300+ TOP Genetic Conservation & New Crops MCQs and Answers

Genetic Conservation & New Crops Multiple Choice Questions

1. Peruvian Andes are believed to be centre of origin of

a. Tomato

b. Potato

c. Tomato and Potato

d. Tomato, Potato and Chillies

2. Cabbage originated in

a. Mexico and Central America

b. Peruvian Andes

c. Mediterranean

d. South West Asia

3. Maize evolved in

a. Brazil

b. Mexico and Central America

c. U.S.A.

d. Asia Minor and Afghanistan

4. The centre of origin of Almond and Apple is

a. South-West Asia

b. South-East Asia

c. China

d. Asia Minor and Afghanistan

5. The original home of Rice is

a. South-West Asia

b. South-East Asia

c. Mediterranean

d. China

6. The origin of Sunflower is believed to be in

a. Mexico and Brazil

b. Brazil

c. U.S.A.

d. Peruvian Andes

7. Ethiopia is the original home of

a. Coffee

b. Maize

c. Rice

d. Cabbage

8. South-East Asia is thought to be centre for the origin of

a. Rice

b. Rice and Sugarcane

c. Rice, Sugarcane and Mango

d. Rice, Sugarcane, Mango and Banana

9. The famous cultivated plant which developed in China is

a. Tea

b. Coffee

c. Cotton

d. Orange

10. Production centre of Hevea Rubber is

a. Malayasia

b. Brazil

c. Peruvian Andes

d. South-East Asia

11. The centre of origin of Wheat is

a. South-West Asia

b. South-East Asia

c. Asia Minor and Afghanistan

d. Mexico

12. Which is not a new World crop?

a. Tapioca

b. Peanut

c. Cashewnut

d. Poppy

13. Which one belongs to Old World?

a. Squash

b. Pumpkin

c. Water Melon

d. Guava

14. Select a crop which belongs to New World

a. Jackfruit

b. Papaya

c. Spinach

d. Pear

15. Which one belongs to New World?

a. Red Pepper

b. Black Pepper

c. Onion

d. Garlic

16. Which is the crop that originated in Peru and Brazil but is now mainly grown in India?

a. Groundnut

b. Potato

c. Maize

d. None of the above

17. The crop which originated in Peru but is now cultivated extensively, especially in East Europe is

a. Coffee

b. Potato

c. Rubber

d. Maize

18. Name the crop which had its birthplace in Tropical America but the centre of production is now Midwest U.S.A.

a. Pineapple

b. Oil Palm

c. Cocoa

d. Maize

19. Christopher Columbus landed in island of Bahamas (Caribbean Sea) in

a. 1692

b. 1592

c. 1492

d. 1792

20. Tropical forests are being lost at the annual rate of

a. 11 million ha/yr

b. 110 million ha/yr

c. 1 million ha/yr

d. 1100 million ha/yr

21. Post-Vavilov megadiversity centre is

a. Australia

b. Siberia

c. Andamans

d. Tibet

22. The number of centres of origin of crop plants recognized by Vavilov is

a. 8

b. 11

c. 7

d. 21

23. Guarana is

a. Fodder plant

b. Oil Plant

c. Beverage plant

d. Food plant

24. Potato famine of Ireland occurred in

a. 1645

b. 1745

c. 1845

d. 1854

25. Potato famine of Ireland was caused by attack of fungus

a. Phytophthora Palmivora

b. Plasmopara viticola

c. Puccinia graminis

d. Phytophthora infestans_

26. Natural resistance to late blight of Potato is present in

a. Solanum tuberosum

b. Solanum acaule

c. S. demissum

d. S. stoloniferum

27. Gene banks are part of

a. Ex situ conservation

b. In situ conservation

c. Both ex situ and in situ conservation

d. Tribal diet

28. In situ conservation is carried out through

a. National Parks

b. Wildlife sanctuaries

c. Biosphere reserves

d. All the above

29. Ex situ conservation is carried out through

a. Funneling the threatened species into trade

b. Offsite collections

c. Gene banks

d. All the above

30. Gene banks comprise

a. Seed banks, orchards, tissue culture and cryopreservation

b. Seed banks, tissue culture and cryopreservation

c. Seed banks and cryopreservation

d. Tissue culture and cryopreservation

31. Orthodox seeds can be preserved for long at a temperature of

a. – 1960C

b. – 100C to – 200C

c. 00C – 40C

d. 100C to 150C

32. Dwarfing gene of wheat is

a. Pal-1

b. Atomita-1

c. Norin-10

d. Pelita-2

33. Jojoba yields wax for cosmetics from its

a. Stem

b. Leaves

c. Seeds

d. Fruit Pulp

34. IR-36 was developed through breeding of

a. Six Rice varieties and Oryza nivara

b. Thirteen Rice varieties and Oryza nivara

c. Oryza sativa and O. indica

d. Oryza indica and O. nivara

35. Which one is beverage Plant?

a. Ilex paraguiensis

b. Caltha edulis

c. Poullinia cupana

d. All the above

36. The three topmost major crops of the world in the order of total production are

a. Wheat > Rice > Maize

b. Rice > Wheat > Maize

c. Wheat > Maize > Rice

d. Rice > Maize > Wheat

37. Potential food Plant is

a. Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetrugono-lobus)

b. Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)

c. Guayule (Parthenium argentatum)

d. Leucaena

38. A potential source of rubber is

a. Guayule (Parthenium argentatum)

b. Leucuena leucocephala

c. Cucurbita foetidissima

d. Citrulus colocynthis

39. Cola, the common beverage, is obtained from

a. Seeds

b. Flowers

c. Leaves

d. Stems

40. Maximum genetic diversity of crops occurs where agriculture is

a. Run on commercial lines

b. Advanced

c. Rainfed

d. Primitive

41. Which is more suitable for germplasm collection?

a. Centre of Production

b. Homelands

c. Tropical areas

d. Temperate areas

42. Which one will be searched for obtaining maximum genetic diversity?

a. Recent varieties

b. Old varieties

c. Wild relatives

d. All the above

43. Paraguay Tea is got from

a. Leaves of Ilex

b. Seeds of Ilex

c. Leaves of of Paullinia

d. Paste of crushed kernels of Paullinia

44. Arabian Tea is

a. Leaves and buds of Paullinia

b. Seeds of Ilex

c. Leaves and buds of Catha edulis

d. Seeds of Catha

45. Cryopreservation is carried out at

a. – 100C to – 200C

b. – 500C to – 600C

c. – 1960C

d. – 1000C

46. Co-varieties of sugarcane obtained red hot resistance from

a. Saccharum munja

b. S. spontaneum

c. S. arundineceum

d. S. edula

47. A calcitrant seed will be killed in

a. Low temperature

b. Dry air

c. Further dehydration

d. All the above

48. A gift from New World to Old World is

a. Barley

b. Rice

c. Wheat

d. Maize

49. Which plant was introduced from Old World to New World

a. Potato

b. Rice

c. Corn

d. Maize

50. Dwarf Wheat varieties brought into India from Mexico were

a. Sonora -64 and Sonalika

b. Sharbati Sonora and Pusa Lerma

c. Sonalika and Sharbati Sonora

d. Sonora -64 and Lerma Rojo -64

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