250+ TOP MCQs on Physical Properties – 01 and Answers

Engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions on ” Physical Properties – 01″.

1. Which of the following is not true about a mineral?
a) Naturally occurring
b) Inorganic substance
c) Organic substance
d) Definite chemical composition
Answer: c
Clarification: A mineral, is defined as, a naturally occurring inorganic solid substance that is characterized with a definite chemical composition and very often with a definite atomic structure.

2. Mineralogy deals with?
a) Individual properties of minerals
b) Formation of minerals
c) More of occurrence
d) Properties, formation and occurrence
Answer: d
Clarification: Mineralogy is the branch of geology dealing with the wide range of aspects related to minerals like their individual properties, mode of occurrence and mode of formation.

3. A colour is produced due to ___________
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Absorption
d) Reflection and absorption
Answer: d
Clarification: A particular colour is produced by reflection of some and absorption of other components of white light.

4. Colour of a mineral depends upon its?
a) Atomic structure
b) Outer surface
c) Composition
d) Atomic structure and composition
Answer: d
Clarification: A mineral shows colour of that wavelength of the white light which is not absorbed by it by virtue of its composition and atomic structure.

5. Metallic minerals belong to which category with respect to colour?
a) Idiochromatic
b) Pseudochromatic
c) Allochromatic
d) Iridescence
Answer: a
Clarification: Idiochromatic having a characteristic, fairly constant colour related primarily to the composition of mineral. Metallic minerals belong to this category.

6. The type of mineral showing variable colour is?
a) Idiochromatic
b) Allochromatic
c) Iridescence
d) Pseudochromatic
Answer: b
Clarification: Allochromatic minerals have a variable colour; the variety in colour is generally due to minute quantities of colouring impurities thoroughly dispersed in the mineral composition.

7. The type of mineral which shows a set of colours in succession is?
a) Idiochromatic
b) Pseudochromatic
c) Allochromatic
d) Iridescence
Answer: b
Clarification: Pseudochromatic minerals show false colour. Such an effect generally happens when a mineral is rotated in hand; it is then seen to show a set colours in succession.

8. Allochromatic minerals may show more than two colours.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Many non-metallic minerals like quartz, calcite, fluorine, tourmaline etc. may occur in more than two colours depending on the nature of impurities.

9. Pseudochromatism occurs due to ___________
a) Reflection
b) Transmittance
c) Refraction
d) Simultaneous reflection and refraction
Answer: d
Clarification: Psuodochromatism is attributed to simultaneous reflection and refraction from the mineral surface due to minute inclusions of impurities in the mineral at different locations.

10. The phenomenon due to which a mineral shows rainbow colours is?
a) Idiochromatism
b) Allochromatism
c) Iridescence
d) Pseudochromatism
Answer: c
Clarification: Some minerals may show rainbow colours either in their interior or on the exterior surface. This is called iridescence.

11. Play of colours is not desirable.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: Due to play of colours, the colours change in rapid succession on rotation and their effect is quite brilliant and appealing to the eye.