250+ TOP MCQs on Formation and Descriptive Study of Minerals – 03 and Answers

Engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions on “Formation and Descriptive Study of Minerals – 03”.

1. What is the chemical composition of Quartz?
a) SiO4
b) Si2O3
c) SiO2
d) Al2O3
Answer: c
Clarification: The chemical composition of the quartz minerals is SiO2. In other words, silicon dioxide is the basic chemical composition of the quartz minerals.

2. Which quartz mineral shows blue colour?
a) Rose quartz
b) Blue quartz
c) Smoky quartz
d) Rock crystal
Answer: b
Clarification: The blue quartz shows a distinct blue colour compared to the other quartz minerals.

3. Rock crystal belongs to which mineral group?
a) Quartz group
b) Feldspar group
c) Carbonate group
d) Ferro-magnesium group
Answer: a
Clarification: The basic chemical composition of the rock crystal is almost the same as other quartz minerals and also rock crystal is an important mineral of the quartz group.

4. Pick the quartz mineral which is translucent among the following.
a) Rose quartz
b) Agate
c) Amethyst quartz
d) Milky quartz
Answer: c
Clarification: Amethyst quartz is usually translucent, i.e., it allows light partially to pass through it. Rest of the minerals are opaque.

5. The streak given by the quartz group is __________________
a) White
b) Colourless
c) Blue
d) Pale yellow
Answer: b
Clarification: One of the main trait of the quartz group is that the minerals do not give any streak though are present in many colours in appearance.

6. Pick the quartz which is colourless among the following.
a) Rose quartz
b) Smoky quartz
c) Milky quartz
d) Rock crystal
Answer: d
Clarification: Among the minerals given above only rock crystal is colourless. The rest are coloured or either white in colour.

7. What is the hardness of the quartz minerals?
a) 7
b) 6
c) 2
d) 4
Answer: a
Clarification: The hardness is almost the same for all the quartz minerals and is about 7. This is one of the advantages of the quartz as they have high hardness.

8. What is the colour of rose quartz attributed to?
a) Iron
b) Titanium
c) Aluminium
d) Sandstone
Answer: b
Clarification: Rose quartz is a special type of quartz and is known for its distinct rose red colour. The colour is attributed to presence of titanium.

9. The mineral not belonging to the quartz group is ___________
a) Amethyst
b) Agate
c) Jasper
d) Calcite
Answer: d
Clarification: Amethyst quartz, agate and jasper belong to the quartz group, whereas, calcite belongs to the carbonate group whose chemical composition is completely different compared to the quartz group.

10. Agate is not found banded.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: Agate is also found in banded form and is known as banded agate. Agate is known to have massive structure which is also the same for banded agate.

11. What is the cleavage shown by quartz minerals?
a) Basal
b) Prismatic
c) Rhombohedral
d) No cleavage
Answer: d
Clarification: The cleavage is generally absent in the quartz minerals which is one of the defining characteristic of the quartz group.

12. Quartz is found in which type of rock?
a) Igneous rock
b) Sedimentary rock
c) Metamorphic rock
d) Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
Answer: d
Clarification: Quartz minerals are found in wide range of rocks. They are not restricted to any one kind of rock. They may be found in igneous or sedimentary or metamorphic rocks.