[Physics Class Notes] on Atomic Theory Pdf for Exam

The notes about Atomic theory from are necessary for every student who has an interest in science or is studying any branch of science. The notes are easy to understand and made in a simple manner to educate the students about the atomic theory and how it came into existence. The notes first begin with the introduction which includes the meaning of atoms and famous scientist John Dalton who is known for being the first scientist who talked about the atomic theory with credibility. Then follows the various other scientists who helped in the development of the Atomic theory. The students can also find the mentioning of Aristotle’s theory of elements which completely disagrees with Dalton’s Atomic theory. The notes talk about how the Atom is divided into three parts namely protons, electrons and neutrons. The electron is the negatively charged part of the atom, the proton being the positive charge and the neutron with no charge at all. Students also need to learn the basic formula such as how to calculate the mass number of an atom and other details such as the mass number of a neutron, proton, electron, etc.

Atomic Theory – Dalton’s Theory and Thomson’s Theory

The word Atom comes from the pristine Greek word “invisible”. In the 19th-century, chemists began using the term in connection with irreducible chemical elements.

According to the current theoretical model of the atom, it is a dense nucleus covered by a probabilistic “cloud” of electrons. The smallest piece of an element that maintains the identity of that element is known as an atom.

John Dalton (1766-1844) was an English chemist, physicist, and meteorologist. He is known for introducing the atomic theory into physics. He is also called the creator of proposing the atomic theory. This theory explains some concept that is relevant in the observable world.

John Dalton used a basic concept for his theory: the law of conservation of mass and the law of constant composition.

According to the law of conversion of mass, the total mass available before a chemical reaction is the same as the total mass available after the chemical reaction. In other words, we can explain this theory as “mass is conserved”. The law of conservation of mass was formulated by Antoine Lavoisier in 1743 – 1794.

Atomic theory is a theory that classifies many elementary states, facts, and properties including both postulate and axiom about atoms. According to Dalton, the atomic model consists of an atom in hard spheres. According to Rutherford, the atomic model includes atoms to view in the shape of solar systems.

The Concept that Atoms Play a Major Role in Getting Formalized by the Modern Atomic Theory Consists of the Following Three Parts:-

  • All matter is made from atoms.

  • Atoms of the different elements are different and atoms of the same elements are the same.

  • Atoms are the combination of whole numbers and ratios that are combined to form the compound.

These concepts comprise the basic building blocks of chemistry. We all know that Atom comes from the Greek word “invisible” and that atoms are composed of smaller parts known as subatomic particles. The first part to be explored was the electron. It is also known as a small subatomic particle with a negative charge. The proton is still a tiny subatomic particle with a positive charge. It is represented as P+. The Neutron is a subatomic particle with about the same mass as that of the proton but has no charge. It is represented as n or n0. Atoms have protons and neutrons in the centre and electrons in the orbit in the nucleus.

All hydrogen atoms have only one proton in their nucleus; all iron atoms have 26 protons in their nucleus. With the advancement of quantum mechanics and Schrodinger equation, the atomic theory has become an accurate mathematical science. Atomic radii are 10-8 cm. It contains three subatomic particles named electron, proton, and neutrons. The electron was discovered in the theory of cathode rays by JJ Thomson. It carried negative charges (-1.6*10-19c). Rutherford discovered protons on the basis of anode rays experiments. It carried positive charges (+1.6*10-19c). Neutrons are neutral particles and it was discovered by Chadwick. The total mass of the neutron is 1.675*10-24g or 1.008665 amu.

94 Be + 42He+ → 12 6C + 10n

An atomic number of the elements corresponds to the total number of protons available in the nucleus and the total number of electrons available in the neutron atom.

The mass number of elements = Number of protons + Number of neutrons

The Story of Atomic Theory

Here we state the whole specification about the atomic theory. The Atomic theory is the scientific theory that defines the nature and behaviour of the Atom. The matter is composed of separate units known as Atoms. There are multiple theories given by the scientists named below:-

According to this theory, everything in the world is made up of tiny particles and it is surrounded by empty space. It varies in size and shape. These particles are known as atoms. The first theory about atoms was invented by Dalton and his theory is named Dalton’s Theory. He was an English physicist, born in 1766 at Eaglesfield, Cumbria, United Kingdom.

According to Dalton’s atomic theory, every element in space is composed of small particles that are indivisible and cannot be seen by the naked eye. These particles are known as atoms. Atoms are imperishable as “Atoms cannot be made nor be destroyed by the human being”. All the elements of the atoms are identical in mass and the behaviour of the atom of one element is different from the behaviour of the atoms of all the other elements.

There were some issues in Dalton’s theory so his idea was opposed by the prominent philosophers of that time. Aristotle in that instance disagreed completely stating instead that matter involved four elements which are earth, wind, water and fire, and after that scientists followed this suit. Atomic theory was now accepted by the scientific community, but the next advancement was through the discovery by J. J. Thomson’s in the year 1897. He defined in his theory that the atoms as uniformly packed spheres of positive charges matter filled with the negatively charged electron.

Thomson won Nobel Prize for this research. But his model of the atom did not go around for long. Ernest Rutherford invented a new theory. It is known as the Rutherford model and is generally compared to Thomson’s model. According to Thomson’s model, the atom thinly dispersed positive charges and there would not be enough space to recurve the particle in any one place. The effect would have been like a wad of tennis balls punching via a thin paper screen. But while most of the particles did cross some bounced right back, suggesting that the foil was more like a thick net with a very volumetric mesh. According to Rutherford, the atoms dwell largely in empty space with just a few electrons, while mass was concentrated in the centre, which he termed as th
e nucleus. The Alpha particle crossed through the gaps but bounced back from the intensive, positively charged nucleus.

But the atomic theory was not complete just yet. After some time another scientist named Niels Bohr expanded on Rutherford’s nuclear model. He confirmed that electrons orbit the nucleus at fixed energies and distance and had the ability to jump from one level to other levels in their orbits. However, they cannot exist in space. Bohr’s planetary model took centre stage, but soon, it too gave rise to some difficulties. His experiment has shown that rather than simply being separate particles, electrons cumulatively behave like a wave. They are not confined to a particular point in space.

After some time, again new research came in by Werner Heisenberg. He formulated his famous uncertainty principle. According to this, it was impossible to specify both the exact position and speed of electrons as they moved around an atom. The idea was that the electrons cannot be pinpointed but they exist within a range of eventual locations giving rise to the same quantum model of the atom, a fascinating theory whose absolute implications have yet to be fully grasped.

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  209. Conservation of Mechanical Energy
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  224. Convex Mirror
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  227. Coriolis Force Derivation
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  229. Cosmic Microwave Background
  230. Cosmology Astronomy
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  233. Coulombic Force
  234. Couple
  235. Critical Angle
  236. Critical Velocity
  237. Cross Section
  238. Cryogenics
  239. Cubit
  240. Curie Point
  241. Curie Weiss Law
  242. Curies Constant
  243. Current Coil
  244. Current Density
  245. Current Electricity
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  252. Dalton\’s Law
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  261. Decibel Scale – Sound
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  381. Differences Between Magma and Lava
  382. Different Optical Instruments
  383. Different Types Of LED
  384. Diffraction
  385. Dimensional Analysis
  386. Diode
  387. Dipole Electric Field
  388. Dipole Uniform Magnetic Field
  389. Dirac Equation
  390. Direct Current
  391. Discovery of Magnets
  392. Displacement Current
  393. Displacement Mechanics
  394. Displacement as Function Of Time and Periodic Function
  395. Distance Time And Velocity Time Graph
  396. Distance Time Graph
  397. Distance Time Graph – Uniform Velocity
  398. Distance and Displacement
  399. Distances to the Stars
  400. Doppler Effect
  401. Doppler Effect Derivation
  402. Doppler Shift
  403. Double Refraction
  404. Drag Force
  405. Drift Velocity
  406. Drops Bubbles And Capillary Rise
  407. Ductility
  408. Dulong Petit Law
  409. Dwarf Planet
  410. Dynamic Lift
  411. Dynamics of Circular Motion
  412. E mc² Equation
  413. Earth Science
  414. Earth and Moon – Features and Solved Questions
  415. Earths Satellites
  416. Earth’s Magnetic Field – Causes, Components, Intensity, Importance
  417. Ecliptic
  418. Eddy Current
  419. Effect of Dielectric Capacitance
  420. Effect of Magnetic Field on Current Carrying Wire
  421. Effects of Forces
  422. Effects of Forces
  423. Effects of Radiation
  424. Einstein Field Equation
  425. Einstein\’s Explanation
  426. Elastic Behavior of Materials
  427. Elastic Behavior of Solids
  428. Elastic Collision
  429. Elastic Limit
  430. Elastic Potential Energy and Spring Potential Energy
  431. Elastic and Inelastic Collisions in One and Two Dimensions
  432. Elastic and Inelastic Collisions in One and Two Dimensions
  433. Elasticity
  434. Elastomers
  435. Electric Arc
  436. Electric Charge
  437. Electric Charge and Static Electricity
  438. Electric Circuit
  439. Electric Current
  440. Electric Current and Its Effects
  441. Electric Current in Conductors – Formula, SI Unit and Direction of the Current
  442. Electric Currents In Conductors
  443. Electric Dipole
  444. Electric Dipole Moment
  445. Electric Displacement
  446. Electric Field Due to Point Charge
  447. Electric Flux
  448. Electric Generator
  449. Electric Motor
  450. Electric Polarization
  451. Electric Potential – Point Charge
  452. Electric Potential Dipole
  453. Electric Power
  454. Electric Susceptibility
  455. Electrical Conductivity – Formula, Unit, Examples and Facts
  456. Electrical Conductors
  457. Electrical Energy And Power
  458. Electrical Force : Electric Forces and Their Types
  459. Electrical Impedance
  460. Electrical Insulator
  461. Electrical Resistance
  462. Electricity
  463. Electricity And Magnetism
  464. Electricity and Conduction of Electricity
  465. Electricity in Physics
  466. Electrolysis And Electroplating
  467. Electrolytic Capacitor
  468. Electromagnetic Damping
  469. Electromagnetic Field
  470. Electromagnetic Induction
  471. Electromagnetic Pulse
  472. Electromagnetic Spectrum
  473. Electromagnetic Spectrum Microwave
  474. Electromagnetic Spectrum Radio Waves
  475. Electromagnetic Spectrum X-rays
  476. Electromagnetic Spectrum and Infrared Rays
  477. Electromagnetic Waves : Definition, Equation and Properties of Electromagnetic Waves
  478. Electromagnetism
  479. Electromagnets
  480. Electromotive Force
  481. Electron Emission
  482. Electron Spin
  483. Electron Volt
  484. Electron Work Function
  485. Electronic Components and Symbols
  486. Electronics in Daily Life
  487. Electrons and Photons
  488. Electroscope
  489. Electrostatic Conductor
  490. Electrostatic Force – Meaning, Coulomb’s Law and Solved Examples
  491. Electrostatic Induction
  492. Electrostatic Potential
  493. Electrostatic Precipitator
  494. Electrostatic Shielding
  495. Electrostatics
  496. Emission Spectrum
  497. Emission and Absorption of Light
  498. Energy
  499. Energy Bands
  500. Energy Conservation
  501. Energy Consideration
  502. Energy Level
  503. Energy Level of an Atom
  504. Energy State
  505. Energy Stored in a Capacitor
  506. Energy of An Orbiting Satellite
  507. Energy-Resources and Environmental-impacts
  508. Entropy Thermodynamic
  509. Environmental Pollution And Recycle
  510. Epsilon Naught Value
  511. Equilibrium
  512. Equilibrium Of Concurrent Forces
  513. Equinox Astronomy
  514. Equivalence Principle
  515. Error Arithmetic Operations of Significant Figures
  516. Error Significant Figures Exact Numbers
  517. Error Significant Figures Rounding Off
  518. Errors Absolute Error Relative Error
  519. Escape Speed
  520. Escape Velocity and Orbital velocity
  521. Eutectic
  522. Exciton
  523. Exhaustion of Energy Sources
  524. Exoplanet – Different Categories and Methods of Detection
  525. Experiment Faraday Henry
  526. Extrinsic Semiconductors
  527. Eye Defects Hypermetropia Or Hyperopia
  528. Eye Defects Myopia
  529. Eye Defects and Correction
  530. FET Transistor
  531. Fahrenheit Temperature Scale
  532. Fan Capacitor – Functions, Uses, Types and FAQs
  533. Faraday Constant
  534. Faraday Effect
  535. Faraday Electromagnetic Induction Experiment
  536. Faraday\’s Discovery of Electric Induction
  537. Faradays Law
  538. Feedback Amplifier Transistor Oscillator
  539. Fermat’s Principle
  540. Fermi Energy
  541. Fermi Level
  542. Fermi Paradox
  543. Ferrimagnetic Materials
  544. Ferrimagnetism
  545. Ferroelectricity
  546. Ferromagnetism Material
  547. Fiber Optics – Parts, Types, Classification and Advantage
  548. Fick’s Law of Diffusion
  549. Field in Physics
  550. Fine Structure
  551. Fisheye Lens
  552. Fleming\’s Left Hand Rule And Right Hand Rule
  553. Fluid
  554. Fluid Flow : Bernoullis Equation Derivation and Fluid Mechanics
  555. Fluid Friction
  556. Fluid Friction : Types and Factors of Fluid Friction
  557. Fluid Mechanics
  558. Fluid Pressure
  559. Fluorescence
  560. Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
  561. Force
  562. Force And Motion
  563. Force And Pressure
  564. Force Between Multiple Charges
  565. Force Between Two Parallel Current Carrying Conductor
  566. Force Interaction Of Forces
  567. Force Push And Pull
  568. Force and Acceleration
  569. Force and Interaction of Forces
  570. Force and Momentum
  571. Force, Motion and State of Motion
  572. Force, Work and Energy – Types, Principle and Solved Questions
  573. Forced Oscillation and Resonance
  574. Forms Of Energy
  575. Formulation Of Newtons Second Law Of Motion
  576. Fossil Fuels
  577. Fossil Fuels Coal Petroleum
  578. Four Spheres Of Earth
  579. Fouriers Law
  580. Frames of Reference : Inertial and Non- Inertial Frame of Reference
  581. Franck Hertz Experiment
  582. Fraunhofer Lines
  583. Free Energy – Explanation, Equation and Reactions
  584. Free Fall
  585. Free Forced Damped Oscillations
  586. Frequency (Hz) – Definition, Unit, Time Period and Examples
  587. Frequency Modulation Vs Amplitude Modulation
  588. Frequency Unit – Symbol, Formula Measuring Methods and Examples
  589. Frequency and Wavelength
  590. Frequency of Solar and Lunar Eclipses
  591. Frequency, Time period and Angular frequency
  592. Friction
  593. Friction A Necessary Evil
  594. Friction In Automobiles
  595. Frictional Force
  596. Froude Number
  597. Fundamental Interaction
  598. Fundamental and Derived Units of Measurement
  599. Galaxies
  600. Galilean Transformation
  601. Gamma Decay
  602. Gamma Radiation
  603. Gamma Rays – Electromagnetic Spectrum
  604. Gauss
  605. Gauss Rifle
  606. Gauss Rifle Experiment
  607. Gaussian Surface
  608. Gaussian Surface
  609. Geiger Counter
  610. Gel Electrophoresis
  611. General Relativity
  612. Generator And Transformers
  613. Geomagnetic Field
  614. Geometric Optics
  615. Geostationary Orbit
  616. Geostrophic Motion
  617. Geothermal Energy
  618. Glassware
  619. Global Positioning System Gps
  620. Graphs
  621. Gravitation
  622. Gravitational Constant and Universal Law of Gravitation
  623. Gravitational Force And Escape Velocity
  624. Gravity
  625. Gravity Waves
  626. Gravity on Earth – Examples, Causes and Applications
  627. Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
  628. Ground Wave Propagation
  629. Groundwater
  630. Gunn Effect
  631. Hadron
  632. Hall Effect
  633. Halleys Comet
  634. Hardness
  635. Heat Capacity and Internal Energy in Thermodynamics
  636. Heat Energy
  637. Heat Engine
  638. Heat Engine Efficiency
  639. Heat Introduction And Classification
  640. Heat Transfer By Convection
  641. Heat Transfer Thermal Conductivity
  642. Heat Transfer Thermal Radiation
  643. Heating Effect Of Electric Current
  644. Heating Effect of Current
  645. Heliosphere
  646. Helmholtz Equation
  647. Helmholtz Free Energy
  648. Hertz
  649. Hertz Lenard Observations
  650. Higgs Boson
  651. Hin
  652. History of Internet
  653. History of Science
  654. History of Transportation
  655. Hooke\’s Law
  656. Horizon in Astronomy
  657. Horizontal Motion
  658. Horsepower
  659. Hot Big Bang Model
  660. How To Make A Buzzer?
  661. How To Make A Fireproof Balloon
  662. How To Make A Lifter
  663. How To Make A Windmill
  664. How to Convert Galvanometer into Voltmeter?
  665. How to Make A Volcano
  666. How to Make a Model of Seasons
  667. How to Make a Potato Clock
  668. How to Make a Wooden Generator?
  669. Hubble’s Law
  670. Human Ear Structure And Function
  671. Human Eye Function
  672. Human Voice – How Do Humans Create Sound with their Vocal Cord
  673. Humidity
  674. Hurricane
  675. Huygens Principle
  676. Hydraulic Machines
  677. Hydroelectric Power
  678. Hydroelectricity and Hydropower Plant
  679. Hydrostatic Paradox
  680. Hydrostatic Pressure And Fluid Pressure
  681. Hygrometer
  682. Hyperfine Structure
  683. Hyperopia
  684. Ideal Gas Equation
  685. Igneous Rocks
  686. Image Distance for Varying Object Distances
  687. Impact Of Temperature
  688. Impedance of Free Space
  689. Impending Motion
  690. Importance of Hydrosphere
  691. Inch
  692. Induced Electromotive Force and Current
  693. Inductance
  694. Inelastic Collision
  695. Inertial Force
  696. Infrared Radiation
  697. Infrasonics
  698. Instantaneous Speed and Velocity
  699. Insulator
  700. Integrated Circuit
  701. Interaction between Celestial Bodies
  702. Interference Fringe
  703. Interference Of Waves
  704. Interference in Physics
  705. Intrinsic Semiconductors
  706. Introduction To Equations Of Motion
  707. Introduction To Heat, Internal Energy And Work
  708. Introduction to Motion
  709. Ionizing Radiation
  710. Ionosphere and Magnetosphere
  711. Is Sunlight White Or Coloured?
  712. Isobar Nuclear Physics
  713. Isothermal and Adiabatic Process
  714. Josephson Effect
  715. Joule\’s Law – Introduction, Definition, Equation and FAQ
  716. Joule-Thomson Effect
  717. Junction Transistor
  718. Kaleidoscope
  719. Kelvin Planck Statement
  720. Kilogram
  721. Kilogram to Gram – Steps to Convert, Tips and FAQs
  722. Kilometre – Measurement, Conversions and Difference
  723. Kilopascal
  724. Kinematics Equations
  725. Kinematics Of Rotational Motion Around A Fixed Axis
  726. Kinematics Rotational Motion Around Fixed Axis
  727. Kinetic Energy
  728. Kinetic Gas Equation
  729. Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature and RMS Speed of Gas Molecules
  730. Kinetic Theory Of Gases
  731. Kinetic Theory of Gases Assumptions
  732. Kinetic and Potential Energy Difference
  733. Kinetics
  734. Kinetics and Kinematics
  735. Kirchhoff\’s First Law
  736. Kirchhoff\’s Laws of Electric Circuits
  737. Kirchhoff’s Second Law
  738. Know About Open System in Thermodynamics
  739. Know the Difference Between Earthing and Neutral
  740. Know the Relation Between Electric Field and Electric Potential
  741. LCR Circuit
  742. Laboratory
  743. Lagrangian Point
  744. Lambert’s Cosine Law
  745. Laminar Flow
  746. Laplace Correction
  747. Laplace Equation – Formula, Derivation and Applications
  748. Laser
  749. Laser Diode
  750. Latent Heat of Water
  751. Lava Lamp Experiment
  752. Lava Volcanic Ejecta
  753. Law Equipartition Energy
  754. Law Of Conservation of Energy
  755. Law of Conservation of Charge
  756. Law of Conservation of Mass
  757. Law of Conservation of Momentum Derivation
  758. Law of Inertia – Kinematics
  759. Laws Of Motion
  760. Laws of Reflection
  761. Layers of the Earth
  762. Lens Formula and Magnification
  763. Lens Maker’s Formula – Concave and Convex Lens
  764. Lenz Law
  765. Lepton
  766. Life Cycle of Stars
  767. Light
  768. Light Emitting Diode
  769. Light Energy
  770. Light Rays
  771. Light Shadow and Reflection
  772. Light Sources
  773. Light- Reflection and Refraction
  774. Lightning
  775. Lightning And Thunderstorm
  776. Lightning Thunderstorm Safety Measures
  777. Line Spectrum
  778. Line of Force
  779. Linear Accelerator
  780. Linear Motion
  781. Linear Velocity
  782. Liquid Drop Model
  783. Liquid State of Matter
  784. List of physics scientists and Their inventions
  785. Lithosphere
  786. Longitudinal Strain
  787. Longitudinal Wave
  788. Lorentz Force
  789. Lorentz Transformation
  790. Loudness of Sound
  791. Lumen – Unit of Energy Measurement
  792. Luminance
  793. Luminosity
  794. Luminous Intensity
  795. Lux
  796. MCB vs MCCB
  797. MCQ on 2nd and 3rd Law of Thermodynamics
  798. Mach Number
  799. Macro Lens
  800. Magic Number – Explanation, Features, Significance and FAQs
  801. Magnet
  802. Magnetic Circuit
  803. Magnetic Classification of Materials
  804. Magnetic Declination
  805. Magnetic Dipole Moment
  806. Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
  807. Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
  808. Magnetic Field
  809. Magnetic Field Strength
  810. Magnetic Flux
  811. Magnetic Force
  812. Magnetic Force
  813. Magnetic Levitation Project
  814. Magnetic Moment
  815. Magnetic Monopole
  816. Magnetic Pole
  817. Magnetic Properties of Matter
  818. Magnetic Susceptibility
  819. Magnetic and Electromagnetic Properties of Superconductors
  820. Magnetism and Matter
  821. Magnetization Effects in Matter
  822. Magnetization Magnetic Intensity
  823. Magnetohydrodynamics
  824. Magnetometer
  825. Magnetomotive Force – Explanation, Causes and FAQs
  826. Magnitude in Astronomy
  827. Malthusian Theory of Population
  828. Manage Natural Resources
  829. Mass – Energy Equivalence
  830. Mass and Weight
  831. Matter
  832. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem – Statement, Proof and Steps
  833. Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution Derivation
  834. Maxwell\’s Relations
  835. Maxwells Equations
  836. Mean Free Path Factors
  837. Measure Diameter Of Given Wire Using Screw Gauge
  838. Measure Diameter of a Small Spherical Body Using Vernier Callipers
  839. Measurement Of Speed
  840. Measurement of Length – Triangulation and Parallax Method
  841. Measurement of Length Distance
  842. Measurement of Mass and Weight
  843. Measurement of the Size of Oleic Acid molecule
  844. Measuring the Rate of Change of Motion
  845. Measuring the Speed of Sound
  846. Mechanical Properties Of Fluids
  847. Mechanical Properties of Solids
  848. Mechanics
  849. Meson
  850. Metacentre
  851. Metamorphic Rocks
  852. Metastable State
  853. Meteorite
  854. Metre – Measurement and Facts of a Metre Scale
  855. Metric Ton
  856. Michelson Morley Experiment
  857. Micrometer
  858. Microscope
  859. Microwaves
  860. Miller Indices
  861. Minkowski Space
  862. Minute
  863. Mirrors
  864. Mobility
  865. Modern Physics
  866. Modulation
  867. Modulation and Demodulation
  868. Moire Pattern
  869. Molar Gas Constant
  870. Molecular Nature of Matter
  871. Molecular Spectroscopy
  872. Monatomic Gases
  873. Monoclinic System
  874. Month
  875. Moon
  876. Moseley Law
  877. Motion and Measurement
  878. Motion and Time
  879. Motion in a Plane
  880. Motion in a Straight Line – Derivation, Formulas & Problems
  881. Motion of Celestial Bodies in Space
  882. Motion of a Charged Particle in Magnetic Field
  883. Motional EMF
  884. Movement of Earth and Weather – Major Movements and Cause
  885. Multiverse
  886. Munsell Color System
  887. Murphys Law
  888. Musical Sound
  889. Myopia
  890. Nanoparticle
  891. Nanoparticles
  892. Natural Sources of Energy
  893. Navier Stokes Equation
  894. Need for Modulation – Types and Uses
  895. Neptune
  896. Network Analysis
  897. Neutrino
  898. Neutron Mass
  899. Neutrons, Isotopes, Isotones And Isobars
  900. New Moon – Full Moon, Moon Cycle and Difference
  901. Newton Unit of Measurement
  902. Newton\’s Law of Gravity
  903. Newton\’s Laws of Motion – 3 Laws, Formulas, Examples and FAQ
  904. Newton\’s Laws of Motion – First Law
  905. Newton\’s Rings
  906. Newton\’s Second Law of Motion
  907. Newton\’s Third Law Of Motion
  908. Noise
  909. Noise Pollution Prevention
  910. Non – Contact Force
  911. Non – Renewable Energy
  912. Non-Optical Low Vision Aids
  913. Nuclear Binding Energy
  914. Nuclear Energy – Benefits, Uses, Types and Facts
  915. Nuclear Fission
  916. Nuclear Fusion
  917. Nuclear Fusion Reactor
  918. Nuclear Physics
  919. Nuclear Reactor Based on Nuclear Fission
  920. Nucleus of an Atom and It\’s Composition
  921. Nuclide
  922. OTEC – Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
  923. Ohm
  924. Ohms Law
  925. Optical Activity
  926. Optical Density
  927. Optical Fiber
  928. Optical Instruments
  929. Optical Telescope
  930. Optics
  931. Orbit Astronomy
  932. Orbital Angular Momentum
  933. Orthorhombic System
  934. Oscillation
  935. Oscillatory Motion
  936. Our Universe and Earth- Introduction, Solved Questions and FAQs
  937. Overtones
  938. P Wave
  939. P-N Junction
  940. Pair Production
  941. Parallel and Perpendicular Axis Theorems
  942. Paramagnetism
  943. Parity
  944. Particle Accelerator
  945. Particle Nature of Light
  946. Particle Physics
  947. Pascal Law
  948. Pascal Unit of Energy Measurement
  949. Pauli Exclusion Principle
  950. Peltier Effect
  951. Periodic Function
  952. Periodic Motion
  953. Periscope
  954. Permanent Magnets And Magnetic Behaviour
  955. Permeability
  956. Permittivity and Permeability
  957. Perpetual Motion
  958. Phase Angle
  959. Phase Mechanics
  960. Phasor Representation Ac
  961. Phonon
  962. Photodiodes
  963. Photoelectric Threshold Frequency
  964. Photometry
  965. Photon
  966. Photosphere
  967. Photovoltaic Effect
  968. Physical Science
  969. Physical Significance of Electric Field
  970. Physical World
  971. Physics Symbols
  972. Physics, Technology and Society
  973. Pin Diode
  974. Pinhole Camera
  975. Planck’s Constant
  976. Plane Mirrors
  977. Planetary Nebula
  978. Planets
  979. Planets and Their Moons – Formation, Discovery and FAQs
  980. Plastic Deformation
  981. Plasticity
  982. Plate Tectonics
  983. Poissons Ratio
  984. Polarisation of Light
  985. Polarization By Scattering
  986. Poles Of Magnets
  987. Polestar
  988. Position Path Length and Displacement
  989. Position Vector
  990. Position and Displacement Vectors
  991. Potato Battery Experiment
  992. Potential And Kinetic Energy
  993. Potential Energy
  994. Potential Energy of Charges in an Electric Field
  995. Potentiometer Working
  996. Pound Unit of Weight
  997. Power
  998. Power Factor – Importance, Terms and Equations
  999. Power Formula
  1000. Power Transformers
  1001. Power in AC Circuit
  1002. Power of Accommodation of the Eye
  1003. Power of a Lens
  1004. Precession
  1005. Pressure In Drops, Bubbles, And Capillary Rise
  1006. Pressure Systems
  1007. Pressure of an Ideal Gas
  1008. Principal Applications of Electromagnet
  1009. Principle Of Calorimetry
  1010. Prism Dispersion
  1011. Production and Detection of X-Rays
  1012. Progressive Wave
  1013. Projectile Motion
  1014. Propagation Constant
  1015. Propagation Of Electromagnetic Waves
  1016. Properties and Behaviour of Electromagnetic Radiation
  1017. Properties of Fluids
  1018. Properties of Gases
  1019. Properties of Vector
  1020. Properties of Water : Anomalous Expansion of Water
  1021. Properties of Wood
  1022. Protection Against Earthquake
  1023. Proton Mass
  1024. Pseudo Force
  1025. Ptolemaic System
  1026. Pulley
  1027. Pulley System
  1028. Quantum Chromodynamics
  1029. Quantum Field Theory
  1030. Quantum Mechanics
  1031. Quantum Mechanics Used in Real Life
  1032. Quantum Physics
  1033. Quantum Theory of Light
  1034. Quark
  1035. Quasar
  1036. Radial Acceleration
  1037. Radiation
  1038. Radiation Detector
  1039. Radio Waves
  1040. Radioactivity Alpha Decay
  1041. Radioactivity Beta Decay
  1042. Radioactivity and Gamma Decay
  1043. Radius of Gyration
  1044. Rainbow
  1045. Rainbow Colors
  1046. Raman Effect
  1047. Rare Earth Magnets
  1048. Rayleigh Scattering
  1049. Reactance and Impedance
  1050. Rectifier
  1051. Rectilinear Motion of Particles
  1052. Rectilinear Propagation of Light
  1053. Redshift
  1054. Reflecting Telescope
  1055. Reflection of Light
  1056. Reflection of Light Image
  1057. Reflection of Waves
  1058. Reflection on A Plane Mirror
  1059. Refraction
  1060. Refraction and Dispersion of Light
  1061. Refraction by Spherical Lenses
  1062. Refraction of Light
  1063. Refractive Index
  1064. Refrigerator Heat Pump
  1065. Regelation
  1066. Relation Between Amplitude and Frequency
  1067. Relation Between Calorie and Joule
  1068. Relation Between Celsius and Kelvin
  1069. Relation Between Critical Angle And Refractive Index
  1070. Relation Between Density And Volume
  1071. Relation Between Frequency and Velocity
  1072. Relation Between G and g – Value, Formula, Difference and FAQ
  1073. Relation Between Gauss And Tesla
  1074. Relation Between Group Velocity And Phase Velocity
  1075. Relation Between Kinetic Energy And Momentum
  1076. Relation Between Kp And Kc
  1077. Relation Between Line Voltage And Phase Voltage
  1078. Relation Between Phase Difference And Path Difference
  1079. Relation Between Power And Resistance
  1080. Relation Between Pressure and Velocity
  1081. Relation Between Resistance and Length
  1082. Relation Between Torque And Moment Of Inertia
  1083. Relation Between Velocity and Wavelength
  1084. Relation Between Viscosity And Density
  1085. Relation Between Watt And Volt
  1086. Relation Between Work and Energy
  1087. Relation Between Young\’s Modulus and Bulk Modulus
  1088. Relation Between eV and Joule
  1089. Relation Between the Length of a Given Wire and Tension for Constant Frequency Using Sonometer
  1090. Relation between Elastic Constants
  1091. Relation between Fahrenheit and Celsius
  1092. Relation between KG and Newton
  1093. Relation between KVA and KW
  1094. Relation between Torque and Speed
  1095. Relationship Between Force of Limiting Friction and Normal Reaction
  1096. Relationship Between Temperature of Hot Body and Time by Plotting Cooling Curve
  1097. Relative Density
  1098. Relative Humidity
  1099. Relative Speed
  1100. Relative Velocity
  1101. Relativistic Energy
  1102. Relativistic Mass
  1103. Relativity
  1104. Relay Electronics
  1105. Remote Sensing
  1106. Renewable Energy
  1107. Resistivity of Materials
  1108. Resistor
  1109. Resistor Colour Codes
  1110. Resistors in Series and Parallel
  1111. Resistors in Series and Parallel Configuration
  1112. Resolution Of Vector Rectangular Components
  1113. Resolving Power of a Microscope and Telescope
  1114. Resonance
  1115. Resting Potential
  1116. Reverberation
  1117. Reversibility
  1118. Reversible and Irreversible Processes
  1119. Richter Scale
  1120. Rigid Bodies
  1121. Rigid Bodies Translational Motion And Rotational Motion
  1122. Rigid Body and Rigid Body Dynamics
  1123. Rocket Science
  1124. Rolling Friction
  1125. Rolling Friction and Rolling Resistance
  1126. Rolling Motion
  1127. Rotation
  1128. Rotation and Revolution
  1129. Rotational Kinetic Energy
  1130. Rydberg Constant
  1131. SI Units List
  1132. Safety Measures and Technology
  1133. Salinity
  1134. Satellite
  1135. Satellite Communication
  1136. Satellite Communication Active and Passive Satellite
  1137. Save The Environment From Pollution
  1138. Save The Environment From Pollution Reuse
  1139. Scalar And Vector Products
  1140. Scalar Product
  1141. Scalar and vector
  1142. Schottky Diode
  1143. Schrodinger Wave Equation
  1144. Scientific Hypothesis
  1145. Scientific Investigation
  1146. Scientific Methods
  1147. Scintillation Counter
  1148. Scope And Excitement Of Physics
  1149. Screw Gauge
  1150. Sea Breeze
  1151. Sea Breeze and Land Breeze
  1152. Second
  1153. Sedimentary Rocks
  1154. Seebeck Effect
  1155. Seismic Waves
  1156. Seismograph
  1157. Semiconductor – Origin, Properties, Types and Uses
  1158. Semiconductor Devices
  1159. Semiconductor Diode
  1160. Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits
  1161. Semiconductors and Insulators
  1162. Shadow Formation
  1163. Sharpness of Resonance
  1164. Shear Modulus
  1165. Shear Modulus – Elastic Moduli
  1166. Shear Wave
  1167. Shearing Stress
  1168. Shell Model
  1169. Shock Wave
  1170. Sidereal Day
  1171. Siemens
  1172. Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion
  1173. Simple Machines
  1174. Simple Microscope
  1175. Single Slit Diffraction
  1176. Sliding Friction
  1177. Slow And Fast Motion
  1178. Snell’s Law of Refraction
  1179. Solar Calendar
  1180. Solar Car
  1181. Solar Constant
  1182. Solar Cooker
  1183. Solar Energy
  1184. Solar Energy Project
  1185. Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Cell
  1186. Solar Nebula
  1187. Solar System
  1188. Solar System | Earth Moon Sun – Eclipse and Its Types
  1189. Solenoid Engine
  1190. Solenoid and Toroid
  1191. Solid Deformation
  1192. Solid State Detector
  1193. Solid State Physics
  1194. Some Natural Phenomena
  1195. Sone
  1196. Sonic Boom
  1197. Sound
  1198. Sound Absorption
  1199. Sound Produced By Vibration Of Objects
  1200. Sound Reflection
  1201. Source of Energy
  1202. Space Time
  1203. Space Travel Equipment
  1204. Space Wave Propagation
  1205. Special Theory of Relativity
  1206. Specific Gravity
  1207. Specific Heat at Constant Pressure and Constant Volume
  1208. Spectral Series
  1209. Spectroscopy
  1210. Specular And Diffuse Reflection
  1211. Speed Of Sound In Air At Room Temperature Using A Resonance Tube By Two Resonance Positions
  1212. Speed Of Sound Propagation
  1213. Speed Time Graphs
  1214. Speed of Moving Objects
  1215. Spherical Mirrors
  1216. Sphygmomanometer
  1217. Spintronics
  1218. Spiral Galaxies – Characteristics, Types and Classification
  1219. Spring Constant
  1220. Spring Tide
  1221. Standard Time
  1222. Standard Units of Measurements
  1223. Standing Wave – Formation, Equation, Production and FAQs
  1224. Standing Waves and Normal Modes
  1225. Stars
  1226. Stars Planets and their Difference
  1227. Static Electricity
  1228. Static Friction
  1229. Stationary Phase Chromatography
  1230. Statistical Mechanics
  1231. Statistical Physics
  1232. Steady – State Theory
  1233. Stefan Boltzmann Constant
  1234. Stefan Boltzmann Law
  1235. Stokes Law Derivation
  1236. Stokes Lines
  1237. Stone – Unit of Weight
  1238. Streamline Flow
  1239. Stress
  1240. Stress and Strain
  1241. String Theory
  1242. Strong Force
  1243. Styrofoam – Composition, Uses, Recycling and Impacts
  1244. Superconductivity
  1245. Supernova
  1246. Supernova Remnant
  1247. Superposition Principle And Continuous Charge Distribution
  1248. Surface Charge Density Formula
  1249. Surface Energy
  1250. Synchrotron
  1251. System Of Particles And Rotational Motion
  1252. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
  1253. Tachyon
  1254. Temperature
  1255. Temperature Dependence Resistance
  1256. Temperature Measurement – Thermometer
  1257. Tensile Stress
  1258. Tension
  1259. Tension Force
  1260. Tension Formula
  1261. Terminal Velocity Derivation
  1262. Terms Used in Electronic Communication Systems
  1263. The Electromagnetic Spectrum Visible Light
  1264. The Human Eye
  1265. The Human Eye
  1266. The Huygens\’ Principle
  1267. The Idea of Time
  1268. The Study of Electricity and Magnetism
  1269. Theory of Molecular Spectra
  1270. Thermal Conductivity of Metals
  1271. Thermal Energy Storage
  1272. Thermal Neutron
  1273. Thermal Properties Of Matter
  1274. Thermal Properties of Materials
  1275. Thermal Radiation
  1276. Thermal Stress
  1277. Thermodynamic Processes
  1278. Thermodynamic Properties and Relations
  1279. Thermodynamics
  1280. Thermoelectricity
  1281. Thermometer Reading Temperature
  1282. Thermometer: Clinical & Laboratory Thermometer
  1283. Thermometer: Clinical Laboratory Thermometer
  1284. Thin Lens Formula for Concave and Convex Lens
  1285. Thrust Pressure
  1286. Tidal Energy
  1287. Tidal Friction
  1288. Tides
  1289. Timbre
  1290. Time Dilation
  1291. Time Measurement
  1292. Time Reversal
  1293. To Compare the EMF of Two Given Primary Cells Using Potentiometer Experiment
  1294. To Convert Given Galvanometer into Ammeter of Desired Range with Verification
  1295. To Determine Angle of Minimum Deviation for a Given Prism
  1296. To Determine Radius of Curvature of a Given Spherical Surface by a Spherometer
  1297. To Determine Specific Heat Capacity of Given Solid by Method of Mixtures
  1298. To Determine The Coefficient Of Viscosity Of A Given Viscous Liquid – Practical Experiment
  1299. To Determine the Internal Resistance of a Given Primary Cell Using a Potentiometer Experiment
  1300. To Determine the Mass of Two Different Objects Using a Beam Balance
  1301. To Draw the IV Characteristic Curve for PN Junction in Forward and Reverse Bias
  1302. To Find Downward Force along Inclined Plane on a Roller Due to Gravitational Pul
  1303. To Find Effective Length of Seconds Pendulum Using Graph
  1304. To Find Focal Length of Concave Lens Using Convex Lens
  1305. To Find Force Constant of Helical Spring By Plotting a Graph Between Load and Extension
  1306. To Find The Surface Tension of Water By Capillary Rise Method
  1307. To Find the Weight of a Given Body Using Parallelogram Law of Vectors
  1308. To Measure Internal Diameter and Depth of a Given Beaker Using Vernier Calipers and Finding Its Volume
  1309. To Measure the Thickness of a Given Sheet Using Screw Gauge
  1310. To Measure the Volume of an Irregular Lamina Using Screw Gauge
  1311. Tone
  1312. Toric Lenses
  1313. Tornado Bottle
  1314. Torque on Current Loop
  1315. Torque on Dipole
  1316. Torr
  1317. Torricellis Law
  1318. Torsion Equation Derivation
  1319. Total Internal Reflection
  1320. Tracing the Path of a Ray of Light Passing Through a Rectangular Glass Slab
  1321. Trade Winds
  1322. Transistor as a Device
  1323. Transmission, Absorption, and Reflection of Light
  1324. Transparent, Translucent and Opaque Objects
  1325. Transverse Waves
  1326. Travel and Communication – Types, Methods and Solved Questions
  1327. Travelling Wave
  1328. Triclinic System
  1329. Trojan Asteroid
  1330. Turbulence Flow
  1331. Twin Paradox
  1332. Twinning – Crystallography
  1333. Types Of Generators
  1334. Types of AC Motors
  1335. Types of Cables
  1336. Types of Circuits
  1337. Types of Connectors
  1338. Types of Current
  1339. Types of DC Motor
  1340. Types of Energy
  1341. Types of Force for Class 8 – Common Forces in Mechanics
  1342. Types of Gears
  1343. Types of Heat Engine
  1344. Types of Lever
  1345. Types of Motors
  1346. Types of Pulley
  1347. Types of Radiation
  1348. Types of Rocks
  1349. Types of Springs
  1350. Types of Switches
  1351. Types of Visual Impairment
  1352. Types of Waves
  1353. Types of Wind
  1354. Types of Wiring
  1355. UV Light
  1356. UV Rays – Wavelength, Frequency, Types and Uses
  1357. Ultrasonics
  1358. Ultrasound
  1359. Ultraviolet Radiation
  1360. Ultraviolet Rays
  1361. Unified Field Theory
  1362. Uniform Acceleration
  1363. Uniform Circular Motion
  1364. Uniform Motion and Non Uniform Motion
  1365. Uniformly Accelerated Motion
  1366. Unit Of Pressure
  1367. Unit Vectors
  1368. Unit of Conductivity
  1369. Unit of Current
  1370. Unit of Density
  1371. Unit of Displacement
  1372. Unit of Distance
  1373. Unit of Electric Field
  1374. Unit of Electricity
  1375. Unit of Energy
  1376. Unit of Force
  1377. Unit of Heat
  1378. Unit of Humidity
  1379. Unit of Inductance
  1380. Unit of Light
  1381. Unit of Magnetic Field
  1382. Unit of Mass
  1383. Unit of Momentum
  1384. Unit of Power
  1385. Unit of Resistance
  1386. Unit of Sound
  1387. Unit of Specific Resistance
  1388. Unit of Speed
  1389. Unit of Surface Tension
  1390. Unit of Torque
  1391. Unit of Velocity
  1392. Unit of Vibration
  1393. Unit of Viscosity
  1394. Unit of Voltage
  1395. Unit of Volume
  1396. Unit of Weight
  1397. Unit of Work
  1398. Unit of wavelength
  1399. Universal Forces
  1400. Universal Law of Gravitation
  1401. Unpolarized Light
  1402. Uses Of Convex Mirror
  1403. Uses Of Solar Panel
  1404. Uses Of Transistor
  1405. Uses of Battery
  1406. Uses of Concave Lens
  1407. Uses of Concave Mirror
  1408. Uses of Convex Lens
  1409. Uses of Diode
  1410. Uses of Electricity
  1411. Uses of Electromagnet
  1412. Uses of Electroplating
  1413. Uses of Inductor
  1414. Uses of Magnets
  1415. Uses of Optical Fibre
  1416. Uses of Physics
  1417. Uses of Plane Mirror
  1418. Uses of Rectifier
  1419. Uses of Resistor
  1420. Uses of Solar Cooker
  1421. Uses of Transformer
  1422. Uses of Vernier Calipers
  1423. Uses of Zener Diode
  1424. Utilizing the Solar Energy
  1425. Vacuum
  1426. Value of Boltzmann Constant
  1427. Value of C
  1428. Value of Electron
  1429. Value of Gravitational Constant
  1430. Value of Hc
  1431. Value of One Light Year
  1432. Value of R in ATM
  1433. Value of g
  1434. Value of g on Moon
  1435. Van De Graaff Generator
  1436. Van Der Waals Equation Derivation
  1437. Vaporization
  1438. Vapour Pressure
  1439. Varactor Diode
  1440. Variable Stars
  1441. Vector Addition
  1442. Vector Product Of Two Vectors
  1443. Velocity
  1444. Velocity Selector
  1445. Velocity Vectors
  1446. Venus Planet
  1447. Verify Law of Combination of Resistance Using Metre Bridge
  1448. Violet
  1449. Viscosity
  1450. Visible Light
  1451. Visualising Circular Motion in Vertical Plane
  1452. Vocal Cord – The Source of Human Voice
  1453. Volcanic Explosions
  1454. Volcano
  1455. Volt – Unit of Measurement
  1456. Voltmeter
  1457. Wave
  1458. Wave Front
  1459. Wave Function
  1460. Wave Nature of Matter and De Broglie’s Equation
  1461. Wave Number
  1462. Wave Optics
  1463. Wave Particle Duality
  1464. Wave Power
  1465. Wave Speed
  1466. Wave Theory of Light
  1467. Wave Velocity
  1468. Wavelength of Light
  1469. Weak Force
  1470. Weather
  1471. Weathering
  1472. Weber
  1473. Weber\’s Law
  1474. Weightlessness
  1475. What Happens if the Earth Stops Rotating? – A detailed Explanation
  1476. What are the Fundamental Forces in Nature?
  1477. What if the Earth Stopped Spinning?
  1478. What is Curies Law?
  1479. What is Eddy Current?
  1480. What is Fluid Dynamics?
  1481. What is GPS (Global Positioning System)?
  1482. What is Micrometer?
  1483. What is Scattering of Light
  1484. What is Time Atomic Clock?
  1485. What is Zero Gravity?
  1486. What is the Scattering of Light
  1487. Wheatstone Bridge
  1488. Wheel and Axis
  1489. White Colour
  1490. White Light
  1491. Why Do Birds Fly in a ‘V’ Formation
  1492. Why Do Stars Twinkle?
  1493. Why Do We Have Two Eyes?
  1494. Why Doesnt the Moon Fall Into the Earth
  1495. Why do Birds Fly in a V Format?
  1496. Wiedemann Franz Law
  1497. Wiens Law
  1498. Wind Chimes
  1499. Wind Power
  1500. Wind Vane
  1501. Work
  1502. Work Done
  1503. Work Done By A Variable Force
  1504. Work Energy Theorem and Its Application
  1505. Work and Energy
  1506. Work and Power
  1507. Work in Physics
  1508. Work, Energy and Power
  1509. Working Principle of an Electric Fuse
  1510. Working of Boiler
  1511. Working of Electric Bell
  1512. X-Ray Diffraction
  1513. X-Ray-Diffraction
  1514. Yellow Color
  1515. Yield Point
  1516. Yield Strength
  1517. Young\’s Double Slit Experiment Derivation
  1518. Young\’s Modulus
  1519. Zeeman Effect
  1520. Zener Diode
  1521. Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator

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