250+ TOP MCQs on Soil – 2 and Answers

Highway Engineering Quiz on “Soil – 2”.

1. What is the specific gravity of sand?
a) 2.5
b) 2.6
c) 2.7
d) 2.9
Answer: c
Clarification: The specific gravity of sand is usually considered as 2.7-2.8 in non-availability of data.

2. In field, the dry density of soil can be determined by?
a) Oven method
b) Sand bath
c) Burning
d) Sand replacement
Answer: c
Clarification: If there is no facility of the lab, then the dry density can be instantly tested by burning.

3. Which type of roller is most suitable for soil compaction?
a) Smooth roller
b) Sheep foot roller
c) Pneumatic roller
d) Hydraulic roller
Answer: b
Clarification: The sheep foot roller compact the soil both by the action of kneading and pressing, so they are the most suitable for compaction.

4. The unpaved shoulder usually consists of __________
a) Gravel
b) Sand
c) Bricks
d) Clay
Answer: a
Clarification: In the case of unpaved shoulders, gravel is most preferred because of its permeability, strength and other advantages.

5. The specific gravity of sand is determined by?
a) Pyconometer
b) Density bottle
c) Hydrometer
d) Oven
Answer: b
Clarification: The specific gravity of sand is determined by density bottle method, as it is a fine grain soil and for coarse aggregate it is tested by pyconometer.

6. The liquid limit of the soil is determined by __________
a) Hydrometer
b) Pyconometer
c) Sand bottle
d) Cassagrandes apparatus
Answer: d
Clarification: The liquid limit of the soil is determined by cassagrandes apparatus, which consists of recording the number of blows for specified water content.

7. The shear strength is more for __________
a) Cohesive soil
b) Non cohesive soil
c) Frictionless soil
d) Dust
Answer: a
Clarification: The shear strength is more for cohesive soils, if the soils depend only on friction then it is very dangerous, so cohesive soil are strong and advisable.

8. The weight of the hammer in modified proctor test apparatus is __________
a) 2.8kg
b) 4.7kg
c) 5.0kg
d) 6.0kg
Answer: b
Clarification: The weight of the hammer in a modified proctor test apparatus is 4.7kg and in simple proctor it is 2.8 kg.

9. Coefficient of permeability is more for __________
a) Gravel
b) Sand
c) Clay
d) Brick
Answer: a
Clarification: Coefficient of permeability is more for gravel, as the size increases the permeability increases, sand has higher permeability than clay and brick has the least permeability.

10. Which type of soil is suitable for the construction of pavement?
a) Black cotton soil
b) Sand
c) Stone dust
d) Gravel
Answer: d
Clarification: Gravel is the most suitable type of soil for pavement construction; replaced soils are mostly filled by gravel.

11. Coefficient of uniformity is __________
a) D60
b) D10
c) D60/D10
d) D30
Answer: c
Clarification: Coefficient of uniformity is D60/D10, where D60 is the percentage of passing for 60mm sieve and D10 is the percentage of passing for 10mm sieve.

12. The slope of curve obtained between the number of blows and water content in the cassagrande’s method is __________
a) Toughness index
b) Activity
c) Flow index
d) Liquid limit
Answer: c
Clarification: The slope of the curve obtained between the number of blows and water content in the cassagrande’s method is called as flow index.

13. If the sensitivity of the soil is greater than 16 then it is __________
a) Insensitive
b) Little sensitive
c) Highly sensitive
d) Quick
Answer: d
Clarification: If the sensitivity of the soil is greater than 16 then it is very quick soil, if it is near to zero then it is not so sensitive soil.

14. Gravel having well grading is denoted by __________
a) GW
b) GP
c) SM
d) SW
Answer: a
Clarification: Gravel having well grading is denoted by GW, where G denotes the gravel and W defined well grading, P denotes poor grading and S denotes the sand.

15. The fine grain soils are classified according to __________
a) Atterbergs limits
b) Atterbergs charts
Answer: a
Clarification: The fine grain soils are classified according to Atterberg charts, which are classified as per A-line, they are represented in Atterberg charts and classified as per USCS and ISCS.

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