250+ TOP MCQs on Components of a Diesel Engine Plants and Answers

Energy Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Components of a Diesel Engine Plants”.

1. What is the range of power that diesel engine plants produce?
A. 1 to 50MW
B. 50 to 100MW
C. 40 to 80MW
D. 200 to 300MW

Answer: A
clarification: Since the invention of diesel engine, diesel engine plants are finding increased application as either continuous or peak load source of power generation. Due to economy of operation DG plants are used to generate power in the range of 1 to 50MW capacity.

2. Diesel engine plants are not more efficient than any other heat engines of comparable size.
A. True
B. False
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Answer: B
clarification: DG plants are more efficient than any other heat engine of comparable size. It is available at very short delivery times and can be started quickly and brought into service. It can burn fairly wide range of fuels.

3. What is the use of Air filter in the Diesel engine plant?
A. Air filter cools down the air
B. Air filter changes direction of air flow
C. Air filter removes dust from air
D. Air filter helps in flow of fuel

Answer: C
clarification: Air filter removes the dust from air before entering the engine. Air actually contains oxygen which supports the combustion inside the engine chamber. And also helps in moving/taking out the exhaust fumes which are produced after combustion.

4. What is the necessity of supercharger in the diesel engine plants?
A. Supercharger helps in drawing out heat from engine
B. Supercharger supports engine as auxiliary source of power
C. Supercharger improves engine efficiency
D. Supercharger increases pressure of air

Answer: D
clarification: Supercharger increases the pressure of air at engine inlet and hence increases engine power. They are usually driven by the engines. It usually situated after the air filter. The power for supercharger can be provided by mechanical means of belt, gear, shaft or chain connected to engine’s crankshaft.

5. What is requirement of cooling system in diesel plants?
A. Eliminate hotness of air entering into the filter
B. To act as a filter for main fuel tank
C. Eliminate heat coming out of engine
D. To cool down lubrication system
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Answer: C
clarification: The system includes water circulating pumps, cooling towers are spraying ponds and water filtration or treatment plant. The purpose of cooling system is to ensure the life of cylinder by extracting the heat developed from the engine cylinder walls and hence keeping the temperature within the safer range.

6. What is the need for lubrication system in the Diesel engine plant?
A. To act a coolant in the diesel engine plant
B. To act as emulsifying agent for the fuel
C. To eliminate friction between the mating parts
D. To improve the efficiency of the fuel used

Answer: C
clarification: The system includes oil pumps, oil tanks coolers and connecting pipes. The system reduces the friction between the moving parts and hence reduces wear and tear. Lubricating oil also controls the temperature at mating point.

7. How is governing of fuel done?
A. By varying fuel supply
B. By pressure of fuel supply
C. By adding emulsifying agents
D. By sprinkling the fuel

Answer: A
clarification: The governing engine maintains constant speed of the engine irrespective of the load on plant. This is done by varying the fuel supplied to the engine. It could be very be really impractical and dangerous to run an engine without the governor or speed control mechanism and could lead to accidents such as collision or grounding.

8. Small service storage tanks in a fuel system of diesel plant are known as ________
A. temporary fuel tank
B. engine day tank
C. reserve
D. main fuel tank

Answer: B
clarification: The fuel oil may be delivered at the plant side by trucks, railroad tank cars or barge and tankers. From tank truck the delivery is done using the unloading facility to main storage tanks. This fuel is then transferred by pumps to small service storage tanks know as engine day tanks.

9. How amount of storage of fuel is done?
A. A week’s requirement
B. For 4 day requirement
C. For a Month’s requirement
D. For annual requirement

Answer: C
clarification: The minimum storage capacity of at least a month’s requirement of fuel is generally kept in bulk. However, when the advantage of seasonal fluctuations in cost of oil is to be availed, it may be necessary to provide storage for a few months requirement.