions of other writers. Therefore, if originality is applied to the creative shipping’s of high imagination, he is not original.

3. In what sense can Dryden be said original?

Dryden, present nothing new, but, modified old inventions, perfected them and gave them a new identity. In this sense, he can be said original.

4. What is author’s idea about the quality of Dryden’s dramatic and non-dramatic verses?

Dryden’s dramatic verse at its best is eloquent and spirited, while his non-dramatic verse is extraordinarily varied.

5. In which type of verse Dryden was master?

Dryden was master in didactic verse.

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