Nature Cure Multiple Choice Questions
1. A collection of pus in the anterior chamber of the eye showing through the transparent cornea
a. Pyemia
b. Hypopyon
c. Corneal opacities
d. Keratomalasia
Answer: b
2. What is the other name for the waist rotating pose?
a. Chakrasana
b. Katichakrasana
c. Tadasana
d. Sedubandhasana
Answer: b
3. Which Pranayama is contra-indicated for heart problem?
a. Kaphalabhathi
b. Seethali
c. Nadishudhi
d. Nauli
Answer: a
4. How many types are there in lock mudras?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
Answer: c
5. The type of necrosis is seen in Tuberculosis
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Caseous necrosis
c. Fat necrosis
d. Liquifactive necrosis
Answer: b
6. Wegner’s granulomatosis generally produces lesions in the following tissues except
a. Nose
b. Ears
c. Lungs
d. Kidneys
Answer: b
7. Which vitamin is essential for normal reproduction in man?
a. Vit-A
b. Vit-D
c. Vit-E
d. Vit-K
Answer: c
8. Which pigment is water soluble?
a. Anthocyanin
b. Phytochemical
c. β-carotene
d. Flavinoids
Answer: a
9. According to Yoga, human body is composed of how many sheets?
a. 3
b. 6
c. 5
d. 4
Answer: c
10. Total number of Patanjali yoga sutras ………
a. 189
b. 169
c. 196
d. 206
Answer: c
11. Contra-indication of the sun bath
a. Fever
b. Lumbago
c. Skin disease
d. Sciatica
Answer: a
12. Lead Ist in Magneto therapy in used
a. Bronchial asthma
b. Osteo arthritis of knee
c. Gastritis
d. None of the above
Answer: a
13. Winging of scapula occurs in paralysis of
a. Pectoralis major
b. Pectoralis minor
c. Latismus dorsi
d. Serratus anterior
Answer: d
14. Porter’s tip or policeman’s tip deformity occurs due to
a. Klumpke’s paralysis
b. Paralysis of medium nerve
c. Paralysis of radial nerve
d. Erb’s paralysis
Answer: d
15. Which spinal nerve is affected in thoracic inlet syndrome?
a. Eighth cervical
b. Seventh cervical
c. First thoracic
d. Second thoracic
Answer: c
16. Which of the following structure is single at the root of each lung?
a. Pulmonary vein
b. Pulmonary artery
c. Bronchus
d. Bronchial artery
Answer: b
17. Right coronary artery arises from which sinus?
a. Anterior aortic sinus
b. Right post. aortic sinus
c. Left post. aortic sinus
d. From ant. and post. aortic sinus
Answer: a
18. The loss of impairment of speech due to brain damage is called as
a. Aphasia
b. Atelectia
c. Asphyxia
d. A phobia
Answer: a
19. The opacity or cloudiness in the natural lens of the eye is called as
a. Glucoma
b. Cataract
c. Cancer
d. Bitot’s spot
Answer: b
20. The other name for hammer
a. Malleus
b. Incus
c. Stapes
d. Tymphani
Answer: a
21. Micro-wave-diathermy duration for acute condition is
a. 10-15 min
b. 15-30 min
c. 3-5 min
d. 5-10 min
Answer: d
22. Joint range can be maintained in spastic paralysis by
a. Active movement
b. Passive movement
c. Accessory movement
d. Reflex movement
Answer: d
23. Which needle is used in skin diseases?
a. Filliform needle
b. Triangular needle
c. Press needle
d. Seven-star-needle
Answer: d
24. Which are the points used in acute emergencies?
a. Alarm points
b. Jing-well points
c. Back shu points
d. Leuo-connecting points
Answer: b
25. In fever, the effective points given, except
a. Du-14
b. LI-11
c. K-3
d. LI-4
Answer: c
26. What is the other name for Koch disease?
a. Leprosy
b. Syphilis
c. Tuberculosis
d. Actinomycosis
Answer: c
27. As per Indian classification average IQ level of the person is between
a. 75-90
b. 90-110
c. 110-125
d. 125-140
Answer: b
28. Maslow’s theory is concerned with
a. emotion
b. thinking
c. motivation
d. aptitude
Answer: c
29. The psora was adapted by which author?
a. Adolf Just
b. Hahnemann
c. Henry Lindhalar
d. Maneuol
Answer: a
30. How many types of Siddhis are there in Yoga?
a. Eight
b. Six
c. Ten
d. Nine
Answer: a
31. Dystrophic calcification is most closely associated with
a. Hyper calcemia
b. Necrosis
c. Chronic irritation
d. Diminished blood flow
Answer: b
32. Which of the following is reversible change?
a. Karyorrhexis
b. Pyknosis
c. Karyolysis
d. Swelling of endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: d
33. A young man of 20, got a lacerated wound on his left arm, stitched – 1 week later sutures were remained-healing continued, but the site become disfigured, by prominent raised irregular nodular scar, in next 2 months which of the following best describes the process?
a. Organization
b. Dehiscence
c. Resolution
d. Keloid formation
Answer: d
34. Which of the following terms refer to a malignant tumor of mesenchymal origin?
a. Carcinoma
b. Hepatoma
c. Hematoma
d. Sarcoma
Answer: d
35. Diabetic foot is an example of
a. Dry gangrene
b. Wet gangrene
c. Gas gangrene
d. Inflammation
Answer: b
36. In the case of SARS in humanbeings the mode of infection is
a. Mosquito
b. Person to person
c. Poultry birds
d. Domestic dogs
Answer: c
37. Chickengunya is transmitted to human by
a. Aades
b. Anophlex
c. Cutex
d. Tick
Answer: a
38. What is meant by Abinivesahah?
a. Space
b. Faculty of yoga
c. Fear of death
d. All the above
Answer: c
39. Preparing oneself to the highest form of raja yoga is
a. Kundalini
b. Samadhi
c. Meditation
d. Pranayama
Answer: b
40. Krikara is responsible for
a. Lunger
b. Blinking
c. Belching
d. Hiccupps
Answer: a
41. What is beeja mantra for anahata chakra?
a. Lam
b. Vam
c. Ram
d. Yam
Answer: d
42. Which one is upa pranas?
a. Dakshina
b. Danda
c. Dhananjaya
d. Kevaladama
Answer: c
43. Which bath is recommended for high blood pressure?
a. Hip bath
b. Steam bath
c. Spinal bath
d. Hot foot bath
Answer: c
44. In case of Amoebiasis which type of enema is recommended?
a. Luke warm water
b. Neem water
c. Cold water
d. None of the above
Answer: b
45. Contra indication of Nauli
a. Constipation
b. Hernia
c. Acidity
d. Diarrhoea
Answer: b
46. Bihar school of yoga was founded by whom?
a. Swami Niranjanandha
b. Swami Swatmarama
c. Swami Sathyanandha
d. Sivananda Saraswathi
Answer: c
47. Which of the following is RNA virus?
a. Human Papilloma Virus
b. Human-T-cell-Leukamia Virus
c. Hepatitis B Virus
d. Epstein Barr-Virus
Answer: b
48. In malaria the form of plasmodium transmitted to man from mosquito is
a. Sporozoites
b. Gametocytes
c. Merozoites
d. Trophozoites
Answer: b
49. Which of the following are most frequent site of venous thrombosis?
a. Veins of lower extremity
b. Pelvic veins
c. Portal veins
d. Pulmonary veins
Answer: a
50. Which of the following is not a malignant tumour?
a. Glioma
b. Lymphoma
c. Melanoma
d. Leiomyoma
Answer: d
51. Which element is large intestine meridian?
a. Fire
b. Earth
c. Metal
d. Water
Answer: c
52. Direction of needling in scalp area
a. perpendicular
b. oblique
c. horizontal
d. all the above
Answer: c
53. In case of Bronchial asthma, the point is effective
a. Ren-17
b. Ren-6
c. TW-5
d. P-6
Answer: a
54. Yang represents
a. Female
b. Male
c. Moon
d. Earth
Answer: b
55. In case of plantar fascitis, treatment given is
a. SWD
b. Ultra-sound therapy
c. Both the above
d. None of the above
Answer: c
56. Massage is contra-indicated in these conditions except
a. wounds
b. burns
c. acne
d. obesity
Answer: d
57. Which movement is followed after each deep movements in massage?
a. Touch
b. Friction
c. Stroking
d. Spatting
Answer: b
58. Wringing movements are executed by
a. face
b. abdomen
c. hands and legs
d. chest
Answer: c
59. Which massage movement is avoided in case of hyperaesthesia?
a. Percussion and vibration
b. Deep kneeding
c. Stroking
d. Friction
Answer: a
60. Which Immunoglobulin can cross the placenta?
a. Ig G
b. Ig A
c. Ig D
d. Ig E
Answer: a
61. What is the other name for having control over things?
a. Vashitra
b. Prapthi
c. Prakamya
d. Mahima
Answer: a
62. Which prana is gives balancing power?
a. Samana
b. Udana
c. Vyana
d. Apana
Answer: a
63. The most common hospital acquired infection is
a. Bacteremia
b. Tetanus
c. UTI
d. Pneumonia
Answer: c
64. What are the disease comes under eating disorders?
a. Bulmia nervosa
b. Anorexia nervosa
c. Checkesia
d. Noxalatesia
Answer: a
65. Normal body mass index is
a. 18-20
b. 20-25
c. 26-30
d. 30-40
Answer: a
66. Meaning of Manipura chakras
a. root petals
b. third eye
c. city of jewels
d. own abode
Answer: c
67. The word meaning of MSRT
a. Mind stress relieving technique
b. Mind sound resonance technique
c. Mind stress resolution treatment
d. Mind sound resolution technique
Answer: b
68. Which of the following asanas is not recommended for back ailments?
a. Garudasana
b. Bhujangasana
c. Ardha chakrasana
d. Shalabhasana
Answer: a
69. Seethali and Seetkari pranayamas are
a. vitalising
b. tranquilising
c. balancing
d. cooling
Answer: d
70. I am the supreme consciousness of the universe is known as
a. Jnana yoga
b. Anandapoya
c. Shampavopaya
d. Anupaya
Answer: a
71. Magnets made up of synthetic materials
a. Ceramic magnets
b. Electro magnets
c. Natural magnets
d. None of the above
Answer: a
72. Property of south pole of a magnet
a. Heating
b. Cooling
c. Soothing
d. None of the above
Answer: a
73. Laxative colour
a. Yellow
b. Blue
c. Red
d. Orange
Answer: a
74. Purple is combination of
a. Red and yellow
b. Red and blue
c. Red and green
d. None of the above
Answer: b
75. Gauss power of the strong magnets which are used for treatment of chronic disease
a. 300 gauss power
b. 1000 gauss power
c. 3000 gauss power
d. None of the above
Answer: c
76. Decrease taste sensation is called as
a. Dysgeuria
b. Hypogeuria
c. Ageuria
d. Taste blindness
Answer: b
77. Which gland is secreting glucogon hormone?
a. Adrenal
b. Thyroid
c. Pancreas
d. Parathyroid
Answer: c
78. Immediately after cardiac arrest the pupil reaction will be
a. contracted
b. dilated
c. unequal size
d. no reaction
Answer: b
79. Following conditions require the first aider’s higher priority attention except
a. severe bleeding
b. open chest wound
c. multiple fractures
d. burns involving respiratory tract
Answer: c
80. Indication for TENS is
a. cardiac pace makers
b. pregnancy
c. post operative pain
d. hemorrhagic conditions
Answer: c