250+ TOP MCQs on Road Accidents – Collision Diagram and Answers

Traffic Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Road Accidents – Collision Diagram”.

1. What is an angular collision?
a) Collision when two vehicles coming at right angles collides with each other and bifurcates in a different direction
b) Collision when two vehicles coming at 60 degrees angles collides with each other and bifurcates in a different direction
c) Collision when two vehicles coming at 30 degrees angles collides with each other and bifurcates in a different direction
d) Collision when two vehicles coming at 180 degrees angles collides with each other and bifurcates in a different direction
Answer: a
Clarification: Angular collision is a type of collision when two vehicles coming at right angles collides with each other and bifurcates in a different direction. The diagram consists of an outline map showing the direction of movement of vehicles and pedestrians involved in accidents.

2. The direction of vehicles after an angular collision depends on ______
a) initial speeds of the two vehicles and their weights
b) final speeds of the two vehicles and their weights
c) the angle at which they collide
d) the type of vehicle
Answer: a
Clarification: The direction of vehicles after an angular collision depends on the initial speeds of the two vehicles and their weights. Collision diagrams are used to identify similar accident patterns.

3. What is a collision diagram?
a) A schematic diagram of collision of two vehicles that occur during turning movements
b) collision when two vehicles coming at right angles collides with each other and bifurcates in a different direction
c) A schematic diagram of collision of more than two vehicles
d) A schematic diagram of collision of two vehicles that occur after turning movements
Answer: a
Clarification: A collision diagram is a schematic diagram of collision of two vehicles that occur during turning movements. In a collision diagram, each collision is symbolized by a set of arrows to indicate the direction.

4. Which of the following is one of the uses of a collision diagram?
a) Record of accident occurrence
b) Redesign of traffic lights
c) Demarcating area for parking
d) Interpreting traffic data
Answer: a
Clarification: A collision diagram is useful for the study and analysis of a specific intersection or curve at which a multiple numbers of accidents have occurred. It gives the record of accident occurrence in an area.

5. Inadequate shoulder on a road can result in which type of accident?
a) Overturn
b) Fixed object
c) Right-angle
d) Rear-end
Answer: a
Clarification: Inadequate shoulder on a road can result in an overturn. Other possible causes can be roadside or pavement features. Flattening slopes and ditches and relocating drainage facilities can help be done to avoid these types of accidents.

6. Inadequate lighting and Inadequate pavement marking can result in which type of accident?
a) Overturn
b) Fixed object
c) Right-angle
d) Rear-end
Answer: a
Clarification: Inadequate lighting and Inadequate pavement marking can result in a Fixed object type of accident. This kind of accidents can be avoided by providing adequate lighting and installing reflectorized pavement lines or raised markers.

7. Restricted sight distance and large total intersection volume can result in which type of accident?
a) Overturn
b) Fixed object
c) Right-angle
d) Rear-end
Answer: c
Clarification: Restricted sight distance and large total intersection volume can result in Right-angle collisions at unsignalized intersections. These accidents can be avoided by installing signals and restricting parking near corners.

8. Accidents due to high approach speed can be fixed by _______
a) installing rumble strips
b) restricting parking near corners
c) installing reflectorized pavement lines
d) installing stop signs
Answer: a
Clarification: Accidents due to high approach speed can be fixed by installing rumble strips. High approach speed also leads to Right-angle collisions at unsignalized intersections.

9. Which of the following is the possible cause of rear end collision at unsignalised intersections?
a) Pedestrian crossing
b) High approach speed
c) Restricted sight distance
d) Poor visibility
Answer: a
Clarification: The possible cause of rear-end collision at unsignalised intersections is pedestrian crossing. It can be avoided by installing warning signs and signing or marking of pedestrians crosswalks.

10. Accidents due to inadequate channelisation can be fixed by _______
a) providing turning bays
b) restricting parking near corners
c) installing reflectorized pavement lines
d) installing stop signs
Answer: a
Clarification: Accidents due to inadequate channelisation can be fixed by providing turning bays. It can be corrected by providing turning bays, improving channelisation and installing acceleration and deceleration lanes.

11. Inadequate barrier systems in bridges can lead to an accident. It can be avoided by which of the following safety measure?
a) Remove hazardous curb
b) Resurface decks
c) Installing signals
d) Installing reflectorized pavement lines
Answer: a
Clarification: Accident due to Inadequate barrier system in bridges can be avoided by removing hazardous curb. Upgrading bridge rail, upgrading approach rails and improving delineation are some of the safety measures that can also be followed.

12. Which of the following is the possible cause of pedestrian/bicycle accidents?
a) Limited sight distance
b) Inadequate barrier system
c) Inadequate channelisation
d) Large total intersection volume
Answer: a
Clarification: Limited sight distance is the possible cause of pedestrian/bicycle accidents. Inadequate signals and protection are some of the causes of pedestrian/bicycle accidents. By removing sight obstruction this kind of accidents can be avoided.

13. Poor delineation and poor visibility lead to which type of accidents?
a) Run-off-road
b) Fixed object
c) Right-angle
d) Rear-end
Answer: a
Clarification: Poor delineation and poor visibility lead Run-off-road accident. This accident can be avoided by installing road delineators, installing warning signs, improving road lighting and installing pavement markings.

14. Inadequate road design or maintenance leads to which type of accident?
a) Sideswipe
b) Run-off-road
c) Fixed object
d) Right-angle
Answer: a
Clarification: Inadequate road design or maintenance leads to Sideswipe or head-on accidents. This type of accident can be avoided by providing wider lanes, providing passing lanes and providing roadside delineators.

15. Rough crossing angle and sharp angle crossing are the causes of which type of accident?
a) Collision at railroad crossing
a) Sideswipe
b) Run-off-road
c) Fixed object
Answer: a
Clarification: Rough crossing angle and sharp angle crossing cause collision at railroad crossing. This type of accident can be avoided by improving the crossing surface and rebuilding crossing with proper angle.

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