250+ TOP MCQs on Electronic Gauging and Answers

Engineering Metrology Multiple Choice Questions on “Electronic Gauging”.

1. What is the relation between e.m.f. and displacement in electronic gauging systems?
a) E.m.f is directly proportional to displacement
b) E.m.f is inversely proportional to displacement
c) E.m.f is independent to displacement
d) E.m.f is directly proportional to cube of displacement
Answer: a
Clarification: Mostly the electric gauging systems are based on the principle of displacement transducer e.g. LVDT (linear voltage differential transducer) which produces an e.m.f. This is linearly proportional to the displacement.

2. For which purpose indicating instrument is used in electronic gauging?
a) To display calculations
b) To display dimensions
c) To display electrical pulse
d) To display part number
Answer: c
Clarification: By using electronic techniques or electronic gauging systems the speed of gauging increased. The electrical impulse produced in electronic gauging system is generally displayed by an indicating instrument.

3. What is the operating speed of tolerance boundary circuits in electronic gauging?
a) 5 millisec or faster
b) 5 millisec
c) Below 5 millisec
d) Below 2 millisec
Answer: a
Clarification: Response time in electronic gauging systems is very fast. Tolerance boundary circuits are available in these gauging systems. These circuits operate in about 5 milliseconds or faster.

4. Which of the following is true about sensing devices used in electronic gauging systems?
a) Large size
b) Large size and expensive measuring fixture
c) Large size and inexpensive measuring fixture
d) Small size and inexpensive measuring fixture
Answer: d
Clarification: Sensing devices used in electronic gauging systems are of smaller size permitting use of a measuring fixture which is simple and less expensive. Accuracy of measurement in these systems is very high.

5. What is the range of high resolution transducers used in electronic gauging systems?
a) 1.5 mm
b) 2.5 mm
c) 3.5 mm
d) 4.5 mm
Answer: b
Clarification: High resolution transducers are used in electronic gauging systems. These transducers have a linear measuring range of 2.5 mm which may have a resolution of the order 0.00003 millimeter.

6. Which of the following option is correct for given statements about electronic gauging systems?
Statement 1: Size control systems are based on the principle of electronic gauging.
Statement 2: Gauging reliability is high.
a) T, T
b) F, F
c) T, F
d) F, T
Answer: a
Clarification: The size control system and automatic inspection have been developed based on the principles of electronic gauging systems. In these systems, it can be possible to set the desired dimension very precisely.

7. Which of the following is not true when electronic gauging is used for the adjustments when grinding operation is carried out?
a) Corrective actions can’t be carried out during grinding operation
b) Machine can stop automatically when necessary
c) Machine can recognise that components are falling in reject limits
d) Accuracy is very high
Answer: a
Clarification: It is possible to take the corrective actions on the grinding machine during operation of grinding and also possible to stop the machine automatically if the dimension of the component falls in the incorrect limits.

8. Which of the following option is true for the given statements about electronic gauging systems?
Statement 1: Capacitive pick-ups used in electronic gauging systems which make contact with the measuring tip.
Statement 2: Arithmetic operation can be carried out on electrical signals.
a) F, F
b) F, T
c) T, T
d) T, F
Answer: b
Clarification: Capacitive pick-ups do not make any contact so there is no wear problem on the tip or measuring tip. It is also possible to carry out simple arithmetic operations on the electrical signals which are generated by transducers.

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