250+ TOP MCQs on Spread Spectrum and CDMA & Answers

Digital Communications Multiple Choice Questions on “Spread spectrum and CDMA”.

1. Some advantages of spread spectrum are
A. Low susceptibility
B. Immunity to jamming
C. Reduced interference
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: D
Clarification: Advantages of spread spectrum are low susceptibility, reduced interference, immunity to jamming and co existence of multi path system.

2. Processing gain is the ratio of message bandwidth to signal bandwidth.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Clarification: Processing gain is the ratio of signal bandwidth to message bandwidth.

3. Which is better for avoiding jamming?
A. Direct sequence spread spectrum
B. Frequency hopping spread spectrum
C. Time hopping spread spectrum
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: B
Clarification: Frequency hopping spread spectrum is better for avoiding jamming.

4. Which is more bandwidth efficient?
A. Direct sequence spread spectrum
B. Frequency hopping spread spectrum
C. Time hopping spread spectrum
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: C
Clarification: Time hopping spread spectrum is more bandwidth efficient.

5. Which is more simpler to implement?
A. Direct sequence spread spectrum
B. Frequency hopping spread spectrum
C. Time hopping spread spectrum
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: A
Clarification: Direct sequence spread spectrum is more simpler to implement.

6. Which uses orthogonal codes?
A. Synchronous CDMA
B. Asynchronous CDMA
C. Synchronous & Asynchronous CDMA
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: A
Clarification: Synchronous CDMA uses orthogonal codes and asynchronous CDMA uses pseudorandom codes.

7. Which is more suitable when large number of transmitters are used?
A. Synchronous CDMA
B. Asynchronous CDMA
C. Synchronous & Asynchronous CDMA
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: B
Clarification: Asynchronous CDMA is more suitable for large number of transmitters.

8. CDMA rejects
A. Narrow band interference
B. Wide band interference
C. Narrow & Wide band interference
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: A
Clarification: CDMA effectively rejects narrow band interference.

9. Frequency planning is very essential in
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: C
Clarification: Frequency planning is necessary for both TDMA and FDMA.

10. CDMA uses
A. Hard hand off
B. Soft hand off
C. Hard & Soft hand off
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: B
Clarification: CDMA uses soft hand off which provides more reliable communication.