250+ TOP MCQs on Inorganic Chemical – Calcium Phosphate and Answers

Chemical Industry Multiple Choice Questions on “Inorganic Chemical – Calcium Phosphate”.

1. Super phosphate grade of calcium phosphate is formed by reacting with which of the following acid?
a) H2SO4
b) HCl
c) H3PO4
d) HNO3

Answer: a
Clarification: Superphosphate grade of calcium phosphate is produced by the reaction of phosphate rock with sulfuric acid, H2SO4.

2. What is the percentage of P2O5 present in triple super phosphate?
a) 16-20%
b) 42-50%
c) 30-35%
d) 62-70%

Answer: b
Clarification: Super phosphate contains 16-20% P2O5 whereas triple super phosphate contains 42-50% P2O5. These are 2 distinct grades of calcium phosphate.

3. What is the chemical formula of super phosphate?
a) CaH4 (PO4)2
b) Ca3 (PO4)2
c) CaH4 (PO4)2∙CaSO4
d) (Ca3 (PO4)2)3∙CaF2

Answer: c
Clarification: Chemical formula of super phosphate formed by reaction of phosphate rock with sulfuric acid containing 16-20% P2O5 is CaH4 (PO4)2∙CaSO4.

4. What is the chemical formula of triple super phosphate?
a) (Ca3 (PO4)2)3∙CaF2
b) CaH4 (PO4)2
c) Ca3 (PO4)2
d) CaH4 (PO4)2∙CaSO4

Answer: b
Clarification: Chemical formula of triple super phosphate formed by reaction of phosphate rock with phosphoric acid containing 42-50% P2O5 is CaH4(PO4)2.

5. What is the reaction time of triple super phosphate formation?
a) 15-20 min
b) 5-6 min
c) 5-15 min
d) 20-30 min

Answer: a
Clarification: Acid is mixed with ground rock in a continuous mixer, which is sent into continuous belt reactor where reaction completes in 15-20 min.

6. At which stage ammonia is added if ammonium phosphate is required in manufacture of triple super phosphate?
a) Continuous belt reactor
b) Rotary dryer
c) Rotary granulator
d) Feeder

Answer: c
Clarification: Ammonia along with water is added to feed from continuous belt reactor (including recycle steam) in rotary granulator if ammonium phosphate is required.

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