300+ TOP Political System of Germany MCQs and Answers

Political System of Germany Multiple Choice Questions

1. The current Constitution of Germany was enforced in the year?

A. 1949
B. 1871
C. 1957
D. 1871

Answer: A. 1949

2. Who is the current President of Germany?

A. F.W Steinmeier
B. Angela Merkel
C. Willy Brandt
D. None of these

Answer: A. F.W Steinmeier

3. In Germany who is the head of Government?

A. President
B. Chancellor
C. Prime Minster
D. Chief Councilor

Answer: B. Chancellor

4. German Federal Parliament is called

A. Diet
B. Bundestag
C. Storting
D. National Assembly

Answer: B. Bundestag

5. The upper house in the German political system is

A. National Assembly
B. Bundestag
C. Congress
D. None of these

Answer: B. Bundestag

Political System of Germany objective questions with answers pdf download online exam test

300+ TOP Political System of France MCQs and Answers

Political System of France Multiple Choice Questions

1. The most powerful position in France is

A. President
B. Prime Minster
C. Chancellor
D. Speaker

Answer: A. President

2. Which country has the oldest presidency in Europe?

A. Italy
B. Belgium
C. France
D. Sweden

Answer: C. France

3. In the Presidential election of France required percentage of votes for the win is?

A. 70%
B. 60%
C. 40%
D. 50%

Answer: D. 50%

4. What was the Duration of the second republic of France?

A. 1756-1760
B. 1749-1808
C. 1848-1852
D. 1866-1880

Answer: C. 1848-1852

5. The current constitution of France can only be changed with the support of ___ strength of congress?

A. one-third
B. three-fifth
C. three-four
D. none of these

Answer: B. three-fifth

6. The total size of the ministerial team in France is typical?

A. 20-30
B. 30-40
C. 50-60
D. 40-50

Answer: B. 30-40

7. Total number of seats in the French National Assembly is?

A. 550
B. 577
C. 470
D. 477

Answer: B. 577

8. Total number of seats in the French Senate is?

A. 320
B. 348
C. 528
D. 408

Answer: B. 348

9. The highest appellate court in France is?

A. Supreme Court
B. Cour de Supreme
C. Cout de Cassation
D. none of these

Answer: C. Cout de Cassation

10. Which one in the current republic of France?

A. First
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. Fifth

Answer: D. Fifth

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300+ TOP Political System of USA MCQs and Answers

Political System of United States (USA) Multiple Choice Questions

1. American constitution was adopted in

A. 1787
B. 1687
C. 1887
D. 1587

Answer: A. 1787

2. Which country has the oldest written constitution

A. America
B. Germany
C. Italy
D. Japan

Answer: A. America

3. How many articles American Constitution have?

A. 3 Articles
B. 5 Articles
C. 6 Articles
D. 7 Articles

Answer: D. 7 Articles

4. American constitution stands supreme over all

A. Countries
B. States
C. Citizens
D. Continents

Answer: C. Citizens

5. American political system developed under the strong impact of

A. French Legacy
B. British Legacy
C. Indian Legacy
D. Canadian Legacy

Answer: B. British Legacy

6. American legal system is influenced by

A. Italy
B. Germany
C. United Kingdom
D. Japan

Answer: C. United Kingdom

7. American Blacks got equal rights in?

A. 1870
B. 1871
C. 1877
D. 1878

Answer: A. 1870

7. American president explains his policies in

A. Congress
B. Senate
C. Pentagon
D. White house

Answer: A. Congress

8. American President and Vice President should belong to different

A. States
B. Countries
C. Parties
D. Offices

Answer: A. States

9. Presidential appointments are approved by

A. White house
B. Vice President
C. Pentagon
D. Senate

Answer: D. Senate

10. American national government is not authorized to impose taxes on the exports of

A. Trade ministry
B. Stock exchange
C. Federal exports
D. States

Answer: D. States

11. No American states can impose taxes on

A. State Business
B. National Property
C. State Affair’s
D. State Trade

Answer: B. National Property

12. American government guarantees to every state protection against external

A. Trade
B. Friendship
C. Agreement
D. Aggression

Answer: D. Aggression

13. In which country governors are elected?

A. Japan
B. Germany
C. America
D. Italy

Answer: C. America

14. American President appoints all members of

A. Supreme Court
B. Ambassadors
C. Cabinet
D. Judges

Answer: C. Cabinet

15. American President cannot remove the

A. Cabinet
B. Ambassadors
C. Ministers
D. Judges

Answer: D. Judges

16. In which country we can observe the division of responsibility?

B. Australia
C. American
D. India

Answer: C. American

17. Who will be the natural born citizen of America?

A. President
B. Vice President
C. Chief Justice
D. Army Chief

Answer: A. President

18. Who will be the natural born citizen of America?

A. President
B. Vice President
C. Chief Justice
D. Army Chief

Answer: A. President

19. President of which country is considered the most powerful?

B. Australia
C. India

Answer: D. USA

20. Candidate of American presidentship should not be less than

A. 27 years
B. 35 years
C. 45 years
D. 29 years

Answer: B. 35 years

21. American president is nominated by the

A. Supreme court
B. Congress
C. Political Party
D. Senate

Answer: C. Political Party

22. American president has been a resident of America for at least?

A. 12 years
B. 14 years
C. 15 years
D. 20 years

Answer: B. 14 years

23. Campaign of US presidential candidates divided into

A. 4 stages
B. 5 stages
C. 7 stages
D. 6 stages

Answer: A. 4 stages

24. American president can be removed by the impeachment of

A. Senate
B. Congress
C. Supreme Court
D. Cabinet

Answer: B. Congress

25. American president cannot be

A. Blamed
B. Removed
C. Arrested
D. Investigated

Answer: C. Arrested

26. American president is responsible for the enforcement of

A. Foreign affairs
B. law and order
C. constitution
D. army operation

Answer: C. constitution

27. President of America appoints all federal officials with the approval of

A. Secretary of State
B. Senate
C. Congress
D. Vice President

Answer: B. Senate

28. American ambassadors are appointed by the

A. Senate
B. President
C. Congress
D. Vice President

Answer: B. President

29. Who has been supreme commander of America

A. President
B. Chief Justice
C. Congress
D. Head of Senate

Answer: A. President

30. American president can veto the bills passed by

A. Senate
B. Congress

Answer: B. Congress

31. Who is the authority in the USA to appoint Federal Judges?

A. President
B. Congress

Answer: A. President

32. American Cabinet members are representatives of?

A. Senate
B. Congress
D. President

Answer: D. President

33. Amendment in the American Constitution can be initiated by

A. Senate
B. Secretary of State
C. President
D. Congress

Answer: D. Congress

34. British cabinet members are representatives of

A. Prime Minster
B. Queen/King
C. Chief Justice
D. Army Chief

Answer: A. Prime Minster

35. No tax can be raised without the approval of the American

A. Senate
B. Secretary of State
C. Congress
D. President

Answer: C. Congress

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300+ TOP Political System of China MCQs and Answers

Political System of China Multiple Choice Questions

1. China’s total area is

A. 9,597,000 sq. KM
B. 9,595,000 Sq. Km
C. 9,497,000 Sq. Km
D. 9,596,000 Sq. Km

Answer: A. 9,597,000 sq. KM

2. China is situated in the ____ part of Asia

A. Eastern
B. Northern
C. Southern
D. Western

Answer: A. Eastern

3. The Chinese Valley of Yellow River is

A. Barren
B. Sandy
C. Fertile
D. Hilly

Answer: C. Fertile

4. People’s Republic of China came into being in

A. 1946
B. 1950
C. 1951
D. 1949

Answer: D. 1949

5. Chinese resources were exploited in the 19th century by

A. Locals
B. Military
C. Imperial Powers
D. All of them

Answer: C. Imperial Powers

6. The socialist forces emerged victorious in

A. 1950
B. 1949
C. 1948
D. 1947

Answer: B. 1949

7. Who remarked that China is like a giant who is in slumber?

A. Churchill
B. Kennedy
C. Napoleon
D. Abraham Lincoln

Answer: A. Churchill

8. The opium war remained for

A. 1839-42
B. 1840-42
C. 1841-42
D. 1835-35

Answer: A. 1839-42

9. Taee Ping regime came into power in

A. 1843
B. 1840
C. 1850
D. 1851

Answer: D. 1851

10. China was proclaimed as a Republic on 1st January

A. 1910
B. 1915
C. 1917
D. 1912

Answer: D. 1912Political System of China MCQs11. The first President of the Chinese Republic was

A. Manchu
B. Tae Ping
C. Mao Zedong
D. Dr. Sun Yat Sen

Answer: D. Dr. Sun Yat Sen

12. The Organic was implemented in

A. 1949
B. 1945
C. 1944
D. 1948

Answer: A. 1949

13. The first session of the central congress of China was held in September

A. 1949
B. 1945
C. 1954
D. 1948

Answer: C. 1954

14. Second important government institution under the constitution 1954 is

A. The Supreme Court
B. The National People’s Congress
C. State Council
D. Standing Committees

Answer: C. State Council

15. Mao died in the year

A. 1971
B. 1973
C. 1976
D. 1972

Answer: C. 1976

16. Jiang Zemin was elected as the President in

A. 1990
B. 1995
C. 1993
D. 1994

Answer: B. 1995

17. The term of the State Council is

A. Five years
B. Six years
C. Three years
D. Four years

Answer: A. Five years

18. In China, Judges are appointed by

A. Civil Service
B. President
C. Election
D. Not anyone

Answer: C. Election

19. Which President organized opposition against Mao?

A. Chou En-Lai
B. Mr. Zao Yang
C. Lieu Shaoqi
D. Mr. Lin Piao

Answer: C. Lieu Shaoqi

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300+ TOP Political System of the UK MCQs and Answers

Political System of the United Kingdom (UK) Multiple Choice Questions

1. The conservative temperament of English people played a role in drafting their

A. Banking System
B. Political System
C. Religious System
D. Constitution

Answer: D. Constitution

2. Most of the Modern states have

A. Alien Constitution
B. Un-Written Constitution
C. Written Constitution
D. No Constitution

Answer: C. Written Constitution

3. Which country has an unwritten constitution?

B. Germany
C. France
D. Italy

Answer: A. UK

4. British constitution was compiled and drafted in?

A. Years
B. Weeks
C. Months
D. Centuries

Answer: D. Centuries

5. The British society was adjusting with basic political

A. Relations
B. Norms
C. Families
D. Skills

Answer: B. Norms

6. Which types of Constitution France has?

A. Un-Written
B. Alien Constitution
C. Written Constitution
D. None of these

Answer: C. Written Constitution

7. In England, which is the authority to amend the constitution?

A. Government
B. Parliament
C. Supreme Court
D. Prime Minister

Answer: B. Parliament

8. The British constitution can be classified into?

A. Five main parts
B. Four main parts
C. Three main parts
D. Two main parts

Answer: D. Two main parts

9. In the UK, Parliament, Judiciary, and executive contributed to the growth of?

A. Parliament
B. Church
C. Constitution
D. Supreme Court

Answer: C. Constitution

10. British Political arrangements established by the “Bill of Rights” in

A. 1689
B. 1879
C. 1789
D. 1989

Answer: A. 1689

11. Magna Carta recognized few rights for the British Constitution in

A. 1218
B. 1217
C. 1215
D. 1216

Answer: C. 1215

12. The validity of the British constitution cannot be challenged in any

A. Court
B. Church
C. Parliament
D. Country

Answer: A. Court

13. Fundamental rights of the British citizens are part of

A. Special Law
B. Common Law
C. Crown Law
D. Church Law

Answer: B. Common Law

14. Conventions of the Constitution are the most important source of the

A. British Constitution
B. Parliament
C. Church
D. Crown

Answer: A. British Constitution

15. In the UK the rulers do not veto the bills passed by the

A. Court
B. Church
C. Parliament
D. Crown

Answer: C. Parliament

16. The King or Queen cannot preside over the meeting of the

A. Parliaments Members
B. Cabinet
C. Church
D. Crown

Answer: B. Cabinet

17. British Prime Minister and Finance Minister, both are taken from the

A. House of Commons
B. Church
C. Local Bodies
D. Crown

Answer: A. House of Commons

18. In the UK, the sovereign invites the leader of the majority party, to form

A. Parliament
B. Cabinet
C. Court
D. King/Queen

Answer: B. Cabinet

19. British Cabinet remains in power with the confidence of the majority from

A. Parliament
B. Cabinet
C. Court
D. King/Queen

Answer: A. Parliament

20. The whole British cabinet has to resign in case of veto of no confidence from

A. House of common
B. Cabinet
C. Court
D. local bodies

Answer: A. House of common

21. Parliament meets at least once a year in

A. France
B. Germany
D. France

Answer: C. UK

22. British parliament is presided over by

A. King/Queen
B. Prime minister
C. Speaker
D. President

Answer: C. Speaker

23. When the votes are equally divided in parliament, the only speaker can break the tie in?

A. France
B. the Netherlands
C. Germany
D. the United Kingdom

Answer: D. United Kingdom

24. In the British Parliament, all money bills originated in the

A. Parliament
B. Local Bodies
C. Court
D. Cabinet

Answer: A. Parliament

25. The King/Queen is informed about all important decisions by British

A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Speaker
D. Chief Justice

Answer: B. Prime Minister

26. Which country’s parliament consists of two-chamber, house of lords and house of commons

A. Germany
B. the Netherlands
C. the United Kingdom
D. Norway

Answer: C. United Kingdom

27. Whose members are directly elected in the UK?

A. House of Lords
B. House of Commons
C. Local Bodies
D. Supreme Court

Answer: C. Local Bodies

28. Whose members are nominated by the Queen in the UK?

A. House of Lords
B. House of Commons
C. Local Bodies
D. Supreme Court

Answer: A. House of Lords

29. Which forum is more powerful in the UK?

A. House of Lords
B. House of Commons
C. Local Bodies
D. Supreme Court

Answer: B. House of Commons

30. Which country is a pioneer in introducing the parliamentary system

A. France
B. Germany
C. the United Kingdom
D. The USA

Answer: C. United Kingdom

31. The cabinet works under the leadership of

A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Chief Justice
D. Speaker

Answer: B. Prime Minister

32. In a parliamentary system all ministers are accountable to

A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Parliament
D. Speaker

Answer: C. Parliament

33. All citizens stand equal in the eyes of law in

A. the United Kingdom
B. Russia
C. Saudi Arabia

Answer: A. United Kingdom

34. Which country is taking care of fundamental rights?

A. the United Kingdom
B. Russia
C. Saudi Arabia

Answer: A. United Kingdom

35. Fundamental rights of people can be changed by

A. President
B. Prime Minster
C. Parliament
D. Speaker

Answer: C. Parliament

36. The success of democracy in Britain owes a lot to the democratic behavior of the

A. Citizens
B. European Union
C. Neighbors
D. Army

Answer: A. Citizens

37. Sometimes British citizens are directly taken into confidence on urgent matters through

A. General Elections
B. By-Elections
C. Referendum
D. Special Elections

Answer: C. Referendum

38. The role of King gradually minimized in

A. Russia
B. Saudi Arabia
C. the United Kingdom
D. Germany

Answer: C. United Kingdom

39. In the UK, the whole executive powers are associated with

A. Crown
B. Speaker
C. President
D. Army Chief

Answer: A. Crown

40. The legislative powers of the Crown in the UK are exercised by the

A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Parliament
D. Speaker

Answer: C. Parliament

41. The Queen/King does not veto the Bills passed by the parliament in

A. Russia
B. the United Kingdom
C. Saudi Arabia
D. the Netherlands

Answer: B. United Kingdom

42. The highest legislative authority in the UK is

A. King
B. President
C. Army Chief
D. Speaker

Answer: A. King

43. Kingship is the heritage of the past in

A. Norway
B. Sweden
C. the United Kingdom

Answer: C. United Kingdom

44. The cabinet in the UK is the body that exercises the powers of the

A. Crown
B. President
C. Speaker
D. Army Chief

Answer: A. Crown

45. English people have an emotional attachment with

A. Crown
B. President
C. Speaker
D. Army Chief

Answer: A. Crown

46. In Switzerland, the most superior is

A. President
B. Federal Assembly
C. Supreme Court
D. Army

Answer: B. Federal Assembly

47. The Federal Assembly in Switzerland is empowered to

A. Legislation
B. Execution
C. Judiciary
D. Defense

Answer: A. Legislation

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300+ TOP General Science Gk Questions and Answers

Science Gk Questions

1. What is the most important for living things to live?

Answer: Oxygen

2. What are the two holes of human nose known as?

Answer: Nostrils

3. What is the optical phenomenon in the fringe pattern of CD?

Answer: Interference

4. What are the exchange particles in the uark-uark interaction?

Answer: Gluon

5. Through what the plants are using their life cycle?

Answer: Seeds

6. What is not considered as the fruit scientifically?

Answer: Broccoli

7. From where does the plants are getting energy?

Answer: Sunlight

8. Which part of the plant attracts insects to help with pollination?

Answer: Flowers

9. On what is the principle of working of rockets based?

Answer: Law of conservation of momentum

10. What is in the human tongue for tasting different things?

Answer: Taste buds

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11. Who many incisor teeth do rats have?

Answer: Four

12. What is the percentage of fire related deaths due to smoke inhalation than the burns?

Answer: 80%

13. Fraction of volume of ice seen outside when immersed in water?

Answer: 10.5%

14. Which president is acknowledged as the world’ authority on American game animals?

Answer: Theodore Roosevelt

15. What is DMM?

Answer: Digital Multi Meter

16. Until now how many people have landed on moon?

Answer: 12

17. What are the bones known which makes up the spine?

Answer: Vertebrae

18. In which country the greatest tornadoes occur?

Answer: United States of America

19. Name the drug known as wonder drug?

Answer: Penicillin

20. Whom used the wonder drug at its initial times?

Answer: U.S Navy and Army

Read also: World GK uestions and Answers For Competitive Exams

21. When was penicillin made pubic?

Answer: 1944

22. Which is the saltiest sea in the world?

Answer: Dead Sea

23. Which colour indicate Highest Temperature?

Answer: Dull red

24. Why Dead Sea is known as Dead Sea?

Answer: Because of its saline nature and don’t drown people

25. What type of beetle is the scarab worshipped by Egyptians?

Answer: Dung Beetle

26. What is effect on your weight as you go down in to earth?

Answer: Decreases slightly

27. What is fog?

Answer: When dust particle get entangled in air particle in atmosphere

28. What is smog?

Answer: Smog is the mixture of dust and smoke particles entangled in air.

29. Which scientists are studying the motion?

Answer: Physicist

30. Which is the force resisting motion of different objects?

Answer: Friction

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31. Which ball would travel long distance if launched from catapult either cotton or iron ball?

Answer: Iron ball

32. Why do cotton ball do not travel long distance if thrown?

Answer: Because of light weight

33. Which force is pulling earth towards its centre?

Answer: Gravity

34. Who gave the laws of motion?

Answer: Newton

35. Will adding weight to your car affect its motion?

Answer: It will move slower than normal speed

36. What is the light year?

Answer: The distance traveled by light in one year

37. Which law says that an object in motion will stay in motion unless another forces changes that?

Answer: Newton First Law

38. Which law of motion say that for every action there is an eual and opposite reaction?

Answer: Newton Third Law

39. What is acceleration?

Answer: Rate of change of velocity

40. What is force?

Answer: The push or pull

41. Define weight?

Answer: The force of gravity on an object.

42. What is LPG?

Answer: Liuefied Petroleum Gas

43. What does LPG contains?

Answer: Butane and Propane

44. What force is used for the launching rockets?

Answer: Air Pressure

45. Which of the following best explains why your body leans to the side when taking a sharp turn in a car?

Answer: Inertia

46. Which component of soil is made of the living materials previously?

Answer: Organic matter

47. What is the name of scientist who studies plants living or dead?

Answer: Botanist

48. Who studies the living animals?

Answer: Zoologist

49. What is the part of flower having the charge to perform photosynthesis?

Answer: Leaves

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50. How plants make their food?

Answer: Through photosynthesis

51. What does coffee contains?

Answer: Caffeine

52. What is the name of gadget used for the detection of feeble current?

Answer: Galvanometer

53. What does ammeter reads?

Answer: Current

54. What are the leaves called that people use to flavor their food?

Answer: Herbs

55. Which of the component of soil is absorbing water at most?

Answer: Clay

56. What is the most important factor for the conduction of photosynthesis?

Answer: Sunlight

57. What part of the flowers are containing the pollen?

Answer: Anther

58. What are the tiny tubes called inside the stem that bring water from the roots to the rest of the plant?

Answer: Xylen

59. Is sunlight a must for the process of pollination?

Answer: No

60. Do sponges have a heart?

Answer: No

61. How many poles do all magnets have?

Answer: Two poles

62. What are the units for the measurements of radioactive element activity?

Answer: The Becueral(1 B = 1 disintegration per second)

63. What would you get if you mix all light colours together?

Answer: White

64. What is the symbol of element silver?

Answer: Ag

65. How much patents did Thomas Edison filed alone?

Answer: 1093

66. What does ATP stands for?

Answer: Adenosine triphosphate

67. What does ADP stands for?

Answer: Adenosine diphosphate

68. What is affecting the sevices of Earth, either meteor or meteorite?

Answer: Meteorite

69. What is the shortest magnet of the Universe?

Answer: A neutron star

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70. Which is the hottest planet of the solar system?

Answer: Venus

71. What is the temparature on Venus?

Answer: 460°C

72. Why does eyesight changes as you get older?

Answer: The eye’s lens continues to grow throughout life, becoming thicker and less transparent.

73. What is the distance of moon from earth?

Answer: 384,400 km

74. Where sound travels faster either in water or air?

Answer: Water

75. What is the amount of salt in average human body?

Answer: 250 gms

76. What is the reason for popping up of bubbles?

Answer: Bubbles get dry from surrounding air

77. How many bones are there in human body?

Answer: 206

78. Manometer used for

Answer: Measuring the pressure of closed system

79. Which organisms are known as the oldest fossils?

Answer: Blue-Green Algae

80. What is the shape of human’s DNA?

Answer: Double helix

81. What is the shape of RNA?

Answer: Spiral

82. What are the bones around the chest known as for protection of heart and lungs?

Answer: Ribs

83. What is the flow of blood form heart to all parts of body known as?

Answer: Circulation

84. Which part of human body is serving purpose of maintaining balance?

Answer: Ears

85. The outside layer of skin on the human body is called the?

Answer: Epidermis

86. What is the cause of maximum deaths in the United States than lightening?

Answer: Tornadoes

87. What is given to wood whose normal cells have been replaced with mineral deposits?

Answer: Petrified wood

88. What is the type of pollination caused by birds?

Answer: Ornithophily

89. What are rodents?

Answer: The animals who eat by stealing food

90. What is the unit scoville heat used for?

Answer: Measurement of heat of chilies

91. Where is the largest known meteorite crater on earth?

Answer: Vredefort Ring in South Africa

92. What name is given to the planets located outside solar system?

Answer: Exoplanets

93. Which blood type is the rarest in the humans?

Answer: AB negative

94. Which of the Australian timber has made the London Docks?

Answer: Syncarpia glomulifera

95. What is the name of Sydney Blue Gum?

Answer: Eucalyptus saligna

96. Which substance is the hardest in the entire human body?

Answer: Tooth enamel

97. Which is the longest type of cell in human body?

Answer: Neurons

98. Which is the only metal to be liuid at room temperature?

Answer: Mercury

99. Who is the invetor of battery?

Answer: Count Alessandro Volta

100. What is the location of Pinna in human bodies?

Answer: Outer ear

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