[PDF Notes] Multiple type questions on English Literature (General Knowledge)

51. The publication of Defoe’s The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe marked a new beginning in the his­tory of prose fiction in.

(a) 1716 (b) 1719

(c) 1721 (d) 1723

52. Which Lady Character is the narrator in Defoe’s The Fortunate Mistress?

(a) Roxana

(b) Moll Flanders

(c) Clarissa

(d) None of the above

53. A Journal of the Plague Year and Memoirs of a Cavalier are historical novels by

(a) Henry Fielding

(b) Samuel Richardson

(c) Daniel Defoe

(d) Diderot

54. The History of a Young Lady is the subtitle of

(a) Moll Flanders

(b) Pamela

(c) Clarissa

(d) None of the above

55. The protagonist of Pamela is

(a) Mr. B

(b) Colonel Jacques

(c) Lovelace

(d) John Belford

56. Who rapes Clarissa in Richardson’s novel?

(a) Belford

(b) Howe

(c) Lovelace

(d) All of the above

57. The third epistolary novel of Richardson, which was praised by Jane Austen and George Eliot above his other novels, was

(a) Pamela

(b) Clarissa

(c) The Apprentice’s Vade Mecum

(d) The History of Sir Charles Grandson

58. Who was so enraged by Richardson’s Pamela that he wrote an antipathetic satire on it the subsequent year, called Shamble?

(a) Smolett

(b) Fielding

(c) Sterne

(d) Charlotte Lennox

59. Parson Adams is a character in

(a) Tom Jones

(b) The Life of Jonathan Wild the Great

(c) Joseph Andrews

(d) Miscellanies

60. Who has been called “a Foundling” by its author?

(a) Shamble

(b) Joseph Andrews

(c) Jonathan Wild

(d) Tom Jones

61. Henry Fielding’s sister and the author of David Simple is

(a) Charlotte

(b) Mary Worley

(c) Sarah

(d) Arbela

62. Who is the author of The Female Quixote: or the Adventures of Arbela?

(a) Tobias Smollett

(b) Sterne

(c) Charlotte Lennox

(d) Henry Brooke

63. Roderick Random has as its hero a well­born and educated Scot exposed to the “self­ishness, envy, malice and base indifference of mankind” in England. Who is its author?

(a) Richardson

(b) Smollett

(c) Fielding

(d) Sterne

64. Commodore Hawser Grunion, a wonderfully exaggerated reflection on Smollett’s naval experience, is a character in

(a) The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

(b) The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker

(c) The Adventures of Roderick Random

(d) Ferdinand Count Fathom

65. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy is a peculiar parody of conventional travel-book, written by

(a) Tobias Smollett

(b) Lawrence Sterne

(c) Henry Fielding

(d) Sheridan

66. The philosophical tale The Vicar of the Wakefield is written by

(a) Lawrence Sterne

(b) Oliver Goldsmith

(c) Samuel Richardson

(d) Joseph Addison

67. What is the subtitle of Goldsmith’s Semi- autobiographical poem The Traveler?

(a) A Song to David

(b) The Citizen of the World

(c) A Prospect of Society

(d) The Good-Natured Man

68. London: A Poem of 1738 and The Vanity of Human Wishes are poems by Johnson writ­ten in imitation of

(a) Sophocles (b) Spenser

(c) Juvenal (d) Milton

69. Johnson contributed the Idler papers to

(a) The Rambler

(b) The Universal Chronicle

(c) The Spectator

(d) The Covertly Papers

70. Which of the following journals was estab­lished by Johnson himself?

(a) The Idler

(b) The Spectator

(c) The Review

(d) The Rambler

71. Who called Dr. Johnson as “the Hero as Man of Letters”?

(a) Thomas Carlyle

(b) Boswell

(c) Arnold

(d) Eliot

72. The last of Johnson’s great works was

(a) Dictionary of the English Language

(b) The History of Reseals

(c) Lives of the Poets

(d) Life of Mr. Richard Savage

73. Who is known for his novels of mystery and terror, such as The Castle of Otranto?

(a) Horace Walpole

(b) Tobias Smollett

(c) Mrs. Radcliffe

(d) Mathew Lewis

74. The 18th century author of the Rivals, the School for Scandal and The Critic is

(a) Goldsmith (b) Steele

(c) Johnson (d) Sheridan

75. Mrs. Malapropos is a character from Sheridan’s

(a) The Rivals

(b) The Critic

(c) The School for Scandal

(d) None of the above

76. Which play by John Gay was praised by I for Evans as one of those plays “which are permanent and have success, whenever they are competently, revived to intelligent audi­ences”?

(a) The Careless Husband

(b) The Beggar’s Opera

(c) The Fatal Dowry

(d) The Tragedy of Jane Shore

77. The first periodical that appeared in Europe was

(a) The Taller

(b) The Spectator

(c) Gazette

(d) The Review

78. Which of the following was the name of the first daily newspaper that began in 1702?

(a) Gazette

(b) The Daily Courant

(c) The Daily Digest

(d) The Daily Review

79. Regarding which of his books Jonathan Swift had reportedly exclaimed, “What a genius I had when I wrote that book”?

(a) The Battle of the Book

(b) Meditation on a Broomstick

(c) A Tale of a Tub

(d) Gulliver’s Travels

80. Which of the following books was authored by John Arbuthnot?

(a) The Battle of the Book

(b) The Jockey’s Intelligence

(c) Nocturnal Reverie

(d) The Art of Political Lying

81. Mr. Maywood and Mrs. Filament are char­acters from

(a) Mac Fleck hoe

(b) The Way of the World

(c) Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot

(d) None of the above

82. The story of Robinson Crusoe was inspired by the real life experience of a seaman, Alexander Selkirk, who spent four years on the deserted island of

(a) Borneo

(b) Lag ado

(c) Juan Fernandez

(d) None of the above

83. What is the name of Squire Allworth’s nephew who conspires against him?

(a) Thwacked (b) Bifid

(c) Partridge (d) Square

84. What is the name of Vicar Wakefield’s sec­ond daughter?

(a) Deborah (b) Olivia

(c) Cordelier (d) Sophia

85. The characters such as Moll White, Wig Wimble and Tom Touchy are creations of

(a) Henry Fielding

(b) Jonathan Swift

(c) Joseph Addison

(d) Daniel Defoe

86. Who gave a satirical caricature of Dr. Johnson in the character of Tempos in Ghost?

(a) William Cowper

(b) Oliver Goldsmith

(c) Charles Churchill

(d) Matthew Prior

87. Which 18th century critic has criticized Paradise Lost for its lacking in human inter­est?

(a) Dr. Johnson (b) Mathew Arnold

(c) Oliver Goldsmith (d) Richard Steele

88. The second part of Absalom and Architophel contains a seething attack on

(a) Shaftesbury

(b) Thomas Shadwell

(c) John Marston

(d) Titus Oates

89. Who among the following is another satirist of Dryden’s times?

(a) Samuel Butler

(b) Samuel Pepys

(c) Roger North

(d) John Bunyan

90. Who wrote Ode on Mrs. Kill grew, Song on St. Cassia’s Day and Alexander’s Feast?

(a) John Bunyan

(b) John Dryden

(c) William Temple

(d) Ben Johnson

91. given below are a name of journals with Richard Steele was associated. Identify one which he did not edit.

(a) London Gazette

(b) Guardian

(c) Spectator

(d) Tatter

92. Steele and Addison collaborated in e three of the following four journals. Ida the one which they did not edit towel

(a) The Tatter

(b) The Spectator

(c) The Whig Examiner

(d) The Guardian

93. Name the imaginary old bachelor which edited The Taller.

(a) Sir Roger de covertly

(b) Isaac Bickerstaff

(c) Sir Andrew Freeport

(d) Berkley

94. How long did The Taller last?

(a) Less than 2 years

(b) Four years

(c) 1 year & 7 months

(d) 3 year & 2 months

95. When was The Spectator launched?

(a) March 1711

(b) April 1712

(c) January 1711

(d) April 1709

96. What was the periodicity of the journal 77i Spectator?

(a) Weekly

(b) Daily

(c) Fortnightly

(d) Monthly

97. While launching The Spectator one of its editors declared that the aim was to bring “philosophy out of closets and libraries, schools and colleges, to dwell in clubs, and assemblies, at Tea-Tables and Coffee- Houses.” Who said this?

(a) Joseph Addison

(b) Richard Steele

(c) Jonathan Swift

(d) Sir Covertly

98. Where do we meet Sir Andrew Freeport, Will Honeycomb, and Captain Sentry?

(a) In Richard Steele’s works

(b) In the Tatter

(c) In the Spectator

(d) In the Daily Courant

99. Point out how the term ‘Augustan Age’ origi­nated?

(a) Pope referred to it so

(b) The inclination of literary men was to­ward Latin literature

(c) Dryden referred to it so

(d) Dr. Johnson wrote “What was said of Rome, adorned by Augustus, may be applied by an easy metaphor to English poetry embellished by Dryden”.

100. During the Elizabethan age poetry and drama flourished. Which genre marked the Au­gustan age?

(a) Essay

(b) Novel

(c) Biography, diary, journal, magazine

(d) All of the above


51. (b)

52. (a)

53. (c)

54. (c)

55. (a)

56. (c)

57. (d)

58. (b)

59. (c)

60. (d)

61. (c)

62. (c)

63. (b)

64. (a)

65. (b)

66. (b)

67. (c)

68. (c)

69. (b)

70. (d)

71. (a)

72. (c)

73. (a)

74. (d)

75. (a)

76. (b)

77. (c)

78. (b)

79. (c)

80. (d)

81. (b)

82. (c)

83. (b)

84. (d)

85. (c)

86. (c)

87. (a)

88. (b)

89. (d)

90. (b)

91. (a)

92. (c)

93. (b)

94. (c)

95. (a)

96. (b)

97. (a)

98. (c)

99. (d)

100. (d)

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