250+ TOP MCQs on Syndesmology – Joints Development & Classification & Answers

Human Anatomy Multiple Choice Questions on “Syndesmology – Joints Development & Classification”.

1. The study of joints is known as _________
A. Archaeology
B. Osteology
C. Syndesmology
D. Arthrology

Answer: D
Clarification: Study of joints is known as arthrology. Slightly movable joints are called amphiarthorses.

2. The synovial joint are also known as _________
A. Megablast
B. Periosteum
C. Diarthrosis
D. Arthrois

Answer: C
Clarification: Synovial joint is also known as diarthrosis. It joins bones with a fibrous joint capsule that is continuous with the periosteum of the joined bones, constitutes the outer boundary of the synovial cavity, and surrounds the bones articulating surfaces. The synovial cavity is filled with synovial fluid.

3. Which of the following disease is associated with joints?
A. Gout
B. Osteoporosis
C. Arthritis
D. Tetany

Answer: c
Clarification: Arthritis is inflammation and painful joints due to degradation of cartilages or synovial membrane or deposition of uric acid.

4. Which cartilage is present at the joints of long bones?
A. Calcified
B. Elastic
C. Hyaline
D. Fibrous

Answer: C
Clarification: Hyaline is present at the joints of long bones.

5. Sutures are immovable joints.
A. True
B. False

Answer: A
Clarification: Sutures are immovable joints. In sutures, skull bones are joined by strong bundles of white fibers.

6. The joints can be classified into ________ main types.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Answer: B
Clarification: The joints can be classified into three main types. Immovable or synarthrose joints, Slightly movable or amphiarthrose joints, and Freely movable or synovial joints.

7. Which type of joint lies at the shoulder joint and hip joint?
A. Pivot joint
B. Angular joint
C. Ball and socket joint
D. Hinge joint

Answer: C
Clarification: Ball and socket joints have a ball like spherical end called head which fits into cup like depression. It is freely movable in all directions.

8. Synovial joint is ___________
A. Pivot joint
B. Fibrous joint
C. Ball and socket joint
D. Cartilaginous joint

Answer: C
Clarification: In synovial joint one bone forms knob like swelling while other one forms a depression. The ends of both the bones are covered by smooth articular cartilages. Between two bones is synovial cavity filled with synovial fluid.

9. Which of the following pair is correctly matched?
A. Cartilaginous joint- skull bones
B. Gliding joint- between zygapophyses of vertebrae
C. Hinge joint- between vertebrae
D. Fibrous joint- between phalanges

Answer: B
Clarification: Zygapophyses are projections of the vertebrae that serve the purpose of fitting with an adjacent vertebra, the actual region of contact is called articular facet.

10. Hinge joint is present between _______ and _______
A. Femur and ulna
B. Humerus and ulna
C. Femur and pectoral girdle
D. Femur and pelvic girdle

Answer: b
Clarification: Hinge joints are formed between two or more bones where the bones can only move alone one axis to flex or extend.

11. Example of pivot joint is __________
A. Hip joints
B. Ankle joints
C. Radio ulnar joints
D. Metacarpophalangeal joints

Answer: C
Clarification: Pivot joint is also called rotary joint. It allows only rotary movement around single axis. The moving bone rotates within a ring that is formed from second bone and adjoining ligament.

12. Elbow joint is a hinge joint.
A. True
B. False

Answer: A
Clarification: At elbow joint forearm can move in only one plan so it is a hinge joint.