[PDF Notes] Short Essay on Militarism of Ala-ud-Din Khilj

Ala-ud-Din established a militaristic regime. He based his kingship on military power and force. He did not claim sovereignty on the basis of heredity or election by the nobles or the sanction of the Khalifa. He knew full well that he had usurped power by force and the same could be maintained only by force. He subordinated the Muslim Chruch by force. He overawed the nobility with his huge army.

He did not allow the nobles to keep their armies. As a matter of fact, he owed everything to his efficient army. It is not possible to refer to the exact figures of the army of Ala-ud-Din Ferishta tells us that Ala-ud-Din maintained 4,75,000 horsemen. He paid decent salaries to the soldiers. Murratab or an ordinary horseman was paid 234 Tankas a year. The Sawar was paid 156 Tankas. A Do-aspah was paid 78 Tankas a year.

Payments were made to the soldiers regularly and their activities were also supervised. Ala-ud-Din introduced the system of Dagh or the branding of horses and Huliah system or the preparation of the descriptive rolls. Dewan-i-Arz was the head of the military establishment and was required to enforce the rules stringently.

The result of these changes was that the Sultan could not be deceived by clever nobles with regard to the identity of the horses and the sodiers. Spies were kept in every unit of the army and they were required to submit daily reports to the Sultan regarding the conduct of the military officers.

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