[PDF Notes] Important terms and concepts on Irrigation

1. Irrigation.

It is the watering of the land by artificial means. It can be done by means of Tanks, Wells and Canals.

2. Perennial Rivers

are those rivers which have water in them throughout the year as they are snow fed.

3. Groundwater

is the level of accumulated water below the ground.

4. Inundation Canals.

These are canals which are taken out from rivers without building barrages to regulate the flow of water. The excess water in the rainy season is diverted into these canals.

5. Tanks.

These are natural hollows found in the earth’s crust in which water collects when it rains. The water thus stored is used for various purposes.

6. Lined and Unlined wells.

Lined wells are properly constructed and lined with bricks and cement.

Unlined wells are also known as ‘Kuchcha Wells’ as they are merely large holes in the field where water collects. These are not cemented.

7. Tube wells.

These are large reserves of water found deep inside the earth’s crust from where water is drawn out by electric pumps, when required.

8. Rain Water Harvesting.

This is a method of storing water in tanks during the rainy season so that it can be used in the dry season.

9. Johads

are embankments built to store rainwater during the monsoons to prevent scarcity of water during the dry seasons. These are popular in Rajasthan.

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