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Biology Class Notes

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Biology Class Notes

  1. “Low Data Holding Capacity Syndrome: Cause, Types, Diagnosis”
  2. “Nucleosome: Description and Narration”
  3. ‘Vital and Non-vital Organs in Our Body: Functions”
  4. A Brief Introduction to Bioluminescence
  5. A Brief on Prehistoric Earth
  6. A Study on Various Modes of Excretion
  7. A Study on Various Modes of Excretion
  8. ABO Blood Group and RH Group System
  9. ADH Hormone
  10. AIDS and HIV
  11. ATP Synthesis in Mitochondria
  12. Abdomen
  13. Abdominal Muscle
  14. Abiogenesis
  15. Abiotic Components
  16. Abortifacient
  17. Abortion – Pregnancy
  18. Abrasion
  19. Absorption of Digested Food
  20. Absorption of Digested Foods
  21. Accessory Glands of the Animal Reproductive System
  22. Accessory Organs
  23. Acclimatization
  24. Accumulation of Variation During Reproduction
  25. Acetaminophen
  26. Achene
  27. Achilles Tendon
  28. Acidity – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
  29. Acidity Symptoms
  30. Acoustic Neuroma
  31. Acromegaly
  32. Actin Filaments
  33. Actinomycete
  34. Active Transport
  35. Acute and Chronic Diseases
  36. Adaptation and Habitats
  37. Adaptive radiation evolution
  38. Addison\’s Disease
  39. Adductor Muscle
  40. Adenosine Triphosphate Formation
  41. Adipose Tissue
  42. Adolescence and Drug Abuse
  43. Adolescence and Puberty
  44. Adrenal Insufficiency
  45. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
  46. Adulthood
  47. Advantages of Dam
  48. Aerobe
  49. Aerobic Respiration
  50. Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
  51. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  52. Agaricus Bisporus – Phylogeny, Structure, and Reproduction
  53. Agglutinin
  54. Agricultural Implements
  55. Agricultural Practices
  56. Agriculture – Soil Formation and Preparation
  57. Agriculture Selection and Sowing of Seeds
  58. Agriculture and Fertilisation
  59. Agriculture and Fertilizers
  60. Agriculture and Organic Farming
  61. Agroforestry – Types, Different Systems and Benefits
  62. Aids
  63. Aids Causes
  64. Air Around Us
  65. Air Pollution – Explanation, Examples, Causes and Conclusion
  66. Air Pollution Control
  67. Air for Breathing and Combustion
  68. Air, Water and Soil
  69. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Control
  70. Aldosterone
  71. Algae
  72. Algal Bloom
  73. Alimentary Canal
  74. Alimentary Canal Anatomy
  75. Allantois
  76. Allee Effect
  77. Allele
  78. Allograft
  79. Allopatric and Sympatric Speciation
  80. Allosteric Enzymes
  81. Allosteric Enzymes
  82. Alternative to Dams
  83. Alternatives to Dams
  84. Amanita
  85. Amber
  86. Amensalism
  87. Amino Acids
  88. Ammonification
  89. Ammonotelism
  90. Amniocentesis
  91. Amoeba
  92. Amoeba Order
  93. Amoebiasis – Treatment and Prevention
  94. Amphibia
  95. Amphibolic Pathway
  96. Amygdala
  97. Amylase
  98. Amyloidosis
  99. An Introduction to Snail Life Cycle
  100. An Overview of Viral Diseases
  101. Anabaena
  102. Anaerobic Digestion
  103. Anagenesis
  104. Analogy Evolution
  105. Anaplerotic Reactions
  106. Anatomy and Physiology
  107. Anatomy and Types of Jugular Veins- Functions, Significance and Types
  108. Androecium
  109. Androgen
  110. Androgen Hormone
  111. Anemia
  112. Angina Pectoris
  113. Angiosperms
  114. Angiosperms And Gymnosperms Difference
  115. Animal Animalia Lower Invertebrates
  116. Animal Cell
  117. Animal Husbandry
  118. Animal Kingdom
  119. Animal Kingdom – Animalia Phylum, Subphylum
  120. Animal Kingdom Concept Map
  121. Animals Nervous System
  122. Annelida
  123. Annelids
  124. Annual Plant
  125. Anorexia Nervosa
  126. Ant Life Cycle
  127. Anther
  128. Anthrax
  129. Anthropology
  130. Anti Mullerian Hormone
  131. Antibiotics
  132. Antibodies – Functions, Types, Production and Parts
  133. Antigen
  134. Antigen and Immunology
  135. Antimanic Drugs
  136. Antimicrobial Resistance
  137. Antineoplastic Antibiotics
  138. Antitoxin
  139. Antiviral Drugs – Explanation, Classification and Types
  140. Anxiety Symptoms
  141. Apgar Score
  142. Apical Meristem
  143. Apicomplexan
  144. Apiculture Beekeeping
  145. Apomixis
  146. Apoplast
  147. Apoptosis
  148. Aposematism
  149. Appendicitis
  150. Appendix
  151. Appetite
  152. Apple Scab
  153. Applications of Biotechnology
  154. Applications of Enzymes
  155. Aquarium
  156. Aquatic Ecosystems
  157. Aqueous Humor
  158. Arboretum
  159. Archaea
  160. Archaebacteria
  161. Are We Not Lucky that Plants Reproduce Sexually?
  162. Arm
  163. Artemisinin
  164. Arteries
  165. Arteriosclerosis
  166. Arthritis
  167. Arthritis Symptoms
  168. Arthus Phenomenon
  169. Artificial Hybridization in Plants
  170. Artificial Pollination
  171. Artificial Respiration
  172. Ascaris Life Cycle
  173. Ascocarp
  174. Asexual Reproduction
  175. Asexual Reproduction Animals
  176. Asexual Reproduction in Plants
  177. Asteraceae – Characteristic Features, Uses and Importance
  178. Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Poaceae – Angiosperm Families
  179. Asthma
  180. Asthma Symptoms
  181. Astringent
  182. Astrocyte
  183. Atrial Fibrillation
  184. Atrophy
  185. Auscultation
  186. Autecology
  187. Autoimmune Allergy
  188. Autonomic Nervous System
  189. Autophagy
  190. Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
  191. Autosome
  192. Autotroph
  193. Autotrophic Nutrition
  194. Auxin
  195. Aves and It\’s Characteristics
  196. Aviary
  197. Axial Skeleton – Functions, Parts, Differences and Importance
  198. Axial and Visceral Skeleton
  199. Axon
  200. Ayahuasca – Experience, Benefits, Side Effects and FAQs
  201. Ayurveda
  202. Azotobacter – Types, Characteristics and Uses
  203. Bacillus Bacteria
  204. Bacillus Thuringiensis
  205. Back To Oceans
  206. Backcross
  207. Bacteria
  208. Bacteria – Evolution, Characteristics, Types and Examples
  209. Bacterial Diseases in Humans
  210. Bacterial Genetics
  211. Bacterial Meningitis – Causes, Symptoms, Features and FAQs
  212. Bacteriophages
  213. Balanced Diet
  214. Ball Socket Joint
  215. Barr Body
  216. Basal Ganglia – Anatomy, Functions, Disorders and Facts
  217. Base Pair
  218. Basic Internal Anatomy of Leaf
  219. Basics of Genetics
  220. Basidiocarp
  221. Basidium
  222. Batrachospermum
  223. Bats Scientific Name
  224. Bear Scientific Name
  225. Bed Bug Life Cycle
  226. Behavioral Genetics
  227. Benefits of Garlic
  228. Benthic Zone
  229. Bergmann\’s Rule
  230. Beriberi
  231. Berry Fruit – Different Types, Benefits and Examples
  232. Bi Root Word
  233. Biceps Muscle
  234. Bile
  235. Binary Fission – Definition, Examples, Types and FAQ
  236. Binary Fission in Amoeba and Budding in Yeast
  237. Binomial Nomenclature
  238. Biochemical Oxygen Demand
  239. Biochemistry Important Questions
  240. Biocontrol Agents
  241. Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Substances
  242. Biodiesel
  243. Biodiversity
  244. Biodiversity Conservation
  245. Biodiversity Flowchart
  246. Biodiversity Loss
  247. Biodiversity Pattern in Species
  248. Biodiversity and Conservation Map
  249. Biodiversity in Plants And Animals
  250. Biodiversity of Plants and Animals
  251. Biofertilizers
  252. Biofortification
  253. Biogas
  254. Biogenetic Law
  255. Biogeochemical Cycle
  256. Biogeochemical Cycles
  257. Bioinformatics
  258. Biological Classification
  259. Biological Classification MCQs For NEET And Boards Examination
  260. Biological Facts
  261. Biological Rhythms
  262. Biological Significance of Carbohydrates
  263. Biology Projects For Class 11
  264. Biology Root Words Starting With Hyper
  265. Biology Root Words Starting with Ab or Abs
  266. Biology Root Words Starting with Cide
  267. Biology Root Words Starting with ‘Geno’
  268. Biomagnification
  269. Biomass
  270. Biomass Definition
  271. Biomass Energy
  272. Biome
  273. Biomechanics
  274. Biomes of the World
  275. Biomolecules
  276. Biomolecules Chemical Analysis
  277. Biophilia Hypothesis
  278. Biopiracy
  279. Bioprocessing
  280. Bioreactor Obtaining Foreign Gene
  281. Bioremediation
  282. Biosafety Issues
  283. Biosphere Reserve
  284. Biotechnology
  285. Biotechnology Jobs
  286. Biotechnology Principles
  287. Biotechnology Process
  288. Biotechnology and Its Applications
  289. Biotechnology in Agriculture
  290. Biotic Factors
  291. Biotic Potential
  292. Biotic and Abiotic
  293. Biotic and Abiotic Factors
  294. Bipedalism
  295. Bipolar Disorder
  296. Bird Ears – Anatomy, Structure and Sensitivity
  297. Birdsong
  298. Birth
  299. Birth Canal
  300. Birth Control
  301. Blastema
  302. Blastocyst
  303. Blastopore
  304. Blastula
  305. Blight
  306. Blind Spot
  307. Blood
  308. Blood Analysis
  309. Blood Cancer
  310. Blood Cancer Symptoms
  311. Blood Cell Formation
  312. Blood Circulatory System
  313. Blood Coagulation
  314. Blood Group Test
  315. Blood Pressure Symptoms
  316. Blood Pressure Test
  317. Blood Supply of Heart
  318. Blood Vessel
  319. Blood and Nerve Supply in Human
  320. Body Heat
  321. Body Movements
  322. Bolus
  323. Bone Anatomy
  324. Bone Formation
  325. Bone Marrow
  326. Bones of Leg
  327. Bones of The Foot
  328. Bones of the Ankle
  329. Bones of the Wrist
  330. Book Lungs
  331. Botanical Name of Aloe Vera
  332. Botanical Name of Amla
  333. Botanical Name of Ashwagandha
  334. Botanical Name of Bajra
  335. Botanical Name of Banyan Tree
  336. Botanical Name of Cabbage
  337. Botanical Name of Chilli
  338. Botanical Name of Coconut
  339. Botanical Name of Coffee
  340. Botanical Name of Grapes
  341. Botanical Name of Jamun
  342. Botanical Name of Lady Finger
  343. Botanical Name of Pea
  344. Botanical Name of Rice
  345. Botanical Name of Rose
  346. Botanical Name of Soybeans
  347. Botanical Name of Sugarcane
  348. Botanical Name of Tea
  349. Botanical Names
  350. Botany
  351. Brachial Artery – Course, Relations and Branches
  352. Bract
  353. Brain Diseases
  354. Brain Facts
  355. Brain Tumour Symptoms
  356. Brainstem
  357. Breast Cancer
  358. Breathing in Other Animals
  359. Breeding
  360. Bright\’s Disease
  361. Broca Area
  362. Brooding
  363. Bryophyta
  364. Bryophytes
  365. Bt Crops
  366. Bud
  367. Budding
  368. Budding in Bacteria
  369. Bulbocavernosus Muscle
  370. Bulbourethral Gland
  371. Burn
  372. Butterfly Lifecycle
  373. C3 and C4 Pathways
  374. C3 and C4 Pathways of Photosynthesis
  375. CTE – Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
  376. Caecum – Location, Structure, Difference, Functions and FAQs
  377. Calcitonin
  378. Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
  379. Calcium in Human Digestive System
  380. Callus
  381. Calorific Value
  382. Calvin cycle
  383. Cambium
  384. Camouflage
  385. Cancellous Bone
  386. Cancer
  387. Cane Plant
  388. Capillary Anatomy
  389. Capsid Protein
  390. Capsules and Slime Layers
  391. Carbohydrate Metabolism
  392. Carbohydrates
  393. Carbon Cycle
  394. Carbon Footprint – History, Main Contributors and FAQs
  395. Cardiac Cycle
  396. Cardiac Muscle
  397. Cardiac Output
  398. Carnivores Herbivores
  399. Carpal Bone – Anatomy, Functions and Location
  400. Carpel
  401. Carpel and Pistil
  402. Carrying Capacity
  403. Cartilage
  404. Case Fatality Rate
  405. Casein
  406. Catadromous Fish Migration
  407. Catalase Enzyme
  408. Catatonic Schizophrenia
  409. Caterpillar Insect – Etymology, Characteristics and Growth
  410. Catkin
  411. Cattle Farming Animal Husbandry
  412. Causes of Noise Pollution
  413. Causes of Solid Waste Pollution
  414. Causes of Stress
  415. Causes of Waste Management
  416. Causes of Water Pollution
  417. Causes of Water Scarcity
  418. Cell – Theory, Types, Structure and FAQs
  419. Cell Biology
  420. Cell Cycle – Stages, Interphase, Duration, Differences and FAQs
  421. Cell Cycle and Cell Division
  422. Cell Cycle and Division
  423. Cell Division
  424. Cell Division and Growth
  425. Cell Growth and Reproduction
  426. Cell Organelles
  427. Cell Organization
  428. Cell Structure and Function
  429. Cell The Unit of Life
  430. Cell Theory – History, Theory, Postulates and Types
  431. Cell Transport
  432. Cell Wall Plant Anatomy
  433. Cell Wall and Cell Membrane
  434. Cells
  435. Cells Size Shape Count
  436. Cellular Respiration
  437. Cellular Respiration Concept Map
  438. Cellulose in Digestion
  439. Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
  440. Central Nervous System
  441. Centriole
  442. Centromere
  443. Centrosome
  444. Cephalic Index
  445. Cephalization
  446. Ceratium
  447. Cereals – Names List, Different Types and Benefits
  448. Cerebellum
  449. Cerebral Spinal Fluid – Composition, Analysis, and Leakage
  450. Cerebrum
  451. Cervix
  452. Cesarean Section
  453. Changes Around Us
  454. Characteristics of Adolescence
  455. Charles Darwin Theory
  456. Chemical Control of Plant Diseases
  457. Chemical Nursery – A Brief on Life\’s Beginnings
  458. Chemical Reactions of Carbohydrates
  459. Chemotaxis – Characteristics, Signal Transduction and Types
  460. Chemotrophs
  461. Chicken Life Cycle
  462. Chickenpox Symptoms
  463. Child Psychology – Evolution, Prime Contexts and Essential Influences
  464. Chimera – Genetics
  465. Chlamydia
  466. Chlamydomonas
  467. Chlorella
  468. Chlorophyll Definition
  469. Chloroplasts
  470. Chloroquine
  471. Cholera
  472. Chorionic Villi – Classification, Stages, Significance and FAQs
  473. Chromatin
  474. Chromatophore
  475. Chromosomal Abnormalities
  476. Chromosomal Disorders in Humans
  477. Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
  478. Chromosome
  479. Chronic Diseases and Poor Health
  480. Chyle
  481. Chyme
  482. Ciliate
  483. Ciliated Epithelium
  484. Cilium
  485. Circulatory System
  486. Cirrhosis Disease – Complications, Symptoms and Treatment
  487. Classes of Immunoglobulins
  488. Classification of Animal Kingdom
  489. Classification of Plants
  490. Classification of Tissues
  491. Clavicle
  492. Claw
  493. Cleavage Embryo
  494. Climate
  495. Clitoris
  496. Cloaca
  497. Clone Genetics
  498. Cloning Vector
  499. Clostridium – Classification, Properties and Treatment
  500. Co Dominance and Multiple Alleles
  501. Cocaine
  502. Coccus Bacterial Shape
  503. Cochlea
  504. Cochlear Nerve and Central Auditory Pathways of an Ear
  505. Cockroach Life Cycle
  506. Coconut Water Nutrition
  507. Cocoon
  508. Codominance
  509. Coelenterata
  510. Coelom
  511. Coenzyme
  512. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  513. Collagen
  514. Collect Water from Two Different Water Bodies Around You and Study Them for ph Clarity and Presence of any Living Organism
  515. Collect and Study Soil from at Least Two Different Sites – Practical Experiment
  516. Collenchyma
  517. Colon Cancer Symptoms
  518. Color Blindness
  519. Color Vision
  520. Commensalism
  521. Common Cold
  522. Common Diseases in Humans Ascariasis
  523. Common Diseases in Humans Malaria
  524. Community in Biology
  525. Comorbidity
  526. Comparative Anatomy
  527. Competent Cells
  528. Competitive Exclusion Principle
  529. Competitive Inhibition – Process, Examples and Outcome
  530. Complement System – Explanation, Activation Pathways and FAQs
  531. Components of Food – Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Vitamins and Dietary Fiber
  532. Components of Species Diversity
  533. Composition of Lymph
  534. Concept of Species
  535. Conduction of Nerve Impulse
  536. Connective Tissue
  537. Conservation of Biodiversity
  538. Conservation of Forest and Wildlife
  539. Conservation of Plants and Animals
  540. Contraception
  541. Control and Coordination
  542. Control of Breathing
  543. Controlled Pollination Emasculation Tagging and Bagging
  544. Convergent and Parallel Evolution
  545. Coronary Artery Disease
  546. Coronary Circulation – Types, Significance, Facts and FAQs
  547. Corpus Callosum – Location, Structure, Functions and Facts
  548. Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH)
  549. Cortisol Hormone
  550. Cortisone
  551. Cosmic Disasters That Can End Life on Earth
  552. Cotyledon
  553. Countercurrent Mechanism
  554. Countercurrent Mechanism – Urine Formation
  555. Cranial Nerves
  556. Crawling Animals: An Overview of Animals that Crawl
  557. Cretinism
  558. Criticism of Law of Limiting Factor
  559. Crop Production
  560. Crop Production and Management
  561. Crop Protection
  562. Cropping Patterns
  563. Cross Fertilization
  564. Crown Gall
  565. Cryopreservation
  566. Cryptobiosis
  567. Cryptosporidium Life Cycle
  568. Cumulative Incidence
  569. Cup Fungus
  570. Curare
  571. Cuticle
  572. Cyclic Photophosphorylation
  573. Cyclic and Non Cyclic Photophosphorylation
  574. Cyclostomata
  575. Cymose Inflorescence
  576. Cysteine
  577. Cytokine
  578. Cytokinin
  579. Cytokinins
  580. Cytology
  581. Cytopathic Effect
  582. Cytoplasm Structure Function
  583. Cytoskeleton
  584. DNA Cloning
  585. DNA Fingerprinting
  586. DNA Repair
  587. DNA Replication
  588. DNA Sequencing – Methods, Applications and Automated DNA
  589. DNA Structure and It\’s Details
  590. DNA Transcription – mRNA
  591. Damping Off
  592. Darwinism
  593. Darwin’s Contribution – The Evolution Theory
  594. Deadliest Pandemic Diseases to Ever Occur
  595. Death
  596. Deceleration Injury
  597. Deciduous Forest
  598. Decomposition
  599. Defibrillation
  600. Deficiency Diseases
  601. Deficiency Symptoms in Plants
  602. Degradation – Improper Use of Natural Resources
  603. Dehydration
  604. Deltoid Muscle
  605. Denaturation Process – Causes, Importance and Types
  606. Dendrites – Explanation, Structure, Functions and FAQs
  607. Dengue
  608. Dengue Symptoms
  609. Dengue Symptoms and Prevention
  610. Denitrification
  611. Denitrifying Bacteria
  612. Density Independent Factor
  613. Dental Formula
  614. Dentin
  615. Dentistry
  616. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Genetic Material
  617. Deoxyribose
  618. Depression Symptoms
  619. Dermatitis
  620. Desertification
  621. Desmids
  622. Detritus Food Chain
  623. Deuteromycetes
  624. Development of the Human Reproductive Organs
  625. Diabetes Diet
  626. Diabetes Insipidus
  627. Diabetes Mellitus
  628. Diabetes and It\’s Symptoms
  629. Diagnostic Imaging
  630. Diagram of Eye
  631. Diagram of Mitochondria
  632. Dialysis
  633. Diapause
  634. Diaphragm Anatomy
  635. Diarrhea
  636. Diastole
  637. Diatom
  638. Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous Seed
  639. Dietary Fibre Significance
  640. Difference Between AIDS And HIV
  641. Difference Between Acquired and Inherited Traits
  642. Difference Between Actin and Myosin
  643. Difference Between Active and Passive Transport
  644. Difference Between Acute and Chronic Diseases
  645. Difference Between Adaptation and Mitigation
  646. Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
  647. Difference Between Air Pollution And Water Pollution
  648. Difference Between Air Pollution And greenhouse gases
  649. Difference Between Algae and Bryophytes
  650. Difference Between Amylose and Amylopectin
  651. Difference Between Angiosperms And Gymnosperms
  652. Difference Between Antigen and Antibody
  653. Difference Between Aorta and Pulmonary Artery
  654. Difference Between Ape and Man
  655. Difference Between Apogamy and Apospory
  656. Difference Between Apoptosis and Necrosis – Detailed Study of Comparison
  657. Difference Between Archaea And Bacteria
  658. Difference Between Arteries and Veins
  659. Difference Between Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
  660. Difference Between Auxin and Gibberellin
  661. Difference Between Axon and Dendrite
  662. Difference Between B Cells and T Cells
  663. Difference Between Biology and Biochemistry
  664. Difference Between Biology and Life Sciences
  665. Difference Between Biology and Microbiology
  666. Difference Between Biology and Zoology
  667. Difference Between Biology and biotechnology
  668. Difference Between Blood And Lymph
  669. Difference Between Blood And Plasma
  670. Difference Between Bone and Cartilage
  671. Difference Between Bony Fish and Cartilaginous Fish
  672. Difference Between Brain and Mind
  673. Difference Between Bryophytes and Pteridophytes
  674. Difference Between C3 and C4 Plants
  675. Difference Between Carpel and Pistil
  676. Difference Between Caterpillar and Butterfly
  677. Difference Between Cell Membrane and Plasma Membrane
  678. Difference Between Cell and Tissue
  679. Difference Between Centipede and Millipede
  680. Difference Between Cerebellum And Cerebrum
  681. Difference Between Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b
  682. Difference Between Chordates and non Chordates
  683. Difference Between Chromatin and Chromosomes
  684. Difference Between Chromosome And Chromatid
  685. Difference Between Chromosome and Chromatid
  686. Difference Between Cold Blooded and Warm Blooded
  687. Difference Between Compact and Spongy Bones
  688. Difference Between Corm and Bulb
  689. Difference Between Cross Pollination and Self Pollination
  690. Difference Between Cyclic And Non Cyclic photophosphorylation
  691. Difference Between Cyclic and Noncyclic Photophosphorylation
  692. Difference Between DNA and RNA
  693. Difference Between Darwinism and Lamarckism
  694. Difference Between Diapause and Hibernation
  695. Difference Between Diffusion and Osmosis
  696. Difference Between Disinfection and Sterilization
  697. Difference Between Dominant and Recessive Traits
  698. Difference Between Ecosystem and Biome
  699. Difference Between Ectomycorrhizae and Endomycorrhizae
  700. Difference Between Egestion and Excretion
  701. Difference Between Endocrine and Exocrine Glands
  702. Difference Between Endospore and Exospore
  703. Difference Between Environment and Ecology
  704. Difference Between Environment and Ecosystem
  705. Difference Between Enzymes and Hormones
  706. Difference Between Epidermis and Dermis
  707. Difference Between Erosion and Weathering
  708. Difference Between Esophagus and Trachea
  709. Difference Between Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids
  710. Difference Between Estrogen and Progesterone
  711. Difference Between Euchromatin and Heterochromatin
  712. Difference Between Exon and Cistron
  713. Difference Between Fat Soluble and Water Soluble Vitamins
  714. Difference Between Flora and Fauna
  715. Difference Between Fog and Mist
  716. Difference Between Fragmentation and Regeneration
  717. Difference Between Frog and Toad
  718. Difference Between Fungi and Lichens
  719. Difference Between Gene and DNA
  720. Difference Between Genotype and Phenotype
  721. Difference Between Globular and Fibrous Protein
  722. Difference Between Glottis and Epiglottis
  723. Difference Between Glycolysis and Krebs Cycle
  724. Difference Between Gram positive and Gram negative Bacteria
  725. Difference Between Granulocytes and Agranulocytes
  726. Difference Between Grazing and Detritus Food Chain
  727. Difference Between Haploid And Diploid
  728. Difference Between Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest
  729. Difference Between Heart Rate and Pulse Rate
  730. Difference Between Herbivores and Carnivores
  731. Difference Between Herbs and Shrubs
  732. Difference Between Homozygous and Heterozygous
  733. Difference Between Humoral and Cell Mediated Immunity
  734. Difference Between Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia
  735. Difference Between Identical and Fraternal Twins
  736. Difference Between Incomplete Dominance and Codominance
  737. Difference Between Insect Pollinated and Wind Pollinated Flowers
  738. Difference Between Introns and Exons
  739. Difference Between Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis
  740. Difference Between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
  741. Difference Between Larva and Pupa
  742. Difference Between Left Kidney and Right Kidney
  743. Difference Between Left and Right Kidney
  744. Difference Between Left and Right Ventricle
  745. Difference Between Leopard and Cheetah
  746. Difference Between Leopard and Jaguar
  747. Difference Between Linkage And Crossing Over
  748. Difference Between Lipids and Fats
  749. Difference Between Locomotion and Movement
  750. Difference Between Lysosomes and Ribosomes
  751. Difference Between Lytic and Lysogenic Cycle
  752. Difference Between MHC Class I and MHC Class II Proteins
  753. Difference Between Man and Ape
  754. Difference Between Measels and Rubella
  755. Difference Between Measles and Rubella
  756. Difference Between Micronutrients and Macronutrients
  757. Difference Between Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
  758. Difference Between Mixed Cropping and Intercropping
  759. Difference Between Molds and Yeasts
  760. Difference Between Monocot and Dicot Leaf
  761. Difference Between Monocot and Dicot Root
  762. Difference Between Monocot and Dicot Stem
  763. Difference Between Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon
  764. Difference Between Monocytes and Lymphocytes
  765. Difference Between Monohybrid And Dihybrid
  766. Difference Between Moth and Butterfly
  767. Difference Between Natural Selection And Adaptation
  768. Difference Between Nervous System and Endocrine System
  769. Difference Between Neurons and Neuroglia
  770. Difference Between Neurosis and Psychosis
  771. Difference Between Nucleotide and Nucleoside
  772. Difference Between Nucleus and Nucleoid
  773. Difference Between Open and Closed Circulatory System
  774. Difference Between Organs and Organelles
  775. Difference Between Pandemic and Epidemic
  776. Difference Between Pathogen And Parasite
  777. Difference Between Pharynx and Larynx
  778. Difference Between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
  779. Difference Between Plant And Tree
  780. Difference Between Plant Animal and Bacterial Cells
  781. Difference Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell
  782. Difference Between Plasmid DNA and Chromosomal DNA
  783. Difference Between Pollination and Fertilisation
  784. Difference Between Polyp and Medusa
  785. Difference Between Primary Lymphoid Organs and Secondary Lymphoid Organs
  786. Difference Between Primary and Secondary Succession
  787. Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic DNA
  788. Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic DNA Replication
  789. Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Transcription
  790. Difference Between Protostomes and Deuterostomes
  791. Difference Between Pulmonary Artery and Pulmonary Vein
  792. Difference Between RBC and WBC
  793. Difference Between Rabi and Kharif Crops
  794. Difference Between Radicle and Plumule
  795. Difference Between Red and White Muscle
  796. Difference Between Replication and Transcription
  797. Difference Between Reptiles and Amphibians
  798. Difference Between Respiration and Combustion
  799. Difference Between Rhizome and Tuber
  800. Difference Between Ribose and Deoxyribose
  801. Difference Between Right and Left Lung
  802. Difference Between Rust and Smut
  803. Difference Between Saturated And Unsaturated Fats
  804. Difference Between Sea and Ocean
  805. Difference Between Sensory and Motor Neurons
  806. Difference Between Simple and Complex Tissues
  807. Difference Between Sleep And Hibernation
  808. Difference Between Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
  809. Difference Between Species Population and Community
  810. Difference Between Sperm and Ovum
  811. Difference Between Spinal cord And Backbone
  812. Difference Between Sporophyte and Gametophyte
  813. Difference Between Sweat and Sebum
  814. Difference Between Tendon and Ligament
  815. Difference Between Thorns and Spines
  816. Difference Between Tracheids and Vessels
  817. Difference Between Turtles and Tortoises
  818. Difference Between Unicellular And Multicellular Organisms
  819. Difference Between Upper and Lower Motor Neuron
  820. Difference Between Vaccination and Immunisation
  821. Difference Between Vertebrates and Invertebrates
  822. Difference Between Virus and Bacteria
  823. Difference Between Vitamin D and D3
  824. Difference Between Vitamins and Minerals
  825. Difference Between Viviparous, Oviparous, and Ovoviviparous Animals
  826. Difference Between Weather and Climate
  827. Difference Between Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park
  828. Difference Between Xylem and Phloem
  829. Difference Between hypothesis and Theory
  830. Difference Between in Biology
  831. Difference between 70S and 80S Ribosomes
  832. Difference between Aestivation and Hibernation
  833. Difference between Afforestation and Deforestation
  834. Difference between Algae and Fungi
  835. Difference between Antigen and Pathogen
  836. Difference between Biology and Physiology
  837. Difference between Breathing and Respiration
  838. Difference between Cereals and Pulses
  839. Difference between Cilia and Flagella
  840. Difference between Cytoplasm and Protoplasm
  841. Difference between Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus
  842. Difference between Endoskeleton and Exoskeleton
  843. Difference between Endosmosis and Exosmosis
  844. Difference between Epidemic and Pandemic
  845. Difference between Food Chain and Food Web
  846. Difference between Gene and Allele
  847. Difference between Gene and Chromosome
  848. Difference between Humans and Animals
  849. Difference between Morbidity and Mortality
  850. Difference between Purines and Pyrimidines
  851. Difference between Renewable and Non Renewable Resources
  852. Difference between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
  853. Difference between Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles
  854. Difference between active and passive immunity
  855. Differences Between Arteries and Veins
  856. Differences Between Catabolism and Anabolism
  857. Differences Between Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics
  858. Differences Between Hormone and Enzyme
  859. Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis
  860. Differences Between Plasma and Serum
  861. Differences Between Protostomes and Deuterostomes
  862. Differences Between Purines and Pyrimidines
  863. Differences Between Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
  864. Differences between Evaporation and Transpiration
  865. Different Types Ecological Pyramids
  866. Different Types of Respiration in Plants
  867. Different Uses of Air
  868. Different Ways of Taking Food
  869. Diffusion – Means of Transport
  870. Digestion
  871. Digestion Definition
  872. Digestion and Absorption
  873. Digestion in Ruminants
  874. Digestion of Dietary Fatty Acids
  875. Digestive Disorders
  876. Digestive System of Earthworms
  877. Dihybrid Cross
  878. Dinoflagellate
  879. Diphtheria
  880. Disadvantages of Dams
  881. Discovery of Cells
  882. Diseases – Types of Diseases and Their Symptoms
  883. Diseases of the Nervous System
  884. Diseases- Communicable and Non-Communicable
  885. Disorders of the Excretory System
  886. Distinguish between Weather and Climate
  887. Diuretic
  888. Diversity in Living Organisms
  889. Diversity in the Living World
  890. Do All Bacteria Have Plasmids
  891. Dog Life Cycle
  892. Dollo\’s Law
  893. Domestication
  894. Dominance
  895. Dose-Response Relationship
  896. Double Circulation
  897. Double Fertilization in Angiosperms
  898. Down Syndrome
  899. Dragonfly Life Cycle
  900. Drupe
  901. Ductus Deferens
  902. Duffy Blood Group System
  903. Duodenum
  904. Dwarfism
  905. Ear Anatomy – Explanation, Parts and FAQs
  906. Ear Bone
  907. Early Experiments on Photosynthesis
  908. Ebola
  909. Echinodermata
  910. Ecological Pyramid and Its Types
  911. Ecological Succession
  912. Ecology
  913. Ecology
  914. Ecosystem
  915. Ecosystem Services
  916. Ecotone
  917. Ectotherm
  918. Effect of Human Activities on The Environment
  919. Effector Cell
  920. Effects Of Air Pollution On Plants
  921. Effects of Climate Changes
  922. Effects of Land Pollution
  923. Effects of Mineral Oil Soil Pollution
  924. Effects of Noise Pollution
  925. Effects of Pollution on Human Health
  926. Effects of Wastage of Water
  927. Egestion
  928. Egg
  929. Ejaculation
  930. Ejaculatory Duct
  931. Electrical Shock
  932. Electrocardiogram
  933. Electrocardiogram
  934. Electrocardiograph
  935. Electroencephalography (EEG)
  936. Electron Transport Chain
  937. Elephantiasis Filariasis
  938. Ellipsoid Joints
  939. Embryo Development
  940. Embryo in Humans and Animals
  941. Embryology
  942. Embryonic Development in Human and its Stages
  943. Emphysema
  944. Endangered Species
  945. Endemic Species
  946. Endocrine System Ductless Glands
  947. Endoderm
  948. Endolymph and Perilymph
  949. Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Body
  950. Endoplasmic‌ ‌Reticulum‌ – Definition, Structure and Types
  951. Endoscopy
  952. Endotoxin
  953. Energy Currency of the Cell – Structure, Functions and FAQ
  954. Energy Flow In Ecosystem
  955. Enkephalin
  956. Entamoeba Histolytica Life Cycle
  957. Enterobacter
  958. Enterobius Vermicularis Life Cycle
  959. Enterogastrone
  960. Entomology
  961. Environment
  962. Environmental Issues – Introduction, Solved Questions and FAQs
  963. Enzyme Cooperativity
  964. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
  965. Enzymes
  966. Eosinophils
  967. Ependymal Cell
  968. Ephemeral
  969. Epicanthic Fold
  970. Epidemic
  971. Epidemiology
  972. Epidermal Scales
  973. Epidermis Plants Tissue
  974. Epinephrine
  975. Epiphysis
  976. Epiphytes
  977. Epithelial Tissue
  978. Epithelium
  979. Epitope
  980. Ergot
  981. Erysipelas
  982. Erythrocytes – Anatomy, Effects and Health Conditions
  983. Erythropoiesis – Fetal Life, Different Stages and Sites
  984. Erythropoietin(EPO)
  985. Essential Fructosuria
  986. Essential Mineral Elements
  987. Estrogen – Importance, Types, Uses and Functions
  988. Estrus
  989. Ethnography
  990. Ethology
  991. Ethylene
  992. Eubacterium
  993. Eukaryote
  994. Eukaryotic Nucleus
  995. Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Translations
  996. Eustachian Tube
  997. Evolution
  998. Evolution Vs Progress
  999. Evolution of Bacteria
  1000. Evolution of Life on Earth
  1001. Evolutionary Revolution
  1002. Exchange of Gases
  1003. Excretion
  1004. Excretion and Its Importance
  1005. Excretory Products and Their Elimination
  1006. Exophthalmos – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
  1007. Extensor Muscle
  1008. External Auditory Canal
  1009. External Fertilisation
  1010. External Fertilization
  1011. Extinction
  1012. Extraocular Muscles of Eye
  1013. Eye Diseases
  1014. Eyeball
  1015. Eyeglasses
  1016. Facilitated Diffusion
  1017. Facts About Algae
  1018. Facts About Animal Cell
  1019. Facts About Bacteria
  1020. Facts About Blood Groups
  1021. Facts About Global Warming and Greenhouse Effect
  1022. Facts About Human Body
  1023. Facts About Nervous System
  1024. Facts About Nutrients
  1025. Facts About Octopus
  1026. Facts About Stomach
  1027. Facts About Teeth
  1028. Facts About Tongue
  1029. Facts About the Eye
  1030. Facts about Animals
  1031. Facts about Heart
  1032. Facts about Lungs
  1033. Facultative Anaerobe – Explanation, Bacteria, Examples and Importance
  1034. Fallopian Tube
  1035. Famine – Causes and Effects
  1036. Fats
  1037. Fatty Liver Symptoms
  1038. Feather
  1039. Feces
  1040. Feedback Mechanism in Hormones
  1041. Female Hormones
  1042. Female Reproductive System
  1043. Femur
  1044. Fertilisation in Plants
  1045. Fertility
  1046. Fertilization
  1047. Fever
  1048. Fever Symptoms
  1049. Fibre to Fabric
  1050. Fibrous Joints
  1051. Fibula
  1052. Filariasis Elephantiasis
  1053. Filter Feeding
  1054. Fimbriae and Pili- Classification, Structure and Functions
  1055. Fimbriae in Bacteria – Characteristics, Importance, Functions and FAQs
  1056. First Human Heart Transplant
  1057. Fish Migration
  1058. Fish Production Fish Farming
  1059. Fish Reproduction
  1060. Five Kingdom Classification
  1061. Five Kingdoms Classification
  1062. Five Levels of Ecology
  1063. Flagella
  1064. Flagship Species
  1065. Flea Life Cycle
  1066. Flight Adaptations
  1067. Flora and Fauna
  1068. Floriculture
  1069. Flower
  1070. Flu Symptoms
  1071. Fluid Mosaic Model Theory
  1072. Fly Life Cycle
  1073. Food Adulteration
  1074. Food Deficiency
  1075. Food Microbiology
  1076. Food Poisonin Symptoms
  1077. Food Poisoning – Introduction, Symptoms and Food Preservation
  1078. Food Preservation Methods
  1079. Food Processing
  1080. Food Production
  1081. Food Source
  1082. Food Variety
  1083. Food Web
  1084. Food: Where Does it Come From?
  1085. Foot
  1086. Forebrain
  1087. Forest
  1088. Forests – Our Lifeline
  1089. Fossils – Tracing Evolution
  1090. Fracture and Dislocation of Bone
  1091. Fragmentation
  1092. Frugivore
  1093. Fruit Definition
  1094. Fruits Formation, Parts, and Types of Fruits
  1095. Fucus
  1096. Functional Significance of Respiration
  1097. Functions of vitamin A, B, C, D, E
  1098. Fungi Life Cycle
  1099. Fusarium Wilt
  1100. Gait of Animals
  1101. Gamete
  1102. Gametogenesis
  1103. Gametogenesis – Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
  1104. Gametophyte
  1105. Ganoderma – Ingredients, Uses and Side Effects
  1106. Ganongs Potometer
  1107. Garbage In Garbage Out
  1108. Gardening
  1109. Gases – Exchange and Regulation
  1110. Gastric Gland
  1111. Gastric Mucosa
  1112. Gastric Symptoms
  1113. Gastroenteritis
  1114. Gastrointestinal Tract
  1115. Gastrulation
  1116. Gemmules
  1117. Gene Definition
  1118. Gene Flow
  1119. Gene Pool
  1120. Gene Regulation
  1121. Gene Therapy
  1122. General Functions and Characteristics of Cell
  1123. Genetic Code
  1124. Genetic Code Codons Amino Acids
  1125. Genetic Code Mutation
  1126. Genetic Disorders
  1127. Genetic Diversity
  1128. Genetic Drift
  1129. Genetic Engineering
  1130. Genetically Modified Organisms
  1131. Genetically Modified Organisms
  1132. Genetics and Evolution
  1133. Genome
  1134. Genotype
  1135. Genus
  1136. Germ Layer
  1137. Germ Plasm Theory
  1138. Germ Theory Of Disease
  1139. Germination
  1140. Gestalt Psychology
  1141. Gestation
  1142. Gestational Diabetes
  1143. Getting to Know Plants
  1144. Giant Cell
  1145. Giardia Life Cycle
  1146. Gibberellins In Plants
  1147. Glaucoma
  1148. Global Warming
  1149. Globulin
  1150. Glomerulus – Structure, Filtering Process and FAQs
  1151. Glucocorticoid
  1152. Gluteus Muscle
  1153. Glycogenolysis
  1154. Glycolysis
  1155. Glycolysis
  1156. Glycolysis Glycolytic Pathway
  1157. Glycoprotein – Structure, Function and Glycoprotein Hormones
  1158. Goiter
  1159. Golden Algae
  1160. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
  1161. Gonads
  1162. Gonorrhea
  1163. Gout
  1164. Gram-Negative Bacteria Cell Wall
  1165. Granulocytes – Function, Different Types and FAQs
  1166. Grasshopper Life Cycle
  1167. Grasshopper Lifecycle
  1168. Grasshopper Scientific Name
  1169. Grassland Adaptations
  1170. Grassland Adaptations | Types, Climate and Vegetation – Grassland
  1171. Grassland Dominant Plants
  1172. Graves Disease
  1173. Grazing Food Chain
  1174. Green Algae
  1175. Greenhouse Effect
  1176. Growth
  1177. Growth Factor
  1178. Growth Hormone Deficiency
  1179. Growth Hormones
  1180. Growth Inhibitors
  1181. Growth Ring
  1182. Growth and Development of Organism
  1183. Growth of Bacterial Populations
  1184. Guttation
  1185. Gymnodinium
  1186. Gymnosperms
  1187. Habitat
  1188. Haemoglobin
  1189. Hallucinogens – Examples, Uses, Treatment and FAQs
  1190. Halothane
  1191. Hand Anatomy
  1192. Harmful Microorganisms
  1193. Haustorium
  1194. Health Diseases
  1195. Health and Hygiene
  1196. Heart Attack Symptoms
  1197. Heart Diseases
  1198. Heart Pump of the Circulatory System
  1199. Heart Valves
  1200. Heartbeat
  1201. Heel
  1202. Hematology
  1203. Hemiplegia
  1204. Hemocytoblast
  1205. Hemolysis
  1206. Heparin
  1207. Hepatitis B
  1208. Herbarium
  1209. Herbicides – Uses, Types, Differences and Side Effects
  1210. Herbivores Facts
  1211. Herbivores and Carnivores
  1212. Herbs and Their Benefits
  1213. Herd Immunity
  1214. Heredity
  1215. Heredity and Evolution
  1216. Heritability
  1217. Hermaphroditism
  1218. Herpes
  1219. Herpetology
  1220. Heterotroph
  1221. Heterotrophic Nutrition
  1222. Heterozygous- Explanation, Disease, Symptoms and FAQs
  1223. Hindbrain
  1224. Hinge Joints
  1225. Hip
  1226. Hippocampus
  1227. Histamine
  1228. Histology – The Study of Tissues As Well As Their Structures
  1229. Histone
  1230. History of Medicine
  1231. Hives
  1232. Homeopathy
  1233. Homeostasis
  1234. Homogenization – Process, Uses and FAQs
  1235. Homologous and Analogous Structures
  1236. Honey Bee Life Cycle
  1237. Honey Bee Scientific Name
  1238. Hookworm Life Cycle
  1239. Horizontal Gene Transfer
  1240. Hormonal Control of Menstrual Cycle
  1241. Hormonal Imbalance
  1242. Hormones
  1243. Hormones – Heart, Kidney, GIT
  1244. Hormones And Hormonal Disorders
  1245. Horn
  1246. Horticulture
  1247. Hospital
  1248. Host-Parasite Relationship
  1249. How Can We Conserve Water?
  1250. How Do Humans Use Microbes?
  1251. How Do Insects Walk on Water
  1252. How Do Organisms Reproduce?
  1253. How Do Plants Reproduce – Short Answer
  1254. How Does Reproduction Happen In Humans
  1255. How Does Your Reproductive System Work?
  1256. How Humans Affect the Environment
  1257. How Primates Differ From Non-Primates
  1258. Human Body – Anatomy
  1259. Human Body Anatomy
  1260. Human Body and Its Movements
  1261. Human Brain – Overview, Diagram, Various Parts and Functions
  1262. Human Brain Size
  1263. Human Cardiovascular System
  1264. Human Circulatory System
  1265. Human Development – Explanation, Index, Indicators and FAQs
  1266. Human Digestive System
  1267. Human Ear
  1268. Human Endocrine System
  1269. Human Evolution Progress
  1270. Human Excretory System
  1271. Human Eye and the Colorful World
  1272. Human Genome Project
  1273. Human Hands and Feet
  1274. Human Heart
  1275. Human Heart – Structure, Function and Overview of the Heart
  1276. Human Impact on the Environment
  1277. Human Insulin
  1278. Human Life Cycle
  1279. Human Lung
  1280. Human Muscular System
  1281. Human Nervous System – Structure, Function and Description
  1282. Human Physiology MCQs with Answer Key
  1283. Human Pulse
  1284. Human Reproduction
  1285. Human Reproductive System
  1286. Human Respiratory System
  1287. Humanistic Psychology
  1288. Humerus
  1289. Humoral Immunity – Explanation, Differences, Steps and FAQ
  1290. Humus Soil Component
  1291. Hyaline Connective Tissue: Location, Structure, and Functions
  1292. Hybrid
  1293. Hybridization in Plants
  1294. Hydroponic Systems
  1295. Hyoid Bone
  1296. Hypertension
  1297. Hypertension Symptoms
  1298. Hyperthyroidism Symptoms
  1299. Hyperventilation
  1300. Hypocalcaemia
  1301. Hypogeal Germination
  1302. Hypothalamus
  1303. Hypothesis
  1304. Hypothyroidism
  1305. Hypoxia
  1306. IVF Gift Zift – Solutions for Infertility
  1307. Ichthyology
  1308. Identical Twins – Different Types, Differences and Process
  1309. Identification in Biology
  1310. Identification of Stages of Gamete Development
  1311. IgG Test – Explanation, Antibodies, Importance and FAQs
  1312. Imbibition
  1313. Imipramine
  1314. Immunity
  1315. Immunity System
  1316. Immunoglobulin – Structure, Classification, Types and FAQs
  1317. Immunology
  1318. Immunosuppressant: Introduction, Uses, Theory and Side Effects Discussed
  1319. Implantation
  1320. Implantation in Human
  1321. Importance of Air for Survival
  1322. Importance of Ecosystem
  1323. Importance of Protozoans
  1324. Important Biodiversity and Conservation MCQs with Solutions
  1325. Important Diagrams for CBSE Class 8
  1326. Impotence
  1327. Improvement in Crop Yields
  1328. Improvement in Food Reources
  1329. Inbreeding Depression
  1330. Incidence
  1331. Incisors Teeth – Anatomy, Types, Functions and Interesting Facts
  1332. Inclusion Bodies
  1333. Incomplete Dominance
  1334. Increase in Human Body Size
  1335. Indigestion
  1336. Industrial Melanism
  1337. Infancy
  1338. Infant Mortality Rate
  1339. Infection Cycle of Virus
  1340. Infectious Diseases
  1341. Infertility
  1342. Inflammation
  1343. Inflorescence and Flowers
  1344. Influenza
  1345. Inherited Traits
  1346. Inoculation
  1347. Inorganic Nutrients
  1348. Insect Life Cycle
  1349. Insectivorous Plants
  1350. Insertional Inactivation
  1351. Insomnia
  1352. Insulin and Glucagon
  1353. Integument
  1354. Intercellular Communication
  1355. Interdependence of Plants and Animals
  1356. Interesting Facts About Evolution
  1357. Interesting Facts About Nutrition in Plants
  1358. Interferon
  1359. Internal Fertilization
  1360. Interplay of Respiration Circulation and Metabolism
  1361. Intestinal Gas
  1362. Intestines – Explanation, Anatomy, Functions and FAQ\’s
  1363. Intrinsic Factor
  1364. Introduction to Body Fluids and Circulation
  1365. Introduction to Hydroponics
  1366. Introduction to Population Growth
  1367. Invertebrate Excretory System
  1368. Invertebrates
  1369. Ion Channel
  1370. Iproniazid
  1371. Iris of the Eye
  1372. Irrigation
  1373. Islets of Langerhans
  1374. Isolate DNA From Available Plant Material Such as Green Pea, Spinach Seeds, Papaya
  1375. Jacobson\’s Organ
  1376. Jaundice Symptoms
  1377. Jellyfish Life Cycle
  1378. Jet Lag
  1379. Joint Diseases
  1380. K Selected Species
  1381. KT Extinction
  1382. Kala Azar
  1383. Keloid
  1384. Keratin
  1385. Ketogenesis
  1386. Keystone Species
  1387. Kidney
  1388. Kidney Failure Symptoms
  1389. Kidney Function Test
  1390. Kidney Infection Symptoms
  1391. Kidney Stone
  1392. Kidney Stone Symptoms
  1393. Kingdom Animalia Higher Invertebrates
  1394. Kingdom Animalia Plantae And Viruses
  1395. Kingdom Fungi
  1396. Kingdom Fungi- Fungi Cell Structure, Reproduction in Fungi and Types
  1397. Kingdom Monera
  1398. Kingdom Monera Protista Fungi
  1399. Klinefelter Syndrome
  1400. Knee
  1401. Know About The Mechanism of Enzyme Action
  1402. Know The Difference Between Brain And Spinal Cord
  1403. Know about the Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
  1404. Know about the Pathway of Electrons in Photosynthesis
  1405. Know about the Physicochemical Properties of Amino Acids
  1406. Kola Nut
  1407. Kranz Anatomy
  1408. Krebs Cycle
  1409. Kupffer Cell
  1410. Kwashiorkor
  1411. L – Methionine
  1412. LAC Operon
  1413. Labelled Diagram of Human Ear
  1414. Labia – Function, Structure, Location and Causes
  1415. Labia Minora
  1416. Laceration
  1417. Lactation
  1418. Lactobacillus
  1419. Ladybird Life Cycle
  1420. Lamarckism
  1421. Lamina of a Plant Leaf
  1422. Land Pollution
  1423. Laparotomy
  1424. Large Intestine
  1425. Larynx
  1426. Late Blight
  1427. Latissimus Dorsi Muscle
  1428. Law of Independent Assortment
  1429. Law of Segregation and Law of Dominance
  1430. Lawrence Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development
  1431. Lead Poisoning
  1432. Leg Anatomy
  1433. Leg Muscles – Anatomy, Types and Functions
  1434. Legume
  1435. Legumes – Example, Difference and Health Benefits
  1436. Leishmania Life Cycle
  1437. Leishmaniasis
  1438. Length of Epididymis
  1439. Leprosy
  1440. Leukemia
  1441. Leukocytosis
  1442. Leukopenia
  1443. Leukorrhea
  1444. Leyding Cells – Histology, Differences and Functions
  1445. Lichen
  1446. Lichens
  1447. Life
  1448. Life Cycle
  1449. Life Cycle of a Bird
  1450. Life Expectancy
  1451. Life Process
  1452. Life Span of Animals
  1453. Life process
  1454. Ligament
  1455. Light-dependent Reactions
  1456. Linkage Group
  1457. Linkage and Recombination
  1458. Lipase
  1459. Lipids
  1460. Lipoprotein
  1461. Lips
  1462. Liver
  1463. Liver Fluke Life Cycle
  1464. Living Things
  1465. Living World
  1466. Living and Non-Living Things
  1467. Lizard Life Cycle
  1468. Lobes of the Brain
  1469. Lobotomy
  1470. Locomotion
  1471. Locomotion and Movement
  1472. Locust Life Cycle
  1473. Loin
  1474. Long Bones of Arms and Legs
  1475. Loop of Henle
  1476. Low Bp Symptoms
  1477. Lumbago – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and FAQs
  1478. Lung Congestion
  1479. Lung Diseases
  1480. Lung Volumes
  1481. Luteinizing Hormone
  1482. Lycanthropy
  1483. Lymph Tissue Fluid
  1484. Lymphatic System
  1485. Lymphoblast
  1486. Lymphocyte
  1487. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
  1488. Lysosomal Storage Disease
  1489. Lysosomes
  1490. Lysozyme
  1491. MCQ on BioInformatics
  1492. MCQ on Iysosomes
  1493. MCQ on Solid Waste Management
  1494. MCQs on Amino Acids
  1495. MCQs on Anatomy
  1496. MCQs on Animal Cell
  1497. MCQs on Antibiotics
  1498. MCQs on Carbohydrates and Metabolism
  1499. MCQs on ECG
  1500. MCQs on Ecology
  1501. MCQs on Enhancement of Food Production
  1502. MCQs on Enzymes
  1503. MCQs on Greenhouse Effect
  1504. MCQs on Histology
  1505. MCQs on Internal Structure of Root System and Leaf
  1506. MCQs on Krebs Cycle
  1507. MCQs on Meiosis
  1508. MCQs on Parthenocarpy
  1509. MCQs on Plant Hormones
  1510. MCQs on Pteridophyta
  1511. MCQs on Slime Moulds
  1512. MCQs on Solid Waste Management
  1513. MCQs on Vitamins
  1514. MNS Blood Group System
  1515. MOET Technology
  1516. Macrocystis
  1517. Macromolecule
  1518. Maggot Insect Larva
  1519. Major Histocompatibility Complex
  1520. Male Reproductive System – Types, Diagram, Structure and Functions
  1521. Male Sex Hormone
  1522. Malnutrition
  1523. Malpighian Tubules
  1524. Mammalia
  1525. Mange
  1526. Mantle
  1527. Manure
  1528. Marasmus
  1529. Marigold Botanical Name
  1530. Marine Biology
  1531. Marsupium
  1532. Maslow\’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
  1533. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  1534. Mass Extinction
  1535. Mass Flow Hypothesis
  1536. Masseter Muscle
  1537. Mast Cell
  1538. Mastoid Process – Anatomy, Advanced Features, Parts and Diagnosis
  1539. Mayfly Life Cycle
  1540. Measles
  1541. Mechanism of Breathing
  1542. Mechanism of Hormone Action
  1543. Mediastinum
  1544. Medical Termination of Pregnancy
  1545. Medicine
  1546. Medulla Oblongata
  1547. Megafauna
  1548. Meiosis 1 Stages and Process
  1549. Meiosis 1 is Reduction Division
  1550. Meiosis Cell Division
  1551. Meiosis Definition
  1552. Meiosis Phases
  1553. Melanin
  1554. Melanocyte
  1555. Melanocyte – Stimulating Hormone
  1556. Melatonin Hormone
  1557. Membrane
  1558. Membrane Lipids
  1559. Mendel\’s Law Inheritance Experiments
  1560. Mendelian Disorders
  1561. Mendelian Disorders
  1562. Mendelian Genetics
  1563. Mendels Law of Inheritance
  1564. Meninges
  1565. Meningitis
  1566. Menstrual Cycle
  1567. Menstrual Cycle Reproductive Phase
  1568. Merbromin
  1569. Meristematic Tissue
  1570. Meristems Activity
  1571. Mesomorph
  1572. Mesonephros
  1573. Metabolic Disease
  1574. Metabolic Wastes and Non-Metabolic Wastes
  1575. Metabolism
  1576. Metabolism Metabolic Pathways
  1577. Metabolites
  1578. Metabolites and Biomacromolecules
  1579. Metamorphism – Life Cycle Of Frogs And Insects
  1580. Methicillin
  1581. Microbes and Diseases
  1582. Microbes as Biofertilizers
  1583. Microbes in Human Welfare
  1584. Microbes in Industrial products
  1585. Microbiology
  1586. Microbodies
  1587. Microcytic Anemia
  1588. Microfilaments
  1589. Microorganisms – Groups, Characteristics, Importance and Uses
  1590. Micropropagation
  1591. Microsporangia
  1592. Microtubules
  1593. Micturition Process
  1594. Middle Ear – Explanation, Structure, Anatomy and Functions
  1595. Migration in Mammals
  1596. Migratory Birds
  1597. Mimicry
  1598. Mineral Nutrition
  1599. Mineral Nutrition MCQs
  1600. Mineral Nutrition MCQs with Answers
  1601. Mineral Riches in the Soil
  1602. Mineral Toxicity
  1603. Minerals
  1604. Minerals Nutrition
  1605. Minerals in Food
  1606. Mitochondria
  1607. Mitosis
  1608. Mitosis Metaphase
  1609. Mitosis and Meiosis
  1610. Model Organism
  1611. Modern Hospital
  1612. Modern Methods of Irrigation
  1613. Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution
  1614. Modes of Nutrition
  1615. Modes of Plant Reproduction
  1616. Modes of Reproduction
  1617. Modes of Transmission of Diseases
  1618. Modification of Stem
  1619. Modifications of Root
  1620. Mold Fungus
  1621. Molds and Yeasts
  1622. Molecular Basis of Inheritance – Importance of DNA, RNA and Genetic Code
  1623. Molecular Basis of Mutation
  1624. Mollusca
  1625. Molt
  1626. Monera
  1627. Monera Questions with Answers
  1628. Monkey – Scientific Name, Behaviour and Appearance
  1629. Monocot and Dicot Plant Anatomy
  1630. Monocytes- Meaning, Structure, Role, and Significance
  1631. Monohybrid Cross
  1632. Mons Pubis
  1633. Morbidity and Mortality
  1634. Morphogenesis – Cellular, Molecular and Genetic Basis
  1635. Morphology and Anatomy of Cockroach
  1636. Morphology and Anatomy of Earthworm
  1637. Morphology of Flowering Plants MCQs
  1638. Morphology of Leaves
  1639. Morphology of flowering plants
  1640. Morula
  1641. Mosaic Disease
  1642. Mosquito Scientific Name
  1643. Mountains and Mountain Animals
  1644. Mouth Anatomy
  1645. Movement Due to Growth
  1646. Movement of Air
  1647. Mucopolysaccharidosis – Symptoms, Types, Uses and FAQs
  1648. Mucous Membrane
  1649. Mullerian Mimicry
  1650. Multicellular Organism
  1651. Multinodular Goiter
  1652. Mumps
  1653. Muscle – Types, Function, Examples, Diagram and Facts
  1654. Muscle Proteins
  1655. Muscle Tone – Types, Symptoms, Abnormalities and FAQs
  1656. Muscles
  1657. Muscles of the Body – Explanation, Types and Functions
  1658. Muscular System
  1659. Muscular and Skeletal Disorders
  1660. Mutagens
  1661. Mutation a Genetic Change
  1662. Mutualism
  1663. Myasthenia Gravis
  1664. Mycelium
  1665. Mycology
  1666. Mycorrhiza
  1667. Myelin
  1668. Myocardium – Description, Types, Functions and FAQs
  1669. Myofibril
  1670. Myoglobin – Role, Functions and Interesting Facts
  1671. Narcissism
  1672. Narcotic
  1673. Nasal Cavity – Anatomy, Divisions, Lateral Wall and Nasal Septum
  1674. Natural Resource Management
  1675. Natural Selection
  1676. Navel
  1677. Necrosis
  1678. Nectar
  1679. Nematocyst
  1680. Nematoda
  1681. Nephritis
  1682. Nephron Function Renal Tubules
  1683. Nerve Cell
  1684. Nerve Ending Receptors
  1685. Nerve Gas – Explanation, Classes, Methods and Effects
  1686. Nerves
  1687. Nervous System
  1688. Nervous Tissue
  1689. Neural Control and Coordination
  1690. Neuroglia
  1691. Neurohormone
  1692. Neurology
  1693. Neuromuscular Junction – Explanation, Physiology, Structure and FAQs
  1694. Neuron
  1695. Neuron and Nerves
  1696. Neurons and Nerve Impulse
  1697. Neurons and Nerves
  1698. Neuroplasticity
  1699. Neuropsychiatry
  1700. Neurosis
  1701. Neurotransmitters
  1702. Neutrophil – Features, Range and Symptoms
  1703. Nipah Virus Symptoms
  1704. Nitrifying Bacterium
  1705. Nitrogen Cycle
  1706. Nitrogen Fixation Nitrogen Metabolism
  1707. Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
  1708. Node of Ranvier
  1709. Non-Mendelian Inheritance
  1710. Norepinephrine
  1711. Normocytic Normochromic Anemias
  1712. Nose
  1713. Notochord
  1714. Nuclear Membrane
  1715. Nuclear Waste
  1716. Nuclear Winter
  1717. Nuclease
  1718. Nucleolus
  1719. Nucleoplasm
  1720. Nucleoproteins
  1721. Nucleotide
  1722. Nucleus
  1723. Nursing
  1724. Nutrition
  1725. Nutrition in Amoeba
  1726. Nutrition in Animals
  1727. Nutrition in Fungi
  1728. Nutrition in Human Beings
  1729. Nutrition in Plants
  1730. Obesity
  1731. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  1732. Occipital
  1733. Occupational Disease
  1734. Occupational Therapy
  1735. Octopus Life Cycle
  1736. Oesophagus
  1737. Ointment
  1738. Omentum- What is Omentum, Functions and Overview of its Structure
  1739. Omnivores
  1740. Oogenesis
  1741. Ophthalmology
  1742. Opium
  1743. Optic Nerve
  1744. Organ
  1745. Organ Specific and Tissue Specific Manifestations
  1746. Organelle
  1747. Organisms Reproduction
  1748. Organisms and Population Attributes
  1749. Origin and Evolution of Man
  1750. Origin of Life on Earth
  1751. Ornithology
  1752. Osmoregulation
  1753. Osmosis
  1754. Osteoarthritis
  1755. Osteoblast
  1756. Osteoclast
  1757. Osteocyte
  1758. Osteon
  1759. Our Environment
  1760. Ovaries – Anatomy, Structure, Functions and FAQs
  1761. Ovary Plant
  1762. Ovary of Animal and Human
  1763. Overpopulation
  1764. Overview of Food Chain
  1765. Overview of Natural Resource Management
  1766. Ovule
  1767. Ovum
  1768. Oxidative Phosphorylation
  1769. Oxidoreductase
  1770. Oxygen Cycle Environment
  1771. Oxytocin
  1772. Ozone Layer and It\’s Depletion
  1773. P Blood Group System
  1774. P Null Blood Group – Explanation, Characteristics and Discovery
  1775. Paedomorphosis
  1776. Palaeontology
  1777. Panama Disease
  1778. Pancreatitis
  1779. Pandemic
  1780. Papovavirus
  1781. Paralysis Symptoms
  1782. Paramyxovirus
  1783. Parasitic Symbiosis
  1784. Parasitism
  1785. Parasitoid
  1786. Parasympathetic Nervous System
  1787. Parathyroid Hormone
  1788. Parenchyma Plant Tissue
  1789. Parenteral Route – Basics, Advantages, Types and FAQs
  1790. Parietal Cell
  1791. Parthenocarpy
  1792. Parthenogenesis
  1793. Parts of Plants
  1794. Parts of a Compound Microscope
  1795. Parturition
  1796. Passive Transport
  1797. Pathogen
  1798. Pectoralis Muscle
  1799. Pedigree Analysis- Genetic History of Family
  1800. Pedodontics
  1801. Pellagra
  1802. Pelvis
  1803. Penicillin
  1804. Penis
  1805. Pepsin
  1806. Peptic Ulcer
  1807. Peptide Bonds Biomolecules
  1808. Peptide Bonds and Other Bonds
  1809. Percussion
  1810. Perennial
  1811. Periodontal Membrane
  1812. Periosteum
  1813. Peripheral Nervous System
  1814. Peristalsis
  1815. Peritoneal Cavity- Introduction, Anatomy and its Functions
  1816. Peritoneal Dialysis
  1817. Peritoneum
  1818. Permanent Tissue
  1819. Permian Extinction
  1820. Peroxisomes
  1821. Phagocytosis
  1822. Pharmacology
  1823. Pharmacy
  1824. Pharynx
  1825. Phases of Gastric Secretion
  1826. Phases of Growth in Plants
  1827. Phenothiazine
  1828. Phenotype
  1829. Phloem
  1830. Phospholipid
  1831. Phosphorus Cycle
  1832. Phosphorus Deficiency
  1833. Photolysis
  1834. Photomorphogenesis
  1835. Photoperiodism and Vernalisation
  1836. Photoperiodism, Vernalisation And Seed Dormancy in Plants
  1837. Photorespiration in C3 and C4 Plants
  1838. Photosynthesis
  1839. Photosynthesis
  1840. Photosynthesis Process
  1841. Photosynthesis and Chemiosmotic Hypothesis
  1842. Phototropism
  1843. Phycology
  1844. Phylogeny
  1845. Phylum Arthropoda
  1846. Phylum Porifera
  1847. Physical Injury
  1848. Physiology
  1849. Physiology of Hearing
  1850. Phytoplankton
  1851. Phytotherapy
  1852. Picornavirus
  1853. Pigments
  1854. Piles Symptoms
  1855. Pilobolus
  1856. Pineal Gland
  1857. Piperazine
  1858. Pistil
  1859. Pituitary Gland
  1860. Pivot Joints
  1861. Plague
  1862. Plague Disease- Introduction, Types, Symptoms, and Treatment
  1863. Plant Breeding
  1864. Plant Cell
  1865. Plant Differentiation and Development Process
  1866. Plant Disease General Characteristics
  1867. Plant Fibres
  1868. Plant Growth Regulators
  1869. Plant Growth and Development
  1870. Plant Growth and Development Class 11 Notes
  1871. Plant Kindom
  1872. Plant Kingdom Plantae
  1873. Plant Life Cycle
  1874. Plant Physiology – Meaning, Plant Parts, Functions and Respiration in Plants
  1875. Plant Reproductive System
  1876. Plant Respiration
  1877. Plant Roots
  1878. Plant Stem – Structure, Functions, Types and Utility
  1879. Plant Tissue Culture
  1880. Plant Tissue vs Animal Tissue
  1881. Plant Tissues
  1882. Plant Water Relations
  1883. Plants
  1884. Planula
  1885. Plasma
  1886. Plasmodesmata
  1887. Plasmodium
  1888. Plasmodium Life Cycle
  1889. Plasmolysis
  1890. Plasmolysis
  1891. Plastids
  1892. Platyhelminthes
  1893. Pleiotropy
  1894. Pleura
  1895. Pleurisy
  1896. Plywood and Laminated Wood
  1897. Pneumatophore Root System
  1898. Point Mutation
  1899. Polio Vaccine
  1900. Pollen
  1901. Pollen Pistil Interaction
  1902. Pollination By Birds
  1903. Pollution and Calamities – Types, Causes and Effects
  1904. Pollution of Air and Water – Introduction, Effects and Food Chain Disruption
  1905. Polyembryony
  1906. Polymerase Chain Reaction
  1907. Polyploidy
  1908. Polysaccharides
  1909. Pons
  1910. Population
  1911. Population Interaction
  1912. Portal Vein
  1913. Post Fertilization Events in Plants
  1914. Postsynaptic Potential
  1915. Potoplasm
  1916. Poultry Farming
  1917. Predators
  1918. Premolar Teeth – Structure, Differences and Facts
  1919. Principle of Treatment
  1920. Principles of Genetics
  1921. Principles of Inheritance and Variation
  1922. Prions
  1923. Probiotics
  1924. Productivity in the Ecosystem
  1925. Prokaryotic Cell
  1926. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
  1927. Pronephros
  1928. Prontosil
  1929. Proprioception
  1930. Prostaglandin
  1931. Prostaglandins – Uses, Functions, Concentration, and FAQs
  1932. Prosthesis
  1933. Protein Denaturation
  1934. Protein Energy Malnutrition – Explanation, Symptoms and Treatment
  1935. Protein Hormones
  1936. Protein Structure and Function
  1937. Proteins
  1938. Proteins of the Blood Serum
  1939. Proteolytic Enzyme
  1940. Prothallus
  1941. Protista
  1942. Protochordata
  1943. Protozoal Disease
  1944. Protozoology
  1945. Psoriasis
  1946. Psoriasis Symptoms
  1947. Psychedelic Drug
  1948. Psychological Test – Types, Importance and Characteristics
  1949. Psychology
  1950. Pteridophytes
  1951. Ptyalin
  1952. Puerperium
  1953. Pulmonary Alveolus
  1954. Pulmonary Artery – Anatomy, Function and Medical Conditions
  1955. Pure Culture
  1956. Putrefaction
  1957. Pyrimidine – Structure, Uses, Functions and Synthesis
  1958. Quadriceps Muscles – Anatomy, Origin and Exercises
  1959. Quarantine
  1960. Quinine
  1961. Quorum Sensing
  1962. R-Selected Species
  1963. R-factor
  1964. RCH Programme
  1965. RNA Interference
  1966. RNA World Hypothesis
  1967. Rabies
  1968. Racemose Inflorescence
  1969. Radioactive Wastes and Pollution
  1970. Radula
  1971. Rain
  1972. Rate of Transpiration
  1973. Rattlesnake Scientific Name
  1974. Reaching The Age of Adolscence
  1975. Receptors
  1976. Recessiveness
  1977. Recombinant DNA Technology
  1978. Recombinant DNA Technology
  1979. Recombinant DNA Technology Process
  1980. Rectum
  1981. Recycling of Paper
  1982. Red Algae
  1983. Red Blood Cells – Shape, Hemoglobin, Functions, Structure and FAQs
  1984. Red Data Book
  1985. Red Fox Scientific Name
  1986. Red Tide
  1987. Reflex Action
  1988. Reforestation Planting Trees
  1989. Regeneration
  1990. Regeneration Process
  1991. Regions of Root
  1992. Relaxin
  1993. Rem
  1994. Renal Blood Circulation
  1995. Renal Failure
  1996. Renal Pyramids
  1997. Renal Vessels and Nerves
  1998. Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources : Types, Differences, Examples and FAQs
  1999. Renin
  2000. Reproduction
  2001. Reproduction In Organism
  2002. Reproduction and Animals
  2003. Reproduction and Life Histories of Algae
  2004. Reproduction in Animal
  2005. Reproduction in Bacteria
  2006. Reproductive Health
  2007. Reproductive Processes of Fungi
  2008. Reproductive System Diseases
  2009. Reproductive System of Earthworm
  2010. Reproductive System of Earthworm
  2011. Reptilia
  2012. Reserpine
  2013. Resources on Earth
  2014. Respiration
  2015. Respiration in Cockroach and Earthworm
  2016. Respiration in Fish
  2017. Respiration in Plants
  2018. Respiratory Quotient
  2019. Respiratory System Disorders
  2020. Respiratory and Lung Volumes
  2021. Restriction Enzymes
  2022. Retina
  2023. Retrovirus
  2024. Rh Blood Group System
  2025. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  2026. Rhizobium
  2027. Rhizome
  2028. Rhizomorph
  2029. Rhizopus
  2030. Rib Bone
  2031. Rib Cage
  2032. Riboflavin
  2033. Ribosomal RNA
  2034. Ribosomes
  2035. Rice Bacterial Blight
  2036. Ricin
  2037. Rickets
  2038. Rickettsia
  2039. Rigor Mortis
  2040. Rinderpest
  2041. Ringer\’s Solution
  2042. Ringworm
  2043. Role Of Other Organs In Excretion
  2044. Role of Bacteria in Industry
  2045. Role of Digestive Enzymes
  2046. Role of Macronutrients and Micronutrients
  2047. Role of Meat, Fish and Eggs in Human Nutrition
  2048. Root Pressure
  2049. Root Words for Aqua
  2050. Root Words for Macro
  2051. Rorschach Test – Origin, Contents and Interpretations
  2052. Rot
  2053. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
  2054. Ruminant Digestive System
  2055. SARS
  2056. SDS Page
  2057. Saccharomyces
  2058. Sacrum
  2059. Saddle Joints
  2060. Saliva
  2061. Salivary Gland – Functionality, Role and Production
  2062. Salmonella
  2063. Sand Dune
  2064. Sap Plant Physiology
  2065. Saprophytes
  2066. Sarcodina
  2067. Sargassum
  2068. Sartorius Muscle
  2069. Saturated Fatty Acids – Types, Examples and Oxidation
  2070. Scapula
  2071. Scar
  2072. Scavengers
  2073. Schema Cognitive
  2074. Schistosomiasis Life Cycle
  2075. Schwann Cell
  2076. Scientific Name Of Vitamins
  2077. Scientific Name for Brown tree Snake
  2078. Scientific Name of Cobra
  2079. Scientific Name of Curry Leaves
  2080. Scientific Name of Deer
  2081. Scientific Name of Dolphin
  2082. Scientific Name of Eagle
  2083. Scientific Name of Giraffe
  2084. Scientific Name of Hen
  2085. Scientific Name of Housefly
  2086. Scientific Name of Lizards
  2087. Scientific Name of Neem
  2088. Scientific Name of Pigeons
  2089. Scientific Name of Polar Bear
  2090. Scientific Name of Rat
  2091. Scientific Name of Rat Snake
  2092. Scientific Name of Sheep
  2093. Scientific Name of Snake
  2094. Scientific Name of Snakehead
  2095. Scientific Name of Sparrow
  2096. Scientific Name of Spider
  2097. Scientific Name of Starfish
  2098. Scientific Name of Sun Bear
  2099. Scientific Names of Animals and Plants
  2100. Scientific Names of Plants and Animals
  2101. Sclera – Functions, Different Problems and FAQs
  2102. Sclerenchyma
  2103. Scrotum
  2104. Scrub Typhus
  2105. Scurvy
  2106. Sea Turtle Life Cycle
  2107. Seaweed
  2108. Sebaceous Gland
  2109. Secondary Growth – Vascular Cork Cambium
  2110. Secondary Structure of Protein – Classification and Differences
  2111. Secretin
  2112. Secretion
  2113. Secretory Vesicles
  2114. Sedative Hypnotic Drug
  2115. Seed Dispersal by Animals and Water
  2116. Seed Dispersal by Water
  2117. Seed Formation
  2118. Self Fertilization
  2119. Sella Turcica – Explanation, Anatomy, Syndrome and FAQs
  2120. Semantics
  2121. Semen
  2122. Semilunar Valve
  2123. Seminal Vesicle
  2124. Senescence
  2125. Sense Organs
  2126. Sensory Perception
  2127. Septicemia
  2128. Serological Test
  2129. Serum
  2130. Sewage Treatment
  2131. Sex
  2132. Sex Chromosomes
  2133. Sex Determination – Boy or Girl
  2134. Sex Hormone
  2135. Sex Hormones and Reproductive Functions
  2136. Sex Linkage
  2137. Sex Linked Characters
  2138. Sex-limited Character
  2139. Sexual Dimorphism
  2140. Sexual Intercourse
  2141. Sexual Reproduction and Reproductive Systems
  2142. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
  2143. Sexual Reproduction in Plants
  2144. Sexual Selection
  2145. Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
  2146. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  2147. Shoulder
  2148. Shrubs
  2149. Siddha Medicine
  2150. Sieve Tube
  2151. Sigmoid Colon – Explanation, Layers, Function and Problems
  2152. Significance of DNA
  2153. Significance of Genetics in the Process of Evolution
  2154. Single Cell Protein
  2155. Sinusitis Symptoms
  2156. Sizes of Organisms
  2157. Skeletal Muscle
  2158. Skeleton
  2159. Skin Cancer
  2160. Skull
  2161. Sleeping Sickness
  2162. Sliding Filament Theory
  2163. Small Intestine
  2164. Smallpox
  2165. Smooth Muscle
  2166. Snail Skeletal System
  2167. Snake Life Cycle
  2168. Sodium Potassium Pump
  2169. Soil Erosion
  2170. Soil Profile
  2171. Solanaceae, Fabaceae and Liliaceae: Family Plants
  2172. Somatostatin
  2173. Sorus
  2174. Sound Production
  2175. Sowing
  2176. Speciation
  2177. Speciation Evolution Factors
  2178. Species Diversity
  2179. Species Taxonomy
  2180. Specificity of Enzymes
  2181. Sperm
  2182. Spermatogenesis
  2183. Sphenoid Bone
  2184. Sphincters – Location, Types, Examples and FAQs
  2185. Spinal Cord
  2186. Spinal Nerve
  2187. Spinning of Cotton Yarn
  2188. Spiracle
  2189. Spirochete
  2190. Spirogyra
  2191. Spondylosis
  2192. Spontaneous Generation
  2193. Spore
  2194. Stages of Gamete Development
  2195. Stages of Meiosis
  2196. Stakeholders
  2197. Stapes – Location, Structure, Components, Functions and FAQs
  2198. Staphylococcus Infection – Causes, Risk and Symptoms
  2199. Stereoscopic Vision – The Mechanism of 3D Vision
  2200. Stereoscopic Vision in Humans and Animals
  2201. Sterilization
  2202. Sternum – Anatomy, Functions, Structure and FAQs
  2203. Steroid
  2204. Steroid Hormone
  2205. Stomach
  2206. Stomata
  2207. Stonewort
  2208. Storage of Grains
  2209. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
  2210. Streptococcus – Classification, Habitats, Skin Infection and Diseases
  2211. Streptomycin
  2212. Stress Hormones
  2213. Structural Organization in Animals
  2214. Structuralism – Functionalism, Strength and Criticisms
  2215. Structure Of Eye
  2216. Structure and Function of Photoreceptors
  2217. Structure and Functions of RNA
  2218. Structure and Functions of Skin
  2219. Structure and Organization of Muscle
  2220. Structure of Nucleus
  2221. Structure of Tongue
  2222. Study of Plasmolysis in Epidermal Peels
  2223. Study of Pollen Germination on a Slide
  2224. Study of Tissues and Diversity in Shapes and Sizes of Plant and Animal Cells
  2225. Subclavian Artery – Parts, Branches, Functions and FAQs
  2226. Sucrase
  2227. Sulfa – Drug
  2228. Survival of the Fittest
  2229. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
  2230. Sweat Glands – Structure, Types, Functions and Examples
  2231. Swim Bladder
  2232. Symbiosis
  2233. Sympathetic Nervous System
  2234. Symplast
  2235. Symptoms and Signs of Diseases in Plants
  2236. Symptoms and Types of Throat Cancer
  2237. Symptoms of Liver Problems
  2238. Symptoms of Menopause
  2239. Symptoms of Typhoid
  2240. Symptoms of Various Diseases
  2241. Synapse
  2242. Synesthesia – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Test
  2243. Synovial Fluid
  2244. Synovial Joints
  2245. Systems Biology
  2246. Systole Heart Function
  2247. Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure
  2248. T- Cells
  2249. TCA Cycle
  2250. Tadpole
  2251. Taeniasis
  2252. Tapeworm Lifecycle
  2253. Taproot
  2254. Taste Buds
  2255. Taxon
  2256. Taxonomic Hierarchy
  2257. Taxonomical Aids
  2258. Taxonomy
  2259. Taxonomy of Biological Classification
  2260. Tendon
  2261. Tendril
  2262. Termite Life Cycle
  2263. Terrestrial Habitats
  2264. Territorial Behaviour
  2265. Test For Presence of Sugar in Urine
  2266. Test for Starch
  2267. Testis
  2268. Testosterone
  2269. Tetanus
  2270. Tetany
  2271. Thalamus
  2272. Thalassemia
  2273. Thallophyte
  2274. Thallus
  2275. The Difference Between an Animal That is a Regulator and One That is a Conformer
  2276. The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats
  2277. The Scientific Name of Human Beings
  2278. The Uterus and the Development of the Placenta
  2279. The Vertebrate System
  2280. Theory of Evolution – Explanation, Types and FAQs
  2281. Therapeutics
  2282. Thoracic Cavity
  2283. Thoracic Duct
  2284. Thorax
  2285. Throat Cancer Symptoms
  2286. Thrombocytopenia
  2287. Thumb
  2288. Thylakoids – Structure, Functions, Role and Microbial Plants
  2289. Thymus
  2290. Thyroid Cancer
  2291. Thyroid Diet
  2292. Thyroid Gland
  2293. Thyroid Problems
  2294. Thyroid Symptoms
  2295. Tibia – Bone
  2296. Tick Life Cycle
  2297. Tiger Snake Scientific Name
  2298. Tissue Culture
  2299. Tissues
  2300. Tonsil
  2301. Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology
  2302. Tooth Anatomy
  2303. Tooth Enamel
  2304. Trachea
  2305. Trachea and the Stem Bronchi
  2306. Tracheids
  2307. Traditional Chinese Medicine
  2308. Traditional Methods of Irrigation
  2309. Transcription Factor
  2310. Transcription Genetics
  2311. Transduction Microbiology
  2312. Transfection
  2313. Transferase Enzyme
  2314. Transgenic Animals
  2315. Translation Protein Synthesis
  2316. Translation in Biology – Meaning, Stages, and FAQs
  2317. Transpiration
  2318. Transpiration Pull
  2319. Transport of Mineral Nutrients
  2320. Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide through Respiration
  2321. Transportation in Animals and Plants
  2322. Transposons
  2323. Trichocyst
  2324. Tropic Movements in Plants
  2325. Tropical Diseases
  2326. Tropism
  2327. Truffle
  2328. Tuberculosis
  2329. Tumor
  2330. Tundra Ecosystem
  2331. Turgor
  2332. Tympanic Membrane
  2333. Tympanic Membrane
  2334. Type IV Hypersensitivity
  2335. Type of Protein and Its Functions
  2336. Types of Animal Tissue
  2337. Types of Bt Crops
  2338. Types of Cancer
  2339. Types of Crops in India
  2340. Types of Environment
  2341. Types of Joints
  2342. Types of Microorganisms
  2343. Types of Organisms
  2344. Types of Photosystems
  2345. Types of Pneumonia
  2346. Types of Pollination
  2347. Types of Pollution
  2348. Types of Reflexes
  2349. Types of Relationships Between Organisms
  2350. Types of Selections in Scientific Evolution Theory
  2351. Types of Soil
  2352. Types of Vitamins – Sources and Their Functions
  2353. Types of Waste
  2354. Types of White Blood cells
  2355. Types of fermentation
  2356. Typhus
  2357. Ulcer
  2358. Umbilical Cord
  2359. Unani Medicine
  2360. Unicellular Organisms
  2361. Unisexuality
  2362. Uremia
  2363. Ureter
  2364. Urethra
  2365. Uric Acid Symptoms
  2366. Urinary Bladder
  2367. Urine
  2368. Urine Infection Symptoms
  2369. Useful Microorganisms
  2370. Uterus
  2371. Uvea of the Human Eye
  2372. Vaccination
  2373. Vaccination and Immunisation
  2374. Vaccine
  2375. Vacuoles
  2376. Vagina
  2377. Vagus Nerve
  2378. Variations
  2379. Variety in Fabrics
  2380. Variolation
  2381. Vascular Supply and Circulation in Bone
  2382. Vaucheria – Life Cycle, Features, Classification and FAQs
  2383. Vector-Borne Diseases
  2384. Vegetative Propagation
  2385. Vein
  2386. Veliger
  2387. Ventricle
  2388. Vermiculture
  2389. Vertebral Column
  2390. Vertebrates
  2391. Vertebrates and Invertebrates
  2392. Vertigo
  2393. Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) – Uses, Features and FAQs
  2394. Vestibular System
  2395. Vestigial Organs
  2396. Veterinary Medicine
  2397. Vibrio
  2398. Villus
  2399. Viral Fever Symptoms
  2400. Virion
  2401. Viroids
  2402. Virology
  2403. Virus
  2404. Virus Definition
  2405. Virus Viral Diseases
  2406. Visceral Fat
  2407. Vitamin A
  2408. Vitamin A Deficiency
  2409. Vitamin B
  2410. Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms
  2411. Vitamin C
  2412. Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
  2413. Vitamin E
  2414. Vitamins and Minerals
  2415. Vitiligo
  2416. Viviparous Oviparous Embryo Development
  2417. Vocal Cords – Voice Generator, Signs for Damage and Position
  2418. Vomiting
  2419. Vorticella
  2420. Vulva
  2421. Wall of the Heart
  2422. Waste Disposal
  2423. Water
  2424. Water – A Wonder Liquid
  2425. Water Absorption of Soil
  2426. Water Cycle Diagram
  2427. Water For All
  2428. Water Mold
  2429. Water Net
  2430. Water Pollution and its Control
  2431. Water Soluble Vitamins
  2432. Water Table
  2433. Weed Crop Protection
  2434. Weight Of Heart- Male And Female Health Conditions And Symptoms
  2435. Well Labelled Diagram of Animal Cell
  2436. Wernicke Area
  2437. What Is Adaptation
  2438. What Pollution in India
  2439. What are Blood Vessels?
  2440. What are the Functions of The Human Skeletal System
  2441. What is Biology
  2442. What is Cell Envelope?
  2443. What is Ex-Situ and In-Situ Biodiversity Conversation?
  2444. What is Haemophilia?
  2445. What is Mouth Cancer?
  2446. What is Muscular Dystrophy?
  2447. What is Photosynthesis?
  2448. What is Plasma in Blood?
  2449. What is Polio?
  2450. What is Pollination?
  2451. What is Soil?
  2452. What is Syphilis
  2453. What is Syphilis?
  2454. What is Tissue?
  2455. What is Triple Fusion
  2456. What is Vermicomposting?
  2457. What is a Natural Ecosystem?
  2458. What is the Cell Envelope?
  2459. What is the Placebo Effect?
  2460. Where do Microorganisms Live?
  2461. Which Fungi is Used as Food?
  2462. Why Arteries Have Thick Walls ?
  2463. Why Do We Fall Ill?
  2464. Why are living Organisms Classified?
  2465. Why do we Respire?
  2466. Why is DNA Negatively Charged?
  2467. Why is Reproductive Health Necessary
  2468. Wildlife Sanctuaries
  2469. Wilt
  2470. Wind, Storm and Cyclones
  2471. Womens Health
  2472. Wood – Plant Tissue
  2473. Wound
  2474. Xylem
  2475. Yarn to Fabric
  2476. Yeast Fungus
  2477. Yellow Fever
  2478. Yolk
  2479. Yolk Sac – Development, Formation, Features and Functions
  2480. Zoology
  2481. Zygote
  2482. interferons
  2483. late blight of potato
  2484. mRNA – Technology, Vaccine, Synthesis and FAQs
  2485. pectoralis major
  2486. seed germination

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