250+ TOP MCQs on IC Engine – Crankshaft and Answers

Automotive Engine Components Design Multiple Choice Questions on “ IC Engine – Crankshaft”.

1. Which of the mentioned below is not a portion of the crankshaft?
a) Crankpin
b) Crank web
c) Connecting rod
d) Gudgeon pin
Answer: c
Clarification: Crankpin, crank web, gudgeon pin are all the connecting parts of the crankshaft with other components and connecting rod is a component that connects piston and crankshaft.

2. The big end of the connecting rod is connected to which portion of the crankshaft?
a) Shaft
b) Spigot
c) Crankpin
d) Spline
Answer: c
Clarification: The big end of the connecting rod is attached to the crankpin and the crank web connects the crankpin to the shaft portion. The connecting rod is bolted to the crankshaft.

3. Crank web connect the_____ to the shaft portion.
a) spline
b) spigot
c) crankpin
d) crank web
Answer: c
Clarification: The big end of the connecting rod is attached to the crankpin and the crank web connects the crankpin to the shaft portion. Based on the firing order the crank web is designed.

4. The crankshaft seat on which part and transmit power?
a) Main bearing
b) Small bearing
c) Ball-bearing
d) Minor bearing
Answer: a
Clarification: The shaft portion rotates in the main bearings and transmits power to the outside source through the belt drive, gear drive, or chain drive.

5. Which are the two types of the crankshaft?
a) Center crankshaft
b) Side and center crankshaft
c) Side shaft
d) Top and bottom crankshaft
Answer: b
Clarification: There are two types of crankshaft side crankshaft and center crankshaft. Side crankshaft is also called the overhung crankshaft.Side crankshaft is supported by two bearings.

6. The side crankshaft is also called as _____
a) convex crankshaft
b) suspended crankshaft
c) overhung crankshaft
d) concave crankshaft
Answer: c
Clarification: There are two types of crankshaft side crankshaft and center crankshaft. Side crankshaft is also called the overhung crankshaft. One end of the side crankshaft acts as a cantilever.

7. Side crankshaft has how many bearings?
a) Two bearings
b)Three bearings
c) Four bearing
d) Five bearing
Answer: a
Clarification: Side crankshaft has only one crank web and requires only two bearings for support. Hence Side crankshaft has two bearings.One end of the side crankshaft acts as a cantilever.

8. Centre crankshaft has how many bearings?
a) Six bearing
b) One bearing
c) Two bearing
d) Three bearings
Answer: d
Clarification: The center crankshaft has two webs and three bearings for support. It is used in radial aircraft engines. Hence, center crankshaft three has bearings.

9. Which are the two types of crankshaft based on many crankpins?
a) Single and double throw
b) Two and multi throw
c) Single throw and multi throw
d) Multi throw
Answer: c
Clarification: Crankshafts are also classified as single-throw and multi-throw crankshaft depending upon the number of crankpins. Hence, Single throw and multi throw is the right answer.

10. Single throw crankshaft has how many crankpins?
a) Two crankpins
b) One crankpin
c) Three crankpins
d) Five crankpins
Answer: b
Clarification: The single throw crankshaft has one crankpin and multi throw crankshaft has more than one crank pin. Single throw has a single web per Crankpin. Hence, One crankpin is the right answer.

11. A crankshaft having more than one or more crankpin is known as?
a) Double throw crankshaft
b) Multi throw crankshaft
c) Single throw crankshaft
d) Single and double throw crankshaft
Answer: b
Clarification: The single throw crankshaft has one crankpin and multi throw crankshaft has more than one crank pin. Multi throw crankshaft is used in high-performance engines.


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