250+ TOP MCQs on Classification of Folds and Miscellaneous Types and Answers

Engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions on “Classification of Folds and Miscellaneous Types”.

1. What is Orogeny?
a) Flat land building activity
b) River forming activity
c) Rock breaking activity
d) Mountain building activity
Answer: d
Clarification: The geosynclines serve as depositional fields to which sediments are derived by the erosion of adjoining geanticlines and the sediments get accumulated and compacted. This material is then compressed and uplifted in the second stage of orogeny, which is the mountain building activity, to gradually take the shape of mountain systems.

2. The fold associated with magmatic activity is ___________
a) Anticlinorium
b) Synclinorium
c) Diapiric fold
d) Box fold
Answer: c
Clarification: Diapiric folds are anticlines or domes in which uparching of strata is attributed to the rising of viscous magma from below.

3. A group of strata centrally centrally uplifted is ___________
a) Dome
b) Basin
c) Valley
d) Cleavage
Answer: a
Clarification: Domes are a group of strata centrally uplifted in such a way that seen from the top, these dip away in all directions.

4. Pick the incorrect statement about basins.
a) Basins are the reverse of the domes
b) They are a group of strata that are centrally depressed
c) Group of strata that are centrally uplifted
d) Involved layers dip towards a common central point from all sides
Answer: c
Clarification: Basins are a group of strata that are centrally depressed in such a way that the involved layers dip towards a common central point from all the sides.

5. Which among the following is considered as compound anticline?
a) Dome
b) Valley
c) Basin
d) Depression
Answer: a
Clarification: In any two cross sections drawn mutually at right angles to each other in a dome, a fold of anticlinal character will be seen to emerge. As such, a dome may be considered as a compound anticline.

6. Which is the fold depicting localized warping?
a) Homocline
b) Drag fold
c) Dome
d) Monocline
Answer: d
Clarification: A monocline is described as essentially a localized warping in which case otherwise horizontal strata show a single bend for a limited length and attain the horizontal attitude once again.

7. The fold which actually is just strata dipping in some direction?
a) Dome
b) Homocline
c) Monocline
d) Basin
Answer: b
Clarification: A homocline actually describes a sequence of strata dipping in the same general direction at a uniform angle, especially when such structure is established to be a limb of major fold.

8. All synclines and anticlines can be considered to be homoclines.
a) False
b) True
Answer: b
Clarification: An anticline or syncline of big magnitude, for instance, will each show two homoclines, one on either side of the hinge.

9. The folds which develop within body of weaker rocks are ___________
a) Viscous folds
b) Internal folds
c) Drag folds
d) Monocline
Answer: c
Clarification: Drag folds may be defined as minor folds developed within the body of incompetent or weaker rocks surrounded on both sides by layers of competent or stronger rocks.

10. Drag folds are folds within folds.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Drag folds are defined as the minor folds which develop within the body of weaker rocks which might have already been folded. Hence it is possible to tell that drag folds are the folds within folds.

11. Which fold is depicted by the figure below?
a) Drag fold
b) Homocline
c) Monocline
d) Dome
Answer: c
Clarification: The above figure can be observed to be horizontal strata showing a single bend for a limited length and attain the horizontal attitude once again. This is nothing but monocline.

12. What would the two cross sections drawn at mutually right angle directions in a basin show?
a) Anticlinal characters
b) Synclinal characters
c) Both characters
d) Drag fold
Answer: b
Clarification: Unlike domes, two cross sections are drawn at mutually right angle directions in a basin show clearly synclinal characters. Hence a basin may be called a compound syncline.