300+ TOP Rational ClearCase Interview Questions [UPDATED]

  1. 1. Can I Rebase With Files Checked Out?

    Checkouts are not allowed during rebase (so we could easily support the cancel operation for rebase). If checkouts were allowed, UCM would need to store a copy of all checked out files (as merging may be required if some files are affected by the rebase). This functionality could be provided in a future release, but for this release of UCM you cannot have any checkouts in your development stream during rebase.

  2. 2. How Does Ucm Change Set Information Get Stored/displayed In Clear Quest?

    All UCM change set information is stored in ClearCase, even if the project is CQ-enabled. ClearQuest can display the change set information by referencing the activity through a ClearCase view. The ClearCase/ClearQuest integration will try to find an available view to use if a view context is not available. In some instances, users may not see change set information in ClearQuest if no suitable ClearCase view can be located.

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  4. 3. Explain Different File Systems In Linux Os?

    There are two types of files in UNix:

    As Test and Binary file.

    In broad manner Text file is also three types;

    • Normal text file
    • System text file
    • Device text file
  5. 4. Tell Me Any 5 Best Scm Practices?

    Some of them are :

    • Organize versioned artifacts into versioned components.
    • Organize versioned components and subsystems into versioned subsystems.
    • Create baselines at project milestones.
    • Record and track requests for change.
    • Organize and integrate consistent sets of versions using activities.
    • Maintain stable and consistent workspaces.
  6. 5. What Are Version Control Tools? How Are They Use Full Can Any Body Name Few Version Control Tools?

    Version control:
    versioning is the making of copies of data at some meaningful point in order to return to that point at a later date, if necessary.

    In Software field so many version control tool are there:

    • SCM tool
    • VSS tool
    • cvs tool
    • pvcs tool

    Rational clearcase provides tool support versions all types file and directories in source repository. software field best version tool is clearcase it support version control, merging, compare version of software resource, parallel development.

    Version control tools help multiple users to make simultaneous changes to a collection of documents/files, without clobbering each others’ work or resulting in version confusion.

  7. Rational Functional Tester Interview Questions

  8. 6. Is There A Correlation Between Views And Streams?

    Yes. A stream may have 0..n views attached to it. In the “join project” wizard, a development stream and development view is created. These are named the same unless the user overrides the name of either stream or view. Additionally, each developer will have at least one integration view that is attached to the project’s integration stream.

  9. 7. Can I Associate More Than One Activity With A Single Change?

    No. Any change that is made on a UCM stream is associated with a single activity. If using ClearQuest-enabled UCM, it may be possible to create relationships (i.e. parent/child) to establish multiple references to a single activity’s change set, however the change set itself is associated with only one activity.

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  11. 8. What Is Unified Change Management?

    • Rational’s Unified Change Management (UCM) is a key component of the Rational Unified Process®, a comprehensive framework for delivering best software practices. Both Rational Suite® and IBM® Rational® ClearCase® support Unified Change Management. The foundation or enabling-technology of UCM is Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest, Rational’s integrated change management solution. The Rational UCM solution delivers an unprecedented level of change automation across the entire development lifecycle that strengthens team collaborative efforts.
    • UCM unifies cross-functional teams through an easy-to-adopt out-of-the-box process that is optimized for team acceptance across all roles. Working with ClearCase and ClearQuest, UCM automatically sets-up each individual’s personal workspace with a personalized to-do-list. So, regardless of whether you’re an analyst, tester, developer or release engineer, you will have a clear understanding of any project’s scope, priorities and all of the activities associated with any project. 
    • UCM automatically keeps all team members informed of true project status and workload. Every team member is on the same page at all times. Project managers can organize project status, assess workload and estimate completion dates. 
    • With UCM, integrators and release engineers can assure project quality. Systems can be built consistently through software-reuse and build management. Build-related challenges are greatly minimized through the use of ClearCase UCM components and baselines.
  12. 9. What Ucm Functionality Do You Have In Clearcase 4.0 Without Clear Quest?

    ClearQuest gives you scheduled activities, assignment, state, user defined fields and forms, roles and security. ClearCase gives you all new objects and UCM infrastructure, projects, components, baselines, change sets, streams, etc.

  13. 10. Can Customers “undo” Change Sets?

    There are various levels of undo. In UCM 1, you can decide not to deliver a change During delivery, and before checking into the integration stream, you can cancel a delivery. Once a change has been incorporated into a baseline, it cannot be removed via UCM in the first release. However, you can create a new activity called “Remove change set X”, and use subtractive merge to create new versions that can remove the old versions. You would then deliver/baseline this change.

  14. 11. Is There An Issue With Too Many Baselines? What If I Have Many Rejected Baselines?

    There should be no issue with this, just like there are no issues with many labels or attributes in base ClearCase.

  15. 12. Is It Possible For Two Different Developers To Work On The Same Activity?

    It is only possible for two developers to work on the same activity if they are working in the same stream.

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  17. 13. Is There Any Way To “enjoin” Or Secede From A Project?

    There is no “unjoin” operation. Users can remove their views and their development stream(s).

  18. 14. Can You Explain What Does Albd_server Do?

    The albd-server handles a variety of tasks.

    When a client program wants access a service ( avon or view serverfor example)on clearcase host,it uses a remote procedure call to send a request to the albd server on that host. the albd server starts the requested services if it is not already started. then issues a response telling the client the service’s port number. thereafter the client communicates directly with the specific service, without involving the albd_server.

    Responding to requests for registry information on rational clearcase registry on server host.

    Responding to requests for licenses information on a rational clearcase license server host.

  19. 15. Do You Know How To Start The Albd_server In Windows If It Is Stopped?

    We can use below commands in command promt.

    c:>>>> net start albd.

    And another way is Click Start > Control Panel Double-click > Administrative Tools folder Double-click >the Services icon Double-click >Atria Location Broker service and start albd.

    One more is in control panel.there u can see the clearcase icon and double click on that icon. click on services start up. there u can see the albd status if albd service is stop start albd service.

  20. 16. Explain Where Do You Specify The License Host Details When You Setup The Clear Case For The First Time?

    In linux edit the file license host /var/adm/atria/config from the following location and then add the license host name and in windows select the clearcase from control panel by switching to classic view then in the licensing tab you will find the the radio button use clearcase license server host select it and specify the license host name.

  21. 17. Explain How To List All The Cos By A User In Different Vobs Through A Single Command?

    ct lsco -me 

    this gives all checked out files by a user

    ct lsco -avobs -cview -me

    List all files checked out to all views by a user

  22. 18. Does Ucm Provide An Automated Way To Move An Activity From One Stream To Another?

    No. ClearCase 4.0 does not provide automated features for selective activity movement between streams. Moving activities between streams can be accomplished manually with additive merge.

  23. Rational Functional Tester Interview Questions

  24. 19. Can I Deliver With Files Checked Out?

    Checkouts during delivery are allowable via a UCM project policy. A project leader can set this policy based upon whether or not this behavior is desired.

  25. 20. When More Than One Baseline Is At Or Above The Recommended Level, Which One Is Recommended By A Rebase Operation?

    The rebase operation will recommend the most recent baseline that meets the project’s recommended policy requirements.

  26. 21. Is It Possible To Rebase To A Single Activity, Or Must I Always Rebase To A Baseline?

    The rebase operation will always rebase to a baseline.