250+ TOP MCQs on Road Project Survey and Answers

Surveying Multiple Choice Questions on “Road Project Survey”.

1. Which of the following must be considered while conducting a road survey?
a) Density
b) Alignment of the curves
c) Specific gravity
d) Atmospheric conidtion
Answer: b
Clarification: Road survey is conducted for having a better output with the right alignment of the curves. The placement of the curve must be noticed while determining the alignment. Consideration of slopes is an important task while handling road survey.

2. Skid resistance is calculated while conducting road survey.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The determination of skid resistance is must be done while conducting a road survey because this determines the efficiency of the road. The application of skid resistance can be calculated by the amount of super elevation provided.

3. Which of the following indicates the objective of road survey?
a) Specific gravity
b) Density
c) Pavement design
d) Detailed layout of road way
Answer: d
Clarification: The main objective of road survey is to have detailed layout of road way, observation of potholes, speed breakers and determination of loss of effective width at different locations.

4. Density of the road is not taken into consideration.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: The determination of density of road plays a major role in the lifespan of the road. If the density is more the average life span of the road will increase and vice-versa. The decrease in density is due to the formation of pot holes.

5. Which of the following will come under the manual method of road survey?
a) GIS
b) Walking and windshield survey
c) Walking survey
d) Windshield survey
Answer: c
Clarification: Road survey can be done either in manual method or by an automatic method. The manual methodology includes walking survey, windshield survey and the combination of both.

6. Which of the following software’s can be useful while conducting road survey?
a) GIS
b) RS
c) STAAD Pro
d) Revit
Answer: a
Clarification: Among the following, GIS can be used in the process of Road survey. It is having the properties of the classification methods which can be accessed to have a better result.

7. Which of the following road survey method is a time consuming method?
a) Walking and windshield survey
b) Walking survey
c) Windshield survey
d) GIS
Answer: b
Clarification: Among all the methods available, the walking survey is a tedious procedure and involves walking on the pavement for taking observations. Even though it is a lengthy procedure, it is proven as the best method for an accurate result.

8. Which of the following procedure involves both technological and human interpretation?
a) GIS
b) Windshield survey
c) Walking survey
d) Walking and windshield survey
Answer: d
Clarification: Manual method is sometimes elected as the best method based on the conditions and the output obtained. In the manual methods available, a combination of walking and windshield survey involves usage of both technological and human activities.

9. Among the interpretation methods available, which is opted as the best?
a) STAAD Pro
b) RS
c) GIS
d) Walking survey
Answer: c
Clarification: Road survey can be done either manually or by machine. Both are capable of giving the best results. But in terms of time, the automatic methods are chosen. Among them, GIS method is the best as the interpretation is easy and accurate.

10. Which of the following is included in the road project survey report?
a) Location
b) Terrain
c) Slope
d) Gradient
Answer: a
Clarification: After completion of the road survey, a report has to be submitted to clarify certain things regarding the selection of alignment. It includes observation details, justification, location, time and date, duration etc.

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