250+ TOP MCQs on Components of Formwork and Answers

Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions on “Components of Formwork”.

1. The temporary casing is known as the __________
a) Support
b) Formwork
c) Built up
d) Casing

Answer: b
Clarification: When concrete is placed, it is in plastic state. It wants to be supported by temporary supports and casings of the desired shape till it becomes sufficiently strong to support its own weight. This temporary casing is known as the form work or forms or shuttering.

2. Forms whose components can be reused several times are known as the _______
a) Stripping
b) Panel Forms
c) Newel forms
d) Shuttering

Answer: b
Clarification: The operation of removing the from work is commonly known as the stripping and when the stripping takes place, the components of the form work are removed and then reused for another part of the structure. Such forms whose components can be reused several times are known as the panel forms.

3. The __________ of formwork plays a significant role in the cost of concrete.
a) Conditions
b) Work
c) Period
d) Economy

Answer: d
Clarification: The cost of formwork varies from 30% to 40% of the cost of concrete for ordinary structures and maybe go as high as 50% to 60% for special structures are just dams, bridges, etc.

4. The formwork should be sufficiently strong enough to bear the _________ of weight concrete as well as the weights of the equipment, labour, etc.
a) Live load
b) Dead load
c) Wind load
d) Snow load

Answer: b
Clarification: This requires careful design of formwork. The over estimation of load result in inexpensive formwork and the underestimation of load results in the failure of formwork. The load on the vertical forms are to be assessed from various consideration such as the density of concrete, dimensions of section, etc.

5. The inside surface of formwork should be ________ so as to turn out a good concrete surface.
a) Smooth
b) Undulated
c) Rough
d) Geometrical

Answer: a
Clarification: The Smooth Surface is achieved by applying crude oil or soft soap solution to the inside surface of the formwork. This also makes the removal of formwork easy.

6. The ___________ formwork is used for formwork when it is desired to reuse the formwork several times.
a) Wooden
b) Timber
c) Steel
d) Custom

Answer: c
Clarification: The initial cost of steel formwork is very high. But it proves to be economical for large works requiring many repetitions of the form work.

7. The column formwork consists of a box prepared from __________ separate sides.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

Answer: d
Clarification: The four sides of the box are held in position by wooden blocks, bolts and yokes. The formwork for an RCC column of section 300 mm× 300 mm.

8. The form work for an RCC floor consists of a ___________ to receive the concrete.
a) Block
b) Skeleton
c) Trap
d) Beam

Answer: b
Clarification: The Skeleton consist of rows of the vertical post which carry small wooden beams and their tops. The planks for slab are placed on these beams.

9. The boxes for beams are play prepared from ________ sides and ________ bottom in formwork for an RCC floor.
a) One, One
b) Two, Two
c) One, Two
d) Two, One

Answer: c
Clarification: The vertical posts are suitable supported by lateral supports. The laterals, tampering blocks, base beams, wooden blocks and Struts are provided to make the formwork for floor strong enough to bear the load coming up on it.

10. In formwork for the wall, the _________ are provided by vertical Struts and horizontal wales.
a) Studs
b) Wales
c) Sheets
d) Ties

Answer: c
Clarification: The ties are provided to maintain the distance between the sheets and to resist the bursting action of concrete. In the small pieces of timber known as the spacers may be used and they are to be removed as the concrete reaches that level.

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