250+ TOP MCQs on Objects of Highway Drainage System and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Objects of Highway Drainage system”.

1. The process of removing and controlling excess surface and sub soil water within roadway is ___________
a) Highway Engineering
b) Highway maintenance
c) Highway drainage
d) Highway finance
Answer: c
Clarification: The removal of excess surface and sub surface soil within the roadway or right of way is considered highway drainage.

2. The number of important factors for highway engineer are ___________
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: c
Clarification: The important factors that are considered for the highway engineer are design, construction and maintenance.

3. The highway drainage system consists of how many types?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: b
Clarification: The drainage system is classified as surface drainage system and sub surface drainage system.

4. The surface water is obtained from ___________
a) Ground water
b) Rainfall
c) Leakage of water from water treatment plants
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Both surface and sub surface water are obtained from the rainfall, in case of leakage the water is percolated into the ground, the run off is obtained from the remaining water flowing on the ground.

5. The removal and diversion of surface water from the roadway is called ___________
a) Surface drainage
b) Sub surface drainage
c) Camber
d) Cross slope
Answer: a
Clarification: The removal of land from surface and adjoining land is called as surface drainage.

6. The surface drainage doesn’t consist of ___________
a) Camber
b) Road side drains
c) Culverts
d) Curves
Answer: d
Clarification: As far as possible the surface drainage should be kept as straight as possible, usually curves are not the part of surface drainage if unavoidable then bends may be provided.

7. The seepage flow is present in ___________
a) Surface drainage
b) Sub surface drainage
c) Camber
d) Cross slope
Answer: b
Clarification: The seepage flow is present in the sub surface drainage which is excavated from the soil.

8. The water that cannot be drained of by gravity is called ___________
a) Pore water
b) Held water
c) Gravitational water
d) Capillary water
Answer: c
Clarification: The gravitational force can’t send off the water which is present in pores, such water is called as held water.

9. The structure provided on the pavement to remove the storm water is ___________
a) Drainage
b) Camber
c) Crown
d) Curves
Answer: b
Clarification: The camber is a structure provided on the pavement to drain off the storm water, resulting from rain crown is provided above the camber.

10. The highest point provided on the pavement is ___________
a) Crown
b) Camber
c) Cross slope
d) Drainage
Answer: a
Clarification: The highest point provided on the pavement is called crown, which is provided above the camber and it is not used for the same function as camber.