250+ TOP MCQs on Primary Cement Evaluation and Answers

Petroleum Production Operations Multiple Choice Questions on “Primary Cement Evaluation”.

1. What should be the order of velocity of sound through solid, liquid and gas?
a) Vsolid > Vgas > Vliquid
b) Vsolid > Vliquid > Vgas
c) Vsolid = Vliquid > Vgas
d) Vsolid > Vliquid = Vgas
Answer: b
Clarification: The correct order of the velocity of sound through solid, liquid and gas is Vsolid > Vliquid > Vgas. This principle helps in Sonic or Acoustic log analysis for the evaluation of the cement around the casing and in contact with the formation.

2. Which of the following statement is correct in the context of logging?
a) If the Bulk density is more then the velocity of sound through it is more
b) The velocity of sound is inversely proportional to the Bulk density
c) The velocity of sound is inversely proportional to the Bulk density
d) The velocity of sound is independent of the Bulk density
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Answer: a
Clarification: If the Bulk density is more then the velocity of sound through it is more. As the velocity of sound is directly proportional to the Bulk density. If the bulk density is less then it will have a porosity which is favorable for the hydrocarbon accumulation.

3. The full form of CBL is Casing Bond Log.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: The statement is False. The corrected statement is that the full form of CBL is Cement Bond Log. It gives a good interpretation of the Integrity of the Cement Job. It tells us about the Cement Quality whether or not the cement job is done properly or not and if there is any need to squeeze cementing.

4. If the amplitude of the CBL is less then what does it signify?
a) Very poor cement bond
b) Poor cement bond
c) Moderate cement bond
d) Good cement bond
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Answer: d
Clarification: If the amplitude of the CBL is less then what does it signifies the Good Cement Bond. CBL gives a good interpretation of the Integrity of the Cement Job. It tells us about the Cement Quality whether or not the cement job is done properly or not and if there is any need to squeeze cementing.CBL is run along with the Variable Density Log (VDL).

5. Too much fluctuation of Amplitude from low to high indicates Fast formation.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The statement is true. Formation signals cover casing signals. In these types of formations generally cementing is not required. In fast formation, the velocity of the compressional wave is less than the velocity of the shear wave through the surrounding formation.

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