250+ TOP MCQs on Selection of Sensors and Answers

Mechatronics Question Paper on “Selection of Sensors”.

1. Which factor affects the least while selection of sensor?
a) Size
b) Accuracy
c) Colour
d) Durability
Answer: c
Clarification: Colour of a sensor affects the least while selection of sensor. Accuracy of the sensor is needed in order to achieve precise results. Size of the sensor depends on the area of application. And for the sensor to last long and give the same results, it must be durable enough.

2. Which sensor should one prefer for accurate measurement of distance upto 1 meter?
a) Ultrasonic sensor
b) Infrared sensor
c) PIR sensor
d) Photoresistor sensor
Answer: a
Clarification: Ultrasonic sensor should one prefer for accurate measurement of distance upto 1 meter. Infrared sensor can also be used for measuring distance but its range is less than a meter. PIR sensor and Photoresistor sensor cannot be used for measuring distance.

3. Which sensor one should prefer for detecting black objects?
a) Ultrasonic sensor
b) Infrared sensor
c) PIR sensor
d) Photoresistor sensor
Answer: a
Clarification: Ultrasonic sensor one should prefer for detecting black objects. Infrared sensor and PIR sensor cannot detect black objects, because they work on reflection of Infrared ray from the objects and black objects does not reflect infrared rays.

4. IR sensors can’t work in dark environment.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: IR sensors can work in dark environment. It does not require an external light source. They only need an Infrared emitter or any source of infrared and these sources are present on the sensor itself. So it can work in dark.

5. Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board based on ESP8266 IC.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: Arduino UNO is not based on ESP8266 IC. It is a microcontroller board based on Atmega328P. It is a general purpose development board which contains 6 analog pins and 14 digital pins out of which 6 pins can be used as PWM (pulse width modulation) outputs.

6. Which IC (integrated circuit) is present on NodeMCU?
a) ESP8266
b) Atmega326
c) Atmega328P
d) ESPN8266
Answer: a
Clarification: ESP8266IC (integrated circuit) is present on NodeMCU. It is a wifi enabled chip. It is developed by Espress if Systems. It is a low cost Wifi chip with TCP/IP protocol. Atmega328P is present on the Arduino UNO development board.

7. Which colour does not reflect infrared rays?
a) White
b) Black
c) Red
d) Green
Answer: b
Clarification: Black colour does not reflect infrared rays. All other colour reflects infrared rays. This is the reason why infrared sensors or any other infrared based sensor is unable to detect black coloured objects.

8. HC-SR04 is an example of which type of sensor?
a) Infrared Sensor
b) Microwave Radar Sensor
c) Ultrasonic Sensor
d) Temperature Sensor
Answer: c
Clarification: HC-SR04 is an example of Ultrasonic Sensor. It is one of the most widely used ultrasonic sensor for robotic or arduino projects. It is cheap and gives accurate measurement of distance upto few metres.

9. What is the maximum distance range of detection of the HC-SR04?
a) 10 cm
b) 10 m
c) 5 feet
d) 13 feet
Answer: d
Clarification: 13 feet is the maximum distance range of detection of the HC-SR04. HC-SR04 is a Ultrasonic Sensor. It is cheap and one of the most widely used ultrasonic sensor for robotic or arduino projects.

10. What is the maximum range of HC-05?
a) 5 metre
b) 10 meter
c) 20 meter
d) 50 meter
Answer: b
Clarification: 10 meter is the maximum range of HC-05. HC-05 is a Bluetooth sensor which uses 2.45 gigaHertz frequency band for transmission. The transfer rate of data can go upto 1Mbps (Mega-byte per second).

11. Which sensor should be used for calculating pressure?
a) DHT11
b) LM335Z/NOPB
c) HC-SR04
d) MPX10DP
Answer: d
Clarification: MPX10DP sensor should be used for calculating pressure. MPX10DP is a pressure sensor which can measure pressure up to 10 kPa. HC-SR04 is an example of Ultrasonic Sensor. LM335Z/NOPB is temperature sensor. DHT11 is a temperature and humidity sensor.

12. Which sensor should be used for calculating humidity?
a) DHT11
b) LM335Z/NOPB
c) HC-SR04
d) MPX10DP
Answer: a
Clarification: DHT11 sensor should be used for calculating humidity. It can also be used as temperature sensor. MPX10DP is a pressure sensor which can measure pressure up to 10 kPa. HC-SR04 is an example of Ultrasonic Sensor. LM335Z/NOPB is temperature sensor.

13. Which sensor should be used for calculating distance?
a) DHT11
b) LM335Z/NOPB
c) HC-SR04
d) MPX10DP
Answer: c
Clarification: HC-SR04 sensor should be used for calculating distance. HC-SR04 is a Ultrasonic Sensor that has a range of 13 feet linearly. MPX10DP is a pressure sensor which can measure pressure up to 10 kPa. LM335Z/NOPB is temperature sensor. DHT11 is a temperature and humidity sensor.

14. Which sensor should be used for calculating temperature as well as humidity?
a) DHT11
b) LM335Z/NOPB
c) HC-SR04
d) MPX10DP
Answer: a
Clarification: DHT11 sensor should be used for calculating temperature as well as humidity. MPX10DP is a pressure sensor which can measure pressure up to 10 kPa. HC-SR04 is an example of Ultrasonic Sensor. LM335Z/NOPB is temperature sensor but it cannot calculate humidity.

15. Which sensor is used in line following robots?
a) Infrared Sensor
b) Microwave Radar Sensor
c) Ultrasonic Sensor
d) Temperature Sensor
Answer: a
Clarification: Infrared Sensor is used in line following robots. These line following robots follow a path which is made by black strips or tapes. These robots use a bunch of infrared sensors which makes them work accurately.

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