250+ TOP MCQs on Characterization – Ignitability Test and Answers

Hazardous Waste Management Multiple Choice Questions on “Characterization – Ignitability Test”.

1. Characteristic of an hazardous waste that causes fire is ________
a) Ignitibility
b) Corrosivity
c) Reactivity
d) Toxicity
Answer: a
Clarification: Ignitibility is the hazardous character that would cause a fire hazard during transport, storage or disposal if not handled properly.

2. Character exhibited by waste oils is ________
a) Ignitibility
b) Corrosivity
c) Reactivity
d) Toxicity
Answer: a
Clarification: Waste oils and used solvents have high flash point and are subjected to fire hazard if mishandled.

3. For a waste to be considered ignitable the alcohol content should be less than _________ percent.
a) 21
b) 22
c) 23
d) 24
Answer: d
Clarification: A liquid waste is said to exhibit ignitable character if the alcohol content is less than 24% of waste volume.

4. For a waste to be considered ignitable the flash point should be less than _________ Celsius.
a) 50
b) 60
c) 70
d) 80
Answer: b
Clarification: A liquid waste is said to exhibit ignitable character if the flash point is 60 degrees Celsius or 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Flash point of an ignitable waste is determined by ________ tester.
a) Pensky-Martens
b) Donald
c) Harry-styles
d) Max-light
Answer: a
Clarification: Flash point of an ignitable waste is determined by Pensky-Martens
Closed cup tester as specified in ASTM standard 9379.

6. What is the parameter responsible for ignitibility in non-liquid waste?
a) Temperature
b) Volume
c) Area
d) Storage
Answer: a
Clarification: A hazardous waste is said to be ignitable when it reacts with temperature, pressure and undergoes chemical changes.

7. A _________ exhibits ignitable character.
a) Metal
b) Heavy metal
c) Oxidizer
d) Pollutant
Answer: c
Clarification: An oxidizer as defined in 49 code of Federal regulations of DOT is considered ignitable.

8. Compressed gas has ignitable characters.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Compressed gas possess ignitable characters as defined in 49 code of Federal regulations according to DOT.

9. If the HW is ignitable it undergoes chemical changes.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: A non-liquid waste is considered to have ignitable characters and at standard temperature and pressure causes fire through absorption of moisture and undergoes spontaneous chemical changes.

10. Hazardous waste number of material that is not considered ignitable is ________
a) D002
b) D003
c) D001
d) D005
Answer: c
Clarification: A waste that exhibits ignitable character but is not listed as hazardous waste in sub-part D of EPA has a number D001.


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