[PDF Notes] What are the Guidelines of EIA?

1. Preliminary activities include the selection of a coordinator for the EIA and the collection of background information. This should be undertaken as soon as a project has been identified.

2. Impact identification involves a broad analysis of the impacts of project activities with a view to identifying those which are worthy of a detailed study.

3. Baseline study entails the collection of detailed information and data on the condition of the project area prior to the project’s implementation.

4. Impact evaluation should be done whenever possible in quantitative terms and should include the working-out of potential mitigation measures. Impact evaluation cannot proceed until project alternative has been defined, but should be completed early enough to permit decisions to be made in a timely fashion.

5. Assessment involves combining environmental losses and gains with economic costs and benefits to procedure a complete account to each project alternative. Cost- benefit analysis should include environmental impacts where these can be evaluated in monetary terms.

6. Documentation is prepared to describe the work done in the EIA. A working document is prepared to provide clearly stated and argued recommendations for immediate action. The working document should contain a list of project alternatives with comments on the environmental and economic impacts of each.

7. Decision-making begins when the working document reaches the decision-maker, who will either accept one of the project alternatives, request further study or reject the proposed action, altogether.

8. Post audits are made to determine how close to reality the EIA predictions were.

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