250+ MCQs on Multiple Evaporators and Compressor System

Refrigeration Multiple Choice Questions on “Multiple Evaporators and Compressor System”.

1. Multiple evaporator system is used to maintain different temperatures at different points.
a) False
b) True

Answer: b
Clarification: Multiple evaporator system is used to maintain different temperatures at a different point as per the specific requirements. For example, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables need to be stored in optimum temperatures and frozen products, dairy products to be stored at different optimum temperatures; for such cases, multiple evaporator system is beneficial.

2. Vegetables, Fruits, Frozen products can be maintained at the same temperatures and humidity.
a) False
b) True

Answer: a
Clarification: Multiple evaporator system is used to maintain different temperatures at a different point as per the specific requirements. For example, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables need to be stored in optimum temperatures and frozen products, dairy products to be stored at different optimum temperatures; for such cases, multiple evaporator system is beneficial. Hence, these different products cannot be maintained at the same temperatures and humidity; otherwise, it will lead to ruining of the products.

3. Which of the following system is used for maintaining at the same temperatures when food products kept in different compartments?
a) Evaporator at the same temperature with a single compressor
b) Evaporator at the same temperature with multiple compressors
c) Evaporator at different temperature with a single compressor
d) Evaporator at different temperature with multiple compressors

Answer: a
Clarification: For the given case, Multiple evaporators at the same temperatures with a single compressor and expansion valve is used. Though food products are kept in different compartments, the temperatures to be maintained is the same. Hence, this arrangement gives the effective output.

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