[PDF Notes] Role of the Teacher in Effective use of Films

(1) Select proper film.

It is unfair to students to show a film merely to take up time. Each presentation should have definite teaching objectives. The teacher should check through his lesson plan, and place the data and title of the film in audio-visual aid column. He should:

(1) Know the best films available in your field.

(ii) Know film catalogues and other film sources.

(iii) Familiarize himself with teaching guides.

(iv) Learn how to operate a projector.

(2) Check everything before showing film.

Last minute disturbances and hurried preparations do not contribute to an effective film projection. These can be avoided by checking the following points:

(3) Preview film.

The instructor’s manual and guide, which accompany films, give review of content, aims, scope, suggested student learning activities, evaluation techniques and suggestions for follow up. Take care to

(i) Set up projector and screen.

(ii) Check seating arrangements.

(iii) Check lighting.

(iv) Check ventilation.

(v) Test projector.

(4) Presenting the film.

An otherwise excellent teaching film is worthless if it is not presented properly. Students should be motivated I and film should be presented at right moment. The following procedures will ensure success.

(i) Prepare students. Use the problem-solving approach, when possible. Tell why the film is being shown.

(ii) Present film and instruction in steps. Present each step briefly, ‘ clearly and in the proper learning sequence. Your presentation should proceed in a direct path from what the student knows to what he does| not know.

(iii) Apply instruction. Apply the information immediately to specific^ problems or as soon as possible after showing the film.

(iv) Test Students. The learning of the students should be tested immediately after the film is over. If the lesson is manipulative skill, | test the students for performance and speed. If it is attitude development or factual information, use a simple test or quiz card.

(v) Revision lesson. All weaknesses, errors, or miss-understandings revealed by test or quiz should be corrected immediately.

4. Educational use of News Papers

Newspapers are an important instrument of mass communication. I The famous English newspapers are The Hindustan Times, The Times I of India, Economic Times, The Statesman, The Hindu, The Indian Express and The Tribune.

Newspapers are basic necessity for the educated man. Majority the educated people read newspaper even after listening to news programmes through radio or television. A good newspaper provides a balanced and intelligent account of events in the country and the world. It caters to various types of interests.

It discusses education, philosophy, politics, sociology, science, geography, history and many other subjects. Not only does it give news but also it provides forum for detailed discussion on certain important issues.

(a) The Role of Newspaper in School Education.

The newspapers play an important role in teaching-learning process. About a thousand newspapers around the world are participating in various forms in school and college educational programmes. These programmes are popularly known as Newspapers in Education (NIE) or Newspapers in classroom (NIC) or Classroom Newspaper Programme (CNP).

In co-operation with local or regional school and college authorities, newspapers work out programmes for use as an educational resource. India is lagging behind in this kind of experience. Taking advantage of newspaper experience in other parts of the world in this field, Indian papers can also venture into this area.

In India, almost all the newspapers publish educational supplements once a week. They are a great reservoir of knowledge. They motivate the children to know about the past events and new inventions in the j field of science and technology.

(b) Purposes of Newspapers in School Education.

Newspapers have manifold role in the field of education.

1. Reduce gap between the classroom and outside World. Daily newspapers may be seen as a bridge between the restricted, simple and unreal world of classroom and dynamic and complex real world of which students are a part.

2. Cope with the ‘Knowledge Explosion.’ Newspapers provide a means of coping with the ‘knowledge explosion’ and of understanding changes in socio-economic scene.

3. Develop reading skill: The habit of newspaper reading develops the reading skills of the students.

4. Source of entertainment. Newspapers are a rich source of entertainment. They contain stories, songs and jokes for the children.

5. Proper use of leisure time. Newspaper reading is a good leisure time activity.

6. Acquaint with our rich heritage. The special issues of newspapers-Republic Day Numbers, Independence Day Supplement, Baisakhi Supplement, Diwali Supplement etc. provide a rich knowledge about our culture to the children.

7. Provide Historical Information. The life sketches of great personalities, description of historical buildings and places in the magazine sections add to the knowledge of the students.

8. Provide motivation. Cuttings from the newspapers can be used as teaching-aids in the classroom. The use of teaching aids captures the attention of the students motivates them and maximizes learning.

9. Supplement Text Book. The material given in the text-book may be supplemented with the fresh and up-to-date information available from the newspapers.

10. Provide Inspiration for Creative Writing. Teacher may inspire the students to write for the newspapers. It will develop their talent and sublimate their instincts.

11. Provide Healthy Competition. Students may be asked to collect news about the subject. Interesting news pictures and news stories may be displayed on News Bulletin Board. It will be a good competition among the students.

12. Develop National and International Understanding. Proper use of newspapers will develop national and international under-standing among the students.

(c) Role of the Teacher in Use of Newspaper.

The proper use of newspapers in the school education depends upon the effectiveness and creativity of the classroom teacher. Teacher may adopt different procedures in the use of newspapers. Some of these are:

Daily discussion of News:

News may be reported in the morning assembly. Teacher and students may discuss the news in the class-room.

Displaying News on News Bulletin Board It is necessary to build the child’s interest in news to the extent that child voluntarily brings news clippings whenever he finds one, which he feels worthwhile enough to bring to school. The news may be of local, national or international importance. These news must be displayed on News Bulletin Board. This will initiate a healthy competition among the students.

News Maps: A large world map can be placed on bulletin board with sufficient space around it to paste clippings and pictures.

Preparing Scrap Book:

Collecting news clippings and keeping them in scrap book in a chronological order may be initiated. It is useful activity.

Dramatizing news events:

News events like conferences, negotiations and high level meeting between highly placed officials can be dramatised in the classroom.

6. Quiz competitions. These competitions regarding men and events in the news may prove a very interesting technique for creating interest in newspapers.

5. Educational Magazines

Next to newspapers, magazines or periodicals are powerful printed-material of mass-media. Newspapers are published daily, while magazines are published weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bimonthly or utterly. Illustrated weekly, India Today, Mirror, Sun, Sports News, ‘caravan, Women Era, Sarita, Greha Shoba, Competition Master, competition Success Review, Science Reporter, Bal Bharti, hacha-Chowdhari, Chanda Mama, Target, Filmi Duniya, Preet Lari, agmani, & Jan Sahit, Our heritage-Our Glory are some of the famous magazines. These magazines belong to different categories. The main Categories of magazines are:

1. News magazines.

2. Sports magazines.

3. Cultural magazines.

4. Intellectual magazines.

5. Humour magazines.

6. Magazines of men’s interest.

7. Magazines of women’s interest.

8. Business magazines.

These magazines deal with different fields of life. Evaluating children’s magazines, for educative purposes, may be simplified by keeping 1 mind the following principles.

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