250+ TOP MCQs on Adverse Effects of Modern Agriculture on Soil and Water Resources and Answers

Energy Management Interview Questions and Answers on “Adverse Effects of Modern Agriculture on Soil and Water Resources”.

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1. Excessive use of macronutrients to crops leads to the deficiency of___________________
a) Micro nutrients
b) Semi nutrients
c) Mega nutrients
d) Mixed nutrients
Answer: a
Clarification: More use of macronutrients leads in the deficiency of micronutrients. Chemical fertilizers used in modern agriculture contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N, P, K) which are macronutrients. By using fertilizers in an excess way it results in micronutrient imbalance.

2. ‘Blue Body Syndrome’ is caused due to_________________
a) Soil pollution
b) Nitrate pollution
c) Carbon pollution
d) Zinc pollution
Answer: b
Clarification: When excess nitrogenous fertilizers applied in fields it leach deep into the soil contaminating the ground water. When the concentration of nitrate in drinking water exceeds 25mg/L it leads to a fatal condition in new born babies.

3. Pest which are resistant to pesticides are known as_________________
a) Green pests
b) Multi pests
c) Super pests
d) Strong pests
Answer: c
Clarification: Pest which are resistant to pesticides are known as super pests. Some pests that survive the pesticide generate highly resistant generations that are immune to all kinds of pesticides. Such pests are known as super pests.

4. Pesticides are biodegradable.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: Pesticides are not biodegradable. They do not degrade naturally. They need special treatment in order to degrade. Most pesticides are non biodegradable and accumulate in the food chain. This is called bio-accumulation.

5. Water stands on land for most of the year is called as_____________
a) Salinity
b) Water loading
c) Water logging
d) Stand by water
Answer: c
Clarification: During water logging the roots of plants do not get enough air for respiration due to this strength of soil decreases and its cause for the low crop yield. Causes of water logging are heavy rain, poor drainage and not proper usage of modern agriculture system.

6. Potato famine occurred in Ireland due to pest attack on the complete crop due to monoculture, this is of using________________
a) Pesticides
b) Nitrogen
c) High yielding varieties
d) Crop rotation
Answer: c
Clarification: High yielding varieties (HYV) are used in modern agriculture to produce more crop yield. HYV are irrigation and chemical fertilizers intensive. Hence by using excessive chemical fertilizers and pesticides some useful pests also gets killed.

7. Harmful and high cost pesticides can be replaced by______________
a) Weeds
b) Small animals
c) Artificial protectors
d) Natural predators
Answer: d
Clarification: Natural predator method is used to deal with pests like aphids, caterpillars and slugs. There are two important components for the use of natural predators and they are darkness and moist. These natural predators are useful for farmers.

8. Though farmers are aware that chemical fertilizers cause damage to the soil of the field they are using it because___________________
a) Output is low
b) Output is high
c) For healthy crop
d) For healthy soil
Answer: b
Clarification: Despite of harness causing to the soil and as well as to the crop farmers using chemical fertilizers over organic farming. The yield that produced is high by using chemical fertilizers and it gives resistant to pesticides for initial years for after that yield becomes less and soil lose its fertility.

9. Which of the following situation is not the effect of modern agriculture?
a) Bio magnification
b) Lost of soil fertility
c) Carbon pollution
d) Ozone depletion
Answer: d
Clarification: Ozone depletion is not the effect of modern agriculture. This ozone layer depletion takes place due to the damage in the Ozone. This may results in a slow and excruciating death of radiation. It results in the direct flow of UV rays to the Earth atmosphere.

10. Irrigation with light sodium water may damage soil structure by the formation of alkaline soil.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Sodium requires more water layers in order to become stable. When sodium ion associated with bicarbonate and carbonate ions it causes pH to rise. This pH rise becomes harmful to soil and thereby damage the crops.

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