250+ TOP MCQs on Composite or Flitched Beams and Answers

This set of Strength of Materials Multiple Choice Questions on “Composite or Flitched Beams”.

1. In flitched beams ______ remains same for both materials.
a) Stress
b) Strain
c) Section modulus
d) Young’s modulus
Answer: b
Clarification: Due to bending, the strain will be same in both the materials.
A timber beam strengthened by steel strips.
Where E of timber / E of steel = m
The equivalent width = b + 2mt.

2. What is the moment due to dead load in case of continuous beams at the middle of interior spans?
a) w L3 / 12
b) w L2/ 14
c) w 3/ 20
d) w L2 / 24
Answer: d
Clarification: The moment due to dead load in case of continuous beams at the middle of interior spans is w L2 / 24.

Position Moment due to dead load
Near middle of end span W L2/ 12
At the middle of interior span W L2/ 24
At the support next to and support -W L2/ 22


3. A continuous beam is one which is _______
a) Infinitely long
b) Supported at two points
c) Supported it more than two supports
d) Supported by a prop
Answer: c
Clarification: A beam which is supported by more than two supports is known as a continuous beam. In this beam, bending moment is low and hence the deflection in the beam is also comparatively less. This beam is stiffer when compared to the other traditional beams.

4. The effective length of column depends upon ________
a) the cross section of beam
b) end conditions
c) maximum bending moment
d) extreme fibres
Answer: b
Clarification: The effective length of column depends upon end conditions.

End condition Effective length
Both ends hinged L
Both ends fixed L/2
One end is fixed and other end free 2L