250+ TOP MCQs on Factors Affecting Bioaccumulation of Xenobiotics

Environmental Biotechnology Questions on “Factors Affecting Bioaccumulation of Xenobiotics”.

1. Upon which of the following factors the accumulation kinetics depend?
a) Accumulation phase
b) Steady-state
c) Elimination phase
d) Toxicant concentration

Answer: d
Clarification: The concentration of the toxicant is very much dependent upon the accumulation of xenobiotics, whereas, in aquatic organism, bio accumulation of toxic materials in organisms occurs via several phases like Accumulation phase, Steady-state, Elimination phase.

2. Beyond a certain concentration range the accumulation kinetics is not altered.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: An increase in the concentration beyond a particular limit doesn’t affect the accumulation kinetics of the toxicant.

3. Which of the environmental condition is not favorable of the toxicant accumulation?
a) Nutrient load
b) Temperature
c) Biochemical degradation
d) pH

Answer: c
Clarification: The toxicant accumulation depends upon certain environmental conditions like Nutrient load, Temperature, pH, whereas, biochemical degradation is the degradation of bio-accumulated chemicals stored in the organism and hence, is not an environmental factor.

4. In young organism, steady state can be achieved very fast.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: In young organisms, within hours of exposure to acute concentration of toxicants, steady state can be achieved very fast.

5. The soil humic substances make complexes with metal ions adversely affecting _______________
a) Membrane permeability rate
b) Bioaccumulation
c) Rate of active transport
d) Rate of active transport

Answer: b
Clarification: The soil humic substances make covalent bonds with metal ions reducing their availability in the soil, hence, adversely affecting bioaccumulation, whereas, Membrane permeability rate, rate of active transport, and rate of active transport are the factors that influence the uptake of toxicants during bio accumulation.

6. Which of the following factors can influence the physio chemistry of membrane lipids, hence, affecting the rate of Bio accumulation?
a) Temperature
b) Pressure
c) Food type
d) Size of animal

Answer: a
Clarification: Temperature can affect the rate of toxicant uptake by influencing the physio chemistry of membrane lipids, whereas, the physio chemistry is not affected by pressure, food type and Size of animal.

7. Elimination of one species affects the energy transfer in the biota.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Clarification: Elimination of one species does not lead to discontinuity in the matter and also, does not affect the energy transfer in the biota.

8. Metabolically active organisms accumulate more amount of toxicant.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: Metabolically active organisms accumulate more amount of toxicant as it gets accumulated by active membrane transport particularly those toxicants which are either metals or charged ion.

9. Sometimes bio accumulation depends upon the tissue organization and composition.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: Bio accumulation depends upon the type of tissue, tissue organization and composition whereas, organism can metabolize the accumulated toxicant to facilitate its own growth and recover from toxic stress.

10. The organs with high lipid content can accumulate more number of lipophilic toxicant, like in __________
a) Liver
b) Blood
c) Heart
d) Kidney

Answer: a
Clarification: The organs with high lipid content can accumulate more number of lipophilic toxicant than the organs which have less lipid content like in organs like Liver, brain, whereas blood, kidney and heart does not accumulate lipid.

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