250+ TOP MCQs on Introduction to Digital Image Processing & Answers

Digital Image Processing Multiple Choice Questions on “Introduction to Digital Image Processing”.

1. The spatial coordinates of a digital image (x,y) are proportional to:
A. Position
B. Brightness
C. Contrast
D. Noise
Answer: B
Clarification: The Brightness levels are distributed over the spatial area. Hence, the spatial coordinates are proportional to brightness levels.

2. Among the following image processing techniques which is fast, precise and flexible.
A. Optical
B. Digital
C. Electronic
D. Photographic
Answer: B
Clarification: Digital image processing is more flexible and agile techniques as it is fast, accurate and reliable.

3. An image is considered to be a function of a(x,y), where a represents:
A. Height of image
B. Width of image
C. Amplitude of image
D. Resolution of image
Answer: C
Clarification: The image is a collection of dots with a definite intensity or amplitude.

4. What is pixel?
A. Pixel is the elements of a digital image
B. Pixel is the elements of an analog image
C. Pixel is the cluster of a digital image
D. Pixel is the cluster of an analog image
Answer: A
Clarification: An Image is a collection of individual points referred as pixel, thus a Pixel is the element of a digital image.

5. The range of values spanned by the gray scale is called:
A. Dynamic range
B. Band range
C. Peak range
D. Resolution range
Answer: A
Clarification: The valued spanned in gray scale image are depicted using dynamic range values.

6. Which is a colour attribute that describes a pure colour?
A. Saturation
B. Hue
C. Brightness
D. Intensity
Answer: B
Clarification: The color attribute of an image refers to the contrast of colors, which can be controlled using the Hue values.

7. Which gives a measure of the degree to which a pure colour is diluted by white light?
A. Saturation
B. Hue
C. Intensity
D. Brightness
Answer: A
Clarification: Saturation is color recognizing capability of the human eye. Hence a degree of dilution is measured using saturation.

8. Which means the assigning meaning to a recognized object.
A. Interpretation
B. Recognition
C. Acquisition
D. Segmentation
Answer: A
Clarification: The interpretation is called the assigning meaning to recognized object.

9. A typical size comparable in quality to monochromatic TV image is of size.
A. 256 X 256
B. 512 X 512
C. 1920 X 1080
D. 1080 X 1080
Answer: B
Clarification: A normal T.V have 512 x 512 resolution.

10. The number of grey values are integer powers of:
A. 4
B. 2
C. 8
D. 1
Answer: B
Clarification: The gray values are interpreted as the power of number of colors. In monochromatic image the number of colors are 2.